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Abhinandan was released on massive Indian pressure of war: Ayaz Sadiq Claims

This revelation will not go well with many moderators as well... who would ban anyone for pointing at this obvious treason.

Actually i have noticed manipulation with the videos and statements on google, you tube and face book, which may help to prove this fact.... clearly Indian staff at google, youtube and facebook are protecting this obvious mafia, who is protecting Indian interests in Pakistan. Using their illegitimate authority.

Anyone who is avid reader of Pakistan's war history knows that its full of such treasonous ''follies'' in middle of war. Without going into the specifics, examples can be traced back from 1965 until 2019, be it change of command, go Musharaf go movement in midst of WoT or release of Abhinandan in darkness of night.

Imran Khan repeatedly made statements, which shows he was NOT in favor of military action against India. few examples of his statements, post 27th February:
-Kiya me India se jang karloon.
-I have decided to release Abhinandan (but in reality he released Abhinandan without presence of international press)
-I will win Kashmir with talks.
-I have returned Abhinandan so that modi may win elections.

Other related FACTS were:
Indian modi promised his people to bring abhinandan back in India within 72hours.
Pakistani pilots were told to not shoot at targets.
There was sure intelligence of presence of high level of Indian army officer at their operation base in Kashmir, but some mysterious authority told PAF air-chief to change the target..... this hints Indians were wired with authoritative seniors in Pakistan during the war.

Soon after 27th February, an Indian submarine was found lurking in Pakistani waters, no one knows more about it's purpose, but again some authority withheld permission of normal reaction, which would have been sinking the evil enemy at bottom of Arabian sea..... again this hints at some serious networking of Indians within Pakistan's command and control setup..... personally, i don't buy the lip service, infact i see it as an attempt to coverup.

Can you provide credible evidence of the above having happened?
Both airforces have stand-off weapons and platforms to employ them, difference is, we came the next day with the enemy being forewarned. We came in numbers and in daylight, suppressed air defences, shot down interceptions and made our marks at standoff ranges while also capturing strike footage.

No matter what you claim about Balakot strike, PAF’s display was way more impressive and more successful.

What if it wasn't curtailed by 'unknown' would that be called un-impressive performance and unsuccesfull?

If India had operational BVR they would not have embarked upon shopping of MICA.
I'm surprised that you didn't knew about the technical problems with Russian R77.
I think It is good move by pakistan releasing Abhinandan. What would pakistan get by keeping him? Nothing.
Pakistan avoided conflict which would have cost few thousand lives from both sides. I don't think it is pressure from India. If India has the capability to pressure on pakistan, kashmir issue would have been solved long back.
LOL is that why Uncle Sam and KSA stepped in on behalf of Hindustan? India would have been levelled to the ground by Pakistan if it dared waging a war.
What is a former NA speaker doing in a national security meeting???? That too an opposition MNA like ayaz sadiq whom imran hates the most. Its just BS and he should be arrested for it.
This is a direct attack on Pakistan Army. Shameful, degenerate.
They have deliberately started propaganda against Pakistan Army.

Looks like PMLN has been taken over by the Nawaz Sharif's hardline approach. There have been rumors in Pakistan for the longest that NS brother Shahbaz Sharif wanted a rapprochement with the military establishment... But looks like NS has decided to go the PPP route after Bhutto's execution: Target the military and appear as the truly Anti Establishment Party of Pakistan going forward. And we all know that how the PPP--the most popular political party in Pakistan as proven even in the 1979 local bodies elections--was cut to size.
I don't know how correct is this account by the former Speaker. Maybe it's politics or maybe the Army Chief did ask the IK govt to release Abhinandan. But the use of a trembling Army Chief is a provocation and unnecessary insult unless it was designed to be provocative: Embrace political martyrdom now that the door to the political power for PMLN are being firmly shut for the foreseeable future.

PS. The country is on the right path and no point allowing political parties to destabilize it...Ignore and move on.
Can you provide credible evidence of the above having happened?

You can search Abhinandan on google.
What is a former NA speaker doing in a national security meeting???? That too an opposition MNA like ayaz sadiq whom imran hates the most. Its just BS and he should be arrested for it.

How come Imran Khan hates him most and he's out of jail? or not mysteriously murdered like Qandil Baloch!
How The US, UAE And Saudi Arabia Put Pressure On Pakistan
Pakistan would have had to release Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman under the Geneva Convention. But the fact that they did it so quickly can be attributed to the immense pressure from India and other nations to avoid an escalation of the situation.

How The US, UAE And Saudi Arabia Put Pressure On Pakistan

Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman is to be released today


New Delhi:
India sighed with relief when Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan announced that Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman would be sent home on Friday as a "peace gesture" -- a move that came with immense international pressure to pull both countries back from the brink. Leading the way, NDTV has learnt, was the US, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. There has been no official comment from the Indian government on these efforts. It was, however, clear that Washington had played a key role when President Donald Trump told the world media from Hanoi on Thursday morning that "reasonably attractive news was coming from India and Pakistan".

He told journalists, who had gathered for his meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, "We've been involved in trying to have them stop and we have some reasonably decent news. I think, hopefully, that's going to be coming to an end. It has been going on for a long time".


PDF mafia can never miss to blame Saudi Arabia... your ludicrous propaganda can only be backed by Indian ram lila.... where's your foreign office?

@PAKISTANFOREVER you obviously don't need evidence form your tribals, no matter how outlandish they bee?
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Blimey, it is getting beyond jokes now.

How Pakistan has elected speaker of national assembly like Ayaz Sadiq, Prime Minister like Nawaz, President like Zardari , it is beyond me.

The can say what they want without any consequences and fear.

Am I wrong to say "Pakistani men have no balls"!!

Same way they elected the traitor and enemy of Pakistan Imran Khan to Prime ministership.
Remarks on this thread reflects... how the current development has exposed fake patriots, instead of demanding for a commission on Pakistan's pull out from air battel on 27th February, they are blaming it on Saudi Arabia... if this has happened than we demand to know, all chain of command and communications at least until the ground controller of PAF, starting from Saudi King.... as claimed by @HAIDER

I will soon be contacting some journalists with screen shots... so that they may follow-up this claim on pdf.
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I think It is good move by pakistan releasing Abhinandan. What would pakistan get by keeping him? Nothing.
Pakistan avoided conflict which would have cost few thousand lives from both sides. I don't think it is pressure from India. If India has the capability to pressure on pakistan, kashmir issue would have been solved long back.

Pakistan would have saved Kashmir article 370 and perhaps even won Kashmir.

But with cowards as our leaders, 71 performance was expected since back then it was Niazi and today it is also Niazi and both Niazi brought shame to Pakistan
Pakistan would have saved Kashmir article 370 and perhaps even won Kashmir.

But with cowards as our leaders, 71 performance was expected since back then it was Niazi and today it is also Niazi and both Niazi brought shame to Pakistan
Bughaz e Niazi spotted
Remarks on this thread reflects... how the current development has exposed their fake patriotism, instead of demanding for a commission on Pakistan's pull out from air battel on 27th February, they are blaming it on Saudi Arabia... if this has happened than we demand to know, all chain of command and communications at least until the ground controller of PAF, starting from Saudi King.... as claimed by @HAIDER

I will soon be contacting some journalists with screen shots... so that they may follow-up this claim on pdf.
I think our media already named these countries. And obviously Indian have massive influence in KSA and UAE. Luckily above source is Indian NDTV, which much neutral compared to other Indian jingoistic channels. If above three countris played positive role , what the hack. Pakistan already achieve its target on Feb 27th. Plus, we all know KSA and UAE abstained in FATF voting. Only Turkey came and Malaysia came rescue Pak in Muslim world.
Anyway, for the love of others we want to drowned Pak armed forces. PMLn is now openly playing Indian agenda, what else we need now .... it wide open, even then people deny, then good luck.

Anyone could notice off topic posts.. hints again at usual poor moderation.
such a fear that we bombed 6 indian locations that day and shot down a jet and fired many BVR missiles on others :lol: kitna dara hoa tha pakistna na

Those are facts vs a mere statement from a political leader of a party on the warpath against the Pakistani military.
The fact is that the captured pilot had no value for Pakistan. He came over to Pakistan, got shot down, beaten up by a mob, given respectable treatment (And 'fantastic' tea) by the Pakistani military--so well treated that to my knowledge Abhinandan has still not retracted his positive remarks about Pakistan AND negative remarks about the Indian media. Anyway, releasing him so quickly was a masterstroke by the Pakistan govt. There is no doubt about that. Not only the international powers appreciated that but the Pakistani citizens also instinctively knew that the release was a very good decision.

As to the Indian missiles threatening Pakistan... there are definitely counter-measures for the Indian attack. And after the 27 Feb. 2019 incident, I am almost certain Pakistani military had the Chinese surveillance systems actively monitoring any Indian moves. Going forward, any heat along the LOC like 27 Feb. 2019 will certainly involve China on Pakistan's side more than ever before.

There is no equivalence between the facts on Feb. 27 vs a statement by politician of party which is on a warpath against the Pakistani military!!
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