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Afghan Army Chief’s Statement on Durand Line

sounds like a shiitty deal to me....livestock at discount price, smuggled wheat (at our loss ---even during the 2008 food shortages)

and in exchange -- drugs, human trafficking and other ills.

I find it a bit two faced to avoid the Durand line problem with Afghanistan and yet make such a big deal on the Pak-India border (ref Kashmir).

When the Afghans can actually get the UN or any other international conflict resolution body to support their position and call the border 'disputed', then you can talk about comparisons between Disputed J&K and the Afghan-Pakistan border.
Even funnier is the fact tht livestock is smuggled into aghwanistan frm Pakistan.....

Meat eating afghans:


...... forget wheats n other stuff..

Heck afghanistan cant even produce crops to feed its own people.

Except for drugs....

I felt so bad looking at the picture of the malnourished child in the article. My prayers are with him and all malnourished and unpriviledged children of Afghanistan. I'm sure Bahram feels joy because the children depicted are of the North and deserve this, seeing as they are not human beings, because most of them are not a pashtun. What a sick individual.
When people talk about legalities they should be well versed in all the controlling documents.

Uti possidetis juris - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Uti possidetis juris is a principle of international law that states that newly formed sovereign states should have the same borders that their predeceding dependent area had before their independence.

This principle recognized by the Vienna Conventions explicitly makes the Durand Line Agreement the finality of the Pak-Afghan border and no new agreement is needed. The Durand Line Agreement has no stipulated time-limit and hence its an agreement that would last us forever.

Furthermore the pashtuns do not aspire for any unification with Afghanistan and Pakistan has more Pashtuns than all of Afghanistan. In that case Pakistan should engulf the entire Pashtun areas of Afghanistan - but we don't want them and have done this kindness on the Afghans to not pursue the matter any further.
Keep on dreaming my friend,,, Pakistani army is just good for nothing, Daal Khor
Dude i am a Pashtun and i love dhaal especially dhaal chana.
Dont use a food as an insult. If barren lands of afghanistan are incapable of producing dhaal, it doesnt mean you have to hate it.
Dude i am a Pashtun and i love dhaal especially dhaal chana.
Dont use a food as an insult. If barren lands of afghanistan are incapable of producing dhaal, it doesnt mean you have to hate it.

Why is the word daal khor used as an abuse ??
That line of argument - even if true - serves to hide other reasons and motives. I don't think Pakistan stays awake at night brooding over why some UN resolutions have not been implemented or that rights of some peoples have been violated.

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