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Activity on twitter regarding possible phase 2 from IRGC

i can understand . irgc left you with nothing but shame .:)

What shame????

IRGC has brought about no shame only pride! If your referring to the plane incident then the facts are that all civilian flights should have been grounded and whomever failed to ground all civilian flights is the one that should be ashamed! Not the IRGC!
i can understand . irgc left you with nothing but shame .:)

At least IRGC had balls to attack American bases, more than 4000 pakistanis have died in US drone strikes in your own homeland, on your soil. Not in a foreign country. Pakistan has done nothing :disagree::disagree::disagree::disagree:. Only one time you had the balls to beg them to please stop violating your airspace and kill more pakistanis, but they didn't listen to you, and even after they continued to violate your airspace and kill more pakistanis, you did nothing :disagree::disagree:. We attacked their bases after killing one of ours in a foreign land :)
This is a laugh. If Khamenei wanted to hit the Americans the missiles would have been deadly instead of nothing more than fireworks. He's a coward pussy, Trump can do what he wants, he can even kill more Iranian generals and Iran will do nothing.

CNN chose not to post the full version because the U.S. marine she interviewed was practically crying and going on and on about how they were shaking and scared and how they got lucky...…
yes....they must let US to demolish our wedding parties by their drones and we do nothing.....just like what happen in mighty pakistan
whatever dude . let me assure you we wont give American a call if we decided to bomb their bases :) .
what a mighty fall from "Death to america" to "lets just inform american so that no American could die " .
Really, really unhappy about all this. Don't want anything major to kick off.:(
It's not going to. Did you not notice how quickly Iran wanted to draw a line under the matter after they fired those missiles?
CNN chose not to post the full version because the U.S. marine she interviewed was practically crying and going on and on about how they were shaking and scared and how they got lucky...…

At least IRGC had balls to attack American bases, more than 4000 pakistanis have died in US drone strikes in your own homeland, on your soil. Not in a foreign country. Pakistan has done nothing :disagree::disagree::disagree::disagree:. Only one time you had the balls to beg them to please stop violating your airspace and kill more pakistanis, but they didn't listen to you, and even after they continued to violate your airspace and kill more pakistanis, you did nothing :disagree::disagree:. We attacked their bases after killing one of ours in a foreign land :)
:D big words after selling soleimani for a face saving attack .
iran just set the price for its top most commander . whats the price of khomeini ? an evacuated foriegn naval base of usa ?

CNN chose not to post the full version because the U.S. marine she interviewed was practically crying and going on and on about how they were shaking and scared and how they got lucky...…

Holy shit those craters are huge. Iran could really wreck that place if they wanted too. I didn't expect this level of damage.
IRGC has done nothing to be ashamed of, what are you referring to? the plane incident? that was not the fault of the IRGC. Read my summary of what happened below:

What happened in this case, this plane was flying near a sensitive site and it suddenly reduced its altitude, a tor operator mistook this as an attack and the fired missile. Don't forget, the radar of a tor system simply cannot differentiate between a missile or a plane, and apparently operators did not have connection to the outside due to the jamming that was going on (caused by Iran itself) and thus could not confirm whether this was a "friend or foe"and this operator had to decide whether not shoot or not in a 10 second window.

So the blame here is not with the poor operator, the blame is on whoever did not fully enforce a completely ban on civilian flights during this time. So to the trolls trying to demean the Iranian air defence network, try to read into the full facts first and then talk. The IRGC did ask for a full stop to flights, but someone "higher" up did not allow.
You shot down an airliner that took off from your own airfield. If you don't have enough situational awareness to know what's taking off from your own airfields then frankly your air defence isn't worth a damn.
whatever dude . let me assure you we wont give American a call if we decided to bomb their bases :) .
what a mighty fall from "Death to america" to "lets just inform american so that no American could die " .
No bro,it takes ball to lunch missile on US bases especially when their (so called mad)president threaten you that we will retaliate any action which is Iranian tend to do.....
Holy shit those craters are huge. Iran could really wreck that place if they wanted too. I didn't expect this level of damage.

I didn't expect this either. It doesn't look anything like this when you see sat photos. If this is the damage of 12 Fateh 313 with 250-500kg warheads, imagine what 50 of them would do, and Iran has no problem firing 50 or even 100 at every single base. Now imagine the damage of 100s of 1500kg warheads. No wonder Trump backed down.
No bro,it takes ball to lunch missile on US bases especially when their (so called mad)president threaten you that we will retaliate any action which is Iranian tend to do.....
so if you cant walk the talk thep put a tape on irgc's and Khomeini's mouth .
CNN chose not to post the full version because the U.S. marine she interviewed was practically crying and going on and on about how they were shaking and scared and how they got lucky...…
Lol how do you know this is true
so if you cant walk the talk thep put a tape on irgc's and Khomeini's mouth .

Retrard.... Khomaini died 30 years ago.... and Iran walked the walk. It attaced US military bases as promissed. Watch the above CNN video. It was Americunt that back down, and didnt carry out any of their threats. And lets not talk about Pakistan in this regards.

Clearly I'm exaggerating but yes there was a full version with an interview with a female military officer and she talked about how they went to the bunkers and how even the door of the bunkers were shaking and how they got lucky and how scary it was... and she wasn't crying, crying but booghz kardeh bood

Lol how do you know this is true

Because I watched the full interview live on CNN but when I looked for it online they clearly made a choice not to put the full version on their YouTube channel

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