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Abandoning status as "Islamic Republic"

What direction do you want Pakistan to follow?

  • Secular

  • Other

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i don't think so it will happen pakistanis are now mad in religion and burning in fire of religion only way to be back is end of pakistan as BD is example
Oh I understood it well enough; do you think you're the first brainiac who came up with this notion ? This topic has been debated to death right here on this forum more times that I can care to remember.

And like always the superficial approach to solving our issues remains the hallmark of my people; religious fanaticism has gripped the country....change the name...that'll do it !

Brilliant ! :crazy:

And its ever so humorous to see Indians coming here claiming the moral high ground in this just because their State is officially secular and that somehow means that tolerance has seeped through to the people ? They should give a look at the PEW's Religious Social Hostility Index over the past 10 years and skim through the Sachar Committee Report to really soak in the reality of their 'Secularism'. Sometimes I can't understand whether to puke at their blatant hypocrisy or whether to feel sorry for them that they've fallen so madly in love with their own legend that they don't even realize it.

@Armstrong What you do not understand is that we said "Abandoning status as Islamic Republic", which means that the nation should start to change their mentality. This includes a reform in education, madrasssa mafia, freedom of speech/expression among other things. Not (only) changing the name.
P.S Many people are mentioning that Pakistan should run on real Islamic laws. Can those people outline them too, with references in Quran?
P.S Many people are mentioning that Pakistan should run on real Islamic laws. Can those people outline them too, with references in Quran?
lolllz islamic law :rofl: konsa wala jis main sari qabreen braber ker do ya un per urs manao?
namaz hath banth ker pardho ya khol ker
nabi noor they ya bashir
talaq aik bar main 3 di ja sakti hai ya aik aik ker ke
namaz ka time konsa theek hai ?
roza kab aftar kerna chayee ?:lol:

they not agree on even basic timing baat kerty hain :sarcastic:
Well the poll has spoken. Secularism is winning by a land-slide.
Pakistan need Islam secularism. :rofl:

According to all "moderate" Muslims, all Western countries follow Islamic principles, and Islam is even more secular than secularism. Because Jizya and ban on on non-Muslim places of worship shouts secularism like nothing else!
There seems to be a notion within conservative Pakistan that if the rope of Islam is taken away, the people will pull in separate ways and Pakistan will be torn apart. This seemed like a reasonable argument at first, but now I'm not so sure. In fact, focusing less on religion will strengthen the state:

Allegiance to the state, would take precedence over allegiance to a particular religion. This would strengthen the state because religion has no geographic loyalty. Pakistani patriotism is legendary, the only force that can compete in loyalty to state is religion. Which is why I think so many mullahs turn on the state. So change the balance of peoples' priorities.

Different ethnicities may not have much in common except religion - but is that a problem? The 'mongrel' British have created one of the best societies in the world. And to be honest does religion stop people being racist? KSA is religious to the core but racism is still rife. (Even religious extremists are racist - ISIS' toilet cleaning prejudice is well known!)

Islam would still be the overwhelming majority religion - people wouldn't just turn on each other. Why have so many thousand madrassas and mosques if they can't even stop that from happening? In fact the only ones who might turn nasty are the mullahs.

Does anyone here think otherwise? I'd be interested to hear the other side.
In a secular country a criminal is just a criminal, he can call himself what he likes.

In an Islamic republic, calling yourself a Muslim makes you less culpable than others.

Irrelevant difference as even in an Islamic Republic those Muslims should face the punishment of death for their crimes same as they would if Pakistan was a secular nation but the problem is not culpability we all know who is culpable but instead accountability on the part of government to make sure that justice is served to the guilty.

Why do you even talk when you have little idea what are you talking about ?
Wearing a bindi is not showoff, its in the culture. And wearing a turban is not a showoff either, its an integral part of Sikhism.
Indians are a close community in US and there is no particular reason for which Indians will not associate themselves to the homeland while abroad. As a matter of fact, we are proud of it.

It's the other way around for the Pakistanis rather. They try to pose like Indians or try not to disclose that they are Pakistanis and let people assume that they are Indians, particularly in US.

BS as a Pakistani living in the US I would know more than a clown Indian living in India. With that in mind he is wrong to say that most Indians do not want to associate with India as that is just not the case. However he is right to say that many Indian Americans give up their culture, most young Sikhs will never wear the turban anymore and it is not because they will be discriminated against but rather because it is not seen as attractive by most chicks. Running into as many sikhs as I have perhaps 1 in 20 of young sikh dudes wear the turban while most adult sikhs can be seen with turbans. The young dudes mostly just wear the bracelet type thing at the most. Also Indian American politicians can be found giving up their religion as Jindal and Nikki Haley gave up Hinduism and Sikhism. Not to mention many Indian do not associate with their real name their parents give them instead using nicknames such as "Bobby" Jindal or my Indian Sikh friend who goes by John and I still have no clue as to what his name really because he claims it is hard to pronounce and doesn't want to tell me lol.

Lastly for the Pakistanis trying to pose as Indian you are basing that on a video that is now 4 years old and had one store clerk dude. In fact most Pakistanis take being called Indian as an insult even over here. Also every year there are Pakistani parades in many of the major cities that Pakistanis belong in which would not occur if Pakistanis were ashamed to call themselves Pakistani lol. Oh yeah and not to mention calling yourself an Indian over here is hardly an improvement as there are more stereotypes against Indians then Pakistanis themselves.
sorry but you cant remove Islamic Republic, last time Ayub tried to remove it, look what happened
and when we implement the real Islam not the RADICAL Islam, then the true vision of Quaid E Azam will be fulfilled
pakistan is laboratory .....

Pakistan Army also created, trained and armed Talibans. These armed Talibans then joined militant madrasah later started targeting Shias and other opponents. ISI and Pakistan Army did not do anything.
There seems to be a notion within conservative Pakistan that if the rope of Islam is taken away, the people will pull in separate ways and Pakistan will be torn apart. This seemed like a reasonable argument at first, but now I'm not so sure. In fact, focusing less on religion will strengthen the state:

Allegiance to the state, would take precedence over allegiance to a particular religion. This would strengthen the state because religion has no geographic loyalty. Pakistani patriotism is legendary, the only force that can compete in loyalty to state is religion. Which is why I think so many mullahs turn on the state. So change the balance of peoples' priorities.

Different ethnicities may not have much in common except religion - but is that a problem? The 'mongrel' British have created one of the best societies in the world. And to be honest does religion stop people being racist? KSA is religious to the core but racism is still rife. (Even religious extremists are racist - ISIS' toilet cleaning prejudice is well known!)

Islam would still be the overwhelming majority religion - people wouldn't just turn on each other. Why have so many thousand madrassas and mosques if they can't even stop that from happening? In fact the only ones who might turn nasty are the mullahs.

Does anyone here think otherwise? I'd be interested to hear the other side.

Without the Islamic tag don't you think the initial premise of existence or of formation of Pakistan comes under question?

My Friend it’s a simple and straight forward reality…….no matter what name you select for a country, what law you make, what mode of governance you choose for yourself…….at the end of the day it has to be a “human”who governs, who runs the system, who implement the law………..make good people and you will have everything “good”……..have you ever think about that who will do more damage to a society……a corrupt, selfish, illiterate, black sheeped, criminal minded liberal……….or a corrupt, selfish, illiterate, black sheeped, criminal minded mullah…..??????
“Islamic Republic” has nothing to do with anything what we are facing today as a nation…….being a Muslim majority country, it has to be “Islamic Republic”………Islam is not just about having beard, wearing turban, paternoster in hand, veil for women and spending time in mosque, Islam is a way of life………it’s a way to deal with other people, doing business, participating in society, justice, how to govern etc. etc………compare the best of liberal nation with the best of Islamic nation and you will understand the real meaning of peace and harmony………your liberalism or your mullahism has technically nothing to do with the betterment of the society…….your character is what makes the life janat or jahanum and Islam explains all those characters.
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