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Aero India 2021 Thread: News & Discussions

So is every defence exhibition in any part of the world.

USAF testing India’s indigenous ACID system!
View attachment 713580

ns is an Indian aerospace company.

And these are not plastic models.
View attachment 713582
It’s so interesting how the only wepons that work in India are western , chinook, Apache, Rafael, mirage while Pakistan is moving to more Chinese / Turkish eastern suppliers .

not being difficult but seeing how the change happening in my lifetime.

It’s so interesting how the only wepons that work in India are western , chinook, Apache, Rafael, mirage while Pakistan is moving to more Chinese / Turkish eastern suppliers .

not being difficult but seeing how the change happening in my lifetime.

Add 12 Su-30MKI, 21 MiG-29UPG, 5 Regiments of S-400 etc. We try to buy anything that is the best in the world and doesn’t become a burden on Indian Armed Forces’ logistics chain.
Add 12 Su-30MKI, 21 MiG-29UPG, 5 Regiments of S-400 etc. We try to buy anything that is the best in the world and doesn’t become a burden on Indian Armed Forces’ logistics chain.

this wasn’t for you and you missed the point by a mile!

Indian def industry is going to grow by leaps and bounds in this decade. Pakistan is playing catch-up as is and I doubt will be able to keep the gulf from widening more.
The US B-1B is a very serious strategic signal to China but it affects Pakistan as well. They will help India modernize and expand it's local def industry, beside just off the shelf purchases.
Tough times ahead for us in the mid to long run

Thought the same.
This aero india most of it are just dreams, need time to realize it.
For this decade we got Lca mk1, lca mk1A, HTT 40, LCH, LUH, Arjun mk1A.
Baseline - SAMs, AAMs, ARMs, PGMs.

i think It ll be next decade, where differences will be made.
Anti Drone System by Bharat Electronics

Pod based Dual colour missile approach warning system & High Band Jammer by DRDO

Upgraded Kaveri engine




:chilli: :chilli: :victory:
First flight soon. WIll join the family of indian surface to air missiles which as of now consist of Akash 1/1S , QRSAM, MR/LRSAM, Akash-NG,AAD,PDV mk1/2

LCA mk2 weapon package
HAL IMRH Helicopter (will replace Mi-17 in IAF in Future)

HAL IMRH Helicopter (will replace Mi-17 in IAF in Future)

IMRH 1:1 model

IMRH under wind tunnel testing

HAL IMRH Helicopter (will replace Mi-17 in IAF in Future)

HAL IMRH Helicopter (will replace Mi-17 in IAF in Future)

IMRH 1:1 model

IMRH under wind tunnel testing

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Really great show with so many fantastic indigenous products. I'm very impressed and so is every one else too, it seems. Nice to see the Kaveri engine making huge progress and looking really good. Once that's successful, the sky's the limit from there on. That first one is always the toughest and then it's easier from there. Also the Rafale engine door panels and rudders is a new thing to many. Great stuff.
So no disasters so far like the AJT running off the runway few years because the cockpit opened up on takeoff or two hawks colliding or 400 cars burnt in the parking lot at the last event? Every Aero India has had events.
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India is a superpower in vapourware and in the ability to generate plastic models and renderings of platforms its industry cannot deliver.

You only have to look at the Nirbhay programme to see India is good at making plastic models, artistic renderings with made up performance characteristic. India, how cannot seem to make those platforms work or achieve any level of actual operation capability.

I see nothing different with what has been announced at "Aero India 2021". This is all fantasty make believe designed to allow the Indian's to indulge in m*#turbatory sessions of their own arrognance indulgent self-belief.
Look at the but hurts taking place here. Hopes of disasters, useless plastic models, etc etc. These experts have already finalised the outcome of everything. Guess that’s the reason they never try to make anything.
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