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Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft [AMCA] Development | Updates & Discussions.

guys,any.idea,on it's radar cross section relative to f35 or su57 or j20 .

is,Amca partial or full stealth

From the paper, it should be relative to J-31, but who knows what it will look like when the prototype comes out. Making a model stealth is not hard at all, but produce a real stealth jet is another story.

another question what electronic warfare suite will it house I hope spectra level.which is amazing for Rafale

Only if India allows French men to do the most of work.
i don't think most of us here will be alive by the time India puts an indigenous 5th gen into service.

There is a big different, man.

HAL Tejas helped us to build aero industry in India. And now, time for actual benefits and advantage.

I will give example of HAL Dhruv
1st flight - 1992, Entered in service - 2002. Now in service - 300+

Variants - HAL Rudra - 60+
HAL Light Combat Helicopter - In production (160 + ordered)
HAL Light Utility Helicopter - Under development (will be more then 300+)
HAL Medium Lift Helicopter - Under development (will be more then 300+)

Doing the nut bolt job as we did with Su 30 MKi and you are doing with Jf17, will not give experience to develop any aircraft. Yes, you will get the experience by manufacturing but not enough to design and develop any aircraft.

Within the 10 years, surely we will gonna to see new fighter planes coming from India. Every country has started from scratch including China. We are on the right path and progressing very well now.

Pakistan yet to start from scratch and if they will start now then still will take at least 10-15 years
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if they will start now then still will take at least 10-15 years
The big word here is IF. IF and IF they start? Which I don’t see happening. I guess they would continue to rely on China for all the work with JOINT word as a gift from the big brother.

At this point most of the cry babies are quoting long development cycle of LCA as the basis of delays or failure of all future endeavours of Indian Aviation Industry. At this point there is no point countering them. Just bookmark those caustic ones for a reply when things are visible clearly.

It is also possible that HAL might screw it up. If that happens then yup, cry babies will have a field day.
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There is a big different, man.

HAL Tejas helped us to build aero industry in India. And now, time for actual benefits and advantage.

I will give example of HAL Dhruv
1st flight - 1992, Entered in service - 2002. Now in service - 300+

Variants - HAL Rudra - 60+
HAL Light Combat Helicopter - In production (160 + ordered)
HAL Light Utility Helicopter - Under development (will be more then 300+)
HAL Medium Lift Helicopter - Under development (will be more then 300+)

Doing the nut bolt job as we did with Su 30 MKi and you are doing with Jf17, will not give experience to develop any aircraft. Yes, you will get the experience by manufacturing but not enough to design and develop any aircraft.

Within the 10 years, surely we will gonna to see new fighter planes coming from India. Every country has started from scratch including China. We are on the right path and progressing very well now.

Pakistan yet to start from scratch and if they will start now then still will take at least 10-15 years
The big word here is IF. IF and IF they start? Which I don’t see happening. I guess they would continue to rely on China for all the work with JOINT word as a gift from the big brother.

At this point most of the cry babies are quoting long development cycle of LCA as the basis of delays or failure of all future endeavours of Indian Aviation Industry. At this point there is no point countering them. Just bookmark those caustic ones for a reply when things are visible clearly.

It is also possible that HAL might screw it up. If that happens then yup, cry babies will have the field day.

By value, what % of Tejas is Indian?
By value, what % of Tejas is Indian?
70% by volume and 60% by value as of now. Indian content will increase with Indian AESA radar and EW system in mk1A and mk2.

Uttam AESA radar

Pod based Dual colour missile approach warning reciever and High band jammer by DRDO

Engine will remain the only major component to be imported. We have already entered into a JV with Rolls Royce for jet engine development but this will take another 10 years to materialize.
By value, what % of Tejas is Indian?

It is more then fine.

Engine, Radar and missiles. These are most important components of any aircraft. Even Chinese are not mature enough when comes to engine. India also processing well:

1. Uttam radar
2. Astra missile block1. next - block 2 and block 3

Only major challenge is "Engine", hopefully they will come with solution.

As I said that it takes years and you need to start from somewhere! India has started a long ago and now processing very well. Pakistan has to start from scratch and again if you will start then it will take at least 10-15 years to develop and manufacture any aircraft. Now depends on you, if you are happy to manufacture and assembling OEM products then you surely can and continue. It will be cost effective but overall it will end by doing nut-bold job in the future.
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When you know nothing , it's best not to comment and heartburn can not change situation.

Maybe save everyone time and effort by just not bull**tting in the first place, than crying when you get exposed?
Maybe save everyone time and effort by just not bull**tting in the first place, than crying when you get exposed?



AMCA is our TOP priority Project ..........

LCA MARK 2 will fly 2022-2023 ............. You pakistanis will have about 30 Block 3 THUNDERS at best by then
I suspect entry as FOC in 2028-2029 which is when the 83 mark1a will have been delivered. YES we have paid and opened a 3rd LCA productionn line so production is being ramped up.

The AMCA is big baby i suspect first flight by 2028-2030 .. Entry 2035 earliest

You also see the Kaveri engine so we fully intend to add this into our product portflio and France will be assisting on final development of this

ENJOY YASSER its from Aero india feb 2021 AND the ladies are senior DRDO staff so know more than me and you before you start your usual line of fake & lies it aint happening .

IT IS HAPPENING so better get used to it buddy
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