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First of all - Book of Hadits are written after 200 years, And companion of Prophet (PBUH) used to the versus of Quran not Hadiths - don't mislead. In my previous post i already quoted the versus of Quran against Hadiths. Quran is only credible and authentic book of Hadith. You guys force Hadith to divert people from Quran and to make Quran difficult and confusing because mullahs don't stand any chance If people them self start understanding Quran.
They used to also write hadees Sir you go and read some books before telling Me secondly HAZRAT ABU HURRAIRA RA before his death made sure his students write all the Hadees he know and this was also done another Sahaba and study the Ilmur Rijal You guys reject Hadees because you want to reject Quran one day because details of orders of Quran are in Hadees Sir you cannot understand and follow any most orders of the Quran without following Hadees but Kharjis as they are enemies of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW Islam they deny Hadees because ultimately they want to deny Quran
Article 6 - Reply to common arguments of Hadith Rejecters (Part1)
The previous articles in this series have given us a clear picture of the Importance of Sunnah and Hadith, and how Islam would have (Naudubillah) been incomplete without it. The articles are a tiny little compilation from the massive library of scholarly work on the subject. Insha’Allah, we believe these articles would be enough for a person genuinely seeking answers to his doubts regarding the matter of Hadith and their importance. But as for a person who has closed his heart already, instead of reflecting on the points made, he only comes up with silly arguments regarding various issues ranging from authenticity of Hadith to making claims that some Hadith classified as Saheeh contradict the Quran, etc, etc. And this has always been the case of people who deny the clear proofs. That’s a really easy strategy used by even the Jews at the time of Prophet (SAS). They would continuously keep raising questions like “Who brings the revelation?” “who were the people of cave?” “what is ruh?” “why is it sometimes a boy is born and sometimes a girl?” “will we be raised after we are dust and bones?”. They want to keep you busy answering their questions so that you never get time to make your own point. No matter how many arguments you answer, they will always keep coming with more. So throughout these articles, we concentrated on highlighting the necessity of Sunnah and Hadith. But now, we will be answering some of the arguments that Hadith rejecters usually come up with. Again, the intention is not to answer them, because if they haven’t understood it in previous articles, there is little chance they will understand now. These answers to their arguments are only to show how false are their claims and how silly are those arguments, and how little is their knowledge on the subject of compilation and preservation of Hadith.
Argument 1: How should I believe that Sunnah is preserved?
First and foremost, one needs to understand that Allah commands us in the Quran to follow the messenger (SAS). And that not following the messenger takes one out of Islam.
But no, by the Lord, they can have no (real) Faith, until they make thee (Prophet Muhammad [SAS]) judge in all disputes between them, and find in their souls no resistance against Thy decisions, but accept them with the fullest conviction. (Translation of Qur’an 4:65)
…And whoever disobeys God and His Messenger, for him there is surely the fire of Hell, to abide therein forever.(Translation of Qur’an 72:23)
So if Allah has made it compulsory on us to follow the messenger, then there MUST be a way that his statements, actions, approvals and character description must have been preserved. If someone claims that these are not preserved till date, then Naudubillah, he is alleging that Islam does not give complete guidance for someone to enter jannah.
The question arises, where is the Sunnah of the Messenger (SAS) recorded authentically? Now the fun begins. The Hadith rejecter wants to reinvent the wheel himself. He doubts the classification done by scholars like Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim, etc. And he does so because he is completely, in the sense, COMPLETELY unaware of the procedure by which Hadiths were compiled and preserved. As a simple test, ask him what part of the compilation procedure has a loop hole. Ask him to give a better procedure. Forget all that, just ask him to name any 5 people from Tabe’een who he thinks are weak narrators but scholars classified them as strong. They cannot. They just cannot. They will only do what they do the best. They’ll change the line of argument and start a new one.
Don’t worry. The thing is, it is not obligatory upon every Muslim to reinvent the wheel and classify things as saheeh, weak, fabricated, etc. Allah does not burden the common man with these things. He does not leave them misguided either. This work is of the scholars. Scholars, who know the deen in and out, and have spent years and years studying various aspects of it, not like these Hadith rejecters who think they have all the knowledge in the world because they probably know Arabic and have read a few books here and there.
The Saheeh classification of Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim are unanimously agreed upon by Ijma (consensus) of scholars. Apart from that, even the authenticity of other Hadith collections and application of Hadiths can be verified by referring to works of other scholars.
We have had great contemporary scholars, al-hamdulillah, to whom we can refer back to in the past. We have major scholars, who passed away in recent times as well, like Allamah Ibn Baaz, Allamah Naasirud-Deen al-Albaani, Shaikh Ibn Uthaymeen, and many others – may Allah have mercy on them all. And we have major scholars who are alive today like Allamah al-Fawzaan, Shaikh ar-Rajihi, Shaikh Saaleh aal-Shaikh, Shaikh Abdul-Aziz Aal-Shaikh, and others.
What is obligatory upon a Muslim is to have a basic fiqh (understanding) of Aqeedah, ie. belief. One must know the names and attributes of Allah, what is tawheed and what nullifies Tawheed, so that he cannot be fooled. Don’t forget that whatever these scholars say is with EVIDENCE from Quran and Sunnah only, and not out of their own minds. But it is the ego of Hadith rejecters that stops them from accepting the fact that someone else is more knowledgeable than them.
For people who are genuinely seeking knowledge, here is the link to basics on Usool-al-Hadith by Dr.Bilal Philips.
It is really amazing to know how much care was taken by these scholars and their students is compiling and preserving the Sunnah. It is easy to reject the work of these great scholars reclining on a couch in luxury homes reading a few articles here and there on Google. It is only after one contemplates their pain and efforts, will one understand its real value.
Argument 2: Hadiths were written 250 years after death of Muhammad (SAS).
First of all, it is a very western ideology that anything that is not written down is bound to be forgotten or changed with time. We need to understand that the Arabs were absolutely amazing memorizers. One cannot doubt the memorization of the narrators, because it is the same people through whom even the Quran came to us. The Quran was not compiled into a single book until the Caliphate of Abu Bakr (ra). People had bits and pieces written here and there, but there was nothing in a book form. Same was the case with Hadith. Famous memorizers among the Sahaba include Abu Hurayrah, Abdullah ibn Abbas, Aisha Siddiqa, Abdullah ibn Umar, Jabir ibn Abdullah, Anas ibn Malik and Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri. Each had memorized over 1000 hadith word by word. The list continues in the era of Tabi’een and tabe’tabe’een and so on.
But even if talk about writing down the Hadith, we know from history that they were being written even at the time of Prophet (SAS) himself. We find numerous Hadith in these regards.
We suggest seekers of knowledge to read the second chapter “Compilation” (just 12 pages) from the Usool-al-Hadith of Dr. Bilal Philips for further understanding. For sake of convenience we have uploaded the 2nd chapter separately. It available at the link below:
Some manuscripts who’s originals are still available in libraries deserve special mention here,
- Hamman bin Munabbih was one of the students of Abu Hurayrah (RA) (died in 53Hijri/678AD), and his saheefa is still in existence today (Berlin and Damascus), and has been translated into English too. It contains 138 hadith, virtually all of which are also found in either Saheeh Bukhari or Saheeh Muslim or both. This shows that even though there is a gap of 200 years between these scholars and Abu Huraira (RA), the Science of Hadith preservation is so comprehensive that there is no chance of missing any authentic narration.
- Another work from that time is al-Muwatta composed by Maalik ibn Anas (d.801AD)
- One other important point to be seen is in student written Musnad of at-Tayaalisee (died in 813AD) in Khuda Oriental Public Library of Patna. At the time, they used to write down the names of people to whom these books would be passed. This book bears the names of more than 300 male and female students of hadeeth, who had read it at different periods. Among them are found the names of great traditionists such as ath-Thahabee, al-Mizzee, and others. The Hyderabad edition of the musnad has been published on the basis of this manuscript. This shows the degree of desire to learn the Sunnah knowledge.
In addition, al-Azami has produced a list of 437 scholars who had recorded Hadith and all of them lived and died before the year 250 A.H. See “Studies in Early Hadith Literature – Muhammad Mustafa Azami” for more details.
So what really happened after 200 years?
If Hadith were written and passed right from the time of the prophet (SAS), then why do we refer collections of Hadith that were compiled after such a long time? So here’s the answer. The four Imams lived between 80AH to 241AH. Imam Abu Hanifa lived from 80-150AH. Imam Shaafi also lived from 135-188AH. The only imam who lived between 200-300AH was Imam Hanbal who lived from 164-241AH. Imam Bukhari lived from 194-256AH. It was also between 200-300AH that the other great Imams such as Imam Muslim, Ibn Majah, Tirmidhee, Nasaa’i lived.
Till that time, there were many personal collections of hadiths which were transmitted with at most care to make sure that hadiths are transmitted through verifiable channels. The methods of transmission were as follows:-
1. Samaa: Reading by the teacher.
2. Ard: Reading by the student.
3. Ijaaza: Permission to transmit.
4. Munaawalah: Grating books.
5. Kittabah: Correspondence or distance learning.
6. I’laam: Announcement.
7. Wasiyyah: Bequest of books.
8. Wajaadah: Discovery of books.
On further reading we understand that during the initial three hijri centuries there was a system which was more or less like modern day copyrights system. One was not recognized as a hadith narrator unless he had permissions to transmit hadiths from his/her teacher. Thus even methods like ‘Wajaadah’ were not recognized as way of learning hadiths.
So hadiths were always transmitted, followed and implemented but recognized as authentic only when it came through the strict copyright laws now included in ‘Science of Hadiths’. After nearly 175 hijri the only change was that scholars improved on this by better selection methodologies, and utilized the combined knowledge of the predecessors to compile masterpieces such as Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim. They also organized these Hadiths properly into musnads, sunans, jamis, mujams, mustadraks etc. so that they could be unanimously agreed upon as authentic and there would be very less need to check for the their authenticity anymore, especially for lay man when Islam was entering every house from the Atlantic to the Pacific. In short, what really happened after 200 years was only refining and organizing of Hadiths.
But probably Google is not the place where the arrogant Hadith rejecter could learn about this history. He makes this argument out of sheer ignorance on this topic.
Conclusion for this article
Here the conclusion is much simpler than that other articles. If someone has a disease (doubts regarding authenticity) he/she must either:
Become a Doctor (study science of Hadith) OR
Go to a Doctor (refer scholars of Hadith) OR
Remain sick and die with it.
Choice is yours…
I think - first of all we should know what is religion - is religion for governance or punishment - as per me religion is something that should attach me to a supernatural , that should enhance my spirit and my inbound charachtersitics , that should fill me with love to all , that should get me away from all the ill beliefs, ill thoughts , ill activity and showing empathy to others without the segregation of creed, color or belifs

When our religions were used for governance, for stipulating do & do nots, when commanding how others to live , that is when all turmoil started, that is when illogical & stupid people came to power

When you say as per the book, it doesnt mean as per the book, but it means as interpreted by the most or the most powerfuls that is it or as it has been the cliche or as it has been followed by the most ,nothing more than that

I am sure most of us in South asia do not know what is the correct meaning that is written in the holy books, its circumstances , its relativity etc should be taken while interpreting it , but we all follow as what is said by others

Article 7 - Reply to common arguments of Hadith Rejecters (Part2)
In the previous article, we saw how ignorant the Hadith rejecters are when it comes to their knowledge of even the basics of Usool al Hadith and its history. (We even got a live demonstration of it when this latest Hadith rejector came out with all his frustration on ScanIslam Crew’s facebook note). In this article, we will Insha’Allah look at the two common arguments they switch to, when they are left speechless in response to the previous articles.
Argument 3: These Hadith go against common-sense
Hadith rejecters usually quote some authentic Hadith and say “it doesn’t seem logical”. Not sure why they use such arguments when they claim to accept Allah is As-Sami (The All Hearer), Al-Basir (The All Seeing), Al-Hakam (The Judge), Al-Adl (The Just), Al-Khabir (The All Aware), Ar-Raqib (The watchfull), Al-Hakim (The Wise) and much more. After proving the authenticity of Hadith to someone, if the person responds with this kind of an argument, then it raises the question whether he/she really believes Allah is All Wise? And If yes, then why do you want a logical response to every instruction in Islam? When we accepted Musa’s (AS) stick turning into a serpent, and we accept Sulaiman (AS) speaking to bird, just because ALLAH SAID SO. Then why this dual policy of rejecting the Hadith ONLY because it does not fit his/her logic?
Argument 4: Quran is protected by Allah, while Hadith are bound to get corrupted with time
Assuming that the Hadith rejecters makes this claim from Surah Al-Hijr, where Allah says,
“Indeed, We have sent down the Zikr, and indeed, We will be its guardians.”
[Translation of Quran 15:9]
The word Zikr, has been used in the Quran for referring to many things, like the Quran itself, the complete deen in general, the remembrance of Allah, the messenger of Allah (SAS) and even the Friday Prayers. So when Allah promises to protect the Zikr, it includes the Quran, the understanding of the Quran in the example of Messenger (SAS), the prayers, and all aspects of the deen. In short, Allah will protect EVERYTHING necessary for the deen till the last day.
The thing is, Quran can never get protected unless its meaning is protected as well. If we leave Quran to be freely interpreted, then even those terrorist organizations are legislated to kill Jews and Christians wherever they find them, because that is how they understand the Quran.
Allah says in the Quran,
“Indeed, upon Us is its collection, and its recitation. So when we have recited it, follow its recitation. Then upon Us is its clarification”
[Translation of Quran 75:17-19]
See how Allah separately addresses the “clarification” of Quran in the 19th Aayah. The recitation of Quran is one thing, and its clarification is another. You cannot take the words of Quran and interpret it according to whims and desires.
Once the Quran is clarified to the messenger (SAS), how does it get clarified to rest of us till the end? Yes, we have already seen in previous articles how the Prophet’s (SAS) statements, actions, approvals and character description are all part of revelation. We have already established that one of the role of Messenger (SAS) was to EXPLAIN the Quran. This is what the Hadith rejectors don’t agree to, though they have never been able to answer the Aayat of the Quran which we quoted in Article-3.
“… And We revealed to you the message that you may explain to the people what was sent down to them and that they might give thought.”
[Translation of Qur’an Surah 16:64]
One of them even went to the extent of redefining Arabic language and to give new meanings of few words, only to get humiliated badly. That is the level to which these people can fall.
Argument 5: Quran is complete guidance. So there is no need of Hadith.
This argument is based on the some of the below Aayat of the Quran.
Alif. Lam. Ra. (This is) a book whose verses are perfected and then presented in detail from (one who is) Wise and Acquainted.
(Translation of Qur’an 11:1)
We have explained (things) in various (ways) in this Qur’an, in order that they may receive admonition, but it only increases their flight (from the Truth)!
(Translation of Qur’an 17:41)
And We have explained to man, in this Qur’an, every kind of similitude: yet the greater part of men refuse (to receive it) except with ingratitude.
(Translation of Qur’an 17:89)
Ok, Quran is the complete guidance, with everything explained in detail. So what?? Hasn’t the Quran guided us completely to follow the messenger? Doesn’t the Quran explain us in detail how the life of messenger (SAS) is nothing but a revelation? Of course it does. And it does it convincingly for any open hearted person. And that is the role of Quran.
The Quran talks about different Prophets and their tribes. It talks about Yajood and Majood. It talks about people of the cave, it talks about the companions of Elephants. Yet, Quran is not a history text book. Allah only speaks about the history that He out of His ultimate wisdom knows can remind people and bring them to faith. The Quran talks about various geographical aspects of Allah’s creations. Yet, the Quran is not a complete geography text book. It is only for reminding the people and bringing them to faith. In the same way, the Quran is complete when it comes to guiding someone to faith. If this book of Allah cannot remind someone and bring him/her to faith, then nothing else can. But what after that? What follows true faith is practice. And this is where Quran asks us to look at the example of Prophet. To live our lives in accordance with what he said, did, approved and forbade.
Dual policies of Hadith Rejecters when they say Quran is enough for them
The hadith rejecters horribly end up contradicting their own claim of “Quran being enough” when they have to look to various options outside Quran when it comes to practicing Islam. And we personally have encountered hadith rejecters of different shapes and sizes at scanislam
Some look to the biographies of Prophet for this – Funny, they doubt the work of Imam Bukhari and Muslim, but not of these authors of biography. Some even refer to dictionaries written as late as this century to understand the same Quran. Some rightly look at classical Arabic dictionaries, but completely forget the fact that even the classical Arabic was preserved through the same science of Hadith which they reject.
Some say it is learnt from Sunnah of Jews and Christians – Wow! What is bound to be more erroneous? Sunnah of the last Prophet to mankind with all these awesome Usool al Hadith techniques? Or the Sunnah of earlier prophets which was anyways intended for their limited period? They are ready to take from a 2000 year old Bible which in Quran’s word itself is corrupted and its words have been changed, but they don’t want to take it from the Hadith of the Prophet (SAS). That’s Super-contradiction!!
Hadith rejecters find themselves in a fix even in matters as simple as lunch and dinner. They readily enjoy Allah’s gift of sea foods. How in the world can they prove an un-slaughtered fish to be Halaal without using the Hadith, when Quran straight away forbids us from eating dead animals (Quran 5:3). With only Quran, they cannot even prove how animals like dogs and cats are prohibited as food. (Wonder if they’ll start taking hot-dogs a bit seriously after reading this)
Further, they have some funny disputes among themselves, when it comes to law enforcement. There were two Hadith rejecters who were debating with each other whether the punishment of cutting off the hands of thieves is maximum punishment, or a minimum. The funny part is, these educated illiterates were unsure from where the hand needs to be cut off, wrist or elbow or shoulder? This is the pathetic state of these self-declared Aalims.
Some are even more disgusting. One of them told us, “There is no specific method to offer Salaah. I can pray even standing on my head”. Another one told us, Quran only advices not to drink alcohol. It is like a warning on cigarette packs.” (Super! What a justification to following ones nafs and desires).
These people are so helpless without Hadith that they cannot even explain important terms like Ar-Riba (which leads to major sin) and which day is day of Jumaa? (which was earlier called Arooba).
Naudubillah. May Allah protect us from this fitna which is nothing but doubts and confusion and ultimately following one’s own nafs.
“… They follow nothing but a guess (zann) and that which the souls desire…”
(Translation of Quran 53: 23)

Conclusion & References
Alhamdulillah we have come to the end of the article series on Hadith: The Integral part of Islam. It is now time for everyone to reflect upon what we have learnt in the past few weeks.

The Warning
The warning from Allah is very clear and anyone who has doubts about importance of Sunnah must think deeply about the following Aayat.
But no, by the Lord, they can have no Faith, until they make thee (Prophet Muhammad [SAS]) judge in all disputes between them, and find in their souls no resistance against Thy decisions, but accept them with the fullest conviction. [Translation of Qur’an 4:65]
…And whoever disobeys God and His Messenger, for him there is surely the fire of Hell, to abide therein forever.
[Translation of Qur’an 72:23]
From this we understand that sidelining the Sunnah takes one out of the fold of Islam and ultimately ends one in hell-fire.
There are people who say:
“We believe only in the Sunnah which supplements Qur’an and the rest we reject” or
“We believe in Sunnah but there are no more authentic hadiths remaining” or
“Sunnah was applicable only for time-being” or
“We accept only famous hadiths (Mutawaatir)” or
“Sunnah is secondary and may be sidelined” or
“Sunnah is impossible to follow due to ritualism” or
“We accept only those Sunnah which logically appeal to us”.
These are only ways to indirectly reject the Sunnah. These people use such statements only to cover themselves from their true identity. If we ponder, it effectively means the same as being Sunnah rejecters. So whichever way you take if the end result is the same, it only makes a person Kaafir (disbeliever) for rejecting the Qur’an itself. Having said that, we also take into account the context in which one rejects the sunnah. In the words of Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Salih Ibn Uthaimeen:
“Denying (Sunnah) could be of two types: a denial with regards to interpretation or a denial of rejection. If it is a denial of rejection, in the sense that one might say, “Yes I realize that Prophet (SAS) said this but I reject it and don’t accept it”. Then the person is a kaafir (disbeliever) and has committed apostasy. Thus it would be impermissible to pray behind him. If, on the other hand, it is the denial of interpretation, then he is granted a respite, if the interpretation is possible and warranted by the language, and he knows the sources of Islamic Law and its resources. In this case it is not an act of kufr, but rather under the category of those who innovate incorrect practices in the religion (if his interpretation is such)…”
(Source: Taken from Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al Munajjid’s reply to a question at the following link http://islamqa.com/en/ref/245/reject%20sunnah)
Thus if someone reads and understands the ayah of Qur’an like “Obey the Messenger” and still denies the authority of Sunnah in any sense by giving the ayah a new meaning (which the language itself does not suggest at all), like, by saying “Obeying Allah is obeying Messenger” etc then he is doing an act of Kufr. The same is supported by Sheikh Al-Fawzaan (Source:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMcoWa9BV9A)
The Repentance
But for people who have erred in past and now realize the truth by the mercy of Allah. They must not get disappointed. The doors of mercy of Allah are wide open. Allah mentions:
And verily, I am indeed forgiving to him who repents, believes and does righteous good deeds, and then remains constant in doing them (till his death)”
[Translation of Qur’an 20:82]
Similarly the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
“Allah accepts the repentance of His slaves so long as the death rattle has not reached his throat.”
[Narrated by al-Tirmidhi (3537); classed as hasan by al-Albaani.]
The fact that Allah has given you life till now means that you are being awarded with enough time to make good the actions you did in ignorance or even arrogance. Also you must ask for forgiveness sincerely. The scholars mentioned the conditions of repentance.
1– Giving up the sin immediately.
2– Regretting what has happened in the past.
3– Resolving not to go back to it.
4– Making amends to those whom you have wronged, or asking for their forgiveness.
(Refer to Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al Munajjid’s write-up on the same athttp://islamqa.com/en/ref/books/23 )
We pray to Allah that He may guide us to the straight path; the path of Muhammad (SAS), the Sahaba and the righteous Salafs (Salaf-us-Saalih). We pray to Allah that He may keep our feet strongly grounded in the Manhaj of Salaf and protect us from fitnas of deviant sects and kuffaar. May Allah guide us, make us pious, chaste and give us satisfaction.
Further reading on the topic:
- Authority of Sunnah and Hadiths by Scholars of Islam
- “The Hadith Is Proof In Itself In Belief And Laws”, by Shaykh Nasir A-Deen Al Albaanee
- “A critical Analysis of the Modernists and Hadeeth Rejecter”, by Sajid A Kayum
- “Usool ul Hadith”, by Dr. Bilal Philips
- “Studies in Hadith Methodology and Literature” by M. M. Azami
- “Studies In Early Hadith Literature” by M. M. Azami
@Zarvan; Quote to the point things, I don't have time to read lectures of some Mullah
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Friends Please clarify some of my doubts---
If every aspect is covered in Quran shariff than why need of Hadiths.
If yes than every sect follow different Hadiths ?
How many Hadiths are there ?

@LoveIcon like to have your views in this.
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@Zarvan; Quote to the point things, I don't have time to read lectures of some Mullah
You have time to reject half of Islam but you don't have time to read about truth and facts and reality
[Moderator Edited]

Revelation Besides the Qur'ân

The Qur'ân is the word of Allaah which was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad, may the peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, and preserved both verbally and in writing by his Companions. Apart from the Qur'ân, whatever the Prophet uttered or did was also preserved by the Companions. Thus the Sunnah includes the sayings of the Prophet, peace be upon him, known commonly as Ahaadeeths (i.e. sayings), his practices, and actions which gained his approval.

Both the Qur'ân and the Sunnah fall under a common title "wahy" (i.e. revelation or inspiration); the difference between the two is that the Qur'ân is a revelation which is recited (matalu) in the formal prayer (salat) while the Sunnah is not recited in the formal prayers. The importance of the Sunnah as the second source of Islam is covered in Chapter 2.

First of all, we will establish that the Prophet, may the peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, not only received the verses of the Qur'ân from God, but he also received other revelation from time to time which is now preserved in the form of Ahaadeeths. The following examples show how the Qur'ân itself refers to this revelation:

1. According to verse 144 of Surah al-Baqarah (Chapter 2 of the Qur'ân), Allaah Almighty commanded the Prophet, may the peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, to face the Ka'bah (in Mecca) in his daily prayers instead of Jerusalem.

"We see the turning of thy face to the heavens: now shall We turn thee to a Qiblah that shall please thee. Turn then thy face in the direction of the Sacred Mosque; wherever ye are, turn your faces in that direction."

But why was the Prophet, may the peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, facing Jerusalem before that? Verse 143 (of Surah al-Baqarah) shows that Allaah Himself had appointed Jerusalem as the initial Qiblah (i.e. direction faced when praying) for the Prophet, may the peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him.

"And we appointed the Qiblah to which thou wast used, only to test those who followed the Messenger from those who would turn on their heels (from the Faith)."

The appointment of the previous Qiblah is referred to as being in the past. But there is no verse in the Qur'ân which commands the Prophet, may the peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, to face Jerusalem at the beginning of his mission! Therefore, the Prophet, may the peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, must have received this guidance from Allaah in a form other than the Qur'ân. As we have said above, this alternative revelation is preserved in the Sunnah.

2. In verse 3 of Surah al-Tahreem (Chapter 66 of the Qur'ân), a certain incident is cited.

"When the Prophet disclosed a matter in confidence to one of his wives, and she then divulged it, and Allaah made it known to him, he confirmed a part of it and repudiated a part. Then when he told her of it, she said, 'Who told you this?' He said, 'He told me Who knows and is well-acquainted (with all things)'."

We must consider carefully the phrases "God made it known to him" and "He told me Who knows and is well-acquainted", The question is, how did Allaah make it known to him and tell him? Certainly not via the Qur'ân, since there is no mention of it anywhere else in the Book of God. Therefore, the Prophet, may the peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, must have been told via revelation from Allaah which is not part of the Qur'ân.

3. In verse 5 of Surah al-Hashr (Chapter 59 of the Qur'ân), a reference is made to the expedition against the rebellious Jewish tribe of Banu Nadir, during which the Muslims cut down some palm-trees and left others alone.

"Whether ye (O Muslims) cut down the tender palm-trees or ye left them standing on their roots, it was by leave of God, and in order that He might cover the rebellious transgressors with shame."

Here, their action is attributed to the "leave of God" given to them. Nowhere in the Qur'ân is such permission found. Hence Allaah guided the Prophet, may the peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, in this matter but not via the Qur'ân.

4. According to verses 17-18 of Surah al-Qiyamah (Chapter 75), Allaah took it upon Himself to collect the Qur'ân. The Prophet, may the peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, directed the scribes of the Qur'ân to arrange its surahs (chapters) in the order found today; this is not the order in which they were revealed. Therefore, since this was God's responsibility, it shows that He guided the Prophet, may the peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, with respect to the order of the surahs.

These are just a few examples out of many which leave no doubt that the Prophet, may the peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, used to receive revelation from Allaah either directly or through the medium of the Angel Gabriel (Arabic: Jibreel). A part of this revelation was preserved word for word under the title of the Qur'ân. All other revelation was embodied either in the Prophet's sayings or in his practices which were carefully preserved by the Companions as the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad, may the peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him.

The various purposes served by the Sunnah

The Mother of the Believers (Arabic: Umm al-Mu'mineen) 'Aishah was once asked:

"What was the character of the Prophet?" She replied: "His character was nothing but the Qur'ân".

Thus the Prophet, peace be upon him, was an embodiment of the Qur'ân itself: whatever he practiced or said, i.e. the Sunnah, is related to the guidance of the Qur'ân. Let us explore the role of the Sunnah in relation to the Qur'ân.

1. The Sunnah explains Qur'ânic injunctions in detail.

a) God says in verse 43 of Surah al-Baqarah (Chapter 2 of the Qur'ân):

"Establish prayer and practice regular charity",

and many similar verses (Arabic: ayaat) also exist.

All issues related to the prayer, such as the required number of daily prayers, the number of prayer units (Arabic: rak'at) and the recitation in each prayer, as well as how to perform the prayer from beginning to end, are explained by the Sunnah.

The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "Pray as you have seen me pray." (Reported in Sahih al-Bukhari.)

Similarly, all issues related to the Poor Due (Arabic: zakat), such as the minimum amount on which zakat becomes payable, the percentage paid, the kinds of wealth, goods, and animals on which zakat is obligatory, etc. are clearly expounded by the Sunnah of the Prophet, may the peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him.

Again, a detailed picture of fasting and Hajj can only be seen in the Sunnah, for the Qur'ân has touched upon both subjects briefly.

b) Almighty Allaah says in verse 38 of Surah al-Ma'idah (Chapter 5 of the Qur'ân):

"As to the thief, male or female, cut off his or her hand - a punishment from Allaah by way of example for their crime. And Allaah is exalted in Power, Wise."

The Sunnah explains the minimum of stolen goods for which a thief deserves this punishment and the manner in which the hand should be cut off.

To reject the Sunnah, as some misguided "Muslims" advocate, will render the whole Qur'ân open to a hotchpotch of interpretations inspired by the individuals' whims and desires, which often come from the devil.

For example, someone who does not accept the practical demonstration of formal prayer (Arabic: salat) given by the Prophet, peace be upon him, will make a mockery of salat by doing it in a way suitable to his wishes. But how can a Muslim worship God, if he does not know the way in which Allaah wants to be worshipped?

2. The Sunnah can establish a specific meaning when a number of meanings are possible.

a) Allaah Almighty says in verse 82 of Surah al-An'aam (Chapter 6 of the Qur'ân):

"It is those who believe and confuse not their beliefs with dhulm that are in security, for they are on (right) guidance."

Imam Bukhari relates that some of the Companions of the Prophet, peace be upon him, took the word "dhulm" in its general meaning, i.e. to do injustice, to do wrong, to sin. So they were troubled and said: "Which of us has not done wrong?" The Prophet, peace be upon him, relieved them of this worry by explaining that "dhulm" here means to commit shirk (i.e. to associate partners with Allaah in worship and/or belief; idol worship; polytheism), as in Surah Luqman (Chapter 31), verse 13:

"Indeed, worshipping others besides Allaah is the greatest injustice (dhulm)."

b) Almighty Allaah says in verse 34 of Surah al-Taubah (Chapter 9 of the Qur'an):

"Those who hoard gold and silver and spend it not in the Way of God, announce unto them a most grievous penalty. On the day when heat will be produced out of that wealth in the fire of Hell, and with it will be branded their foreheads, their flanks, and their backs . . . "
The Arabic word "kanz" means a hoard, big or small. So this verse seemingly dooms a person who hoards any amount and does not spend it in the way of God. With this meaning in mind, 'Umar, may Allaah be pleased with him, questioned the Prophet, peace be upon him, about this verse, to which he replied that once the Poor Tax (zakat) which is due on the hoarded amount is paid, it is no longer considered as "kanz". (Reported by Ibn Majah.)

3. The sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (Arabic: ahaadeeth) explain some historical events in detail since they are mentioned only briefly in the Qur'an.

a) Allaah says in Surah al-Anfal (Chapter 8) verse 7:

"Behold! Allaah promised you one of the two (enemy) parties, that it should be yours; ye wished that the one unarmed should be yours, but Allaah intended to justify the Truth according to His words and to cut off the roots of the unbelievers."

Which two parties are meant? Which of them is unarmed? From books of ahadith we learn the relevant details about the Battle of Badr, which is the incident referred to in the above verses.

b) Surah al-Taubah, verse 118 says:

"(Allaah turned in mercy) to the three who were left behind;"

Who were these three people, and why did they remain behind? Again, the books of ahadith explain this.

c) Surah 'Abasa (Chapter 80), verses 1-2:

"He frowned and turned away, because there came to him the blind man."

Who frowned and turned away, and why? Who was the blind man? The details are furnished by the books of ahadith.

4. The Sunnah can specify exemptions from a general injunction.

a) In Surah Nisa' (Chapter 4) verse 11, the share of children in inheritance is given.

"God directs you as regards your children's inheritance . . . "

The Prophet, peace be upon him, explained that the Muslim child of a disbeliever (Arabic: kafir) the non-Muslim child of a Muslim, and the murderer of his/her own father, none of these can inherit.

b) The Qur'an declares the flesh of a dead animal and blood as prohibited (Arabic: haraam) in Surah al-Ma'idah (Chapter 5), verse 3.

“Forbidden to you (for food) are: Al-Maytatah (the dead animals - cattle-beast not slaughtered), blood, the flesh of swine, and the meat of that which has been slaughtered as a sacrifice for others than Allâh, or has been slaughtered for idols, etc., or on which Allâh's Name has not been mentioned while slaughtering, and that which has been killed by strangling, or by a violent blow, or by a headlong fall, or by the goring of horns - and that which has been (partly) eaten by a wild animal - unless you are able to slaughter it (before its death) * and that which is sacrificed (slaughtered) on An*Nusub[] (stone altars)…….”

The Prophet, peace be upon him, exempted fish and locusts from the term "dead flesh", and the liver and spleen from "blood".

5. Deduction of a similar injunction in an analogous case.

a) Surah an-Nisa' (Chapter 4), verse 23:

"Prohibited to you are . . . and two sisters in wedlock at one and the same time."

The Prophet, peace be upon him, declared that to marry a woman as well as her aunt in the same wedlock is also prohibited.

b) Wine has been declared unlawful by Almighty Allaah in Surah al-Ma'idah, verse 93.

The Prophet, peace be upon him, extended the prohibition to anything which is intoxicating in large doses, even if it is taken in a small quantity.

6. The Prophet, peace be upon him, gave additional injunctions in a number of issues.

One of the many duties of the Messenger, may the peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, was to tell the believers what is lawful (halaal) and what is unlawful (haraam) (See Qur'an 7:157).

For example, he prohibited the flesh of donkeys, dogs, beasts with canine teeth and birds of prey. He also made gold and silk haraam for Muslim men, but halaal for Muslim women.

Significance of the Sunnah
No devout Muslim would ever dare to go against the teachings of the Qur'an and Sunnah, but it is regrettable to note that some of the liberal elite tend to raise the slogan that the Book of Allaah (i.e. the Qur'an) is enough and that there is no need at all for the Sunnah of the Prophet, may the peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him. Slogans like this are raised mainly by people who want to get rid of the Islamic Law (Arabic: Sharee'ah) completely.

The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, himself was well-aware that such ill-natured opinions would arise and hence gave a clear warning of this as reported by Al-Miqdam ibn Ma'di Karib, one of his Companions:

"I have indeed been given the Qur'an and something similar to it besides it. Yet, the time will come when a man leaning on his couch will say, 'Follow the Qur'an only; what you find in it as halaal, take it as halaal, and what you find in it as haraam, take it as haraam.' But truly, what the Messenger of Allaah has forbidden is like what Allaah has forbidden." (Reported by Abu Dawud and Darimi.)

In fact, ANYONE WHO REJECTS THE SUNNAH OF THE PROPHET, PEACE BE UPON HIM, DOES NOT BELIEVE IN THE QUR'AN, for Almighty Allaah Himself has emphasized the importance of the Sunnah in many verses, of which a few are given below.

"O you who believe! Obey Allaah and obey the Messenger and those charged with authority among you; and if you differ in anything among yourselves, then refer it to Allaah and the Messenger if you do believe in Allaah and the Last Day. That is best and most suitable for final determination." (Surah Al-Nisa' 4:59)

"The answer of the believers, when summoned to Allaah and His Messenger in order that he may judge between them, is no other than this: they say, 'We hear and we obey'. It is such as these who will attain success." (Surah Al-Nur 24:51)

"But no, by your Lord! (O Muhammad) They cannot be believers until they make you judge in all disputes between them, and find in their souls no resistance against your decisions, but accept them with the fullest submission." (Surah Al-Nisa' 4:65)

Anas reported that the Messenger of Allaah said: "I have left among you two things; you will never go astray as long as you hold fast to them: the Book of Allaah and my Sunnah." (Reported by Haakim.)

The Companions of the Prophet, peace be upon him, used to hold the commandments given by the Prophet, peace be upon him, in a very high esteem, making no distinctions between them and those given by God. Once 'Abdullah ibn Mas'ood quoted this saying of the Prophet (hadith) while he was delivering a sermon:

"May Allaah curse the women who tattoo their bodies and those who pluck their eyebrows; those who separate their teeth to make them look more pretty and those who try to change the creation of God."

A woman named Umm Yaqub from the tribe of Banu Asad came to know of these words. She approached Ibn Mas'ood and said: "O Abu 'Abd ar-Rahman! It was reported to me that you have cursed such and such women."

He said: "Why should I not curse those whom the Prophet, peace be upon him, cursed and who are cursed in the Book of Allaah as well."

She said: "I have read whatever is contained between the two covers (i.e. the whole Qur'an)."

He said: Had you been a good reader, you would have discovered it. Did you not read the following verse? "So take whatever the Messenger gives you and keep away from what he forbids you." (Surah Al-Hashr 59:7)

There are numerous examples set by the Companions which show how emphatically they abided by the Sunnah of the Prophet, peace be upon him, to the extent of severing their relations with their kith and kin once they discovered someone going against the Sunnah.

Let us have some examples from the lives of the great Khulafah (Caliphs, i.e. leaders) of Islam followed by a host of other Companions. Just after the death of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, three major issues confronted the Muslim community. They could have left it apart and disunited, had it not been for the wise guidance of Abu Bakr who settled them amicably in the light of the Sunnah of the Prophet, peace be upon him.

The first issue was related to the appointment of the Khalifah (i.e. leader of the Muslims). Assembled in Saqifa Bani Sa'ida, a great number of Muhajirin (i.e. those who emigrated from Mecca to Madina) and Ansar (those helped the emigrants from Mecca) originally had been busy arguing this issue. The Ansar proposed that the leader (Arabic: Emir) should be appointed from both of the above communities.

The noble companion Abu Bakr cited the saying of the Prophet: "Leaders (Arabic: Imams) should be from Quraish (the tribe of Prophet Muhammad) as long as they have the understanding (of the religion)." The Ansar conceded to this quietly. The great companion 'Umar proposed the name of Abu Bakr as the Khalifah which was accepted unanimously by those present there and later followed by all the inhabitants of Madina through the oath of allegiance.

The second issue was related to the place where the Prophet should be buried. Again the companion Abu Bakr cited the saying of the Prophet: 'A Prophet is to be buried where he breathes his last.' Accordingly, his burial took place in the apartment of his wife, the Mother of the Faithful - 'Aishah, where he died.

The third issue was related to the inheritance of the Prophet, peace be upon him, as raised by his daughter Fatima who came to the Caliph Abu Bakr asking for her share. Abu Bakr replied by reminding her of the saying of the Prophet:

"We, the community of the Prophets, are not inherited from - whatever we leave behind us is a charity."

Fatima didn't argue further, but retired quietly.

Once the great companion 'Umar saw Khalid bin Walid wearing a silk shirt. He asked him to take it off (since it is forbidden for Muslim men to wear silk).

Khalid replied that Abd ar-Rahman ibn Auf used to have one as well. '

Umar said: "The Prophet allowed him because he suffered badly from itching."

Khalid, then, had no alternative but to take if off.

Following the news of the Muslim's victory in the conquest of Syria, 'Umar advanced to Damascus with a number of Companions. On reaching the outskirts of Amwas, a town in Syria, the news of a widespread plague in the town reached him. 'Umar consulted his people whether or not he should venture into the town. The heated discussion that followed came to an end when Abd ar-Rahman ibn Auf cited this saying of the Prophet:

"If you are inside a place where an epidemic breaks out, don't come out of it. And don't go in if you happen to be away from such a place."

'Umar, eventually commanded his people to retreat.

Someone still remarked: "'Umar! Do you run away from a destiny decreed by God?"

To this 'Umar replied: "Yes, we run away from one destiny to the other decreed by Allaah as well."

Such was the wisdom of the Prophet, peace be upon him, and centuries ago it

foreshadowed today's quarantine regulations.

The Caliph 'Uthman once agreed to buy a piece of land from a person. On the completion of the verbal agreement, he asked the man to collect the money the following day. But the man turned up after a few days, only to renounce the agreement. He had changed his mind because his friends had blamed him for selling the land at a low price. 'Uthman could have been adamant about the sale, particularly when it had been agreed upon completely. But he remembered the saying of the Prophet, peace be upon him, which admired a person who treated the people easily and wholeheartedly in his sales. So, 'Uthman preferred to concede to the man's wish without raising any objection.

Once 'Ali was approached by a person who wanted his counsel concerning the engagement of his daughter whose hand was sought by three persons: Hasan, Hussain and 'Abdullah bin Ja'far. 'Ali found himself involved personally as his two sons were among the candidates. But he recalled the saying of the Prophet: "The one whose counsel is sought, should be honest." So after giving some thought, he told the man: "Don't go for Hasan because he is known to have divorced his women many times. And don't go for Hussain as well, as he loves to be admired. Rather go for 'Abdullah bin Ja'far." In one of his journeys, he found a merchant hoarding a stock of grain in the hope of a good price. 'Ali reminded him of the saying of the Prophet: "The hoarder is cursed" and instructed his people to set the stock on fire as a punishment. This is how the Four Caliphs (Arabic: Khulafah) reacted to the Sunnah o! f the Prophet.

Let us have some more examples from the lives of the Companions.

'Abdullah ibn Mas'ood heard a man saying after a sneeze: "Al-hamdu Lillah wa as-Salatu wa as-Salamu 'Ala Rasul Allah."

Ibn Mas'ood said to him: "Whatever you have said is true, but that is not the way that the Prophet has taught us. He instructed us to say simply "Al-Hamdu Lillah" after sneezing."

It would be appropriate to remind all Muslims about this Sunnah, which is commonly abandoned by a great number of them. Say "Al-Hamdu Lillah" whenever you sneeze. If you hear someone saying this after sneezing, say to him: "Yarhamukumu Allah" (May Allaah have mercy upon you). The sneezer should pray for you as well by saying: "Yahdi Kumullah wa Yuslihu Balakum" (May Allaah guide you and set your affairs right).

There are plenty of occasions when you should say: "As-Salatu Wa as-Salamu 'ala Rasul Allah". You should say it, for example, whenever you hear the name of our beloved Prophet or whenever you enter a mosque (Arabic: masjid) or step out of it adding these words respectively: "Allahumma Iftah li abwaba Rahmatik" (O God! Open for me the doors of your Mercy) and "Allahumma Inni As'aluka min fadlika" (O God! I ask you for your Bounty).

Once 'Abdullah ibn Abbas was sitting beside the Ka'bah when Emir Mu'awiyyah entered the Grand Mosque and began circumambulating (Arabic: tawaf) around the Ka'bah. He kissed the Black Stone in the beginning, but he rubbed his hand on the other three corners of Ka'bah as well.

Ibn Abbas knew that the Prophet, peace be upon him, apart from kissing the Black Stone and rubbing the Yemeni corner - had never touched the other two corners during tawaf. So he objected to Mu'awiyyah, to which he replied: "To me none of the four corners of Ka'bah is deserted."

"But that was not the practice of the Prophet, peace be upon him," Ibn Abbas emphasized.

Mu'awiyyah could only say: "You have said the truth."

Once Ibn Abbas saw a man drawing a picture of a living being. He advised him not to do that because the Prophet, peace be upon him, forbade such a practice.

'Abdullah ibn 'Umar was well-known for his adherence to the Sunnah. He once saw his son Bilal stopping his wife from going to the mosque. 'Abdullah ibn 'Umar said: "Don't do that because the Messenger of Allaah has said: 'Don't stop the female servants of Allaah from entering the Houses of God."

Bilal was adamant that he would not allow her to go, even after listening to this saying.

Ibn 'Umar was so upset that he swore never to speak to him again until his dying day.

'Abdullah ibn 'Amr bin Aas had a very large garden with a great number of palm trees. Water in this area was so abundant that his assistant planned to sell the extra amount of it, after irrigating the whole garden, to a neighbor at an exorbitant price of thirty thousand dirhams. That offer could have attracted anyone except a companion like 'Abdullah ibn ''Amr who refused to approve of this sale because the Prophet, peace be upon him, forbade the selling of any extra water.

Abu Hurairrah used to address a gathering of Muslims on Friday night (lit: after sunset on Thursday). Once, before beginning his sermon, he said to the people: "Whoever has cut off from any of his relations should leave this place." No one stood up. On repeating these words thrice, a young man left the place and went to his aunt whom he had deserted a long time before and reconciled with her. Abu Hurairrah said this because he knew that all actions are presented to Allaah on each Friday night. He didn't like his assembly of the devout to be smeared by a person who had committed the sin of deserting his relatives. By doing so, he saved a person from a major sin.

Anas ibn Malik was known to be a faithful servant of the Prophet, peace be upon him. Once he was invited to a party where a Magian (i.e. a Persian fire-worshipper) offered him some faluda ( a well-known drink) in a silver glass. Anas refused to accept it. He preferred to drink in an earthen pot than to use the silver one because the Prophet, peace be upon him, forbade the Muslims from eating or drinking from golden or silver utensils.

This is how the Companions behaved throughout their lives - setting sublime examples of adherence to the Sunnah.

“Verily your Lord is quick in punishment; yet He is indeed Oft-Forgiving Most Merciful (Surah Al-An’am 6:165)
"Indeed, we belong to Allah and to Him is our return" (Surah Baqarah 2: 155)

Posted By: rami
Date Posted: 29 January 2006 at 4:55am
Bi ismillahir rahmanir raheem

Assalamu alaikum al wardah

i would strognly recommend you stay away from that site sister, it is by muslim extremist in india who practice takfir of shuyukh and labeling many as misguided and inovators such as shaykh hamzah yusuf. I have read there charges against such scholars it is it full of lies misquotes and misinterpretation of there works.

These people are uneducated and lack any ethics in there writings, they misquote our scholars and take much of what they say out of context to proove there points when the scholar them self who they are quoting is known to hold the opposite view they are trying to propogate.

Friends Please clarify some of my doubts---
If every aspect is covered in Quran shariff than why need of Hadiths.
If yes than every sect follow different Hadiths ?
How many Hadiths are there ?
No Sir Quran has orders basic massage is complete in Islam details are in Hadees like the detail of how to offer Salah how to fast pay zakat perform Hajj and many other details I have posted the articles read them above
Salam o alaikum

Here is how I would imagine myself debating with such a person.

ME: You might as well reject the Quran, too, then.
ME: They come down to us by the same medium, that is, oral transmission., backed by a chain of narrators.
REJECTOR: But the Quran was written down as soon as the Prophet died. Hadith was not.
ME: Wrong. Manuscripts of Abu Hurairaih's collection of ahadith exist in Samarkand, as do the earliest copies of the Quran. A lot of other Sahaba's hadith works are available in manuscripts. One only has to have the will to seek them out. If you reject hadith because you think they might have been invented, think the same for the Quran. How would you know that the Quran we have today is the same as the Quran of 1400 years ago?
REJECTOR: Manuscripts exist, as you said.
ME: Right, and what proof is there that these are the same manuscripts?
REJECTOR: The manuscripts show the same text as we have. Nothing has been changed.
ME: Right, and the same is the case with the hadith. The Sahaba wrote them down, and the manuscripts exist. Check them and you will find them to be exactly the same. If the Quran was written down, so were the ahadith.
REJECTOR: So why then do the hadith contradict the Quran?
ME: Do you know Arabic?
ME: Then how do you know they contradict the Quran?
REJECTOR: Well, people say....
ME: Well people say all sorts of ****. Unless you know Arabic to a very, very high degree, you cannot really comment on whether the hadith contradicts the Quran. In most cases of apparent contradiction, you find that the hadith is applied to a specific situation, while the Quran gives a general command. An example would be the establishment of prayer. The Quran says pray, ahadith provide the specifics.
REJECTOR: But isn't prayer handed down to us generation to generation from Ibrahim (a.s.)
ME: Any proof? Any sanad? Any manuscript? Unless you provide a sanad to back your claim, I can't really see how that is possible.
REJECTOR: And what about the seafood contradiction. Why did Abu Hanifa oppose the Quran on this one.
ME: It's IMAM Abu Hanifa. Have some respect. As for your query, how do you know the Quran says ALL seafood?
REJECTOR: Here. (He shows me a text)
ME: And you think that has been translated correctly? It's very simple. Say today a German, who does not know English comes to you. He wants to communicate with you. What would you do?
REJECTOR: Either I learn German, or he learns English.
ME: Correct. So let's assume you taught him English. He now knows English the way you understand it, simply because you taught it to him.
REJECTOR: So what's your point?
ME: Let me complete. Are we agreed on what I have said so far?
ME: So now he understands English with you as a reference. Whenever he reads an English work, he will keep your reference in mind and try to understand the text he is reading that way. Now answer me this, who were the first ones to learn the Quran?
REJECTOR: The Companions of the Prophet.
ME: Indeed. And what who taught it to them?
REJECTOR: The Prophet.
ME: So their point of reference was the Prophet?
REJECTOR: It certainly appears to be that way.
ME: So the Sahaba learnt it, making the Prophet a reference for themselves. How do you think the next generation took the Quran.
REJECTOR: Logicly, by reference of the Sahaba.
ME: See now this is the basis of the sanad, or chain that links us to the tradition. Would it not make sense then to refer it back to this linked tradition?
REJECTOR: Not when it contradicts the Quran. You still haven't answered my question about he seafood contradiction.
ME: Okay, answer me one more question. What other point of reference did the Arabs have to understand the Quran?
REJECTOR: Their language, Arabic?
ME: Precisely. And what reference did they have for Arabic.
REJECTOR: Their Jahili poetry?
ME: Precisely. So to make sure that you understand the Quran the way the Sahaba under stood it, you would have to learn the Arabic that they knew. Do you claim to have that knowledge of Arabic?
ME: So how can you say that the Quran says that ALL seafood is halaal. Is it not possible that Imam Abu Hanifa may have found a reference in Arabic to prove that ALL seafood was not intended by the verse. To him it is ALL seafood that lives ENTIRELY in water. He forbade those animals which live outside water too, like the Crustaceans. So for you the reference word "sea food" includes Crustaceans. It is quite possible that for Imam Abu Hanifa the word "seafood" as it is in Arabic excluded Crustaceans. Is that not the case?
REJECTOR: I see where this is going.
ME: You better, because by consensus of the 'ulama a hadith rejector is a kaafir.
REJECTOR: Hmmm. How about the adultery punishment contradiction?
ME: Yes, this is the second point I wanted to mention. If it is possible that the Quran mentions a generality, and the hadith mentions its specifics, it is also quite possible that the Quran may not deal with a generality at all. Instead it may deal with a specific hukum, and a hadith might give another specific hukum. This goes for the case of the adultery punishment. You, as a layman, do not know the specifics of the ayah for adultery punishment. We, without knowledge of Arabic, do not know what the ayah entails. I am told however, that the ayah deals with a specific punishment, that is, punishment of unmarried adulterers. Whereas the ahadith deal with married adulterers.
REJECTOR: I think the ayah is quite straight forward. It says....
ME: You mean the translation is quite straight forward. A twisted, deliberately clear translation, a mistake no doubt, on the part of your leader. Try learning the translations from someone who knows Arabic.
REJECTOR: I think Mr. Rashad knew Arabic quite well.
ME: Two things here: 1) If he did, he only knew Egyptian Arabic. As far as I know, he did not have ANY formal training in classical, ancient Arabic. 2) Even if he did, he went against what almost all Arab scholars have said. It does not make sense, that a guy today, with absolutely no knowledge of ancient classical Arabic is able to interpret ayahs more correctly than those, who knew classical Arabic in its entirety. So it really is a question of scholarship vs. stupidity.
REJECTOR: But how can you be sure that the ahadith are Sahih?
ME: How can you be sure that the Quran is the same? If you want to disbelieve in Hadith, you might as well disbelieve in the Quran. The only difference is that no one bothered to play with the wordings of the Quran. No one tried to make Tahreef. While for ahadith, people made false statements. So it really became an issue of sorting out the liar muhadditheen and keep them clear of the true muhadditheen.
REJECTOR: But wouldn't that apply to the Quran too?
ME: Not exactly. The Quran was something that could not be played with. Simply because there was a tawatur established. There were just too many narrators of the Quran. A false statement passed off as a Quranic verse would immediately be caught. The same goes for 500 or so ahadith as well. Other ahadith however, were specific to the situation. So the tawatur ahadith cannot be rejected, either. Other ahadith become subject to criticism, however. It may be that only one or two companions were sitting while the Prophet said something. If a hadith goes against the tawatur ahadith, that has to be rejected as well. And ahad ahadith also have to be criticzed to very large extent before being accepted or rejected. Ilm ul Hadith is not child's play that someone just throws it out the window.
ME: You better.

Hope that helped.

Ma'as Salam
Salam o alaikum
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That is intellectual dishonesty, that is not entire quran, I can post random verse of geeta to suggest it is easy to understand.. without context you wont get it. And to get context you either need to be of same heritage( people surrounding you have told some of the things which will help you) or need a teacher. :)

we are arguing and killing each other on difference of opinion which can even arise with a simple wrong translation from arabic (or two different translations with different interpretation), not about the above verse... :)

THAT was the 1st surah in the quran the opening....You havent even read the opening but are going ON AND ON about how complex it is...Sorry but sounds like a little girl crying without trying! :)

Hinduism is not clear about 1 god or multiple gods, I agree, and people are free to believe whatever they want. In real life the fall out of that is, at worst an innocent argument about gods over tea or in my case.. beer..
That is not the case in islamic world, where everybody should believe the same(else will be called non muslims) and that can lead to violence...
which is why it is imperative to have simpler easy to understand quran.

I dont need to read it myself... I can pretty well judge from the arguments here that in many matters which muslim hold to be absolutely important to them, there are opposite views.
Asking me to read quran before arriving at above conclusion( which can be done without reading), is actually an evasive tactic.. because very smart and intelligent person like zakir naik who spent his whole life reading it sometimes gets it wrong... (according to his opponents of different quranic view)

I am pretty cool if both sides think its okey for other side to live with his interpretation..

many matters which muslim hold to be absolutely important to them
Lets see, the 5 pillars, all MUSLIMS observe or at least agree must observe them....THE REST OF THE MATTERS are worldly affairs and the situation changes YET the same VERSES of the Quran are applicable all the time....

killing each other on difference of opinion
You said it yourself on OPINION! everyone has an opinion like you have 1 that QURAN is difficult am waiting for someone to come kill you...Hasnt happened as of yet! :)

You are just provoking or waiting for someone to take the bait...Were you honest in your thinking you would have gone read a bit of the Quran and then questioned! :)
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Friends Please clarify some of my doubts---
If every aspect is covered in Quran shariff than why need of Hadiths.
If yes than every sect follow different Hadiths ?
How many Hadiths are there ?

@LoveIcon like to have your views in this.
@Zarvan the question here is WHY DO WE NEED THE HADITH when Quran is easy is complete...

The answer for @STEELMAN

We do not NEED them but many use them BECAUSE they are afraid to use their intellect to decide and if everyone uses their intellect then different OPINIONS (as said by @hinduguy) arises...

Yet people use hadith to stick to a common thinking...But there are MANY hadith some of which were created by other people and labelled as hadith for their own advantages....

The answer was WE DO NOT NEED HADITH but still use them

IF ANY HADITH contradicts the Quran it is at once rendered useless! That itself shows the lack of importance of the hadith!
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@Zarvan the question here is WHY DO WE NEED THE HADITH when Quran is easy is complete...

The answer for @STEELMAN

We do not NEED them but many use them BECAUSE they are afraid to use their intellect to decide and if everyone uses their intellect then different OPINIONS (as said by @hinduguy) arises...

Yet people use hadith to stick to a common thinking...But there are MANY hadith some of which were created by other people and labelled as hadith for their own advantages....

The answer was WE DO NOT NEED HADITH but still use them

IF ANY HADITH contradicts the Quran it is at once rendered useless! That itself shows the lack of importance of the hadith!

Sorry Sir we need Hadees and first you understand what is meaning of Quran is complete Sir the basic orders are complete but details and few other orders are in Hadees Sir without Hadees you can't follow most orders of the Quran
Read articles on this link they will help you a lot
http://www.islamicity.com/forum/printer_friendly_posts.asp?TID=3547 and also this link
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That’s wat I’m repeatedly saying enforcement and effectiveness of same constitution equally in all states at a time is some wat impossible, and I’m not saying secular laws are wrong but are not as effective to control the law and order situation.

How would it be different if it were governed by religious laws? Enforcement & impolemenation would still be in the hands of humans, no?

Bang Galore, you are senior, not just senior but one of the best member from Indian counterpart, you sill not figured out Pakistani laws are not based on sharia or Islam. Its man made laws for a republic, mostly based on U.K laws.

Are you suggesting that under Islam/Sharia, a non-Muslim could be the leader?

....so the message are also applicable for all of us. Now its your decision to chose your path. No one can impose it.

If there is no imposition, there is no problem. The laws that follows too(from religion) should not be imposed on the unwilling. I have no idea where you are going with this line but I cannot have any issues with anyone unwilling to impose their vision on anyone else. Err....wouldn't that be called secularism??
@Zarvan the question here is WHY DO WE NEED THE HADITH when Quran is easy is complete...

The answer for @STEELMAN

We do not NEED them but many use them BECAUSE they are afraid to use their intellect to decide and if everyone uses their intellect then different OPINIONS (as said by @hinduguy) arises...

Yet people use hadith to stick to a common thinking...But there are MANY hadith some of which were created by other people and labelled as hadith for their own advantages....

The answer was WE DO NOT NEED HADITH but still use them

IF ANY HADITH contradicts the Quran it is at once rendered useless! That itself shows the lack of importance of the hadith!

Its like a guide book written by ulemas. Its not necessary to follow the same by every individuals.
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I think - first of all we should know what is religion - is religion for governance or punishment - as per me religion is something that should attach me to a supernatural , that should enhance my spirit and my inbound charachtersitics , that should fill me with love to all , that should get me away from all the ill beliefs, ill thoughts , ill activity and showing empathy to others without the segregation of creed, color or belifs

When our religions were used for governance, for stipulating do & do nots, when commanding how others to live , that is when all turmoil started, that is when illogical & stupid people came to power

When you say as per the book, it doesnt mean as per the book, but it means as interpreted by the most or the most powerfuls that is it or as it has been the cliche or as it has been followed by the most ,nothing more than that

I am sure most of us in South asia do not know what is the correct meaning that is written in the holy books, its circumstances , its relativity etc should be taken while interpreting it , but we all follow as what is said by others

Religion is a code of life that tells us how to spend this life...A guidance by the creator of humans.....In the same way when we buy a machine and follows its makers instruction on how to maintain and run it smoothly...

Islam requires one to first investigate and then follow anything not to follow things blindly...Holy Quran along with hadees provides almost all the answers to one's queries provided they are read with an open mind...In todays world when humans are free why we see christians,jews,bhuddist and hinuds becoming muslims and no muslims ever changes his religion why?? As truth is always there inside us hidden but once we start moving towards it we get attracted like a metal to a magnet..Islam is the most fast spreading religion in america for past many decades even though US govt has done everything to hurt muslims around the globe but are unable to contain truth seeker at home ..
Friends Please clarify some of my doubts---
If every aspect is covered in Quran shariff than why need of Hadiths.
If yes than every sect follow different Hadiths ?
How many Hadiths are there ?

@LoveIcon like to have your views in this.

Quran is complete guidance and everything important related to religion is already in Quran. It's written in Quran that it's easy to understand and in detail - i have already quoted verses of Quran saying this in my previous posts, So - if says that no i can't understand Quran without Hadith or All things required to become a Muslim are not available than i am simply rejecting the words of Gods. Hadith's are account of different people written after 200 years and is like "I heard my father, may God bless his soul, say that he heard his older brother, may God bless his soul, say that he was sitting with his grandmother, may God bless her soul, and she told him that she was having dinner one day with her great uncle, may God bless his soul, when he stated that his maternal grandfather knew Imam Ahmad ibn Muhammad alAmawy, who mentioned that his grandfather heard from his oldest uncle that he met the great companion of the Prophet Omar ibn Khaled AlYamany, and he told him that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said, '......"

I am not saying that all Hadith's are wrong but there are lot of forged one are there which don't comply with Quran. All the sects came into existence with invention of Hadiths. Secterian minded people can't stand by only relying on Quran that's why they always says that you can't understand Quran without Hadiths means nobody should even try to look into Quran and they have diverted people from understanding the scripture to merely reciting it in Arabic like parrot (without understanding it) to get Sawab and go to heaven.
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LOL, dont think Canada got inspired by Islam or shariah, you could have done better by giving examples of a Muslim state or a caliphate instead of a western democracy.

I am not sure why some people jump up and down when they read the word Islam....

Islam is a way of life... Unknowingly many people do ISLAMIC things like not lie, not steal and what not....All these are written in the Quran now if the way Canada is running is similar to the way Islamic states are supposed to run....WHY deny it?

@acid rain He ( @liontk ) gave you an example of something you could relate to as in Canada which is still existing but you find it as a joke because it did not fit the long dirty bearded guy you wanted it to fit...Sorry to say, it is not always what you want!

Persons fail for thousand + years means experiment fail, proposal rejected. Since proposal is not reasonably proved, can not be used in debate. So when I give historical facts you can not offer that proposal as defence.

But as I said u MUST believe and do not have any other choice. The tragedy of religion.

Lets say your lab experiment failed does it mean that thing does not exist? After how many failures have MANY PEOPLE discovered something or another? But because they failed did not prove it did not exist! Wow you ARE NARROW MINDED....Didnt know living in Singapore did not broaden your mind! :blink:

@liontk has answered some of your questions!
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Can you please.. give reference to the highlighted part for the sake of learning?

WTF are you talking?

Amputations were practiced by Romans to punish criminals
Corporal punishments were widely used in Greece, Rome, and Egypt as early as 10BC.

MASHALLAH another post full of ignorance and lies Yes namaz is not the world the word is salah and it is compulsory on Muslims for 5 times a day and by this post you again made it clear who you are thanks good job keep spreading ignorance and by the way method of Salah is found in Hadees

Mullah dictionary fail - Salah is an Arabic word while its Urdu translation is Namaz.
Unless you are telling me that hundred thousand of parent around the world telling their children "Namaz parho" are utterly wrong!
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