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A unpopular opnion


Jan 20, 2021
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United States
I know its a unpopular opinion, but what if the Army and those who are genuinely Patriots and loyal to the country of Pakistan, will they pull out a scheme to make sure the old corrupt leaders won't come into power? and most importantly that if the future of Pakistan and its Govt can be changed through a single letter ? If this tradition of sending threatening letter and changing leaders takes hold in Pakistan then its not impossible that sooner or later even Supreme court judges, and Army Generals can be removed through such tradition, will Army for Pakistan, try mediate between the Political spectrum and arrange reelection and its pretty obvious that IK would win if not for cheating in election. Will/Can army pull a game smart but effective for the country they took oath to protect ?

Please Discuss....
My money is on military paving the way for the corrupt to return...this has been their MO since '88...
Are you saying the same about PTI coming to power or this is reserved for pmln and ppp only?

genuinely Patriots and loyal to the country
Who are these people? Name some to start
I know its a unpopular opinion, but what if the Army and those who are genuinely Patriots and loyal to the country of Pakistan, will they pull out a scheme to make sure the old corrupt leaders won't come into power? and most importantly that if the future of Pakistan and its Govt can be changed through a single letter ? If this tradition of sending threatening letter and changing leaders takes hold in Pakistan then its not impossible that sooner or later even Supreme court judges, and Army Generals can be removed through such tradition, will Army for Pakistan, try mediate between the Political spectrum and arrange reelection and its pretty obvious that IK would win if not for cheating in election. Will/Can army pull a game smart but effective for the country they took oath to protect ?

Please Discuss....
Military is probably supporting those crooks for whatever reason. The fact that they are still somehow relevant, or alive after having being involved in all sorts of vice against Pakistan and Pakistani leaves little doubt.
The military has close ties with the US and the top brass of the army have property and family members living in US or EU. No one in the army has the balls to confront the policy of USA openly. America wants us to improve our relations with India, to counter the influence of China

Contrary to the popular narrative, Bhutto also used Pakistan for his own political goals. He refused to sign a deal in UN and forced the army to surrender in a humiliating way so he could make Yahya Khan resign. He would rather see the country split in two than accept defeat in election. His anti US policy was a farce at best. Imran Khan is the only leader in the history of Pakistan after Quaid e Azam to not accept any compromise.

Imran Khan is too good for Pakistan, we don't deserve him.
Who are these people? Name some to start
I can't name them but I am sure there must be some in Military who does not want corrupt people back in power, who does not want to remove a elected PM through a threatening letter? and those who care about progressing Pakistan with independent policy.

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