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Abdul Sattar Edhi Passes away

PM ha announced 1 day yom e soug for Edhi sahab. Also he would be given state funeral. CM punjab would represent PM in the funeral.
Faisal And Mrs Balqis should not accept state funeral, Mr. Eidhi hates politician and never accept anything from them. They must not allow PMLN to cash or hijack his funeral.
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إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعون

Man did alot of good

Today god knows how many children and youth became orphans as he cared for them with his wife
Inna Lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un
إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ
Just stfu -
His passing is a loss. Getting angry at me won't bring him back, nor solace those who relied upon his charity. Do you want to honor his legacy or not?
Faisal And Mrs Bolqis should not accept state funeral, Mr. Eidhi hates politician and never accept anything from them. The must not allow PMLN to case or hijack his funeral.

I can understand what you are saying but he deserves a state funeral. If he doesn't get it than no one else shouldn't get it too.



A GREAT MAN indeed.

I have heard that he had only two sets of clothes - one to wear one for washing
that is correct.
Then the first task should be to prevent his home and Foundation from being robbed.

Are you incredible stupid or pretending to be one?

Who in their right mind would want to rob his home and foundation.
I can understand what you are saying but he deserves a state funeral. If he doesn't get it than no one else shouldn't get it too.
He does't need state funeral he lived for the people of Pakistan , they would give him a unforgetable last homeage.
We should respect his decisions which he takes in his life by not accepting anything from any Govt.
Faisal And Mrs Bolqis should not accept state funeral, Mr. Eidhi hates politician and never accept anything from them. The must not allow PMLN to case or hijack his funeral.
I feel that he should be given state funeral. If we can spend so much for these thugs transportation to UK, Edhi is much more deserving then them. It is no more politics but a gesture of thanks from the nation. For once PM has done something on behalf of 200 million of this country, otherwise he uses this terminology with criminal error.
You know he could have used his charitable work to get funding from govts all over the world, he could have formed a party and ran elections and gotten power but he didn't. He didn't want the muck of govts nor the dirt of politicians. He stayed away from them. He was a simple man and he died exactly how he lived his life. Simple, in Pakistan, in a Pakistani hospital sorrounded by Pakistanis who love him. His greatness and kindness knew no limit.

He always had faith in the Pakistani people. He knew that there was good in us despite all the muck that we hold. He knew that if he would ask us the people, we would donate all we would have. He believed in us when many didn't. He proved that we are not a cursed nation abandoned by God. That we have good in us and we can be better people. We must not let him down nor break his trust. We must become the very good that he saw in us and showed us. If all of us would become abdul sattar Edhi them the world and Pakistan would be a heaven on earth.
Shouldn't Edhi rahmatallah alhi be receiving a state funeral? But then I'm not sure if this conflicts with his last words and he did famously avoid pomp and luxury.

Not sure. Last i remember, he said to bury him like an other average man. All his organs and clothes have been donated.

I am personally against a State Funeral for him. I don't think he would have ever wanted it, he lived his life like a common man and should die as one.
His passing is a loss. Getting angry at me won't bring him back, nor solace those who relied upon his charity. Do you want to honor his legacy or not?

Your Post #1- Protect his Foundation from Robbery.
Post #2- He refused money from you because it would not go towards charity operations in the Earthquake effected areas.

Response to Post #1- The common man began protecting his centers.

Find out yourself what happened to the robbers once they were caught in Dec 2015.

Response to Post #2- Edhi Foundation was and is active for humanitarian crises both nationally and internationally.

I find it hilarious that they refused a donation from anyone for a natural disaster. The Edhi Foundation does have a blanket policy of not accepting donations from political factions, so unless the money you were offering was from a Bank Account from a Political Nature, your donation would have been accepted and utilized.

إِنَّا للهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ

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