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Advisor to Iran’s Ali Khamenei meets Jammu & Kashmir CM

Indian trying to use Shia as pawn. Plus Iranian goes to Kashmir has some link with " Shah Hamdan " . Plus Kashmir is turning its face, its turning into war for WATER. India already dried out Pakistani rivers by diverting water flow toward Indian lands.
Indian trying to use Shia as pawn. Plus Iranian goes to Kashmir has some link with " Shah Hamdan " . Plus Kashmir is turning its face, its turning into war for WATER. India already dried out Pakistani rivers by diverting water flow toward Indian lands.

India never violated IWT

Even if thinking that India has violated IWT, what can Pakistan do against India except complaining at International court of justice? Remember you have zero influence over Indian government!
Of course that is useless post as I forgot to mention pakistan as the epicenter of terrorism. Wahabi bin laden, alqaeda,taliban, lashkar saints are all making pakistan a heavenly country. Its only the stupid world who cannot bear to see pakistan's progress.

Wake me up .. When you come up with a new chutiyamatic
It was important because that was a resolution against India in UN. Iran will never go against India for Pakistan. Iran - India relations are deeper than Iran - Pakistan relations.

Lmao and how did india reply by passing a resolution against Iran and cutting off oil supplies ? So much for a frnd? No wonder they support the "struggle" of Kashmiris.

As for India Iran relations what are they really ? You are just s trading partner .. Apart from being BFFs with Israel ...

Why would Iran support india on IOK?

A)Cause it wants more enemies.
B)Because Pak and Iran are enemy States ?:lol:
C)Iran has a stake in Kashmir Dispute?

As on KSA, it is KSA that is reliant on India. India is the third largest buyer of oil in the world. The money we spend on buying oil gives us the bargaining power. However, India can and will diversify its oil resource. With sanctions out of Iran, Iran will also help India diversify its oil resource further.

Already Iran is calling for strategic partnership with India

India and the Iran deal | Brookings Institution

Now with Iran positive vibes on Kashmir for India, our relationship will go further

So KSA is dependent on india because millions of indians work in KSA? And coz india buys oil from KSA? Fuk logic.

Well Iran does not send suiciders to blow themselves up between them.
No you just send & support mass murdering scum and dictators . And poor afghans to die by blackmailing them. Apart from creating proxies ? Want the war to come home Parsi? Want the Chickens to cluck in Sudyan and other sunni regions? Want taliban (who you are trying to negotiate with) Becone your enemies? Want KSA,Jordan,Egypt,Morrico,UAE,Algeria, to "free" you ? In sure Pak wouldn't mind if shove comes to push .. Due to your own stupidity? Iran surrounded by enemy States .. is that you want?

P.S: I'm an evil Pakistani Shia.. Now get lost with your shia sunni BS.
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In 2014,there was another significant visit by Iran ambasador to Kashmir for a seminar..

Why Iran's intriguing silence on Kashmir?

It has been a routine for diplomats from various countries stationed at New Delhi to visit Kashmir during summers. Since its co-sponsoring the UN resolution in 1948, the United States has been at the centre of the Kashmir narrative and has made its presence felt at all critical junctures. In early nineties diplomats from the US and European visit Kashmir more frequently than ever before. Compared to them diplomats from embassies of the OIC member countries have been taking less interests in the Kashmir affairs. Nevertheless, Iranian diplomats compared to Arabs counties are familiar with the political situation in Kashmir.

A week back Iran’s Ambassador to India Ghulam Raza Ansari was in Srinagar in connection with a seminar on Imam Khomeni. It was not of any significance, at best it could have found a mention as a single column on back page. Nevertheless, he created news only by maintaining an intriguing silence on Kashmir in his main presentation at a local hotel. Interestingly, the audience comprised “leadership” that sees Iran is an ardent supporter of ‘right to self-determination’ for people of state- and struggle for the same. Iranian Ambassador sounded more like a broker when instead of recognizing resolution of the Kashmir dispute as means for bringing lasting peace in South-Asian he saw execution of Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline as solution of India-Pakistan disputes. In his speech said, “The purpose of pipeline was not just to fulfill the needs of these countries but also to help them better mutual relations and resolve their domestic dispute”. Knowing Kashmir is the core issue between two countries, it could be construed from his speech that Iran has drifted away from its stand on Kashmir and it no more recognizes it as an “international dispute”.

If I am not reading too much in the statement. On the face of it sounds a paradigm shift in Tehran’s Kashmir policy. But the question arises, what prompted Iranian Ambassador to ignore Kashmir in his entire presentation. To quote from the editorial of the latest issue of Seminar on India’s “External Engagements” for Modi having given “little thought to the global or regional strategic contexts”, Is Iranian government also confused about foreign policy of new government in Delhi. Or its Kashmir policy is hyphenated to its relations with Pakistan.

Is Raza Ansari’s “ignoring Kashmir connected with withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan and Iran looking for a partner in India for “squeezing away from Pakistan literal, notional or strategic space” in Afghanistan. To quote a Pakistani commentator Shahzad Chaudhry “The Iran-Indian relationship can only go from strength to strength as India deepens the Chahbahar port in eastern Iran for handling heavy boats, and prepares to build a railway connection between the port and the hinterland along the Zaranj-Dilaram Highway that India has previously built to connect with Afghanistan’s Farah province and the Herat-Kandahar highway.”

Much before coming to the question if Iran should hyphenate its Kashmir policy to its relations with India or Pakistan or look it as an important problem, a nuclear flashpoint in South Asia that continues to be on the agenda of the United National Security Council as the oldest problem there is need for relooking at its role during late eighties and early nineties. Traditionally, Iran has been supporter of right to self-determination for people of Jammu and Kashmir. In international forums, it largely sided with Pakistan on the question of Kashmir.

In 1993, Kashmir was attracting screaming headlines across the globe. Many international and Muslim organization held conference for finding out solution of the Kashmir Dispute. “In Khartoum an international conference was arranged by ‘The popular Arab and Islamic Congress (PAIC) in 1993. It devoted several sessions to the plight and liberation struggles of Islamic minorities in Asia particularly in Kashmir’. Accusing India of human rights violations in the state and conference had supported Pakistan for supporting Kashmir struggle.’ Iran also had sided with Pakistan. Iran also had “looked at Kashmir crisis as one component of an all-out assault on Islamic world. That manifested itself in oppression of Muslim, “especially in Kashmir, Palestine, Bosnia- Herzegovina, Tajikistan and Afghanistan.”

Iran did not stop at expressing support to Kashmir at international forums but had also reacted very harshly. “To show its displeasure for human rights violation in Kashmir it once had asked Indian Foreign Minister, Mr. Inder Kumar Gujaral to postpone his visit to their country.”

‘In 1993, when Pakistan Prime Minister, Benazir Bhutto had visited Iran. The country had extended full support to her on Kashmir. In the Joint communiqué issued at the end of the meeting between Benazir and Iranian President Rafsanjani Kashmir had been described as ‘source of acute tension in the region and had called for its resolution according to relevant UN resolution. It also had called for end of repression in the state.’

In 1993, after a gap of almost thirty years United States had proactively involved itself for finding a solution of the dispute. In this column, it is not possible to recap the statements made by the United State or role played by it for impressing upon India and Pakistan to resolve the Dispute. The newspaper reports and columns of the period enables one to understand the embarrassment caused to GoI by the statements of the State Department during the period. Emboldened by the US support Pakistan introduced a resolution in 50th Session of Human Rights Commission. Iran was worried about increasing role of US in the region to checkmate US role, Iran President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjan offered to mediate between the two countries. On his assurance Pakistan withdrew the resolution and after withdrawal of resolution Indian Foreign Secretary K. Srinivasan categorically denied of having assigned role of mediator to Iranian leader and called it his own initiative. In fact, it was after this diplomatic debacle Iran except some occasional ritualistic statements on human rights violations almost preferred not to even mention Kashmir dispute. And after 2010, it fully dovetailed Kashmir to its Pakistan policy- except supporting OIC resolutions on Kashmir
Wake me up .. When you come up with a new chutiyamatic

Lmao and how did india reply by passing a resolution against Iran and cutting off oil supplies ? So much for a frnd? No wonder they support the "struggle" of Kashmiris.

As for India Iran relations what are they really ? You are just s trading partner .. Apart from being BFFs with Israel ...

Why would Iran support india on IOK?

A)Cause it wants more enemies.
B)Because Pak and Iran are enemy States ?:lol:
C)Iran has a stake in Kashmir Dispute?

So KSA is dependent on india because millions of indians work in KSA? And coz india buys oil from KSA? Fuk logic.

Man...why are you people blind?

Asking India to build a port in Iran is something very strategic. Asking India to invest billions of dollars in its oil field is strategic. Asking India to make Iran India's gateway to west asia, central asia and middle east is strategic.

India always defied west's sanctions on Iran. PM Modi has made Iran the cornerstone for its policy towards middle east.

Man...why are you people blind?

Asking India to build a port in Iran is something very strategic. Asking India to invest billions of dollars in its oil field is strategic. Asking India to make Iran India's gateway to west asia, central asia and middle east is strategic.

Meanwhile .. Pak Iran:

Refinery in Gwadar.
IP pipeline
Pak-Iran-Turkey rail link
Electric supply to Pak
More defence co operations (ex)

Lmao.. Apart from that Chiba is also a big factor here..

So tell why why do you think you are so important that Iran would destroy its relations with a nuclear armed majority sunni state which supports Iran ? For india :lol:

india always defied west's sanctions on Iran. PM Modi has made Iran the cornerstone for its policy towards middle east.


Passes resolution against iran
Has defence ties with irani enemy state
Cuta oil supply after US warning

So much for Modi mania.
Kashmir is an Islamic state where Kahmiri muslims are living there. This is a struggle between Pakistan and India...
The day Kashmir leaves India is the day that Shias will be slaughtered there. Kashmiri Shias have been subject to numerous slaughters over the years.

Kashmiri Shia's are therefore the biggest supporters of Govt of India, because the Sunni's there are hardcore Pakistan & Saudi Arabia followers.
Meanwhile .. Pak Iran:

Refinery in Gwadar.
IP pipeline
Pak-Iran-Turkey rail link
Electric supply to Pak
More defence co operations (ex)

Lmao.. Apart from that Chiba is also a big factor here..

So tell why why do you think you are so important that Iran would destroy its relations with a nuclear armed majority sunni state which supports Iran ? For india :lol:

Passes resolution against iran
Has defence ties with irani enemy state
Cuta oil supply after US warning

So much for Modi mania.

You deals with Iran are peanuts before Iran's deal with India.

What resolutions? :lol: Even under congress, India never stopped buying crude. Now with Modi, things are looking bright. Modi is visiting Iran next year.
lol they ar not more then 5% of Kashmir... and they love Pakistan more then Iran...
Nope. The Shia's of Kashmir are avowedly pro-India and pro-Iran. They are the backbone of the Indian intelligence network in Kashmir.
The day Kashmir leaves India is the day that Shias will be slaughtered there. Kashmiri Shias have been subject to numerous slaughters over the years.

Kashmiri Shia's are therefore the biggest supporters of Govt of India, because the Sunni's there are hardcore Pakistan & Saudi Arabia loving.

I agree..The shis of Kashmir are the people who are even with BJP of Kashmir valley and some other section of Kashmir..althugh the number is small, it is still significant that at least BJP can make a base in place like Kashmir courtesy patriotic Indian people who are Shia Muslims..

And again, i do not read too much out of it...I think in general, Iran support Pakistan stand..but due to good relation with India, Iran can at best will be neutral in this case........I do not think Iran openly will support India stand on Kashmir issue but in back channel, it will facilitate India on Kashmir issue..I think this is what GOI is looking forward from Iran and its contacts..
The day Kashmir leaves India is the day that Shias will be slaughtered there. Kashmiri Shias have been subject to numerous slaughters over the years.

Kashmiri Shia's are therefore the biggest supporters of Govt of India, because the Sunni's there are hardcore Pakistan & Saudi Arabia loving.

Kashmir will not leave India, and this has nothing to do with Shia-Sunnis. Kashmir is too central for India to even have any difference of opinion. If Musharraf four point formula for solving Kashmir was not accepted by India, what chance do you think UN resolutions has.
Kashmir will not leave India, and this has nothing to do with Shia-Sunnis. Kashmir is too central for India to even have any difference of opinion. If Musharraf four point formula for solving Kashmir was not accepted by India, what chance do you think UN resolutions has.
Please try to read my post before responding.
I have not said Kashmir will leave India. I have stated the repercussions of what would happen IF Kashmir were to leave India. The Shias of Kashmir are well aware of what would ensue and thus their support for the Indian Military stationed there.
Please try to read my post before responding.
I have not said Kashmir will leave India. I have stated the repercussions of what would happen IF Kashmir were to leave India. The Shias of Kashmir are well aware of what would ensue and thus their support for the Indian Military stationed there.

I understood what you said. In my opinion, we need not give any reason to other countries on why Kashmir is well off with India or how India with Kashmir is better for that country or for the world. We have our own reason...that is national integrity.
Don't get your panties in a bunch ladies..:lol:

It's not the first time that an Iranian envoy has visited Kashmir.

Shias of Kashmir look at Iran as their religiously important country..so the visits are for their benefit..its much better then sunni wahaabi isis scum or jamaati influence.

BUT CPEC!!!!!!!! CPEC will turn pakistan into a 10$ trillion economy. CPEC will solve all of problems... wait I've heard this one before, wasn't gwador supposed to do that 15 years ago?

If they were good in economics they wouldn't be in the failed state index continously.

Their new finance minister isak dar fudges numbers and comes up with castles in the air.
You deals with Iran are peanuts before Iran's deal with India.

What resolutions? :lol: Even under congress, India never stopped buying crude. Now with Modi, things are looking bright. Modi is visiting Iran next year.

So your sole point which you base your rants is:

Just coz India has more trade with Iran .. Hence ura. Would support India on kashmir issued..

My reaction: FUK LOGIC

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