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Delhi riots a result of a ‘pre-planned and pre-meditated conspiracy to disturb law and order in the city,’ says HC

Thank you for your opinion, my dustbin was empty for quite a while.

It's not a opinion, it's reality of the situation

There is no right or wrong or justice in India it's is a COMMUNAL DISASTER and that's in capital letters

The amount of hate, mistrust amongst the population is incredible

The only person who understood India was Jinnah

At the moment mobs are justified, their are calls for genocide and mass rape

The concept of a united India was STUPID, only a fool couldn't see the inevitable divisions

Such a shit country full of hate, can't be the basis of a state where hundreds of millions are beginning to wake to the reality
“15 minute ke liye police hatao hinduo ke nipta denge”, “hum 15 crore 100 crore pe bhaari padenge”, “Hinduo ki kabr khudegi AMU ki Dharti par” were slogans promoting peace right?

And will you care to explain how did Tahir Hussain had so many packets of acid and stones and molotov cocktails (petrol bombs) in his house and he himself was at the roof of his under construction house during the riots facilitating it.

Stop being an apologist for a criminal.

How the hell else are Indian Muslims supposed to protect themselves

They can't trust the state or police,

They at least have to stock and prepare to defend their community
Correction: Delhi protests by students of JNU and that includes Muslims and Hindus was pre planned so that Hindu mobs attack them and police attacking the uni and one student lost his eye and that would disturb law and order.

And that Hindu lynch mobs in thousands will attack the Muslim dominated areas of Delhi and that will result in a law and order situation, so it was all planned by CAA protesters and not Hindu mobs.

In photos: Fourteen Delhi mosques and a dargah that were burnt by Hindutva vigilantes in three days
Many of the attacks occurred in broad daylight.

“15 minute ke liye police hatao hinduo ke nipta denge”, “hum 15 crore 100 crore pe bhaari padenge”,

I don't support the Owaisis and consider their party as the B Team of BJP. Owaisi Sr is not the proper representatives for Indian Muslims or for Muslims in general. I consider him an embarrassment.

“Hinduo ki kabr khudegi AMU ki Dharti par”

When is this from ?

And will you care to explain how did Tahir Hussain had so many packets of acid and stones and molotov cocktails (petrol bombs) in his house and he himself was at the roof of his under construction house during the riots facilitating it.

Stop being an apologist for a criminal.

It's not like there were gentle rose sniffers and cat admirers gathered on the roads under his house. If there really were packets of acid and stones and petrol bombs in his house... if there were... then he must have obtained them either sensing that riots would start ( remember, Hindutvadi rioters were even being bused in from outside Delhi ) or he would have gotten information about Hindutvadi mobs advancing towards his neighborhood. Why are you making an issue out of this when I have posted Ragini Tiwari's vid exhorting a mob and even the police to slaughter or attack Muslims and a photo of another mob beating a Muslim to death ( he didn't die that day ).

Correction: Delhi protests by students of JNU and that includes Muslims and Hindus was pre planned so that Hindu mobs attack them and police attacking the uni and one student lost his eye and that would disturb law and order.

And that Hindu lynch mobs in thousands will attack the Muslim dominated areas of Delhi and that will result in a law and order situation, so it was all planned by CAA protesters and not Hindu mobs.

Absolutely ! :lol:

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Is he in any way part of the team of Sudarshan TV, one of the most anti Muslim channel to be aired in India, isn't it. :p:


You get this kind of headline from authoritarian, repressive and draconian regimes where political and social rights are criminalized.
I don't support the Owaisis and consider their party as the B Team of BJP. Owaisi Sr is not the proper representatives for Indian Muslims or for Muslims in general. I consider him an embarrassment.

When is this from ?

It's not like there were gentle rose sniffers and cat admirers gathered on the roads under his house. If there really were packets of acid and stones and petrol bombs in his house... if there were... then he must have obtained them either sensing that riots would start ( remember, Hindutvadi rioters were even being bused in from outside Delhi ) or he would have gotten information about Hindutvadi mobs advancing towards his neighborhood. Why are you making an issue out of this when I have posted Ragini Tiwari's vid exhorting a mob and even the police to attack Muslims and a photo of another mob beating a Muslim to death ( he didn't die that day ).

Absolutely ! :lol:

Even Israeli media condemned Hindus who instigate and target Muslims out of hate and prejudice. Israeli Jewish mobs rarely target Israeli Muslims or Israeli Palestinians. Everybody knows this is a problem endemic to Hindus for over a century which led to the partition of Bengal and India. Yet that Hussain poster thinks everyone is ignorant except for Jinnah.
Is he in any way part of the team of Sudarshan TV, one of the most anti Muslim channel to be aired in India, isn't it. :p:

Maybe he is. :D

And yes, the channel is. Last year it began a series on "UPSC Jihad". UPSC is Union Public Services Commission. The series was about Indian Muslims supposedly being in a nefarious plan to infiltrate the Indian civil services ( police, bureaucracy, railway etc ) so as to weaken the country from the inside. Some sensible people objected to the aired first episode and the matter went to the Supreme Court but it unfortunately allowed the series to run. So Indian Muslims shouldn't even enter the civil services ? First came Love Jihad which was coined by the Kerala Catholic Church and was picked up by the Hindutvadis. Next came Land Jihad and then UPSC Jihad and the latest is Narco Jihad coined by the same Kerala Catholic Church which says that Kerala's Muslims are in a conspiracy to spread drug addiction among Kerala's non-Muslims. But it is nice that some prominent Keralite Christians have criticized the Church for this.

@lightoftruth, you should read the article.

Gentle rose sniffing intellectuals. Pride of humanity.

This is so true :
Modi’s comment is indeed an unclear link between religion and politics. Holding one religion’s deity as an inspiration and linking it with national identity is preposterous. The nation does not only comprise of Hindus but various other religions also who Modi completely disregarded. Modi’s comment subconsciously corrupted the minds of the people by using religion to evoke nationalist feelings.

Even Israeli media condemned Hindus who instigate and target Muslims out of hate and prejudice.

Firstly, we should be using the word Hindutvadi instead of "Hindus" because quite a few Hindus are good people. :)

And yes, the Hindutvadis embarrass themselves when they try to support Israel on Twitter and other social media on the Hindutvadi perception of Israel defeating "Muslim countries" but then the Israelis rebuff the Hindutvadis grandly. :lol:
Firstly, we should be using the word Hindutvadi instead of "Hindus" because quite a few Hindus are good people. :)

And yes, the Hindutvadis embarrass themselves when they try to support Israel on Twitter and other social media on the Hindutvadi perception of Israel defeating "Muslim countries" but then the Israelis rebuff the Hindutvadis grandly. :lol:
You are right, they are Hindutvadi bigots who have worked relentlessly to blur the difference between them and Hindus. I share home with a Nepali Brahman Hindu for years. He is absolutely nothing like Hindutvadi.
It's not a opinion, it's reality of the situation

There is no right or wrong or justice in India it's is a COMMUNAL DISASTER and that's in capital letters

The amount of hate, mistrust amongst the population is incredible

The only person who understood India was Jinnah

At the moment mobs are justified, their are calls for genocide and mass rape

The concept of a united India was STUPID, only a fool couldn't see the inevitable divisions

Such a shit country full of hate, can't be the basis of a state where hundreds of millions are beginning to wake to the reality

How the hell else are Indian Muslims supposed to protect themselves

They can't trust the state or police,

They at least have to stock and prepare to defend their community
Well its simple then, anybody who picks up weapons against the state will be eliminated.
Plus we dnt have blasphemy laws here nor we forcibly convert muslims out of their faith , that is the job of Christians.
You dont understand india then , they have stocked up weapons etc since always and riots are nothing new here they always happen, few hundreds die and then back to life.
Atleast here muslims are present in police or in army or in central police forces in quite large numbers .
Same cannot be said about Pakistan.
You people dream to divide india , ok fine but do remember that muslims have enough independence that they don't think as such , I know how much sympathy you have for Indian muslims ,first created a nation of Islam and now teach others about ummah .
Plus if muslims or hindus will act idiotically thye will be hammered badly , Plus when government repeatedly said that there would be no NRC , and under CAA those hindus Sikhs etc who come from pak etc will be given citizenship and no one is kicking them out still the college students had to do chutiyapa to dande ke liya taiyyar bhi rehna tha unko .
Muslims in india are better off than your place , where violence and bloodshed galore .
You should first learn to keep muslims safe in your country.
If muslims were really under trouble there would have been utter chaos in india , if its not then its probably they are not in your imagined oppression after all.
Well its simple then, anybody who picks up weapons against the state will be eliminated.
Plus we dnt have blasphemy laws here nor we forcibly convert muslims out of their faith , that is the job of Christians.
You dont understand india then , they have stocked up weapons etc since always and riots are nothing new here they always happen, few hundreds die and then back to life.
Atleast here muslims are present in police or in army or in central police forces in quite large numbers .
Same cannot be said about Pakistan.
You people dream to divide india , ok fine but do remember that muslims have enough independence that they don't think as such , I know how much sympathy you have for Indian muslims ,first created a nation of Islam and now teach others about ummah .
Plus if muslims or hindus will act idiotically thye will be hammered badly , Plus when government repeatedly said that there would be no NRC , and under CAA those hindus Sikhs etc who come from pak etc will be given citizenship and no one is kicking them out still the college students had to do chutiyapa to dande ke liya taiyyar bhi rehna tha unko .
Muslims in india are better off than your place , where violence and bloodshed galore .
You should first learn to keep muslims safe in your country.
If muslims were really under trouble there would have been utter chaos in india , if its not then its probably they are not in your imagined oppression after all.

So post is shit

Your denying reality and have made up a bullshit fantasy where everyone in India lives together and their is no hindutva poison being spread everywhere
So you believe this just because Delhi Police says so ? And Delhi Police got such info about from where ? From two "news" channels of the Godi Media who got it from the IT Cell. How is this valid ? But this I have already told you in post# 2 so why are you repeating it ?

You are angry with Umar because he is two things you hate : Muslim and Communist.
I understand your anger against Delhi police since they didn't allow your fellow islamo-communist biradars to burn delhi .

Delhi High court is seeing the terrorist conspiracy against the state committed by tahir hussain & Umar Khalid,

For which they should get the capital punishment.

I hate him like any other delhite for burning/rioting in my city.

Court ? Why did Delhi Police not arrest her and Kapil Mishra and Anurag Thakur since they are the ones who incited the riots ? Why did Delhi Police not file chargesheets against them ? I ask this because you are later talking about Delhi Police chargesheets and all.

1. Now who filed this chargesheet ? The largely discredited and servile Delhi Police ? We all know how Delhi policemen attacked students inside JMI and allowed ABVP criminals to attack the progressive students of JNU. When is this chargesheet from ?

2. How would this "big blast" discredit the country ?

You know you are citizen of this country and can go to the police station for filling an FIR, if you are this confident go and file one,

Instead of ranting here bring proofs to the police and make sure they gets punished ?

Since according to you delhi police is biased go to the supreme court with your rants.

LOL. So why did the mother and brother of late Rohith Vemula convert to Buddhism instead of being within the system maintained by the Hindutvadis ? Why is Dalit leader Chandrashekhar Azad not aligned with the Hindutvadis ? Why did Dalit leader Jignesh Mevani join the Congress two days ago instead of the BJP ?

Rohith vemula was not dalit,

one person commiting suicide in a state where BJP is non existent proves Dalits don't support RSS ?

Check no of dalit MP's in BJP.

Check who is president.

Most riots between Hindus & muslims its dalits who have faced gruesome violence by muslims ,thus know the real face of secularism very closely.

They are the most ardent supporters of Hindutva ,MORE THAN UPPER CASTE !
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Delhi High court is seeing the terrorist conspiracy against the state committed by tahir hussain & Umar Khalid,

For which they should get the capital punishment.

You are on repeat mode.

Since according to you delhi police is biased go to the supreme court with your rants.

Did you check my tagging of you yesterday for the post where Delhi High Court has chastised Delhi Police for not take real action in the "riots" ?

Rohith vemula was not dalit,

His father wasn't but mother was. And when his father came to know of this he left her and his children. Rohith and his siblings then came to be known through their mother's Dalit identity and were duly discriminated. From this article :
“While awaiting results of his 10th board exams, Rohith was working at a construction site. One such day, he saw a school friend driving by the work site on a scooter. It was probably the first time Rohith broke down and cried inconsolably. But he did go back to work the next day,” Radhika recalled.

It is during his graduation, Sujatha said, that Rohith first encountered his Dalit identity – and discrimination. Same was the experience of Raja and other Dalit students in their respective colleges. It is not as if they had gone to all-Dalit schools, but because schools were in near-by localities, children happened to be from similar backgrounds. But the caste became a reality to contend with by college. Raja’s tuition teacher wouldn’t touch the glass in which Raja had water, Sujatha said. The teacher would move it with a pen.

“Everyone had a tryst with some sort of discrimination. Upper-castes students would even pass comments like: ‘That Mala [a scheduled caste] girl will come to you for less than Rs. 50’,” Sujatha said. “The upper-caste students were never asked to sweep the floor of classroom or hostel, it was our job. The upper-castes were never asked to leave footwear outside class, we were.”
Radhika and her husband Vemula Mani Kumar were separated in 1990, when she was a young woman in her early 20s. The fights and abuse became worse after after Mani discovered his wife was actually an adopted child, belonging to Mala – a scheduled caste – community by birth and was not a Vaddera as him – classified as Other Backward Classes, or OBC – as he had thought her to be.

“The Vaddera parents with whom my Mala parents left me when I was five married me off to a Vaddera groom. After I had three kids with him, we separated and eventually got divorced," she said.
Even though she was brought up by them till the age of 14, Radhika said she didn’t identify herself as Vaddera and refused to elaborate on how she and her children were treated there, after her marriage broke down. “I decided to move to an SC locality as I am an SC and I wanted my kids to be brought up there,” she said. "It's as simple as that."

But it clearly was not as simple as that, as a detailed report by Sudipto Mondol in the Hindustan Times, the same day that this reporter met her, made clear. Mondol quotes Sheikh Riyaz, Rohith’s best friend and BSc classmate in Guntur, to fill in the gaps.

“Radhika aunty and her children lived in her mother’s house like servants. They were expected to do all the work in the house while the others sat around. Radhika aunty has been doing household work ever since she was a little girl," Riyaz reveals. If the Child Labour Act had been in force in 1970s, Anjani Devi, the so-called mother of Radhika, could have been charged with keeping a child as domestic help.
Radhika's eldest, daughter Nileema, too didn't want to discuss her maternal grandmother Anjani. When prodded about how it was after her mother's separation from her father, she would only say that she did not have many memories. “Father neither supported in kind nor in cash ever. To an extent, during schooling and initial college days, my [adopted] maternal grandmother helped us financially.”

But clearly the financial help came at a price. What neither Rohini nor Nileema would talk about is explained by Riyaz to Mondol:

"Rohith would hate to go to his grandmother’s house because every time they went, his mother would start working like a maid.”
In Radhika’s absence, Riaz told Mondol, her children would have to take over the housework. This practice of summoning Rohith’s family for housework, Mondol says, quoting Riaz, continued even after they moved into an independent one-room house a kilometre away.

Mondol also quotes Uppalapaty Danamma, 67, one of the oldest residents of the neighbourhood, a Dalit leader and former municipal councillor, who has seen Radhika since she was a little girl. Danamma told Mondol that Radhika was around 12 or 13 when she discovered to her shock that she was an adopted child and a Mala.

“Anjani’s mother, who was still alive then, had badly beaten Radhika and abused her. She was crying near my house. When I asked, she said her grandmother had called her a ‘Mala b****’ for not doing housework and cursed Anjani for bringing her into the house.”

Check who is president.

I answered in the caste thread.
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