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A warning to people sitting in power circles in Pakistan.

The worst decision was not to bring land reforms immediately after getting independence. This could have been done by none other than Muhammad Ali Jinnah himself. Now it's too late.. as the feudals who control the bureaucracy are too powerful and are at the helm of affairs. They make the laws to implement whenever they want. They don't want that their servants get education, without which, they won't be able to question their masters. It's a vicious cycle and it's almost impossible break it keeping within the democracy.

A ruthless tyrant for at least 25 years is required who could snatch the lands from feudals, kill the usurpers and spread education. But I know I am asking for too much.


Blame Mullahs (or Ulema) for declaring Land reforms unIslamic

The Qazalbash Waqf v. Chief Land Commissioner judgment by the Shariat Appellate Bench of the Supreme Court of Islamic Republic of Pakistan has in effect shut the doors of ‘land reform’ in Pakistan. Land Reforms have been declared "UnIslamic" ..... No "action" against this biggest curse possible now


S.P.No & Parties

14/L of 1988 Sajwara and others
Federal Govt.

2/L of 1989 Allah Wasaya
Federal Govt.

Matter Involved

Para 24 of the land reform regulation has been challenged on the ground that the bar against the sale of property by an owner in the situation mentioned there is against Quran and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet.


Para 24 declared repugnant to the Injunctions of Islam. Directions given for necessary amendment till Ist January 1990.
(PLD 1989 FSC-80)

Appeal filed in Shariat Appellate Bench.
(PLD 1990 S.C.99)


Interestingly, the Federal Shariat Court in its judgement (Dec, 1980) found nothing unIslamic about Land Reforms (by a majority of 4 to 1) .... It was the Shariat Appellate Bench (of the Supreme Court of Pakistan) which later overruled the Federal Shariat Court judgement in 1989, and declared that Land Reforms were unIslamic (by a majority of 3 to 2) ...

What happened between 1980 and 1989 ? Firstly, Ulema had been "added" to the Federal Shariat Court and the Shariat Appellate Bench (after 1982) ...... And secondly, the Cold War had ended and Socialism had fallen !! ... The world had changed and with the declaration that land reforms were prohibited by Islam, the Shariat Court had, in effect, declared the heart of the political agenda of the left in Pakistan to be un-Islamic.

When state appointed Men/Ulema begin to officially explore the meaning of God's law for the people of their own time, essentially, they are bound to get influenced by the prevailing local and global political realities. The whole idea of doing God's work is flawed, and it's best for the state not to involve itself with religion ...
What happened between 1980 and 1989 ? Firstly, Ulema had been "added" to the Federal Shariat Court and the Shariat Appellate Bench (after 1982) ...... And secondly, the Cold War had ended and Socialism had fallen !! ... The world had changed and with the declaration that land reforms were prohibited by Islam, the Shariat Court had, in effect, declared the heart of the political agenda of the left in Pakistan to be un-Islamic.

When state appointed Men/Ulema begin to officially explore the meaning of God's law for the people of their own time, essentially, they are bound to get influenced by the prevailing local and global political realities. The whole idea of doing God's work is flawed, and it's best for the state not to involve itself with religion ...

General Zia remains the most hated and unpopular of all Pakistani leaders who were given power for appreciable duration.. the guy.. by his death in 1988.. had an absolute rule for a 4th of Pakistani history and was backed by the West and yet still destroyed Pakistan..
It's said by the political scientists of Pakistan that Mega Money was introduced in the Pakistani politics after Zia1985 elections to turn non party Assembly to party based ones.
Zia was a proto Taliban mullah leader of Pakistan.. never trust a mullah to lead a country..never!!
You have a point. People in power which is the ruling bureaucracy of this country is corrupt and incompetent, but loves power. Sadly, this country is in hands of a venal elite and the irony is no one gets punished.
Bring in land reforms if we are interested in seeing change or live like this forever “ which we all know wont last long”
Rest is just talk

Blame Mullahs (or Ulema) for declaring Land reforms unIslamic

The Qazalbash Waqf v. Chief Land Commissioner judgment by the Shariat Appellate Bench of the Supreme Court of Islamic Republic of Pakistan has in effect shut the doors of ‘land reform’ in Pakistan. Land Reforms have been declared "UnIslamic" ..... No "action" against this biggest curse possible now


S.P.No & Parties

14/L of 1988 Sajwara and others
Federal Govt.

2/L of 1989 Allah Wasaya
Federal Govt.

Matter Involved

Para 24 of the land reform regulation has been challenged on the ground that the bar against the sale of property by an owner in the situation mentioned there is against Quran and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet.


Para 24 declared repugnant to the Injunctions of Islam. Directions given for necessary amendment till Ist January 1990.
(PLD 1989 FSC-80)

Appeal filed in Shariat Appellate Bench.
(PLD 1990 S.C.99)


Interestingly, the Federal Shariat Court in its judgement (Dec, 1980) found nothing unIslamic about Land Reforms (by a majority of 4 to 1) .... It was the Shariat Appellate Bench (of the Supreme Court of Pakistan) which later overruled the Federal Shariat Court judgement in 1989, and declared that Land Reforms were unIslamic (by a majority of 3 to 2) ...

What happened between 1980 and 1989 ? Firstly, Ulema had been "added" to the Federal Shariat Court and the Shariat Appellate Bench (after 1982) ...... And secondly, the Cold War had ended and Socialism had fallen !! ... The world had changed and with the declaration that land reforms were prohibited by Islam, the Shariat Court had, in effect, declared the heart of the political agenda of the left in Pakistan to be un-Islamic.

When state appointed Men/Ulema begin to officially explore the meaning of God's law for the people of their own time, essentially, they are bound to get influenced by the prevailing local and global political realities. The whole idea of doing God's work is flawed, and it's best for the state not to involve itself with religion ...

That is very interesting because one of the first steps of Hazrat Umar RA upon gaining Khilafat was to impose land reforms on the Muslims and declare hereditary land ownership illegal.

Land reforms are imperative for a society to move from a feudal backwards state and industrialize into a modern state. None of these reforms have every been voluntary, but they were forced, as we can gauge from successful modern states like Turkey, Russia, China, Japan, etc.

There is only one alternative to this reform, which was seen with the French Revolution, a violent peasant uprising. That is something we should not aspire to.


General Zia remains the most hated and unpopular of all Pakistani leaders who were given power for appreciable duration.. the guy.. by his death in 1988.. had an absolute rule for a 4th of Pakistani history and was backed by the West and yet still destroyed Pakistan..
It's said by the political scientists of Pakistan that Mega Money was introduced in the Pakistani politics after Zia1985 elections to turn non party Assembly to party based ones.
Zia was a proto Taliban mullah leader of Pakistan.. never trust a mullah to lead a country..never!!

Yes, many of the corrupt cronies which came afterwards, like Nawaz, were nurtured by Gen Zia, but he did much to unite the nation and Islamization was largely successful in rooting out many of the diseases of society.

Most of all, his strong actions in Afghanistan are paying us back dividends even today.

He saved Pakistan from Soviet invasion and destruction, that would have been catastrophic.

Contrary to what you said, I see him becoming more popular among Pakistanis today then ever before.
Basically this is self explanatory.
How our people are living, how they are approached by foreigners, and then one day, we kill them.
Only 3 kind of people can pull Pakistan out of this state of weakness.

1) Education related people and institutions
2) Law enforcement and Judiciary
3) Planners.

I am at a point of my life that I have had enough, and this is my utter believe that people of Pakistan, the people who really can make a difference, are prejudiced to core, shortsighted and are not ready to change their ways.
Anyway, I have left reading Pakistani newspapers and watching TV. I feel like a dead guy now, as far as the internal affairs of Pakistan are concerned.
If we will not plan for our future, somebody will. Enjoy the "constructive" documentary.

No matter how many so called planners or educational ist you gather frist and last thing is unity, faith and discipline and acceptance of truth in our society if not noting will ever bring any good to pakistan, divide pakistan into more provinces bring them a national narrative which will only the basic of its creation and then plan ahead, but it should not include and colonial mindset or its managers in our establishment, in our political structure, and in our judiciary!
The entire Pakistan from Karachi to Koh e Suleiman to Khyber asked for it (18th Amendment).

The 18th Amendment --- Give us our share of the budget as per population and poverty --- We will rule overselves as we do not want to be ruled by Islamabad.

Give us money and power and see how we change our provinces --- got the money and power ---- now asks the Federal government to take charge --- Blames the state for their own inadequacies.

The usual vitriol: Punjab eats everything, Islamabadi elite eats everything(whatever the hell that meant) --- in reality is jealous that Punjab and Islamabad are doing better --- instead of feeling happy that at least some part of the country is better, wishes them to be where they themselves are.

Instead of blaming the people their people voted overwhelmingly for, blames the ones doing better than them --- funnily blames them for eating the budget even after 18th Amendment.

Not to forget: Their province voted overwhelmingly for ethno nationalist politicians for opposing a certain dam --- somehow some burger kid in Islamabad is blamed for this entire mess.

Clearly fails to recognize that the Sardari system of Baluchistan accepted by the Baloch themselves is a part of the problem because himself is a burger from non-Punjab,non-Federal area.
I take punjab equally deprived of rights as others in Pakistan. Although, stats say otherwise. But anyway, people of punjab are also victims here.
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Our biggest dilemma is not making new provinces ...Our population is massive now. All provinces need urgent division.
Yes because of the colonial mindset in our elites, from military to berucracy to politicians, all are afraid and against the further more provinces which may curtail thier powers and thier illegal rule over majority of pakistanis!
More provinces, more local govts will bring more leadership, but the provincial names shouldn't be made on the communal bases as it's the massive disorder itself and is the biggest reason why ppls feel they are weak, they are oppressed by a huge province
Are you okay? do you even know how programs are made? Just to put things in context for you TRT is/was airing a program hosted by a Polish blogger who has not been in Pakistan for the past 6 months and produced by a Pakistani production company. Most of PDF -including some respected members were going ape shit and making false accusations. This small segment is produced by a Pakistani i.e. either a company was hired to produce a short or their own reporting team. The Indian you speak of has only dubbed the short.

Deutche Welle has done some biased reporting in the past (it is state funded hence prone to German propaganda) but there is nothing wrong here.

There is something wrong here on PDF -people have been allowed far too long to run wild with conspiracies.
Pardon me for my illiteracy, but in past we had a guy called Shakeel Afridi, working for WHO, hired by CIA. We had another gentleman with the name Kulbhushan Yadav, appearantly doing business in Iran, yet carrying out and running a huge Pakistan wide espionage network.
So may be I don't know how documentaries are made, I have some past experiences, like I mentioned, which tells me something is wrong here. And BTW, I am not blaming DW here.
The oasis they have built in Islamabad, Raiwind etc. and other posh areas will not last long.

Nature has its own laws.

Qudrat nigal leti hai us jagha ko jahan zulm hota hai.
Pardon me for my illiteracy, but in past we had a guy called Shakeel Afridi, working for WHO, hired by CIA. We had another gentleman with the name Kulbhushan Yadav, appearantly doing business in Iran, yet carrying out and running a huge Pakistan wide espionage network.
So may be I don't know how documentaries are made, I have some past experiences, like I mentioned, which tells me something is wrong here. And BTW, I am not blaming DW here.
Shakeel afridi helped USA , Pakistan finding OBL and then letting him go to brazilan beaches, while Shakeel afridi been watched by pak agencies since long time before he evn really went to OBLs search!
Dont that makes him a good guy?
Or Shakeel afridi been used by someone to let a drama gets completed and after that becomes rich, as that person and american admin both had the knowledge of OBL thier prime agent and was just a character of a big drama itself?
Kalbhushan was boss under which indian RAW established its links deep in pakistans biggest city and was making the insurgencies united against pakistans state?
But again, why didn't both of them got real free trails and got punished instead just a few elites deciding thier futures as still our elites thinks like colonial bosses?
Why not we can act as a normal nation and why our decesions aren't like a united nation?
Why we have a few individuals decideng what should be happening to RAMON DAVIS s?????
Shakeel afridi helped USA , Pakistan finding OBL and then letting him go to brazilan beaches, while Shakeel afridi been watched by pak agencies since long time before he evn really went to OBLs search!
Dont that makes him a good guy?
Or Shakeel afridi been used by someone to let a drama gets completed and after that becomes rich, as that person and american admin both had the knowledge of OBL thier prime agent and was just a character of a big drama itself?
Kalbhushan was boss under which indian RAW established its links deep in pakistans biggest city and was making the insurgencies united against pakistans state?
But again, why didn't both of them got real free trails and got punished instead just a few elites deciding thier futures as still our elites thinks like colonial bosses?
Why not we can act as a normal nation and why our decesions aren't like a united nation?
Why we have a few individuals decideng what should be happening to RAMON DAVIS s?????
That's exactly the point.
Decisions are taken on likings and perceptions in Pakistan. Few guys are not letting this country functional.
The entire Pakistan from Karachi to Koh e Suleiman to Khyber asked for it (18th Amendment).

The 18th Amendment --- Give us our share of the budget as per population and poverty --- We will rule overselves as we do not want to be ruled by Islamabad.

Give us money and power and see how we change our provinces --- got the money and power ---- now asks the Federal government to take charge --- Blames the state for their own inadequacies.

The usual vitriol: Punjab eats everything, Islamabadi elite eats everything(whatever the hell that meant) --- in reality is jealous that Punjab and Islamabad are doing better --- instead of feeling happy that at least some part of the country is better, wishes them to be where they themselves are.

Instead of blaming the people their people voted overwhelmingly for, blames the ones doing better than them --- funnily blames them for eating the budget even after 18th Amendment.

Not to forget: Their province voted overwhelmingly for ethno nationalist politicians for opposing a certain dam --- somehow some burger kid in Islamabad is blamed for this entire mess.

Clearly fails to recognize that the Sardari system of Baluchistan accepted by the Baloch themselves is a part of the problem because himself is a burger from non-Punjab,non-Federal area.

Karachi hates PPP but is stuck with them because interior sindh votes them in. Islamabad refuses to separate Karachi or punish PPP for its corruption or bribery. Hell, even the CM of Punjab gets away with paying 0rs in taxes. While Karachi pays the most tax in Pakistan.

This is how you start a separatist movement, when the whole country is incompetent and neglects you. Especially when said country relies on you but not the other way around. Still everyone sitting in Islamabad wonders why its so easy to recruit anti state elements from Karachi.

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