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Activity on twitter regarding possible phase 2 from IRGC

It's the cabinet that should order NOTAM.

I think in the modern age when you go to amadehbosh 3:3 or Iran's version of DEFCON 1 (Which basically means your definitely expecting an attack and all your defense are on full alert) then grounding all civilian flights should be automatic. We live at a time where a country like the U.S. can remotely take control of the Airliners they produce and sell and that means controlling the Aircraft and all it's communications and they can use them as weapons or they can use them as a means to create a clear path for their military aircraft to go deep into your Airspace. So in my opinion at least when your on full alert and expecting an attack it makes absolutely no sense not to both ground all civilian aircraft but also close your Airspace to all civilian traffic and there should be no debate about it or a delay on a decision to come down rather it should be automatic and immediate.
I think in the modern age when you go to amadehbosh 3:3 or Iran's version of DEFCON 1 (Which basically means your definitely expecting an attack and all your defense are on full alert) then grounding all civilian flights should be automatic. We live at a time where a country like the U.S. can remotely take control of the Airliners they produce and sell and that means controlling the Aircraft and all it's communications and they can use them as weapons or they can use them as a means to create a clear path for their military aircraft to go deep into your Airspace. So in my opinion at least when your on full alert and expecting an attack it makes absolutely no sense not to both ground all civilian aircraft but also close your Airspace to all civilian traffic and there should be no debate about it or a delay on a decision to come down rather it should be automatic and immediate.
I agree. I think the only positive outcome of this tragedy is for them to learn and do the exact same thing; 3-3 alert means clear sky.
I hope and pray that Iran comes out unscathed from this war imposed on it.

At this moment, it seems Iran leadership is confused. Shooting down and airliner was a grave mistake. Iran should have closed its airspace while it targeted US base.
I agree. I think the only positive outcome of this tragedy is for them to learn and do the exact same thing; 3-3 alert means clear sky.

Yup! And by the way I don't blame the Air Defense Unit that fired the shot at all because they have to assume that U.S. cruise missiles have the capability to give out false readings and disguise themselves as civilian aircrafts..... and if they were told that cruise missiles had been fired and an object was coming straight at them and all attempts at communication had failed then I don't see how they had any other choice but fire.....

Lets hope that they learn this hard lesson and the decision becomes automatic when we go to a 3-3 alert next time!
I didn't claim so,but at least nobody dare to send drone in our country and bomb our wedding parties....
lol you have irgc to do tht there .
bubble of fake bravado is already busted it a matter of time tht iranian sovereignty will be challenged .

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