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Ababeel SSM - Pakistan gains MIRV technology.

it does that's why one is exo atmospheric and endo atmospheric. It's common sense if a missile is detected to be launched then the interceptor would immediately be launched to target the missile.

Targeting an RV is close to impossible and not reliable.
If you want to target Pakistani missiles immediately after Launch then you need very fast interceptors because if you check the speed of shaheen 3 there is no interceptor in the world that can chase it down. No country posses such interceptors
I wonder what US achieves by sanctioning us ??!!
1) They sanctioned F16,but we made JF 17
2) They sanctioned us but we still created nukes in all sizes.
3) They backstabbed us by sponsoring India for NSG unilaterally,we did khushab 4.
4) They sanctioned our missile entities but we did MIRV and SLCM tests.

Dahi mango to kheer denge,....................................
Just a suggestion , someone changed the "Title of the thread in morning after it was confirmed it was a MIRV" after the thread was started perhaps that may be the reason why the forum is acting up on this particular thread, a wild guess. May be the change did not get updated in all systems correctly if the site suffered minor down time

Worth a quick check if that may be indirectly effecting some of the issues on the site i.e clicking and page links
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You should read about MIRV then come here:P. It is not easy to detect those. Each can carry multiple warheads , and can work as separate & independent when needed to reach target.

It is also not easy to detect aim and target a simple RV forget MIRV. This is why any ABM interceptor will try to intercept the incoming projectile before it releases the warhead. Every ABM system is designed as per range of incoming missile.
This is why India developed exo atmospheric and endo atmospheric.
It is also not easy to detect aim and target a simple RV forget MIRV. This is why any ABM interceptor will try to intercept the incoming projectile before it releases the warhead. Every ABM system is designed as per range of incoming missile.
This is why India developed exo atmospheric and endo atmospheric.
Did you know that MIRVs begin deployment as soon as the boost phase ends?
Stop lecturing other people on things that you don't know about. Be a good little man, and study how ballistic missiles and MIRVs work. A good example is Minuteman-III, a specific one is RSD-10 Pioneer.
Did you know that MIRVs begin deployment as soon as the boost phase ends?
Stop lecturing other people on things that you don't know about. Be a good little man, and study how ballistic missiles and MIRVs work. A good example is Minuteman-III, a specific one is RSD-10 Pioneer.

the minuteman III is not 1200km range IRBM it's a true ICBM. The MIRV or any MRV are deployed as per the range of missile and distance from ground zero
Only if @HRK doesn't give me a negative marking for posting technical data

I am sure you understand the difference between technical data and a post that deserves -tive rating.... But still, people with such powers are also aware that where to use and the same can be challenged if any member has any issue so I would suggest you to go to GHQ Section and post a thread which wouldn't visible to the readers except Concerned Staff.

And now this. And I need to update your knowledge regarding warheads I guess.

Yes, why not as I don't mind when it comes to learn and education hence, posted a question to you.

(However, on lighter note, that wasn't necessary to remind me but still no issue).

As I said, a Missile can be fired with a warhead or without a warhead. As per the claims by ISPR, the missile is capable of carrying multiple warheads. Now the catch is what kind of warheads. 2,3 RV or 2,3 targetable RV?

Allowing 5 warheads in a single missile and dumping them over a specific area and they do a free fall is not a big deal for any country which knows how to build 1st generation rockets. It's like cluster warhead.

The whole of the fuzz is about if these warheads are targetable? Which is not possible to develop if the country does not independently test one of them. Because the warhead is itself a guided missile launched at terminal phase and has ability to glide and target. Pakistan as per today never tested any space capsule from where this technology can be derived. And most of the nations who already possess MIRV technology or space capsules technology still at times fail during tests. This deals with supercomputation in the role of telemetry and no country is allowed to provide such a high grade super computation device for guidance. As on today Pakistan may have developed the technology to miniaturise the warhead by 0.7 times but it lacks in guidance due to unviability of resources for supercomputation in guidance.

Well, the thing I understand from your post suggests that it needs supercomputation which is not possible without super computer that we don't have. Right.... So IMO, that is not the boundary for the first stage test that verifies the delivery system and its functionality. However, to verify the same, official confirmation would be required and for the time being, I will take ISPR words that are not only for India but the whole world reads it carefully and none made any contradictory assessment except our Indian friends which is usual.

The point you made is a theoretical requirement and India itself hasn't verified the same yet or did it. MIRV capable, means it functions properly on first stage, therefore, it was called Ababeel-1 Test Fired. Hope you understand these words though I am not much educated. So, from now-on we will be working on next phase like physical RV and it's impact/hit, trajectory with load etc but what you ask was actually you have an impression that we deployed the Missile in active service without doing all the ground stuff. This test gave us the capability and we are on track. The date/words shared are for public domain and if you don't want to read or believe, no issue at all but you cannot plainly deny the capability just because ABC, Your or anyone else couldn't understand it or due to nationalism. Let see if countries like US etc denies what ISPR said because we never accept India as certification or as an approving authority but we believe what ISPR said and all the rest is, guess work, analysis by the informed members etc. So hopefully, you will understand and will wait for further details.

Just for the sake of arguments, a hour or so before, yourself quoted a link of thread from 2010 and you stated that we had it but late etc.... yet we came with contradiction about such.... I hope that your quote wouldn't be needed here again however, a good read from your own reference/link of PDF thread. (remember).

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