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Abandoning status as "Islamic Republic"

What direction do you want Pakistan to follow?

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I already did. They are taking care of their labor just fine. Whoever is unhappy can go home. Capiche?
I'm from Qatar and I can verify that labor laws here are absolutely NOT ok.
The total number of slaves that died last year working 24/7 because of not being provided enough food, water, sanitation and wages was over 50 if I'm not wrong.
So yeah this is most definitely modern slavery.
The Pathan laborers that came here back in the 70s/80s saw a land of open opportunities and since they were the early birds they could take benefit of it and now they run large construction firms but the Nepalis and Bengalis that come here today are literally no better than slaves.
And regarding "whoever is unhappy can go home", perhaps you should go back to Pakistan with your narrow minded ideas, hm? Because unlike you the poor slaves here can't afford to go anywhere because
1. They're passports are confiscated by their managers
2. They don't have the money
3. They need the little teeny amount of wage they get because well, they don't have enough jobs in their own countries.
God I never thought I'd read such stuff from an often-praised well regarded senior member here. Jeez.

Without the Islamic tag don't you think the initial premise of existence or of formation of Pakistan comes under question?
The creation of Pakistan was a result of demand for equal political and socio-economic development opportunities for the muslims of British India by the Muslim League, and not a premise for experimenting by imposing stone age Sharia laws to test what would become of it.
Pakistan wasn't created for Islam in particular, but for Muslims.
Unfortunately no one ever really realized this after Jinnah passed.
Without the Islamic tag don't you think the initial premise of existence or of formation of Pakistan comes under question?

No it does not. The independent state of Pakistan does not have to abide by the narrative of 60 years ago. The whole world is a different place now - should Pakistani's have to stay within that single remit for perpetuity?

Secondly, was there a definition at that time of how the state for Muslims would work? Jinnah did not found an Islamic Republic, so what would Pakistanis be abandoning? Pakistan will be a country for Muslims as long as a vast majority of it's people are Muslims.
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Was and is not Mohammed Ali Jinnah condemned as a traitor by jihadists and Islamists and the Taliban for his more secular approach and vision for Pakistan?

Why was and is the founder of the modern Pakistani state condemned by his own co-religionists when he succeeded in establishing an independent and sovereign country for the Indian Subcontinent's Moslem populace, a country and state carved out of the British Indian Empire?

Was it not Jinnah's vision that a modern Moslem state that was a homeland and haven for the Subcontinent's Moslems be formed rather than an Islamic republic that was a theocracy?

And for this, this great man was and still is condemned as a traitor to his faith by a section of his country's and the world's Moslems.

...The creation of Pakistan was a result of demand for equal political and socio-economic development opportunities for the muslims of British India by the Muslim League, and not a premise for experimenting by imposing stone age Sharia laws to test what would become of it.
Pakistan wasn't created for Islam in particular, but for Muslims.
Unfortunately no one ever really realized this after Jinnah passed.

Exactly. Well said.
No it does not. The independent state of Pakistan does not have to abide by the narrative of 60 years ago. The whole world is a different place now - should Pakistani's have to stay within that single remit for perpetuity?

Secondly, was there a definition at that time of how the state for Muslims would work? Jinnah did not found an Islamic Republic, so what would Pakistanis be abandoning? Pakistan will be a country for Muslims as long as a vast majority of it's people are Muslims.

The basic premise was that Muslims cannot live along with Hindus of the sub continent and thus the Muslims wanted their own separate country, though both got defeated when 1) Indian Muslims refused to go to Pakistan and 2) when Bangladesh separated from Pakistan (Muslims of the sub continent cannot co exist based on the only premise of religion).

If I am not wrong, Zia / Bhutto came up with Pakistan's new constitution of it being an Islamic state ruled by Islamic law. This premise gets defeated too when Pakistan removes the Islamic tag...what we have in the end is a state that is confused about what it wants to be.
The guy literally wants to say that he wants a state where abortion, adultery, alcoholism, nudity and pornography Are legal.
All problems of can only be summed up in One Word"CORRUPTION" present in every Institution from top to bottom with all of it's children's. Peoples without sense of self-accountability. It's nothing to do with Islamic Republic and Republic look at Ukraine and several other African countries they are not Islamic Republic but still are becoming a dreadful place to live on Earth. By declaring a secularist state PA's fighting capability will be doomed, it's soldiers are drove into tough and harsh conditions due to only strong motivation (emman-taqwa-jihad fe sabel allah).
Better to pay attention to stabilized foreign relations,economy,eduction and social justice.
@ArsalanKhan21 khan24 @syedali73
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Lol look at the right wing conservative Pakistanis basing the liberal Pakistanis and putting them in the same bracket as their brethren far right religious militants. When was the last time a liberal burst in to a school and shot dead 130 odd children? Which liberals control the Universities campuses and try to force their religious ideology on the rest of the students? Which liberal ordered us to get involved in the so called afghan jihad and flood our country with afghans/drugs/guns?

Some Pakistanis have concocted this weird image of a liberal bogeyman who is to blame for all the problems in Pakistan. And that by becoming more religious and eliminating liberals we will become a land of milk and honey. Well it hasn't worked for the past 66 years, you can try for 66 years more. It's just not going to happen.

And a liberal fascist? HAHAHA what is that supposed to be? I have always wondered whether the people who say this word even know basic English. A liberal fascist is an oxymoron. The very definition of a liberal thought is the idea that every individual has the right to choose and follow their own view as long as it does not interfere with another's. The fascists are the guys who have killed 50,000 Pakistanis but even now on the media etc it is the liberal that is getting bashed while people like Burqa ***** Aziz enjoys free prime time.
Useless discussion. Pakistan is and shall remain a Islamic Republic. We have to double/triple/quadruple our education budget to build more schools to discourage poor and rural students attending free madrassahs.
Shouldn't Pakistan train more teachers first? Or will graduates of the madrassas staff your new schools? And how, if they aren't madrassah graduates, are the teachers supposed to be protected if they teach stuff the militants disagree with? Teachers telling gunmen that they will only harm their kids over their dead bodies demonstrably doesn't work.
Well I suppose that is the crux of it.

Is it better to build a nation of patriots or a nation of momins?

Patriots mean different thing to different people. Blair is also a patriot to many britons. And who is asking people like u for answers? Aren't u happy in your nation of "patriots" i.e UK?

A liberal fascist is an oxymoron.

But many pakistanis in exile identify themselves with oxymoronic term like qadiani "muslim".
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