india had always projected it bengalis that they are uber oppressed and etc. I wont say there wouldnt have been economic inequalities but it was blown out of props by india and we see that too today, balochistan etc. Why i added above description, just to say that even at that time bangladesh was a burden on west pakistan's economy.however breaking up was not good and the way it went. and i also dont buy the fake 3million genocide and 200000 rape nonsense.That overpopulated, tiny enclave was infested with traitors and surrounded by India on 3 sides. Something was bound to happen sooner of later, and thank God it happened sooner. Of course, independence could've come a bit more gracefully.
and plz bangladesh separation efforts had started right after 47. Bangalis never realized that their nationalism is not their pride or source of progress rather a ship sinker.
Since 71 ,last 40 years one big fear that looms over indians heads is that what if bangla joins pakistan again. So what they do, they get paid pakistani and non pakistani coloumists , and their own media write that bangladesh has overtaken pakistan in each domain of life and they keep dropping such statements online too.
Whilst the case of fact is bangladesh is suffering. Its emplyment rate is healthy,but highly underpaid. The scary part is that their skilled elite labor is paid below deserving wage.