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Islamic Emirate - Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi: said that border tensions Not in Anyone’s Interest


Jul 18, 2021
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Muttaqi: Clashes in Borders Not in Anyone’s Interest​

Speaking at a conference in Kabul on Sunday, Muttaqi said Kabul considers Islamabad a friendly neighbor.


Following clashes along the Durand Line between Afghan and Pakistani forces, Acting Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi said that tensions along the Durand Line are not in the interest of any side and that relations between Kabul and Islamabad should be based on principles.

Speaking at a conference in Kabul on Sunday, Muttaqi said Kabul considers Islamabad a friendly neighbor.

“Clash between our border forces and yours is neither in your interest nor in ours. Making trouble on the Durand Line is neither in your interest nor in ours. I look upon you as a brother and a Muslim. Look at us with the same eyes. Do business with us in the light of principles, and have relations with us based on principles,” Muttaqi said.

Pakistani officials have not said anything about Afghanistan’s acting foreign minister’s remarks.

But Pakistan’s foreign minister recently said that Washington is eager to support Islamabad in keeping Pakistan secure from attacks “coming across the Afghan border.”

Dawn reported that Pakistani Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has said that the United States is willing to provide Pakistan funds to enhance border security for preventing cross-border attacks from Afghanistan.

According to the report, Zardari said that during his visit to the US Congress last week, two senior senators, Bob Menendez from New Jersey and Lindsey Graham from South Carolina, told him that they were provided “funding in the 2023 budget to help us with border security”.

Political experts said the only solution to remove the tensions between Afghanistan and Pakistan is through understanding and dialogue.

“The policy of constructive engagement is what is the urgent and fundamental need now for both nations, for Pakistan as well as for the current government and the people of Afghanistan,” said Sayed Mustafa Murtazawi, a political analyst.

“Mutual respect between nations, no interference in social, political, or economic affairs of another country and good relations between two countries are always the solution to all problems,” said Abdul Jamil Shirani, a political analyst.

In the last month, there have been two border clashes at the Spin Boldak-Chaman crossing between Pakistani border guards and Islamic Emirate forces that have resulted in casualties and financial losses for both sides.

For his part, Afghan government spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid told Dawn.com on Monday that the Taliban leaders have formed a committee to ensure that such incidents of violence do not take place in the future.

“This is not the approach of the Islamic Emirate to create any problem or mistrust with Pakistan. We want solution to the issues along the borders or gates and do not want create any problem,” said Mujahid.

“Pakistan should also not create sensitivities. We have taken measures to control the situation after the recent incidents. Formation of the committee shows our seriousness to stop any such incident in future,” he added.

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That Bleak poster will tell you that IEA has stolen North Koreas nukes I mean seriously who are these conspiracy theorists on PDF.. They have littered down PDF with trash and hyperbolism
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Now this Mullah is giving Pakistan a lecture on diplomacy. We have been so much downgraded by the filthy Establishment of Pakistan.
Tis what happens when the whores are given charge of the state.
The solution is simple but our establishment is corrupt to the core and not interested in doing their job.

Afghanistan is a land locked country,
SEAL the F-ing border; use land mines,
and every time they misbehave, close the border down for 2 months minimum,

Make it as painful as possible for them; we have nothing to gain from these animals.
they have everything to gain.

Now are the generals interested in doing something other than property and pizza for a change ?

Muttaqi: Clashes in Borders Not in Anyone’s Interest​

Speaking at a conference in Kabul on Sunday, Muttaqi said Kabul considers Islamabad a friendly neighbor.


Following clashes along the Durand Line between Afghan and Pakistani forces, Acting Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi said that tensions along the Durand Line are not in the interest of any side and that relations between Kabul and Islamabad should be based on principles.

Speaking at a conference in Kabul on Sunday, Muttaqi said Kabul considers Islamabad a friendly neighbor.

“Clash between our border forces and yours is neither in your interest nor in ours. Making trouble on the Durand Line is neither in your interest nor in ours. I look upon you as a brother and a Muslim. Look at us with the same eyes. Do business with us in the light of principles, and have relations with us based on principles,” Muttaqi said.

Pakistani officials have not said anything about Afghanistan’s acting foreign minister’s remarks.

But Pakistan’s foreign minister recently said that Washington is eager to support Islamabad in keeping Pakistan secure from attacks “coming across the Afghan border.”

Dawn reported that Pakistani Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has said that the United States is willing to provide Pakistan funds to enhance border security for preventing cross-border attacks from Afghanistan.

According to the report, Zardari said that during his visit to the US Congress last week, two senior senators, Bob Menendez from New Jersey and Lindsey Graham from South Carolina, told him that they were provided “funding in the 2023 budget to help us with border security”.

Political experts said the only solution to remove the tensions between Afghanistan and Pakistan is through understanding and dialogue.

“The policy of constructive engagement is what is the urgent and fundamental need now for both nations, for Pakistan as well as for the current government and the people of Afghanistan,” said Sayed Mustafa Murtazawi, a political analyst.

“Mutual respect between nations, no interference in social, political, or economic affairs of another country and good relations between two countries are always the solution to all problems,” said Abdul Jamil Shirani, a political analyst.

In the last month, there have been two border clashes at the Spin Boldak-Chaman crossing between Pakistani border guards and Islamic Emirate forces that have resulted in casualties and financial losses for both sides.

For his part, Afghan government spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid told Dawn.com on Monday that the Taliban leaders have formed a committee to ensure that such incidents of violence do not take place in the future.

“This is not the approach of the Islamic Emirate to create any problem or mistrust with Pakistan. We want solution to the issues along the borders or gates and do not want create any problem,” said Mujahid.

“Pakistan should also not create sensitivities. We have taken measures to control the situation after the recent incidents. Formation of the committee shows our seriousness to stop any such incident in future,” he added.

Ladies and gentlemen meet Lindsay Graham who will provide funding to Pakistan for securing the border & he’s Quran burning friend .

Yeah seal and shut that border for at least a yr, ensure no aid or anything goes there…..in few days they will start to understand reality……tell them to go ask india for all aid and food and help……via air or sea, lol
Pakistan should block and ban any trucks from india to afg via Pak roadways
Let their daddy india help em or their usa daddy who their women just llove and want to be.

Pakistan needs to ensure all diplomatic missions in Islamabad do not cater to afghans at all.
Let them operate embassies in kabul if they wanna give em visas
When india bombs our Kashmiris villages on borders do we close our borders ! No I didn’t think so neither do the PAK Punjabi dressed in costumes stop their ceremonies routine at that waghda border. Public go sit and with families clap at the spectacle.
The solution is simple but our establishment is corrupt to the core and not interested in doing their job.

Afghanistan is a land locked country,
SEAL the F-ing border; use land mines,
and every time they misbehave, close the border down for 2 months minimum,

Make it as painful as possible for them; we have nothing to gain from these animals.
they have everything to gain.

Now are the generals interested in doing something other than property and pizza for a change ?

Except is the other way around.. We need the connectivity more then they do.. Central asia is behind them not us.. War in their backyard has effected our economy.. Our economy will eventually grow and improve as theres will improve.. It will knock off on ours
Need to tell this Afghan you have 2 weeks to disband TTP and have them surrender to PA or Kabul is nuked.
When india bombs our Kashmiris villages on borders do we close our borders ! No I didn’t think so neither do the PAK Punjabi dressed in costumes stop their ceremonies routine at that waghda border. Public go sit and with families clap at the spectacle.

The border is already closed on the Eastern side
There is also a relative straight forward military to military understanding

The afghans are a untrustworthy rabble of a kaum where treaty's mean nothing, we can't expect anything from these donkey people so we have to take steps to protect Pakistan
Now this Mullah is giving Pakistan a lecture on diplomacy. We have been so much downgraded by the filthy Establishment of Pakistan.

true... I also noticed there is alot of khurafat in pak media and is starting to resemble indian media if not stopped this assumptiom consuming will lead them to becoming a banana republic..
Except is the other way around.. We need the connectivity more then they do.. Central asia is behind them not us.. War in their backyard has effected our economy.. Our economy will eventually grow and improve as theres will improve.. It will knock off on ours
Central Asia is to the north,, we don't need the entire afghan border open to access it,, just a northern route that we can better protect
Pakistan can never defeat IEA with or without nukes let this simple fact sink into every single individual minds.. Conventionally Pakistan has no shoot of victory in that hellish terrain..

Any collision between them will be a mutually guaraanteed self-destruction for both from the military point of view.. There will be no wins or winners or gains in that matter
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