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Abhinandan was released on massive Indian pressure of war: Ayaz Sadiq Claims

So it isn't treason for you?

Like not accepting international border of Pakistan with Afghanistan is not treason for you?

I just want to be clear here

I think everyone should accept the Durand line, Afghan nationalists can cry rivers. As for it being treason, it’s probably morally treasonous but not legally. Though I’m not sure about that, I know very little about constitutional law.
How The US, UAE And Saudi Arabia Put Pressure On Pakistan
Pakistan would have had to release Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman under the Geneva Convention. But the fact that they did it so quickly can be attributed to the immense pressure from India and other nations to avoid an escalation of the situation.

How The US, UAE And Saudi Arabia Put Pressure On Pakistan

Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman is to be released today


New Delhi:
India sighed with relief when Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan announced that Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman would be sent home on Friday as a "peace gesture" -- a move that came with immense international pressure to pull both countries back from the brink. Leading the way, NDTV has learnt, was the US, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. There has been no official comment from the Indian government on these efforts. It was, however, clear that Washington had played a key role when President Donald Trump told the world media from Hanoi on Thursday morning that "reasonably attractive news was coming from India and Pakistan".

He told journalists, who had gathered for his meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, "We've been involved in trying to have them stop and we have some reasonably decent news. I think, hopefully, that's going to be coming to an end. It has been going on for a long time".

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I think everyone should accept the Durand line, Afghan nationalists can cry rivers. As for it being treason, it’s probably morally treasonous but not legally. Though I’m not sure about that, I know very little about constitutional law.

Let me repeat myself again

State of Pakistan says that current border between Pakistan and Afghanistan is permanent

Now a member provincial assembly who has taken oath to same state of Pakistan says he doesn't consider this border

We shouldn't call him traitor?
What neutral experts? Those who said that only crows and trees got killed? Why did your army took the journalists a month later to that camp which was bombed?
Bro give it ten years, some ghairatmand officers on your side will eventually accept what actually happened when writing a book or their memoirs. It happens all the time when nations cover up events like that.

Overtime these things unravel, truth isn’t concealed for long.
Let me repeat myself again

State of Pakistan says that current border between Pakistan and Afghanistan is permanent

Now a member provincial assembly who has taken oath to same state of Pakistan says he doesn't consider this border

We shouldn't call him traitor?
By all means call him a traitor, I’d say the label means nothing without the legal definition. What he is saying is wrong and objectionable, but what do you do about it? This is the part that matters.
By all means call him a traitor, I’d say the label means nothing without the legal definition. What he is saying is wrong and objectionable, but what do you do about it? This is the part that matters.

I want him to be called a traitor with article 6 up his as$ and then disqualified from his seat since he doesn't deserve it

Is it too much to ask?
I want him to be called a traitor with article 6 up his as$ and then disqualified from his seat since he doesn't deserve it

Is it too much to ask?

Yes that’s probably too much, if it can’t be done legally, then only abuse of civil liberties and the justice system (the latter is actual high treason) would get you the results in bold. Put it this way, I live in the UK, if tomorrow I were to become a member of parliament, if I said that the country should give Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and Cornwall independence... people would definitely call me a traitor, but nobody would be able to remove me from parliament without electing me out at the next election. I may even be removed from my party, but nobody would stop me spewing seditious statements in parliament, freedom of thought and association is one of the bases of democracy.

So applying this standard to our democracy, if someone says Durand line shouldn’t be accepted, do I agree with them? No, they’re wrong and what they are saying is objectionable. But do I think they should be removed through draconian means, impromised etc? No, as long as they aren’t breaking the law.

Anyway, I have to excuse myself from this discussion for now, will log back in tomorrow.
This revelation won't go well with many Pakistani members here
This revelation will not go well with many moderators as well... who would ban anyone for pointing at this obvious treason.

Actually i have noticed manipulation with the videos and statements on google, you tube and face book, which may help to prove this fact.... clearly Indian staff at google, youtube and facebook are protecting this obvious mafia, who is protecting Indian interests in Pakistan. Using their illegitimate authority.

Anyone who is avid reader of Pakistan's war history knows that its full of such treasonous ''follies'' in middle of war. Without going into the specifics, examples can be traced back from 1965 until 2019, be it change of command, go Musharaf go movement in midst of WoT or release of Abhinandan in darkness of night.

Imran Khan repeatedly made statements, which shows he was NOT in favor of military action against India. few examples of his statements, post 27th February:
-Kiya me India se jang karloon.
-I have decided to release Abhinandan (but in reality he released Abhinandan without presence of international press)
-I will win Kashmir with talks.
-I have returned Abhinandan so that modi may win elections.

Other related FACTS were:
Indian modi promised his people to bring abhinandan back in India within 72hours.
Pakistani pilots were told to not shoot at targets.
There was sure intelligence of presence of high level of Indian army officer at their operation base in Kashmir, but some mysterious authority told PAF air-chief to change the target..... this hints Indians were wired with authoritative seniors in Pakistan during the war.

Soon after 27th February, an Indian submarine was found lurking in Pakistani waters, no one knows more about it's purpose, but again some authority withheld permission of normal reaction, which would have been sinking the evil enemy at bottom of Arabian sea..... again this hints at some serious networking of Indians within Pakistan's command and control setup..... personally, i don't buy the lip service, infact i see it as an attempt to coverup.
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Blimey, it is getting beyond jokes now.

How Pakistan has elected speaker of national assembly like Ayaz Sadiq, Prime Minister like Nawaz, President like Zardari , it is beyond me.

The can say what they want without any consequences and fear.

Am I wrong to say "Pakistani men have no balls"!!
My question to those who claim them self as Pakistanis:
Should a certified munafic politicians e.g. Imran Khan /Nawaz Sharif / Zardari etc. have authority to dictate actions of Pakistani pilots, navy.... and alter their mission, in middle of battle?

IMO, politicians should have zero authority over the last functioning institute of Pakistan, who is also responsible for national security.
Politicians and advisers, each have flats in London... rest of the nation will be enslaved by enemies of Pakistan, using economic lash.
Former speaker national assembly has made bombshell revelation today that Indian captive pilot Abhinandan was immediately released on massive Indian pressure of war.

Regardless of this claim is true or not, should such national secrets be revealed in public on floor of the assembly?

@Areesh @PakSword @Horus @Joe Shearer
noon league is political point scoring
nothing else
their leader claims the credit of reverse engineering the Tomahawk cruise missile.

On Quetta and Karachi rallies the opposition invited people who are against the federation.

he is a bit late on revelation and only giving consolation to bruised indian egoes.
its a shame but they call it politics
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