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A Thread Dedicated to Pak-Tamil Friendship

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good thread, dont let the Indians and Sri Lankan (anti Tamils) hijack it. Pakistanis should explore on how Pakistanis and Tamils can build their relationship. The Tamils here are Indian slaves but the vast majority in Tamilnadu are anti India.

For a start Pakistan should support Tamils rights in Sri Lanka and just watch India's reaction. Tamils dont see Pakistan as an enemy but Sri Lanka/Sinhalese have been traditional enemies of the Tamils. Pakistan has to decide whom it wants to support, 18 million Sinhalese or 70 million Tamils

Brother, there are 100 million Tamils and a few more in Eelam.

Also, there are quite a few Muslims there and they have freedom to practice their religion unlike Sri Lanka, whose Buddhists (like in Myanmar) have failed Dalai Lama's image, miserably.

In short, our only solution is to use the medium of the social media to interact with out Urbanized Tamil brethren.

Do a Kony 2012-like campaign, make it viral, make Facebook pages, Youtube videos - become active and support your founder's words and cause. This is for Pakistan and this is for Jinnah before it is for human rights and the subjugation of the community of Tamils, which, although, important, is no different than what happens in Africa but we don't care about it.

Why do we care about this, however?

Because of Pasbaan-e-millat, Mohammad Ali Jinnah!

Be the voice of the Tamilians, who are being suppressed by the Indians and having anti-India protests labelled as anti-Sri Lanka ones.
Buddhist, Muslim refugees clash in Indonesia, 8 dead


JAKARTA (Reuters) - Muslim and Buddhist refugees from Myanmar clashed at a refugee camp in Indonesia on Friday in a riot in which eight people were killed and 15 were wounded, media reported.
Rioters used wooden sticks, knives and iron bars to attack each other during a two-hour clash at an immigration center in Sumatra island, media said, quoting police. More than 20 Myanmar nationals were arrested.
The riot broke out after an argument over recent sectarian violence between majority Buddhists and minority Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar.
Thousands of Rohingyas flee from Myanmar each year on rickety boats seeking refuge and jobs in Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia, but the number has swelled since unrest last year.
Indonesia is also a common transit point for people seeking asylum in Australia.
An estimated 800,000 Rohingyas live in Myanmar but are officially stateless. The Myanmar government denies them citizenship, regarding them as illegal Bangladeshi immigrants. But Bangladesh does not recognize them as citizens.

Myanmar Buddhist, Muslim refugees clash in Indonesia, eight dead
tamil nadu is the 5th largest contributor in Indian defence forces!! Gotti's wet dream!!
Isn't it funny a Srilankan in the past days was advocating nationalism and down playing the SL Tamil issue is not raising the issues of India :lol:

Tamil Nadu is like a territory for Tamil diaspora they can do what ever they want in a democratic way, Now tell me what are the rights and platforms you are giving to SL Tamils in SL, shall we cut SL to peices since SL Tamils are not getting any support from SL Govt??

Again showing your inferiority complex.. No solid counter arguments..just shifting the goal posts or diverting the subject matter.. Posting smileys does not hide the fact that your posts does not worth anybody's salt.. Stick to the subject and try a cohesive argument.. Decent people might take you seriously then

Coming from a Sri Lankan. :rofl::omghaha: Another gem after your skin color obsession. :lol:

What the hell are you on about?? You on crack??


we will see the creation of an independent nation comes from India or Pakistan in the near future ;)

Until then keep dreaming ......
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I can understand the desperation of some madarassa chhap gotti as they are losing kashmir....hahaha...look gotti go get kashmir first...many tamilians are there in army kicking terrorists *** in valley!!!..lols

I am glad Madrassas teach us to respect the man who gave us the call of the prayer (Azaan), the African Bilal ibn Rabah (May the Almighty be pleased with him). A call to prayer that we can hear five times a day, all across the world, by about 1.5 billion Muslims.

I am very happy, also, to not have been educated by a mandir, that teaches me that genetically, people are predisposed to being "better" than others.

I am even more satisfied when I realize that had I been educated in a mandir, I would have looked down at people who are darker than me as "lower" than me or less "evolved". I am happy I did not become a bigoted Vaishnavite extremist like yourself by not having been educated in a mandir, with an erected kudumi.

Lastly, Tamilians who are there, are from India-friendly castes like Brahmins and other Telegu migrants. You don't even enlist the Tamilians in the police force of the state so you are not fooling anyone by that stupidity.

Coming from a Sri Lankan. :rofl::omghaha: Another gem after your skin color obsession. :lol:

I answered the skin-colour point a few times above but I will add another.

After the Imam of Kaaba (the leader of the 1.5 billion Muslims) and the president of America (leader of the strongest community in the world, if not the world) were both chosen to be Africans, your caste-based discrimination and ethnic bigotry, died a painful death.

You may not continue to show ethnic and racial bigotry without being called out for doing so.

is this a joke ??

If Periyar, a man who has parks named after him and the interests of feelings of the Tamilians (a community you have let down), is a joke, then yes, it is.

To the sane and normal people who don't identify with the exclusive, Vaishnavite, Aryan label of "India", it is not a joke.



we will see the creation of an independent nation comes from India or Pakistan in the near future ;)

Until then keep dreaming ......

Thank you for promoting your North Indian culture of small-mindedness and bigotry by using a couplet from a language that 60% of Indians (including the South Indians, and particularly, the Tamils, do not understand)

Look at sheer audacity of Op!

Whole world know... What is happening with ahmadiya, Shia, Hazara, Hindu, sikh and christian minority in Pakistan... And Op is dreaming about breaking India apart.

1.Ahmadiya are not safe even in graves eg. Lahore grave destruction of ahmadiya muslim

2. Mass bombing of Hazara Shia in Baluchistan and karachi

3. False Blasphemy case against Christians eg 13 year old falsely inducted, burning the houses of Christians in Lahore.

4. Kidnapping and disapprance of Hindu girls.

Then They say, they 'care' for Indian minorities. Allah bachaye aishi 'care'

All these issues are to be accepted as releasable justification behind North Indian colonization of Tamil Nadu, where the police is North Indian Brahmin and the people of the state are treated as foreigners because they are from the ancestors of those, who had been obliterated by the "master" Aryan race?

Your way of thinking is disgusting and despicable.
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gotti on fire!! Leave gotti alone!! Hahahhahahaha are any marathi brothers here??..they know what gotti means!! Hahahah
good thread, dont let the Indians and Sri Lankan (anti Tamils) hijack it. Pakistanis should explore on how Pakistanis and Tamils can build their relationship. The Tamils here are Indian slaves but the vast majority in Tamilnadu are anti India.

For a start Pakistan should support Tamils rights in Sri Lanka and just watch India's reaction. Tamils dont see Pakistan as an enemy but Sri Lanka/Sinhalese have been traditional enemies of the Tamils. Pakistan has to decide whom it wants to support, 18 million Sinhalese or 70 million Tamils

As if Pakistan has a good voice in International arena, go and first look after Pakistan which itself is in danger. You people dream doing things to India and we Indians do the things to Pakistan what we want, is the big difference.
That's right, we are stone age.

But did you know, stone-age came after pre-historic age where people still believe that a natural piece of land, like the Adam's bridge was made by a man, along with a few monkeys (Euphemism for Tamils) and no development should be done in the adjoining areas?

Who wants to choose friends who don't even know about their own castes.

"Moving far and wide, the members of the community (later known as Nadars meaning people who ruled the country) collected a tax called ‘magamai’ from the community and established their own educational institutions and temples as they were not allowed to enter the common temple, he claims"

The Hindu : Metro Plus Madurai / City Chronicles : Unique in its own way

I am completely prepared. We can go 50 pages, if you want.

Also, this confidence comes from the fact that I know there are actual people called Tamilians, who have feelings, sentiments and needs (unlike you sell-outs who brag about having been accepted as "Uncle Tom" by the North Indian Vaishnavites).

Nadar caste is one of the major community in Tamil Nadu and will consist of one fourth of the whole Tamil Nadu population, and we are a Back Ward caste - but today one of the most progressive because of shear hard work and dedication, you are a lunatic who call a caste as Land Lords and born rich - but in-fact the community was a Back Ward Cast and able to reach today's respectable place only after the social reforms happened in India after Independence...more over with whom you will make friendship when a major community in Tamil Nadu Nadar like me give a S**t to "Pak-Tamil Friendship"
what a Racist thread
Again showing your inferiority complex.. No solid counter arguments..just shifting the goal posts or diverting the subject matter.. Posting smileys does not hide the fact that your posts does not worth anybody's salt.. Stick to the subject and try a cohesive argument.. Decent people might take you seriously then

Lets lock horns, answer the issues raised by me.
I love how pakisytanis like to isolate different ethnic/religious groups in India. Such as supporting Khalistan whilst labeling Sikhs as "Bhapa Sikhs & pink turbans" said by a pakistani member on here, crocodile tears for Indian Muslims while looking down on and slaughtering their own Muhajir population and finally a new one supporting "Dravidistan" while countless threads on here are dedicated to slurs of "Dravidians". I don't blame these people, I don't blame them at all. Going by their track record of how the pakistani Punjabis treat their own countrymen, Bangladesh is just the tip of the iceberg.

The attempt is again FAILED... after failing badly in Khalistan,"MISSION KASHMIR"... Pakistan is looking for something new.

Guys Tamils might cook you up in the next war if it happened if you try to mess with them by showing fake sympathy/brotherhood.If Rajinikanth got angry he would annihilate Pakistan alone within 5 mins.:lol:

Save your own country which is in pieces and dont do the same mistake you have done earlier by "Bleed India into 1000 cut"
tamil nadu is the 5th largest contributor in Indian defence forces!! Gotti's wet dream!!

Thank you for showing us why Pakistan was made and had to go at it alone.

Sikhs are the highest contributors to your forces. Does that mean they don't have sentiments?

Does that mean they should accept Biharis to overrun their state?

Does that mean they shouldn't care about the Golden temple?

Not the events of '84, either?

Did Pakistan fund Bhindrawale and the Indian general who defected to his ranks?

Does his defection mean the Indian state's love runs really deep in the hearts of the Sikhs, too?

What about the never-ending Badal dynasty?

These questions are relevant to the Tamils because if they contribute, it does not mean they started to believe the Adam's bridge was made by Raman and there should be no developments there.

It does not mean that they should accept your police in their state (where you don't allow Shaivites).

It also does not mean that they should stop caring about the Eelam Tamils or how you not only abandoned them, using the same army, you also supported their genocide, openly and unashamedly.

Will the Indian army answer for that?

There won't be a Rajiv Gandhi this time, pal, this time the Tamils know not to show anger to those who aren't their "own"

They will part ways and go independently because that's the only way for their dreams to be truly realized.

Only an independent foreign policy can help serve their interests in Sri Lanka. Not only have you and your army failed them, you have also shown compete indifference to their sentiments and feelings.

Conversely, like our founder, Jinnah, we sympathize and support them, unconditionally.

We were also being told by you to not separate, we'll fail or we'll be destroyed but it worked out perfectly for us.

Your only logic behind not allowing people the right to self-determination, self-respect and dignity, is that you have...

Well, you have no argument. You keep going on about "Pakistan".
Be the voice of the Tamilians, who are being suppressed by the Indians and having anti-India protests labelled as anti-Sri Lanka ones.

True not only that - the North Indian anti Tamil media were spreading false news that Tamils were protesting India should vote for the UN resolution but in actual fact, Tamils rejected the UN resolution as it was diluted by India. They were/are asking for Tamil Eelam , I dare any Indian Tamil in PDF to refute me on this !!

The Tamils nationalism is rising again in Tamilnadu, thats why even the Anti Tamil, BJP is playing up to the Tamil gallery.
Lets lock horns, answer the issues raised by me.

Any time... Create a seperate thread for it.. Stop trolling this one to show the whole forum what a tool you are.. Now if you cannot have a cohesive argument on this current subject matter i'd suggest it's best you bugger off
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