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ABC News: China has a scary dragon stamp

The video is from inside a forest reserve. No one lives in the forest reserve. The number of tigers have increased after a lot of conservation effort. They wouuld have been poached to extinction otherwise, the more Chinese are getting affluent, the demand for Tiger Penis is increasing. Forest Department of India is doing a good job.

In Soviet India, National animal eats us. :rofl:

Humans aren't natural prey for elephants and tigers, but in the Sundarban islands of West Bengal, India, an alarming number of people have been attacked -- even eaten -- by these wild beasts.

In one part of the country, there have been reports of elephants going on a rampage, trampling homes and killing around 200 people in the past year. In one bizarre case, this typically plant-eating animal reportedly ate a human.

In another part of the country, tigers, who have developed an appetite for human flesh, reportedly killed 14 people in one village alone last year.

"Tigers generally aren't man eaters," said Dave Salmoni. "It's anomaly when an animal decides to start eating people."

Salmoni is a zoologist and an animal trainer who specializes in predators. The host of several Animal Planet shows, Salmoni will also appear on the upcoming Animal Planet special, "World's Deadliest Towns," on Feb. 21.

A tiger that can weigh up to 650 pounds and grow up to 11 feet long is clearly at the top of the food chain, and Salmoni explained that these fierce animals have overtaken the land in the Sundarban islands.

"It's the only place in the world I've ever been in the bush...I feel like I'm being hunted," he said.
The World Wildlife Fund estimated that only about 3,200 tigers are left in the world. At the same time, the number of tiger attacks in this part of India is up 30 percent over the past decade, according to Salmoni.

Some experts believe environmental issues and a rapidly growing human population in the region are reducing their habitat and their natural food supply, and forcing them into villages.

The United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change announced in 2007 that rising sea levels could submerge 17 percent of Bangladesh by 2050, which would completely flood the mangrove forests that are the natural habitat for the Bengal species.

Thousands more humans are also going into the Sundarban forests to hunt and clear more land for farming, which further encroaches on the tigers' and elephants' territories, according to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.

Tigers, Elephants Attacking Humans in India - ABC News
^^They are animals, thats what they do, should we kill them all then and make them extinct?

This should calm you down. Not very scary I hope:lol:

I know the human being and cows can coexist peacefully:


Well, at least for the time being, you can forget about one of your "scary" phobias :lol:
In Pakistan, we have always known Indians for elephants not tigers.

^^They are animals, thats what they do, should we kill them all then and make them extinct?

Make seats out of them in your Jaguars!!! :woot:
Tiger!!! You guys are too much fond of Tiger Bones. Peacock is Our National Bird. Same with One Horn Rhinos, it is State Animal of Assam State, you guys are also fond of horns of Rhinos. Our National emblem contain 4 lions, it is based on a pillar created in 250 BC.


Not just a chinese thing but other parts of east and se asia as well (there are fringe elements elsewhere but miniscule in comparison). tigers, rhinos, elephants, bears and the list goes on.....decimation of endangered wildlife for 'expensive delicacies' or 'medicine'...:tdown:

Check these out....
Illegal Trade of Tiger Parts at Tigers in Crisis
Elephant and rhino poaching 'is driven by China's economic boom' | Environment | The Observer


The single greatest threat of extinction that looms over most Asian wildlife especially the endangered tiger, and pushes them to become endangered species, are the massive demands for traditional medicine.

Tigers - an Endangered Species

The annual consumption of traditional remedies made of tiger bone, bear gall bladder, rhinoceros horn, dried geckoes and a plethora of other animal parts is of phenomenal proportions. It is believed that today at least 60 per cent of China's billion-plus inhabitants use medicines of this type.

The booming economies and personal incomes of Southeast Asia have caused demand and prices to soar, lifting the international trade in wildlife products to an estimated $6 billion-a-year business.

Why is there this demand?

The use of tiger parts in Chinese medicine is nothing new, but it has only been in recent years that the increase in the standard of living in southeast Asia has made these remedies available to most people.

It is no wonder then that this newly affluent population has had a great effect on wildlife numbers and the demand for tiger parts. In many places in China, tiger parts are a delicacy that is served at special private banquets.

The use of endangered tiger products and their medicines is seen as a symbol of high status and wealth. Some remedies list tiger parts as an ingredient, but the real animal parts are so expensive that often the medicines may have only trace elements; but even this is enough to promote the continued slaughter of the tiger.

In addition, in recent years there has been a resurgence in traditional practices fundamental to the history of Chinese society. This has been fueled by cultural pride, and a growing sentiment that western medicine contains some shortcomings in treating illness.

Furthermore, new communities around the globe including non-Asian communities, are supplementing traditional Chinese medicine treatments into their western style of medicine, igniting the demand for tiger parts beyond what can be supplied.

Who is Using Tiger Parts? Countries and Statistics

The Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) believes that at least one tiger is killed daily for its use in traditional Chinese medicine.

An increased demand for endangered tiger parts exists throughout the world. China, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, the United States, and Great Britain are involved in the tiger trade. One of the biggest markets for endangered tiger parts is Japan where legislation bans trade in endangered species, but does not cover products not readily recognizable, such as wine, pills and powders.

Hong Kong is the main importer of Chinese tiger products, accounting for nearly half of its annual business.

Although they are scarce, trade records indicate the import and export of tiger parts is substantial. The Zoological Society of London believes at least 1,900 kg of tiger bone were exported to Japan from Taiwan in 1990, an equivalent to 400-500 tigers.

According to South Korean immigration statistics, the country imported 3,994 kilograms (8787 pounds) of tiger bones from Indonesia between 1970 and 1993. The bones of one tiger weigh approximately 10 kilograms (22 pounds).

Due to increased demand, tiger bone prices have skyrocketed in South Korea, Taiwan and many other countries. The price is estimated to be between $140-$370 per kilogram (2.2 pounds) in U.S. dollars depending on the size of the bones.

In Taiwan, a bowl of tiger penis soup (to boost virility) goes for $320, and a pair of eyes (to fight epilepsy and malaria) for $170. Powdered tiger humerus bone (for treating ulcers rheumatism and typhoid) brings up to $1,450 lb. in Seoul.

Consuming tiger parts for medicinal purposes is not limited to Asia. A recent World Wildlife Fund investigation in England of Chinese chemists, craft shops and supermarkets in London, Birmingham, Manchester and Liverpool showed that half the shops sold products claiming to contain tiger bone.

The rising demand for tiger parts and rapid increase in price of tiger bone continues to be an irresistible incentive to poachers.

Who is Supplying the Demand?

Even though China has participated as a member in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, (CITES) since 1981, the laws are widely ignored and it remains the primary destination for Indian tiger parts. In 1995, in India alone, parts from 50 different tigers were discovered. Scientist suggest this number can be multiplied by a factor of five or six to reach the true figure.

Since China has almost eradicated its own tiger population it is now looking for a new supply of tigers from Bangladesh and Nepal. The World Wildlife Fund estimates that one-third of the breeding-age female tigers were lost between 1989 and 1991 in this area.

In Burma, hunting tigers is still legal. Burma, Lao PDR and Cambodia are not signatories to the CITES. Tigers in Vietnam and Malaysia continue to be hunted as well. One can buy tiger bones, skins or organs at Hanoi airport. Regardless of the extent to which the trade is policed, bits of tiger especially blood, eyeballs and genitals appear wherever there is demand.

Russia has also become a key supplier in the tiger trade due to political, economic and social instability. Poaching one tiger can bring in 10 years' income on the black market. It is estimated that in 1991, one-third of the Siberian or Amur tigers were killed to meet the demand for traditional Chinese medicines elsewhere.

Researchers and scientist believe poaching is alive and well despite many laws prohibiting the hunting and trade of endangered species.

How Much Does Tiger Poaching for Chinese Medicine Affect the Population?

A research project designed to model the effects of tiger poaching in Russia and India by John S. Kenney of Maine's Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife has determined via computer modeling that even a small increase in poaching drastically increases the threat of the endangered tigers' extinction.

To make the model, the scientists used data collected for over 20 years on the survival rates and behavior of tigers in Nepal's Royal Chitwan National Park. In addition, they estimated that every normal-sized tiger group worldwide loses 5 to 10 of its 120 or so members to poaching each year. They then used the model to predict effects of different poaching patterns.

The model predicts, If poachers killed 10 of the animals in a tiger group every year for three years, the group would have less than a 20 percent chance of extinction in the 75 years after poaching stopped. Destroying 15 tigers a year for 3 years however, bumps the probability of extinction up to 50 percent. If poachers kill 15 tigers in a group each year for six years, or 10 animals for nine years, this will destroy the group.

If poaching continues at its current rate, researchers have predicted that many if not all the tiger clans will be wiped out in the near future.

Tiger populations can appear stable yet fail to withstand an unexpected disaster, such as bad weather, disease or reproductive problems. Add to this the devastating loses the populations suffer due to poaching and one can see that the challenges the endangered tiger faces will be extremely difficult to overcome in order to survive.

Have Efforts to Curb the Trade in Tiger Parts Worked?

Several Asian nations including China, Nepal, Japan, South Korea and Thailand have endorsed tough protections for tigers in the Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). The measures commit the countries to enact laws banning the trade of tiger derivatives, preserve tiger habitat, and form a regional network to halt tiger trade. But lack of government resolve and corruption at the highest levels have thwarted enforcement of other wildlife agreements that the nations have signed.

The popularity of tiger bones as a remedy for a multitude of ailments has produced a thriving black market, which is very difficult to monitor. Unlike a tiger skin, tiger bones can be crushed and made odorless and can be disguised as other types of bones. Tiger derivatives that are confiscated in raids by government officials are therefore believed to be just the tip of the iceberg.

The trade in tiger body parts is thought to have intensified as a result of a rapid increase in the demand for traditional Chinese medicine in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea.

Despite the acceptance of new trade policies in China, it still remains a principle player in the demise of the tiger and other endangered species. Other countries such as Taiwan have stepped up enforcement efforts since coming under pressure from the United States in 1993-1994.

In Taiwan, a recent trade control law has resulted in raids and seizures, prosecutions, extensive searches of Chinese medicine stores, and customs surveillance and coordination with other relevant authorities. Hong Kong has also intensified its enforcement activities, following its 1994 trade control laws.

But, such policing efforts in Asian countries touch only a small percentage of Chinese medicine stores, and often owners get word of a "raid" in time to hide or disperse any tiger parts they may have in stock.

Because the demand for tiger products continues to grow, and poaching is still prominent in India, Russia and southeast Asia additional measures need to implemented to curb both the supple and the demand for endangered tiger parts.
"God" might exist no one knows for sure, that's why is called faith. But I'm not so sure about a talking elephant with 4 arms.
Elephant head god with four arms is as much a myth as mythical angels revealing mythical gods fundas to barbabaric people. Well every region have their little stories they like to believe . As long as they don't force others to believe its ok
Elephant head god with four arms is as much a myth as mythical angels revealing mythical gods fundas to barbabaric people. Well every region have their little stories they like to believe . As long as they don't force others to believe its ok

Belief in a being more powerful than humans is not illogical as humans are very limited beings. Belief in creatures with elephant heads or bird wings has nothing to do with that concept.
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