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Abdul Sattar Edhi Passes away

Not sure. Last i remember, he said to bury him like an other average man. All his organs and clothes have been donated.

I am personally against a State Funeral for him. I don't think he would have ever wanted it, he lived his life like a common man and should die as one.
Wants to add he wants to be buried in his own cloths that he wears routine life.
I feel that he should be given state funeral. If we can spend so much for these thugs transportation to UK, Edhi is much more deserving then them. It is no more politics but a gesture of thanks from the nation. For once PM has done something on behalf of 200 million of this country, otherwise he uses this terminology with criminal error.

Completely Agreed

But ask yourself this question. Would he have wanted a State Funeral? He refused to be sent abroad for treatment, and was given a bed with all other patients. He lived his entire life as a Common Man, giving him a State Funeral would be an insult to this Great Man's Legacy.
He would be given Nishan e Imtiaz now. Why the f*ck we didn't give it earlier??
He would be given Nishan e Imtiaz now. Why the f*ck we didn't give it earlier??
As per reports he may be refused to accept any honour from Govt.
Shouldn't Edhi rahmatallah alhi be receiving a state funeral?

I feel that he should be given state funeral.

A State Funeral requires time to organize and the amount of security required would prevent the common man from attending.

This goes against Islamic teaches of quickly burying the body and the Hazarat Edhi's own belief of serving the people rather than being served.
I find it hilarious that they refused a donation from anyone for a natural disaster. The Edhi Foundation does have a blanket policy of not accepting donations from political factions, so unless the money you were offering was from a Bank Account from a Political Nature, your donation would have been accepted and utilized.
Request to all those in Karachi to please attend his funeral tomorrow.
Edhi Sahab irreplaceable man he was the Greatest philanthropist of the modern world who served millions without any prejudice , there was no one like u sir .. Rest in peace

You can still donate, from a personal account whether for services in Pakistan or even to communities where there is an Edhi Center.

They have never discriminated based on race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, or religion.
Innah lilahi wa innaa Ilaihi rajeoon...May Allah grant you a high place in Jannat.
Eidi Sahab is the greatest human being and humanitarian ever to be born in Pakistan...I don't have any more words to describe my feelings of respect towards such a selfless human being....We are forever in your debt Sir...
#Respect #Salute
Absolutely no words, a selfless human who will be inspiration for the generations to come. May Allah forgive his sins and bless his soul in eternal peace.
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