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Adil Raja mother abducted; Another blow below the belt

SoldierSpeaks is a retard he brought this upon himself.

Left his family behind to escape to the west, and then started making fictional stories targeting the same country his family is in. He's like a retarded version of Gaurav Arya.
In Pakistan, only the sanctity of statues is prohibited, there is no sanctity of human beings.

Once respect for the rule of law is abandoned by a nation's powerful elites, especially by the security forces elites, there is probably no way back except revolution. The least bloody way back is for an internal coup by patriotic Pakistani military officers who have the respect of the rank and file. Pakistan must hope such officers exist. Otherwise it means suffering incompetant, maddening and destructive leadership. Continuing decline until the rottenness of the system causes internal collapse. It took the Soviet Union 75 years for this to happen while under the continuing pressure of Cold War competition with the USA. Pakistan is not under any external pressure. No one covets Pakistan. Pakistan's corrupt elites may be propped up by the Chinese Communist Party indefinitely in exchange for subservience and troublemaking for India. Today's Pakistani civilians can forget about a vibrant civil society and economic progress, unless a critical mass of effective and patriotic junior army officers exist.
SoldierSpeaks is a retard he brought this upon himself.

Left his family behind to escape to the west, and then started making fictional stories targeting the same country his family is in. He's like a retarded version of Gaurav Arya.

so army goes around kidnapping a retard's mother?

what does that say about the army?

super retard?

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Adil Raja’s mother and sister is abducted by the establishment and yet we have people blaming Adil Raja.

Are you guys seriously that stupid?

This country has lost its basic tenant of rule of law. 90 days no elections, civilians getting abducted without reason, journalists being killed.

This is a perfect definition of fascism.
Once respect for the rule of law is abandoned by a nation's powerful elites, especially by the security forces elites, there is probably no way back except revolution. The least bloody way back is for an internal coup by patriotic Pakistani military officers who have the respect of the rank and file. Pakistan must hope such officers exist. Otherwise it means suffering incompetant, maddening and destructive leadership. Continuing decline until the rottenness of the system causes internal collapse. It took the Soviet Union 75 years for this to happen while under the continuing pressure of Cold War competition with the USA. Pakistan is not under any external pressure. No one covets Pakistan. Pakistan's corrupt elites may be propped up by the Chinese Communist Party indefinitely in exchange for subservience and troublemaking for India. Today's Pakistani civilians can forget about a vibrant civil society and economic progress, unless a critical mass of effective and patriotic junior army officers exist.

The generals are the problem. They have always been the main problem. The US got blamed and probably did meddle. Who wouldn't when the generals want to be bribed.
Pakistan is in decline. This is pure vengeance what we are witnessing today. A bunch of thin skinned generals are behaving like toddlers.
It's becoming like El-Salvador's CIA playbook.
No matter what Adil Raja says or does, there is no justification for abducting his innocent family members especially his mother.
These type of actions is what you hear from groups like TTP or BLA/BLF not a professional army of a country. Unfortunately it looks like Pak army is acting no different than TTP or BLA/BLF.
the people who complain about Adil Raja are either army bots or clowns who have never seen his u tube channel

frankly I find his information very damming and entertaining to watch at the same time...he has accurately exposed the army's follies... which why they took his u tube down, kidnaped his mother, named him in a ISPR conference etc..

he has over a million followers in twitter and over 600K u tube subscribers,

he is hitting them hard .. very hard
These are the sort of things you can expect when a state goes rogue against its people:-

"During the civil war in El Salvador (1980-1992), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was involved in supporting the Salvadoran government's counterinsurgency efforts against leftist guerrilla groups. While the conflict was complex and involved multiple actors, including human rights abuses committed by different parties, there have been allegations and reports of questionable actions by the CIA during that period. Some of the alleged negative actions attributed to the CIA in El Salvador include:

  1. Supporting and training Salvadoran security forces: The CIA provided training, equipment, and financial assistance to Salvadoran security forces, including the military and intelligence agencies. There have been reports of human rights abuses committed by some elements of these security forces, including extrajudicial killings, torture, and forced disappearances.
  2. Involvement in targeted assassinations: There have been allegations that the CIA was involved in targeted assassinations of individuals perceived to be threats to the Salvadoran government or US interests. These actions were part of the broader counterinsurgency strategy aimed at eliminating rebel leaders and sympathizers.
  3. Collaboration with paramilitary death squads: There are claims that the CIA collaborated with or supported paramilitary death squads that were responsible for numerous human rights violations. These death squads targeted suspected rebels, their supporters, and individuals deemed sympathetic to leftist causes.
  4. Covering up human rights abuses: There have been allegations that the CIA, along with other US agencies, attempted to downplay or cover up human rights abuses committed by Salvadoran security forces. This was seen as an effort to maintain support for the Salvadoran government and the US's anti-communist stance during the Cold War.
It's important to note that while there have been these allegations and reports, the full extent of the CIA's involvement and its specific actions during the civil war in El Salvador may not be entirely known or disclosed. Investigations and declassified documents have shed light on some aspects, but the historical record is still subject to ongoing research and analysis."
Criticism is welcome, not the abuse and inappropriate language. Please keep it clean. Abuse is not going to support your argument. It is more a sign of weakness.


On topic:

I remember his wife making a hue on social media when he was missing for hours. There was a storm and beginning of Army Bashing series. Later, he popped up in London. He just said a sorry since he was not able to contact family and that's it. None of people even questioned him and his wife for such a blatant lies about his alleged abduction. I say that, wait for the news being confirmed. Not everything is done by Military.
Majority of Pakistani haramkhor generals children are in western countries and now it's time for oversea Pakistan's to boycott their families. Name and shame them - will it do anything? no idea but make their lives miserable in a legal way.
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