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Activity on twitter regarding possible phase 2 from IRGC

At least IRGC had balls to attack American bases, more than 4000 pakistanis have died in US drone strikes in your own homeland, on your soil. Not in a foreign country. Pakistan has done nothing :disagree::disagree::disagree::disagree:. Only one time you had the balls to beg them to please stop violating your airspace and kill more pakistanis, but they didn't listen to you, and even after they continued to violate your airspace and kill more pakistanis, you did nothing :disagree::disagree:. We attacked their bases after killing one of ours in a foreign land :)

Most of these 4000 were militants and they were also attacking mainland Pakistan from their bases in FATA. Also Americans were using drones from permission of Pak. Why America don't use drones now

Your top General was killed. 50 mourners died for him. You killed 176 more by shooting down a big civilian plane which just took from your largest airport by your highly incompetent military. The whole world knew from day one that this was shot down by your own SAM but your officials kept denying it till the video of shooting down a plane surfaced and after 4 days you accepted the responsibility.

Then you have the guts to take the pride of failed attack on US bases in which US suffered No causality but because trying to attack US bases is a big thing for you no matter this attack was successful or not,you consider this your victory and ignore hundreds of Iranians which were killed for this failed retaliation. KEEP doing this.
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Yup you got it!!! did you see concrete blocks.... that hit was massive!!!

The main crime as you said was NOT grounding all flights during DEFCON 1. Utter stupidity. Iran was at war for a brief moment and the air defense units thinking a cruise missile was approaching and engaging it is doing exactly what they are supposed minus the complete mis-identification which is another issue of judgment but all would've been avoided if basic precautions were taken. They can shoot whatever they want once flights are grounded.

It's beyond stupid bro!!! This is 2020 countries like the U.S. can remotely take control of modern Airliners not to mention the fact that enemy aircrafts could use airliners as a cover to penetrate your Air Space! So in my opinion the decision not to ground all civilian flights is so reckless that it's boarding on treason!!!

And I think at this day and age it should be automatic so when you go to 3/3 or Iran's version of DEFCON 1 automatically all civilian flight should be grounded automatically
It's not going to. Did you not notice how quickly Iran wanted to draw a line under the matter after they fired those missiles?

There seems to be a subtle but significant difference between the political leadership and the IRDC. The foreign minister made the point of saying that the attack had 'concluded' the matter, ie there are no further attacks. The IRGC seem to have a different song sheet.
There seems to be a subtle but significant difference between the political leadership and the IRDC. The foreign minister made the point of saying that the attack had 'concluded' the matter, ie there are no further attacks. The IRGC seem to have a different song sheet.

Either there is lack of communication or one side is playing good cop while the other bad cop.
There seems to be a subtle but significant difference between the political leadership and the IRDC. The foreign minister made the point of saying that the attack had 'concluded' the matter, ie there are no further attacks. The IRGC seem to have a different song sheet.

US carried out a sucker punch by hitting an Iranian General on an official state visit in a country U.S. has total control over the Air Space of so I would say Iran's military response is over but if I was to make an educated guess Iran will more likely than not carryout a sucker punch of it's own at a time of it's choosing against a target of it's choosing but I'd doubt it would be anytime soon but it will more likely than not be an assassination(s)....
Well i thought any step further from Iran will be a suicide. But from the reaction of democrats in congress it seems like Iran has plenty of room to take actions.
Try not to recommend what your politician do to the others.......if we wanted to live like a pradise that you are livung in,we have followed pakistans policy.....
yeah you are living in heaven now and mullah is the architect of it :sarcastic::sarcastic:.
look at those beautiful craters missiles create... a good look for all those morons who only look at KG weight of the warhead, disregard velocity and make some ridiculous assertion that it takes a 1000 to take out a base or something...

there are secondary fires that wreack havoc as well.... you hit a couple troop bunkers and the casualties/shock/ confusion would absolutely paralyze a base..

imagine 50-100 hitting, with no notice, and with intention to kill... that base would effectively cease to exist as a functioning asset.
I didn't expect this either. It doesn't look anything like this when you see sat photos. If this is the damage of 12 Fateh 313 with 250-500kg warheads, imagine what 50 of them would do, and Iran has no problem firing 50 or even 100 at every single base. Now imagine the damage of 100s of 1500kg warheads. No wonder Trump backed down.

It seems that base didn't had ABM cover, it would be interesting how ABM works against BMs.
I could be wrong but I believe Shorayeh oli amniateh melii (Supreme National Security Council) will likely advise the civilian government but the decision should ultimately fall on the Presidents office they should have made the call to ground all civilian flights.
It's the cabinet that should order NOTAM.
I'm not sure a Fateh can make such damage. This might be Qiam missile?

actually Fateh family missiles can make much bigger hole than that, just look at there tests, i will show you a pic and tell me if that is not at least 3 times bigger than what you see in the base.





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