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Activity on twitter regarding possible phase 2 from IRGC

You shot down an airliner that took off from your own airfield. If you don't have enough situational awareness to know what's taking off from your own airfields then frankly your air defence isn't worth a damn.

You obviously did not read what I wrote. Try reading it this time.
I'm not sure a Fateh can make such damage. This might be Qiam missile?
Oh no I read it. I called it out for the nonsense that it is.

You basically repeated a comment that was debunked in my statement. Your silly notion of them firing at the target knowing it was a civilian plane was tossed aside. Like I said, try reading, and this time do it properly.
You shot down an airliner that took off from your own airfield. If you don't have enough situational awareness to know what's taking off from your own airfields then frankly your air defence isn't worth a damn.

The plane was shot down by a Russian TOR SA-15 which is a short range system and that particular unit was told to assume that cruise missiles were coming his way and so they did! The TOR operator had 10 seconds to respond and unfortunately the calls he made to confirm the target didn't go through in time (Within that 10 seconds) so he assumed the worst and took out the target.

The only idiots at fault here are the people that didn't ground all civilian flights at a time when the military put all the countries defenses at Iran's version of DEFCON 1 level.
You basically repeated a comment that was debunked in my statement. Your silly notion of them firing at the target knowing it was a civilian plane was tossed aside. Like I said, try reading, and this time do it properly.
No My assertion is that they were totally incompetent. They had no situational awareness (Apparently jammed by their own side according to you, which is another level of incompetence.) They shot down a plane they shouldn't have and you are desperately trying to make excuses....

They panicked because they were expecting an American missile.

At the end of the day the Iranians have managed to kill more Iranians and no Americans...Great Job!
The plane was shot down by a Russian TOR SA-15 which is a short range system and that particular unit was told to assume that cruise missiles were coming his way and so they did! The TOR operator had 10 seconds to respond and unfortunately the calls he made to confirm the target didn't go through in time (Within that 10 seconds) so he assumed the worst and took out the target.

The only idiots at fault here are the people that didn't ground all civilian flights at a time when the military put all the countries defenses at Iran's version of DEFCON 1 level.
The main crime as you said was NOT grounding all flights during DEFCON 1. Utter stupidity. Iran was at war for a brief moment and the air defense units thinking a cruise missile was approaching and engaging it is doing exactly what they are supposed minus the complete mis-identification which is another issue of judgment but all would've been avoided if basic precautions were taken. They can shoot whatever they want once flights are grounded.
No My assertion is that they were totally incompetent.

Your assertion is not based on the truth.

They had no situational awareness (Apparently jammed by their own side according to you, which is another level of incompetence.) They shot down a plane they shouldn't have and you are desperately trying to make excuses....

We're talking about a single tor system here, that was told to expect cruise missiles attack and during that 10 second period it needed to made a decision, it could not get the necessary info. The real fault is NOT with the military, but those that allowed civilian planes to continue flying.

They panicked because they were expecting an American missile.

It's called expecting a potential retaliation, not "panicking".

At the end of the day the Iranians have managed to kill more Iranians and no Americans...Great Job!

Troll comment. Who said Iran was trying to kill Americans?
The only idiots at fault here are the people that didn't ground all civilian flights at a time when the military put all the countries defenses at Iran's version of DEFCON 1 level.

Who in Iran is it that orders a no-fly zone? Hajizadeh said he had told those responsible to issue a no-fly zone, but they rejected it. Who are the idiots that rejected it?
Who in Iran is it that orders a no-fly zone? Hajizadeh said he had told those responsible to issue a no-fly zone, but they rejected it. Who are the idiots that rejected it?

I could be wrong but I believe Shorayeh oli amniateh melii (Supreme National Security Council) will likely advise the civilian government but the decision should ultimately fall on the Presidents office they should have made the call to ground all civilian flights.

Read this:
What happened in this case, this plane was flying near a sensitive site and it suddenly reduced its altitude, a tor operator mistook this as an attack and the fired missile. Don't forget, the radar of a tor system simply cannot differentiate between a missile or a plane, and apparently operators did not have connection to the outside due to the jamming that was going on (caused by Iran itself) and thus could not confirm whether this was a "friend or foe"and this operator had to decide whether not shoot or not in a 10 second window.

So the blame here is not with the poor operator, the blame is on whoever did not fully enforce a completely ban on civilian flights during this time. The IRGC did ask for a full stop to flights, but someone "higher" up did not allow.
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I could be wrong but I believe Shorayeh oli amniateh melii (Supreme National Security Council) will likely advise the civilian government but the decision should ultimately fall on the Presidents office they should have made the call to ground all civilian flights.

Bro, I swear there is a big traitor somewhere. First Soleimani, and now this. Hajizadeh told them to ground all civilian flights. Why the f did they not listen to him? He even claimed he had told officials from day 1 that we did infact most likely shoot the plane ourself. Again, they didnt listen. Someone wanted this to happen. Someone is trying to damage Sepahs reputation and influence. Last time I talked about it they laughed at me. But you will see.
Bro, I swear there is a big traitor somewhere. First Soleimani, and now this. Hajizadeh told them to ground all civilian flights. Why the f did they not listen to him? He even claimed he had told officials from day 1 that we did infact most likely shoot the plane ourself. Again, they didnt listen. Someone wanted this to happen. Someone is trying to damage Sepahs reputation and influence. Last time I talked about it they laughed at me. But you will see.

Killing Sepahbod Soleimani didn't required much skill because it was nothing more than a cheap sucker punch by the U.S..... They just tricked the Iraqi PM to invite him over to Iraq to improve the relationship between Iran and the Saudi's and from there all they had to do was to covertly follow a handful of people that had a history of meeting the General at the airport when he came to Iraq and they likely took him out once they had conformation....

Here look, this is a list of US military installations in Iraq:

So for the U.S. taking out an Iranian general that comes over on a state visit is really a peace of cakes and doesn't really require much skill nor would it required a traitor in Iran!

As for there being traitors of that there is not doubt! And for years they've spread rumors to make Sepah out to be the bad guys.....

However when it comes to the plane incident the main person responsible should be the person that made the judgment call not to ground all civilian flights especially in the modern age where countries who produce these aircrafts have the technology to remotely take control of the Aircraft and potentially use them as weapons also when your in such high alert an enemy aircraft could hid behind civilian aircrafts and get a clear line to your airfields.... So choosing not to ground all civilian flights sounds beyond absurd to me.

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