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Adolf Hitler and Narendra Modi, what are the similarities?

no body is saying he was great or not.....being his success or failure are the two face of same coin.....
by going war definition......america and americans are the greatest killer on this earth........
what if hitler had succeeded .......what would be the world order now......

You think it's just 'failure'? Germany didn't just 'lose' a war- The Russians made sure that was not the case. Every woman they could find in Berlin they raped- and I mean each one was polluted. Every square inch of berlin and any other city was destroyed. 'Great Dictator' marched his millions into Russia- Russians cut the balls off any german soldier they could lay their hands on- not metaphorically- I mean literally- they'd take out their knives and cut the genitals off. if 30 to 40% of the women in a city are raped, if even children are shot in revenge- if you have filled your enemies (russians) with so much of rage they end your civilization as you know it, that's not 'Failure' and it's stupid to look for anything redeeming in such a 'leader'. Hell even with the rest of the allies managed to take control, bringing any of the russians to any sort of punishment for war crimes was not possible- Hitler gave the russians the historical justification they needed for this. And then actions of 'great leader' lead to the cutting up of the country into two pieces for 70 years.
Perhaps I got what you mean. But please understand the emotions are on extreme high and young minds are getting restless. I prefer not to go by every word by word.
yeah you r right.....young minds,,,they r quite restless....
but i don't think India can survive with these extremist thinking...where do u see us with this kind of bigotry?
yeah you r right.....young minds,,,they r quite restless....
but i don't think India can survive with these extremist thinking...where do u see us with this kind of bigotry?

Most of the people commenting here are merely taking there frustrations out . . trust e. . these are same people who will sing songs of prosperity and brotherhood with each other in real life :)

scared ? of what?

I admire Hitler and i feel comparing Modi with Hitler is a stupid thing

Admire him for what ? Killing Jews ?
what is this.......

if hitler is good leader than Modi is better than hitler.......:partay::partay::partay:

I know u are jealous .:p:..u want modi type person for pakitsni PM..instead of ganjja.........:chilli:
mehhhh NO i dont want Modi type leader even for managing toilets :P
You think it's just 'failure'? Germany didn't just 'lose' a war- The Russians made sure that was not the case. Every woman they could find in Berlin they raped- and I mean each one was polluted. Every square inch of berlin and any other city was destroyed. 'Great Dictator' marched his millions into Russia- Russians cut the balls off any german soldier they could lay their hands on- not metaphorically- I mean literally- they'd take out their knives and cut the genitals off. if 30 to 40% of the women in a city are raped, if even children are shot in revenge- if you have filled your enemies (russians) with so much of rage they end your civilization as you know it, that's not 'Failure' and it's stupid to look for anything redeeming in such a 'leader'. Hell even with the rest of the allies managed to take control, bringing any of the russians to any sort of punishment for war crimes was not possible- Hitler gave the russians the historical justification they needed for this. And then actions of 'great leader' lead to the cutting up of the country into two pieces for 70 years.
lol...ok....so u curse hitler for it.....I agree...it was his fault......

but what would have happen if Hitler would have won the war.....germans would have done the same with russia.....
whom u would have blamed then......
World doesn't run on your wishes. . sooner you realise. . happier you will be :)

Who is talking about world? i was talking about my own country not india.

i dont care whoever is PM there. You all are just another hate pakistan stuff
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