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Activity on twitter regarding possible phase 2 from IRGC

Checked rouhani's twitter feed. Nothing so far.

Also the Iranian FM said 'we do not seek escalation.' Which rules out more major activity.
Really, really unhappy about all this. Don't want anything major to kick off.:(
Nothing on Rouhani fed, nothing on the foreign minister's feed.
This is a laugh. If Khamenei wanted to hit the Americans the missiles would have been deadly instead of nothing more than fireworks. He's a coward pussy, Trump can do what he wants, he can even kill more Iranian generals and Iran will do nothing.
Personally I think it makes strategic sense to block the PG. maybe not for long. But just to do it and say what is anybody going to do about it? Because no one could!

Iran could at least force the hostile countries in the region to stop backstabbing like Haivaan and instead start to cooperate like ensaan.

Says the biggest haivaan who interferes in Afghanistan, yemen, syria, iraq, lebanon. U think ppl are dumb like u? Who cant differentiate a passenger plane. Stop ur export of BS and stop interfering in other countries, even shias of iraq are arw fedup of u.
Iran has said it does'nt accept anything other than complete US withdrawal from M.E. Do you think US is going to leave without war?

If true, why leak such important information to the enemy?
i dont think iran want war or capable enough :) .
i can understand . irgc left you with nothing but shame .:)

IRGC has done nothing to be ashamed of, what are you referring to? the plane incident? that was not the fault of the IRGC. Read my summary of what happened below:

What happened in this case, this plane was flying near a sensitive site and it suddenly reduced its altitude, a tor operator mistook this as an attack and the fired missile. Don't forget, the radar of a tor system simply cannot differentiate between a missile or a plane, and apparently operators did not have connection to the outside due to the jamming that was going on (caused by Iran itself) and thus could not confirm whether this was a "friend or foe"and this operator had to decide whether not shoot or not in a 10 second window.

So the blame here is not with the poor operator, the blame is on whoever did not fully enforce a completely ban on civilian flights during this time. So to the trolls trying to demean the Iranian air defence network, try to read into the full facts first and then talk. The IRGC did ask for a full stop to flights, but someone "higher" up did not allow.
Unless they initiate further hostilities I don't think it wise for Iran to put it's Naval forces at risk because they will be the most vulnerable in a retaliatory strike if we do and U.S. has the capability to take out up to 80% of Iran's blue water capabilities within 24hours... I think our naval forces should be on patrol and on the move along our coasts and if there is going to be any escalation in the Persian Gulf either the American have to initiate it or it would have to be such a massive offensive operation on our part that it would be worth losing 80% of our blue water capabilities within day's meaning we'll need an operation so large that it would involve taking out multiple U.S. ships including a Nimitz class carrier,......

Sinking the UAE Navy or drooping a missile on one of their prices would be a far more logical choice than closing down the Persian Gulf even if its for a day!
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