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FIR sought against Ayaz Sadiq over comments on Abhinandan

The way he spoke, considering his age and his political seniority, his calmness and body language, makes me feel some truth to his statement

He is a politician. He knows how to speak.

As for his statement, it is nonsensical; and in my opinion treacherous to undermine ones own military, government, and people just top score political points.
Oh please not another half hearted drama that ends up bailing PML-N out again from their treachery. This case needs to be fought vehemently by patriotic Pakistanis in the political landscape - i.e make PMLN pay a very heavy political price. Educate people the damage their rhetoric is causing to our national unity and strategic interests, and all this is for their own selfish personal interests.
Timing of the release of further charges will be closer to closer election time.
The other day Ayaz spoke traitor Nawaz and his filthy daughter's language, which makes him traitor as well. Their strategy is to put pressure on COAS and ISI head to bring them to the bargaining table, which aint happening (I salute them for taking this decision), therefore PML-N traitor gang is crossing all the limits.

Its high time to put ban on PML-N and throw all these buffoon's behind bar's (I back Khan's Govt to do it), prosecute them for all the corruption charges against them and this time, no special protocols or perks in jail.

Last but not the least, we get to hear that our agencies have concrete evidences against these swine's, we also know volume-10 of JIT's report on the Panama Papers case also has solid evidences against all these morons, million dollar question is, what state and Govt are waiting for? Why not make those public and expose these jerks even more.
Have you listened him, what he said? Do you understand urdu.

Yes I have listened and understood and I have also understood PMLN leaders standing by his statement yesterday and then changing it today (that Ayaz is now saying that such a meeting never took place - 3rd statement).

What you are saying is no different than another member here defending the molvi who barked for independent Baluchistan. Misquoted and misunderstood BS!
Good... the case is getting lime light, now i hope to know the name of person ordering swift termination of operation swift retort.
Good... the case is getting lime light, now i hope to know the name of person ordering swift termination of operation swift retort.
Operation Swift Retort was carried out successfully. Please understand that the Op was to carry out counter strikes inside IIOJK and mantain the deterrence. The downing of jets was not pre-planned but the opportunity arose itself.

You need to be clear about the facts.
He Knew what Indians will make of it,the forum he chose the way he said it the words he chose were not that of smq but a spin and misrepresentation in order to achieve the desired effect (which was to demean pakistan army and Imran khan and his govt even if it meant dishonouring his own country and mother) so no he was absolutely lying and is a traitor.

Leaving aside the case of Ayaz Sadiq, I am more interested into the content. Unfortunately, I disregarded the news that Indian pressure was a factor in releasing Abhi Nandan and India threatened Pakistan. It seems that eventhough, such revelation is criminal, but the revelation does support the Indian narrative and confirms what Indian members repeatedly highlighted. India knew Pakistan is not up for fighting, IK statement in Parliament that 'tou kya jang ka ilaan kerdoon India ke sath" also showed the inclination towards not fighting. I am not saying we would not fight if it came to that but the mindset and direction shows a pessimistic view.

Ayaz Sadiq's career is over and will be persecuted by the judiciary. But, the revelation highlights the thought process of the decision makers and their attitude towards the conflict.

After Ayaz Sadiq, I am most disappointed by the decision makers. Abhinandan was eventually to be released from his status as PoW but the handling, haste and all that does make me sad and disappointed.

having said all this, I do confess I am not privy to all factors and considerations taken into account behind the decision and hope that the gesture delivered the required effect.

P.S: I need to highlight that the polarization in political space is increasing day by day and it is not a good sign. I am not siding with any party but I do worry that such political unstability is and will adversely effect the country. Things need to be sorted and settled before they take turn for the worse.
The way things are, we won't be able to focus economy, development, internal and external apolitical threats and growth.
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