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Aafia Siddiqui Forced to Walk Naked Over the Qur’an


Dec 1, 2008
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Aafia Siddiqui Forced to Walk Naked Over the Qur’an

JFAC Horrified by New Abuse Revelations, Aafia Siddiqui Forced to Walk Naked Over the Qur’an

March 30th 2010
Contact: info@justiceforaafia.org

As hundreds of concerned citizens hold a Day of Remembrance in Pakistan to commemorate the seventh anniversary of her disappearance, the Justice for Aafia Coalition reveal for the first time, in the English language, specific harrowing details of the abuse Aafia Siddiqui was forced to endure in the years spent in secret detention.

During the course of an interview by Kamran Shahid on Pakistan’s Front Line, screened 26th March, Siddiqui’s mother and sister described publicly for the first time the various forms of torture she underwent at the hands of US agents. This included being:

* forcefully stripped by six men and then repeatedly sexually abused
* beaten with rifle ***** until she bled
* bound to a bed, with her hands and feet tied whilst unspecified forms of torture were administered to the soles of her feet and head
* injected with unknown substances
* dragged by her hair
* having her hairs pulled out one by one
* forced to walk on the Qu’ran which had been desecrated in her cell whilst naked

Maryam Hassan, founder of the Justice for Aafia Coalition (JFAC), commented:

“These most recent horrific revelations shine a light for the first time on years of detention shrouded until now in darkness and mystery. Forced nudity, violent sexual abuse, the desecration of the Qu’ran, video-taped torture sessions have become infamous hallmarks of US detention since the start of the War on Terror, from Bagram to Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo.

The Obama administration must immediately disclose any video evidence in its possession relating to Ms Siddiqui’s detention and torture. The American public has a right to know what is being carried out in its name as much as the Pakistani public are deserving of knowing the horrendous abuse one of their citizens has been subjected to. “

For the full interview, transcribed and translated into English by the Justice for Aafia Coalition, please visit:


* having her hairs pulled out one by one.. Hmm..

That just about sum's up how close to truth this article is...
Stupid allegations of this nature lessens the severity of any injustice which this woman may have suffered, such as the question of whether her "extradition" from Afghanistan to the USA was illegal. Whoever put up these allegations is making a mockery of the lady's arrest and detention
Reliability of the lurid details aside, the entire episode of her detention,etc is another example of the Western Christian Civilization's hatred for Islam. Again, I must confess it is difficult to dismiss such allegations coming from none other than the mother of the lady. Which mother would like to parade her daughter's dishonor in such a manner - particularly in a conservative Islamic society?
Reliability of the lurid details aside, the entire episode of her detention,etc is another example of the Western Christian Civilization's hatred for Islam. Again, I must confess it is difficult to dismiss such allegations coming from none other than the mother of the lady. Which mother would like to parade her daughter's dishonor in such a manner - particularly in a conservative Islamic society?

I am ready to pull my hair out now!!!!

Brother how many women are raped in Bangladesh and Pakistan by their own brothers in religion? Thousands!!

What do you call that? An example of the Eastern Muslim Civilization's hatred for Islam.

Lets worry about those who are forced into prostitution under our nose, lets try to help them first!

I hope that Dr. Afia is released and united with her family but she has probably brought this misery on her own.
I hope you are right. Just posting as found.
Everyone can draw their own conclusion!

Do you have any evidence for all the crap you have just posted here???

Dr. Amjad claims that the picture of Dr. Afia Siddiqui which has been circulated in Pakistani newspaper was taken many yrs ago after a domestic dispute. Ya the same photo which shows a white background and Dr. Afia's eyes are closed with an injured lip.

According to Dr. Amjad, Dr. Fauzia (Dr. Afia's sister) took that picture.
Do you have any evidence for all the crap you have just posted here???

@#$%^ it does say to draw your own conclusion? doesn it ( my 2nd post , that is)?

I have not claimed to post anything from personal knowledge , now have I?
@#$%^ it does say to draw your own conclusion? doesn it ( my 2nd post , that is)?

I have not claimed to post anything from personal knowledge , now have I?

If you are not sure then don't post f@#$%n gossip to instigate people!!
I am ready to pull my hair out now!!!!

Brother how many women are raped in Bangladesh and Pakistan by their own brothers in religion? Thousands!!

What do you call that? An example of the Eastern Muslim Civilization's hatred for Islam.

Lets worry about those who are forced into prostitution under our nose, lets try to help them first!

I hope that Dr. Afia is released and united with her family but she has probably brought this misery on her own.
Although I don't subscribe to the same clash of civilizations crap one distinction is that the rapes in Pakistan are a criminal offence, the assault on Aafia Siddiqui's person is state sanctioned.

Moreover the US has not allowed these investigations to ensue. They didn't even try her for terrorism. The purposefully chose to try her for firing a weapon, a simple offence and does not warrant any other investigation.

She has been illegally detained - akin to a state that is demonstrating its capability to kidnap and hold people hostage. Such abuse is not unheard of by kidnappers and hostage takers.

It needs to be investigated.
If you are not sure then don't post f@#$%n gossip to instigate people!!

do what you can to stop me!

PS change your user name to maple crap or something! no need to pretend to have any relation to SSG of PA! OTOH, when did you ever post something on here with physical evidnce? catch my drift????
Cooked up stories to keep sentiments flaming ...and thats about it.

And what are the basis of your conclusion? Or is it just because she is a Pakistani, so naturally the story must be all cooked up with conspiracy theories and nothing related to truth.:disagree:
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