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Aafia Siddiqui Forced to Walk Naked Over the Qur’an

If you are not sure then don't post f@#$%n gossip to instigate people!!

Dude how about you shoot the message and not the messenger. The forum is meant for debate and not about getting to each others throats.
Dude how about you shoot the message and not the messenger. The forum is meant for debate and not about getting to each others throats.

Bhai ji, pakistan's worst tragedy is that we have people like some posters here who go after the fellow country men instead of their enemies.

At no point did I express my personal opinion about the matter as I merely posted what I found elsewhere.

I am sure that based on this idiot;s logic, abu gharib never happened & even if it did they deserved it !

But let me share something here & let ignorance be a bliss for morons.

A Muslim chaplain Army Capt. James Y. Yee January 08, 2005 imprisoned as part of an investigation of a possible espionage ring at the military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, later received an honorable discharge.

Per his statement at a fund raiser in Sacramento , he mentioned how they used to take him to a room where they had a satanic pentagram drawn on the floor & tell him that this is your "Allah" so now pray here. Next time I see him I ll ask him for a video as proof to satisfy these so called muslims. BTW I was personally present when he made that statement.
I am ready to pull my hair out now!!!!

Brother how many women are raped in Bangladesh and Pakistan by their own brothers in religion? Thousands!!

What do you call that? An example of the Eastern Muslim Civilization's hatred for Islam.

Lets worry about those who are forced into prostitution under our nose, lets try to help them first!

I hope that Dr. Afia is released and united with her family but she has probably brought this misery on her own.

You deal with what you see and you are not allowed to deal with what you cannot.

Afia hasn't done anything wrong and we must support her release.

Your post is depressive .
Cooked up stories to keep sentiments flaming ...and thats about it.

* having her hairs pulled out one by one.. Hmm..

That just about sum's up how close to truth this article is...

Stupid allegations of this nature lessens the severity of any injustice which this woman may have suffered, such as the question of whether her "extradition" from Afghanistan to the USA was illegal. Whoever put up these allegations is making a mockery of the lady's arrest and detention

Reliability of the lurid details aside, the entire episode of her detention,etc is another example of the Western Christian Civilization's hatred for Islam. Again, I must confess it is difficult to dismiss such allegations coming from none other than the mother of the lady. Which mother would like to parade her daughter's dishonor in such a manner - particularly in a conservative Islamic society?

Do you have any evidence for all the crap you have just posted here???

Dr. Amjad claims that the picture of Dr. Afia Siddiqui which has been circulated in Pakistani newspaper was taken many yrs ago after a domestic dispute. Ya the same photo which shows a white background and Dr. Afia's eyes are closed with an injured lip.

According to Dr. Amjad, Dr. Fauzia (Dr. Afia's sister) took that picture.

If you are not sure then don't post f@#$%n gossip to instigate people!!

with all due respect this is the evidence

and this shows the pattern of such behavior - an American radio broadcast

Now is their anyone else who wants to call the opening post a lie? How about your spend your energy to help Aafia rather than trying to find any excuse not to?

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I do not justify torture but have any of the people who speak in the doctor's support done any research on her activities ? Buying military scripts regarding preparation of explosives, divorcing her husband for not going to help the Taliban in Afghanistan and later marrying a known terrorist, wanted by many international agencies including interpol.
And these are not even a quarter of what I have read, you have to admit that there was something fishy about the woman.
Not to mentioning disappearing from Pakistan only to be found in Afghanistan after about 5 years....................
I do not justify torture but have any of the people who speak in the doctor's support done any research on her activities ? Buying military scripts regarding preparation of explosives, divorcing her husband for not going to help the Taliban in Afghanistan and later marrying a known terrorist, wanted by many international agencies including interpol.
And these are not even a quarter of what I have read, you have to admit that there was something fishy about the woman.
Not to mentioning disappearing from Pakistan only to be found in Afghanistan after about 5 years....................

Yes i have.... in fact it was from reading official transcripts, which made me conclude that this was all a fabrication... whats wrong with you man! you are from Pakistan and probably a Muslim and you are believing the BS story of the American Non-Muslim government?
Do we need to list their lies and offenses?

Brother! even non-Muslim journalist are reporting this as fact,



March 30, 2010 by Gordon Duff



By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor


There were things Americans didn’t know at the time. We didn’t know that the “memos” that Bush was referring to when he said “legal methods” were an absurd attempt to justify war crimes, documents that have now shamed America in the eyes of the world. We also suspected some of the abuses went well beyond “waterboarding,” one of the most severe forms of physical torture imaginable.

We weren’t told that innocent people were being kidnapped and sold to the CIA to boost “terrorist arrest” numbers. In fact, our entire war on terror was turning out to be nothing but hot air. For every real plot found, 20 turned out to be either our own informants planning attacks or totally invented. However, innocent people, in numbers we will never really know, were kidnapped, imprisoned and tortured for years, in secret prisons around the world.

We never accounted for how many we arrested or how many died. We also never accounted for the methods used, methods that, in fact, duplicated the methods of the Gestapo and SS during WW2. In fact, there is no method of torture, dating back to the Spanish Inquisition, that we can categorically prove we didn’t use. The methods were countless, physically brutal and often fatal. When most of the prisoners were kidnap victims, many who were turned over to us for “private reasons” other than terrorism, there has been no accountability at all.

Secret prisons are, in fact, death camps, concentration camps as much as Dachau or Auschwitz. Our guards and interrogators are no different than those who went on trial in Nuremberg. There is proof, a wealth of it, that this is true and none that it is not. In fact, nobody has ever been able to find how many camps we have operated, how many have been detained or “rendited,” think of that word, “rendition.” If a woman in your family is kidnapped and raped do you call it “rendition?”


Back in the 1960s, it was proven that, under the right circumstances, anyone could become a brutal torturer. Well know university experiments showed how willing one student was to electrocute another if simply told to. America didn’t need to convince anyone to kidnap innocent civilians, not when we went out of our way to hire criminals to work for us, professional killers, thieves and social outcasts from around the world.

We actually train war criminals from other countries at a place we used to call The School of the Americas. Dozens of graduates of this institution have been cited for human rights abuses, murder, running death squads, killing and raping nuns and genocide. Hiring criminals to do our dirty work was a major national policy during the Cold War. Ask any Iranian, they can explain it.


When America needed intel on WMD’s in Iraq, we turned to people nobody trusted, including ourselves. We “bought” lies that backed up what we wanted to believe. We didn’t want truth. Truth is unhandy, it would have warned us about the civil war we would have started, it would have told us that no weapons existed and that we were in bed with Iraqi gangsters. Whenever we shop for intelligence sources, we almost always turn to criminal elements, bank fraudsters, drug dealers or others with private grudges.

YouTube - Veterans Today -

The information we get is always the same. We are fed lies that we want to hear because we only PAY for information that backs up what we want to hear. We always want to hear that that some kind of “operation,” be it a bombing, an invasion or kidnapping and murder are needed to keep America safe. If there is no problem, no war, there are no promotions, no medals, no fat contractor jobs, no oilfield takeovers, no paying lobbyists, no defense contracts and, most of all, nothing to serve the Israeli agenda. You ask what that is? How would you like to get billions of dollars free and not have to do anything for it. No wars to fight, America does it for you, all you have to do is bulldoze a few thousand homes, blow up some schools and bring in hundreds of thousands of “guest workers” from the Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia to do the work, “making the desert bloom” for you, all without ever having to leave an air-conditioned office or coffee shop.

Whenever America is looking for terrorists, we ask gangsters to help us find them. What do we get? We end up buying people that gangsters don’t like. Thus, America’s idea of a terrorist suspect is simple.


The more innocent a “terrorist suspect” the more we torture them. Isn’t it obvious? Anyone with real information on terrorism will tell it all within 48 hours. Others either invent it, making our CIA and other intelligence agencies look like the total idiots they are, or are quietly released.


Though the CIA will keep a house wife or cab driver locked up for years, real terrorists make friends with their captors easily. They all promise to work for us and are quietly released. The Al Qaeda leaders in Yemen, Afghanistan and elsewhere have all been in Gitmo. If you are thinking of going to Yemen to join a terrorist organization, be prepared to be taking orders from someone that America thinks is a “confidential informant,” someone being paid by the Mossad and CIA. Yes, they still blow things up, but just to maintain their “cover.” Think about this, how stupid it is. Pretty soon, every terrorist in the world will be working for the CIA and Mossad as “confidential informants,” all blowing up schools in Pakistan or markets in Baghdad, all just to maintain their credibility with other terrorists. Are we that stupid? Of course we are and always have been.

A Christian Zionist is an Evangelical Christian who also believes in religious heresies about Israel, the apocalypse and rapture, a person who wishes the death of all humanity, someone who prays for nuclear war and the death of all life on earth. This is a sociopathic belief system based on severe psycho-sexual disorders leading to masochistic tendencies that manifest themselves in supporting sexual abuse, torture and manifestations of severe delusion.

The Bush administration was led by a number of these individuals including President Bush, John Ashcroft, Alberto Gonzales, Tom Delay, Dennis Hasbert, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz and Condi Rice. There is a reason you never saw any of these people talking to the public in an open forum. They sound like total nutcases!

Poll after poll showed tremendous support among Evangelical Christians for use of “harsh interrogation methods.” When it became obvious that we were murdering innocent people and engaging in torture and sexual abuses, all things totally unacceptable to conventional Christians beliefs, support by Evangelical Christians actually increased, or so we were told by our press. We have two choices here, either to believe that Evangelical Christians are evil or that our press has been lying about this community for some reason. I can’t imagine any Christian, Zionist, Evangelical or otherwise, unless they were dangerously mentally ill, supporting torture, illegal imprisonment or the murder of children, things we now know happened, now proven, now accepted as common place, even bragged about openly.


This is what has been reported to us involving the treatment of Dr. Aafia, perhaps the world’s best known “prisoner of conscience.” This information has been seen by nearly every Muslim on the planet already and has not originated from an enemy of the United States but rather from people who want better relations between Islam and America. I met with supporters of Dr. Aafia in Pakistan and they make up some of the most respected members of that society, people who have had decades of friendship with American leaders, both military and civilian. Dr. Aafia’s supporters make up some of the most decorated soldiers in the world, soldiers with a long history of allegiance to the United States. What is written, to the best of my knowledge, is true. I wish, more than anything, that it weren’t:

JFAC Horrified by New Abuse Revelations, Aafia Siddiqui Forced to Walk Naked Over the Qur’an
March 30th 2010

Contact: info@justiceforaafia.org

As hundreds of concerned citizens hold a Day of Remembrance in Pakistan to commemorate the seventh anniversary of her disappearance, the Justice for Aafia Coalition reveal for the first time, in the English language, specific harrowing details of the abuse Aafia Siddiqui was forced to endure in the years spent in secret detention.
During the course of an interview by Kamran Shahid on Pakistan’s Front Line, screened 26th March, Siddiqui’s mother and sister described publicly for the first time the various forms of torture she underwent at the hands of US agents. This included being:

* forcefully stripped by six men and then repeatedly sexually abused
* beaten with rifle ***** until she bled
* bound to a bed, with her hands and feet tied whilst unspecified forms of torture were administered to the soles of her feet and head
* injected with unknown substances
* dragged by her hair
* having her hairs pulled out one by one
* forced to walk on the Qu’ran which had been desecrated in her cell whilst naked

Maryam Hassan, founder of the Justice for Aafia Coalition (JFAC), commented:
and Guantanamo.Ghraib Abu to Bagram“These most recent horrific revelations shine a light for the first time on years of detention shrouded until now in darkness and mystery. Forced nudity, violent sexual abuse, the desecration of the Qu’ran, video-taped torture sessions have become infamous hallmarks of US detention since the start of the War on Terror, from


The real question is: have you done you research...?​

Regarding Aafia marrying a "terrorist"... she just gave birth to a 3 month old child at the time of her disappearance and was in iddat... from her husband, so you are basically suggesting that an "Islamic fundamentalist" for dedicated to islam, married illegally according to Islamic law.

MOD EDIT: No need for profanity

My question to all you Pakistani Muslims who defend America is why do you love them so much?

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Yes i have.... in fact it was from reading official transcripts, which made me conclude that this was all a fabrication... whats wrong with you man! you are from Pakistan and probably a Muslim and you are believing the BS story of the American Non-Muslim government?
Do we need to list their lies and offenses?

Brother! even non-Muslim journalist are reporting this as fact,



March 30, 2010 by Gordon Duff



By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor


There were things Americans didn’t know at the time. We didn’t know that the “memos” that Bush was referring to when he said “legal methods” were an absurd attempt to justify war crimes, documents that have now shamed America in the eyes of the world. We also suspected some of the abuses went well beyond “waterboarding,” one of the most severe forms of physical torture imaginable.

We weren’t told that innocent people were being kidnapped and sold to the CIA to boost “terrorist arrest” numbers. In fact, our entire war on terror was turning out to be nothing but hot air. For every real plot found, 20 turned out to be either our own informants planning attacks or totally invented. However, innocent people, in numbers we will never really know, were kidnapped, imprisoned and tortured for years, in secret prisons around the world.

We never accounted for how many we arrested or how many died. We also never accounted for the methods used, methods that, in fact, duplicated the methods of the Gestapo and SS during WW2. In fact, there is no method of torture, dating back to the Spanish Inquisition, that we can categorically prove we didn’t use. The methods were countless, physically brutal and often fatal. When most of the prisoners were kidnap victims, many who were turned over to us for “private reasons” other than terrorism, there has been no accountability at all.

Secret prisons are, in fact, death camps, concentration camps as much as Dachau or Auschwitz. Our guards and interrogators are no different than those who went on trial in Nuremberg. There is proof, a wealth of it, that this is true and none that it is not. In fact, nobody has ever been able to find how many camps we have operated, how many have been detained or “rendited,” think of that word, “rendition.” If a woman in your family is kidnapped and raped do you call it “rendition?”


Back in the 1960s, it was proven that, under the right circumstances, anyone could become a brutal torturer. Well know university experiments showed how willing one student was to electrocute another if simply told to. America didn’t need to convince anyone to kidnap innocent civilians, not when we went out of our way to hire criminals to work for us, professional killers, thieves and social outcasts from around the world.

We actually train war criminals from other countries at a place we used to call The School of the Americas. Dozens of graduates of this institution have been cited for human rights abuses, murder, running death squads, killing and raping nuns and genocide. Hiring criminals to do our dirty work was a major national policy during the Cold War. Ask any Iranian, they can explain it.


When America needed intel on WMD’s in Iraq, we turned to people nobody trusted, including ourselves. We “bought” lies that backed up what we wanted to believe. We didn’t want truth. Truth is unhandy, it would have warned us about the civil war we would have started, it would have told us that no weapons existed and that we were in bed with Iraqi gangsters. Whenever we shop for intelligence sources, we almost always turn to criminal elements, bank fraudsters, drug dealers or others with private grudges.

YouTube - Veterans Today -

The information we get is always the same. We are fed lies that we want to hear because we only PAY for information that backs up what we want to hear. We always want to hear that that some kind of “operation,” be it a bombing, an invasion or kidnapping and murder are needed to keep America safe. If there is no problem, no war, there are no promotions, no medals, no fat contractor jobs, no oilfield takeovers, no paying lobbyists, no defense contracts and, most of all, nothing to serve the Israeli agenda. You ask what that is? How would you like to get billions of dollars free and not have to do anything for it. No wars to fight, America does it for you, all you have to do is bulldoze a few thousand homes, blow up some schools and bring in hundreds of thousands of “guest workers” from the Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia to do the work, “making the desert bloom” for you, all without ever having to leave an air-conditioned office or coffee shop.

Whenever America is looking for terrorists, we ask gangsters to help us find them. What do we get? We end up buying people that gangsters don’t like. Thus, America’s idea of a terrorist suspect is simple.


The more innocent a “terrorist suspect” the more we torture them. Isn’t it obvious? Anyone with real information on terrorism will tell it all within 48 hours. Others either invent it, making our CIA and other intelligence agencies look like the total idiots they are, or are quietly released.


Though the CIA will keep a house wife or cab driver locked up for years, real terrorists make friends with their captors easily. They all promise to work for us and are quietly released. The Al Qaeda leaders in Yemen, Afghanistan and elsewhere have all been in Gitmo. If you are thinking of going to Yemen to join a terrorist organization, be prepared to be taking orders from someone that America thinks is a “confidential informant,” someone being paid by the Mossad and CIA. Yes, they still blow things up, but just to maintain their “cover.” Think about this, how stupid it is. Pretty soon, every terrorist in the world will be working for the CIA and Mossad as “confidential informants,” all blowing up schools in Pakistan or markets in Baghdad, all just to maintain their credibility with other terrorists. Are we that stupid? Of course we are and always have been.

A Christian Zionist is an Evangelical Christian who also believes in religious heresies about Israel, the apocalypse and rapture, a person who wishes the death of all humanity, someone who prays for nuclear war and the death of all life on earth. This is a sociopathic belief system based on severe psycho-sexual disorders leading to masochistic tendencies that manifest themselves in supporting sexual abuse, torture and manifestations of severe delusion.

The Bush administration was led by a number of these individuals including President Bush, John Ashcroft, Alberto Gonzales, Tom Delay, Dennis Hasbert, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz and Condi Rice. There is a reason you never saw any of these people talking to the public in an open forum. They sound like total nutcases!

Poll after poll showed tremendous support among Evangelical Christians for use of “harsh interrogation methods.” When it became obvious that we were murdering innocent people and engaging in torture and sexual abuses, all things totally unacceptable to conventional Christians beliefs, support by Evangelical Christians actually increased, or so we were told by our press. We have two choices here, either to believe that Evangelical Christians are evil or that our press has been lying about this community for some reason. I can’t imagine any Christian, Zionist, Evangelical or otherwise, unless they were dangerously mentally ill, supporting torture, illegal imprisonment or the murder of children, things we now know happened, now proven, now accepted as common place, even bragged about openly.


This is what has been reported to us involving the treatment of Dr. Aafia, perhaps the world’s best known “prisoner of conscience.” This information has been seen by nearly every Muslim on the planet already and has not originated from an enemy of the United States but rather from people who want better relations between Islam and America. I met with supporters of Dr. Aafia in Pakistan and they make up some of the most respected members of that society, people who have had decades of friendship with American leaders, both military and civilian. Dr. Aafia’s supporters make up some of the most decorated soldiers in the world, soldiers with a long history of allegiance to the United States. What is written, to the best of my knowledge, is true. I wish, more than anything, that it weren’t:

JFAC Horrified by New Abuse Revelations, Aafia Siddiqui Forced to Walk Naked Over the Qur’an
March 30th 2010

Contact: info@justiceforaafia.org

As hundreds of concerned citizens hold a Day of Remembrance in Pakistan to commemorate the seventh anniversary of her disappearance, the Justice for Aafia Coalition reveal for the first time, in the English language, specific harrowing details of the abuse Aafia Siddiqui was forced to endure in the years spent in secret detention.
During the course of an interview by Kamran Shahid on Pakistan’s Front Line, screened 26th March, Siddiqui’s mother and sister described publicly for the first time the various forms of torture she underwent at the hands of US agents. This included being:

* forcefully stripped by six men and then repeatedly sexually abused
* beaten with rifle ***** until she bled
* bound to a bed, with her hands and feet tied whilst unspecified forms of torture were administered to the soles of her feet and head
* injected with unknown substances
* dragged by her hair
* having her hairs pulled out one by one
* forced to walk on the Qu’ran which had been desecrated in her cell whilst naked

Maryam Hassan, founder of the Justice for Aafia Coalition (JFAC), commented:
and Guantanamo.Ghraib Abu to Bagram“These most recent horrific revelations shine a light for the first time on years of detention shrouded until now in darkness and mystery. Forced nudity, violent sexual abuse, the desecration of the Qu’ran, video-taped torture sessions have become infamous hallmarks of US detention since the start of the War on Terror, from


The real question is: have you done you research...?​

Regarding Aafia marrying a "terrorist"... she just gave birth to a 3 month old child at the time of her disappearance and was in iddat... from her husband, so you are basically suggesting that an "Islamic fundamentalist" for dedicated to islam, married illegally according to Islamic law.

take you head out from America *** a smell the roses​

My question to all you Pakistani Muslims who defend America is why do you love them so much?


As I wrote before, I do not support torture but your article contains no reference as to how we can confirm that Aafia Siddique is innocent and I am not buying the American "BS Propaganda" as you eloquently put it, in fact I am speaking on the points provided by her first husband, her second marriage to Ammar al Baluchi was declared by her in 2008, she married him during her time in Afghanistan and not during her time in iddat, so whether it was in accordance with Islamic law or not is up to you to decide, regarding your closing statement, I would like you to point out the lines in which I am defending America, because I cannot find any............
Ridiculous attempts at inciting people. None of anything that anyone has posted are facts. Her husband used to live with her and has accounted for her behavior in vivid detail. I will believe him over any newspaper out there. Not one person here has an idea how that women is. I do not believe her family who is obviously trying to secure her release and their could be a possibility that the husband could be making up everything too. But when you look at both sides of the arguments you can see who has absolutely nothing to gain from aaifa being in jail or out. I will probably hear that he is bought by the CIA and whatnot. Same goes for the other side as well, the family could be bought by the taliban or just want to free her. She is a terrorist and an american citizen. She choose the bed she lays in now. Like someone said .. focus on injustices to Pakistani citizens first who are right here in the same city as you and are not planning to kill innocent people.
In other words you have your visa applications pending and you do not want to put them in jeopardy...

The potential income that could be secured via American employment opportunities is the reason why you are pretending to be patriotic to America and her interest...
My question to all you Pakistani Muslims who defend America is why do you love them so much?

Because here, a kaffir can stand up for a Muslim.

The Irish Republican Socialist Party

Colombia University

George Mason University

New York University

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Ridiculous attempts at inciting people. None of anything that anyone has posted are facts. Her husband used to live with her and has accounted for her behavior in vivid detail. I will believe him over any newspaper out there. Not one person here has an idea how that women is. I do not believe her family who is obviously trying to secure her release and their could be a possibility that the husband could be making up everything too. But when you look at both sides of the arguments you can see who has absolutely nothing to gain from aaifa being in jail or out. I will probably hear that he is bought by the CIA and whatnot. Same goes for the other side as well, the family could be bought by the taliban or just want to free her. She is a terrorist and an american citizen. She choose the bed she lays in now. Like someone said .. focus on injustices to Pakistani citizens first who are right here in the same city as you and are not planning to kill innocent people.
Its not ridiculous till the matter has been thoroughly investigated. There is plenty of reason to assume it can go either way due to the shady practices employed in the entire Aafia Siddiqui case.

Everything in the trial went in favor of Aafia and she was still found guilty. If only the jury could be made to explain their decision, I would love to hear that.

The massive abuse, rape on Presidential orders - may explain that the Jury may have been compelled to give a wrong decision to bury this story. Once she's out she will give a lot of media interviews and embarrass the entire American governmental hierarchy.

We won't know till everything about Aafia Siddiqui is thoroughly and publicly investigated.
acts like these if they ever happened gives sympathy to the extermists ...
In other words you have your visa applications pending and you do not want to put them in jeopardy...

The potential income that could be secured via American employment opportunities is the reason why you are pretending to be patriotic to America and her interest...

I am a British born Pakistani living in Karachi. I chose to come back to my country after living in the states for 10 years to take care of my family. Do not assume things like your Aafia stories. I posted my introduction unlike you with your propaganda pieces.
Shameful & scary acts by cowards / bastards i feel bad reading this story may her soul rest in peace & death to these cowards.
I am a British born Pakistani living in Karachi. I chose to come back to my country after living in the states for 10 years to take care of my family. Do not assume things like your Aafia stories. I posted my introduction unlike you with your propaganda pieces.

Bhai jiees............... no reason to flame each other. This was not meant to present a conclusive evidence at all. I shared what I read.
There are plenty of topics posted on here that are flaming & provocative & un-necessary.

I also shared the story of Captain J Y above as an example as I heard that piece personally so I can vouch for it.

In this case, I posted & let you decide. It does not offend me at all as I have no agenda but do have a problem people telling me that I should not have posted this. Why not? plenty of stories have been exposed in the media. What do you guys do about those if they dont fit your secularized agenda? Just wondering.

In nay case this is not just about Afia but also about alleged desecration of our holy book ( for some of u s atleast)
perhaps you have not seen the Qurans flushed down in the toilet & shitted upon in southern CA. if one were to make a post regarding that , would that be considered inciting? or invitation to cause violence? If you think so then , dont read any news paper or watch any news anywhere.

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