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ABC News: China has a scary dragon stamp

You make no sense talk to star blazer, he ll explain it to you.

I don't like Madras beef, too spicy, I prefer slow roasted steak. :enjoy:

You are enjoying that "sacred" animal in Australia, explains it doesn't it?
If you was in India, you would be typing your responses to me in Jail :lol:
Not many Tiger attacks on Humans these days. This is not 19th century you know.

Dude, what are you going on about? The video I posted it from 2003, 2004 and is definitely not an isolated instance. :rofl:
You are enjoying that "sacred" animal in Australia, explains it doesn't it?
If you was in India, you would be typing your responses to me in Jail :lol:

No I think I will survive without eating Beef for couple of weeks, I believe in respect for other people's sensitivities.

If I really crave I can just go to any of the 27 other states where beef is not illegal.:enjoy:
Dude, what are you going on about? The video I posted it from 2003, 2004 and is definitely not an isolated instance. :rofl:

He is enjoying his beef in Australia, erm I mean living in Australia you know? Can't blame him for being out of touch with India's ground reality :lol:

No I think I will survive without eating Beef for couple of weeks, I believe in respect for other people's sensitivities.

If I really crave I can just go to any of the 27 other states where beef is not illegal.:enjoy:

Yep, in other words, "you are scared to eat beef in India" because you are "scared" of the "sacred cow protection act". Don't blame you :azn:
Dude, what are you going on about? The video I posted it from 2003, 2004 and is definitely not an isolated instance. :rofl:

The video is from inside a forest reserve. No one lives in the forest reserve. The number of tigers have increased after a lot of conservation effort. They wouuld have been poached to extinction otherwise. Forest Department of India is doing a good job.
Yep, in other words, "you are scared to eat beef in India" because you are "scared" of the "sacred cow protection act". Don't blame you :azn:

Looks like the scary dragon has kicked in your Tourette's. There there, it going to be OK. No more scary dragons, only angels and fairys from here on:lol:

---------- Post added at 04:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:43 PM ----------

The cow is India's national animal right? That's why you can't eat them?

Let me google that for you
The cow is India's national animal right? That's why you can't eat them?

I believe they can eat them, so long they take a dip in the River Ganges. It is a get out of jail card in India, because it is supposed to purify your soul, wash away your sins and blesses you for all eternity :azn:

Looks like the scary dragon has kicked in your Tourette's. There there, it going to be OK. No more scary dragons, only angels and fairys from here on:lol:

Chinese Dragons may whip, but not kick. It's physical form are rather different to those of the west.

If you want to talk about being kicked, your "sacred" cow did a splendid job to you Indian fellas. Ironically, your avatar imitates the pain of being kicked down under quite well :lol:
Chinese Dragons may whip, but not kick. It's physical form are rather different to those of the west.

If you want to talk about being kicked, your "sacred" cow did a splendid job to you Indian fellas. Ironically, your avatar imitates the pain of being kicked down under quite well :lol:

Oh please spare me your fantasy world of dragons and unicorns. Am not into shyte like that.
Fortunately for the dragons of China because it does not exist.

If not, the Chinese killed it and put on plate a long time ago. :lol:

Chinese Dragons may whip, but not kick. It's physical form are rather different to those of the west.

If you want to talk about being kicked, your "sacred" cow did a splendid job to you Indian fellas. Ironically, your avatar imitates the pain of being kicked down under quite well :lol:

The dragon is probably an incarnation of the dinosaurs. Could you imagine what people thought then people dug up a T-rex skull back in the day.

Fortunately for the dragons of China because it does not exist.

If not, the Chinese killed it and put on plate a long time ago. :lol:


Dinosaur hunting? Hell yeah. Vietnam gets the bones.:laugh:
Oh please spare me your fantasy world of dragons and unicorns. Am not into shyte like that.

Judging by your own logic, then surely you must be into it. Heck your whole country is into that "shyte" :lol:
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