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A report in "The Hindu" on Pakistan & Jinnah in August,1947.Copy & Paste .

he wanted a muslim majority democracy..

This is what Jinnah and all other Muslim leaders of those days wanted. The leaders were all liberal or secular minded Muslims. They never wanted to establish an Islamic theology State where most of the people's hands would be cut off for petty thievery.

Militancy grew after that period when those educated Muslim leaders passed away and the theologists kept on jumping up the rungs of political ladder and took over the helm from the educated leaders.
I think, this interpretation is too narrow. The goal of Jinnah was intertwined with the goal of the entire Muslim community of the then India.

Dont know if it was the goal of the muslim community that resulted in his goal or the other way round.. That is something we will never know
Dont know if it was the goal of the muslim community that resulted in his goal or the other way round.. That is something we will never know

Jinnah was not even India and nor he was in politics when the name "Pakistan" was coined.
Jinnah was not even India and nor he was in politics when the name "Pakistan" was coined.

Dont take it otherwise.. I am just saying that this is something which different people will have different views on and there is no way to prove/disprove it either way
well it was good that Pakistan and India got separated! what was bad was the way partition happened. Leaving us enemies for eternity :frown:
It was necessary that Delhi recognized the newly independent country Pakistan in 1947. So, the British first allowed that country to be established on 14th August. Delhi, still under the British, and London itself quickly extended recognition to that Muslim-majority state. The next day the remaining part of British India or most of India got independence from London.

It was possible that the entire sub-continent would have fallen into a political quagmire and a long communal war had Delhi not recognized Pakistan as a separate entity immediately after Pakistan was established. So, it was a good decision to recognize the independence of Pakistan one day before Delhi was declared and recognized as independent.

Both gained independence on 15 August, 1947 at exactly the same time.
It was necessary that Delhi recognized the newly independent country Pakistan in 1947. So, the British first allowed that country to be established on 14th August. Delhi, still under the British, and London itself quickly extended recognition to that Muslim-majority state. The next day the remaining part of British India or most of India got independence from London.

It was possible that the entire sub-continent would have fallen into a political quagmire and a long communal war had Delhi not recognized Pakistan as a separate entity immediately after Pakistan was established. So, it was a good decision to recognize the independence of Pakistan one day before Delhi was declared and recognized as independent.

As per your post Pakistan got independence one day before India for valid reasons mentioned by you, but thats actually not true. India and pakistan both got their independence on 15th, but Pakistan celebrates it on 14th august, my question is why?

Jinha said: "This Flag is
not the flag of
any one political party
or community.
It is the Flag of the
Pakistan nation and
the State which is to
come into existence
on August 15."


Both gained independence on 15 August, 1947 at exactly the same time.

Exactly. Thats my point, why do they celebrate it on 14th?
He wanted to be the head of the country.where he will be treated like a father figure.
And Nehru was too far entrenched in the India movement. So the only way Jinnah could be at the forefront was in another country...

Jinnah was offered to be the PM of an undivided india.. so there goes ur bs into the dust bin.
I heard Jinnah was an alcoholic. Is it true?

Do you know what alcoholic even means? no there is no proof of it.. but even if he drank so what? unlike nehru who was screwing mountbaitens wife .. (a Muslim league worker even presented him the love letter on which he scolded him) .. while gandhi was a gay.. who cares?
Do you know what alcoholic even means? no there is no proof of it.. but even if he drank so what? unlike nehru who was screwing mountbaitens wife .. (a Muslim league worker even presented him the love letter on which he scolded him) .. while gandhi was a gay.. who cares?

Now there was no need to drag Nehru and Gandhi here.
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