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Abandoning status as "Islamic Republic"

What direction do you want Pakistan to follow?

  • Secular

  • Other

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Secular is a very broad word, and the options in this poll are too limited, so I have to vote for 'other'.

I do not want 'Sharia Law' in Pakistan - it is not practical at all to try and implement it, simply because of the differences of opinion among sects and 'scholars'.

BUT, since Pakistan is a Muslim-majority country, things like alcohol and drugs shouldn't be legalized either, and you'll have to allow religious political parties, mosques, Islamiyat in schools (needs to be regulated). A middle ground, basically.

Many things need changing, but otherwise I am adamant that we can improve the country a lot without making it a 'secular' or ultra-liberal country. The blasphemy law, for example, needs to be replaced with a 'hate-speech' or 'offending public sentiments' law but don't even consider, say, legalizing homosexual marriages. It'll never work, not in Pakistan's current condition - and there's no need to try either.

You need to consider the fact that it's the people and society that needs changing more than the law. Even if the law is made completely secular, the society will remain the same. To change the society's mindset, you need gradual change. Gradual. Not sudden, and not extreme.

If you want to fight 'Islamic' extremism, do that with a moderate approach. Liberal extremism is not the way forward because it, too, is extremism. The issue is not Islam or Liberalism, it's extremism. You can't combat extremism with more extremism.
I do not want 'Sharia Law' in Pakistan - it is not practical at all to try and implement it, simply because of the differences of opinion among sects and 'scholars'. BUT, since Pakistan is a Muslim-majority country, things like alcohol and drugs shouldn't be legalized either, and you'll have to allow religious political parties, mosques, Islamiyat in schools (needs to be regulated). A middle ground, basically.
Perhaps you have in mind something like the road Germany has taken, with its religion-based parties and state-supported (via citizen's check boxes on tax forms, I think) churches/synagogues/mosques yet otherwise a secular system?

I want to see the results of the poll, but one can only see it after voting. @Horus @Oscar can you fix it so that everyone can see it?
Pakistan is not secularist and we are still facing groups like the ISIS (TTP). Actually, going secular would stop these kind of groups .

Going secular will make them put down their arms and stop blowing people up? :rofl:

that is wrong. It is upto Pakistan to decide if it wants to be secular. It is nothing wrong to want a separate nation based on religion (coz of majority) but forming a Muslim Majority but secular country.

Jinnah and his supporters said:

a) In India the Hindu Majority will make it a Hindu country
b) and suppress Muslims.

Jinnah and his supporters form Pakistan and what they do to Non Muslims? Exactly what they did not want to be done to Muslims.

a) They declare Pakistani a Islamic country.
b) suppress Non Muslims.

lol what a great thinking person or religious bigotry at best.

Jinnah was not around when Pakistan declared itself an Islamic Republic. Afaik he could not see into the future past his death so blaming him for suppressing non Muslims is you being a typical indian.
Perhaps you have in mind something like the road Germany has taken, with its religion-based parties and state-supported (via citizen's check boxes on tax forms, I think) churches/synagogues/mosques yet otherwise a secular system?

Yes, pretty much like that. Synagogues, churches and temples should be given additional protection and mosques need to have some regulations placed (especially against hate-speech). As for check boxes on tax forms, that's a good idea but they'll need a legislation or framework to allocate resources properly and maybe even build a few more (non-muslim) places of worship. It definitely won't be implemented perfectly, but at least it'll be a step forward.

By 'otherwise a secular system', if you mean that religious clerics will not be legislating matters, then yes, that's precisely what I mean.
u mad , we cant abandon that.......then the whole idea of Pakistan came into being will be just POOOOFFFF
Going secular will make them put down their arms and stop blowing people up? :rofl:

Jinnah was not around when Pakistan declared itself an Islamic Republic. Afaik he could not see into the future past his death so blaming him for suppressing non Muslims is you being a typical indian.

At the very least, it might stop them from hiding in the folds of Islam while they're doing it?
I want to see the results of the poll, but one can only see it after voting. @Horus @Oscar can you fix it so that everyone can see it?

let me tell u the result...some 17 retards voted for secular and like 10 voted for other....how funny is that,there should be written islamic republic instead of other
Yes, pretty much like that. Synagogues, churches and temples should be given additional protection and mosques need to have some regulations placed (especially against hate-speech). As for check boxes on tax forms, that's a good idea but they'll need a legislation or framework to allocate resources properly and maybe even build a few more (non-muslim) places of worship. It definitely won't be implemented perfectly, but at least it'll be a step forward.

By 'otherwise a secular system', if you mean that religious clerics will not be legislating matters, then yes, that's precisely what I mean.
You might want to examine the FRG's Basic Law and "church tax" laws more closely, then.
1.Aren't "Islamic" and "Republic" contradictory? Plato and Aristotle, and Locke and Hobbs,Marx and Engels were all products of the Western Christian Civilization (WCC). None of these political scientists was from Muslim society. Our culture, values, ideals and heritage are different from WCC's.

2.Iskander Mirza of E Pakistan domicile was the enunciator of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.Ayub had tried to do away with this but the popular pressure forced him to revert. Islamic Republic of Eastern Turkestan, in China, was the first instance of an Islamic Republic, though brief.

3.A nation overwhelmingly Muslim and born as a homeland of Muslims cannot adopt or accept WCC concepts.Muslims have own time tested laws and jurisprudence. Should Pakistan follow Mulla Omar's lead and call itself an Islamic Amirate? Or something else? Pakistanis should debate this themselves.
1.Aren't "Islamic" and "Republic" contradictory? Plato and Aristotle, and Locke and Hobbs,Marx and Engels were all products of the Western Christian Civilization (WCC). None of these political scientists was from Muslim society.
Plato and Aristotle lived and died before Jesus. Both Christian and Muslim theologians consider them part of their heritage, yes?

A nation overwhelmingly Muslim and born as a homeland of Muslims cannot adopt or accept WCC concepts
Yet the Turks under Ataturk did just that.
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