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A reality check for Pakistan?


Apr 27, 2010
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Lets just put the politics aside, and think for a while where are we standing today as a sovereign and respectable nation after jumping into WoT on US pressure / love? We have brought ourselves to such a level that even Iran can bomb inside Pakistani territory today. Where are we heading towards and what's the end result we are aiming at?

@Leader @Aeronaut @Jungibaaz @chauvunist @pak-marine @batmannow @BATMAN @W.11 @Patriots @RescueRanger @justsomeguy @rockstar08 @Echelon @Aamna14 @PWFI @Zarvan @Side-Winder @airmarshal @hasnain0099 @cb4 @xyxmt @jaibi @Slav Defence @balixd @LoveIcon @RAMPAGE
was america the one , went to do 9/11?
who started this stupid war? OBL & his stupid oil rich ALQEADA angels?
Sadly, no one takes Pakistan seriously nowadays, especially the Americans. Here's another example...

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nothing.... Pakistan is bound to suffer, there is nothing much Pakistanis can do.

Ok, but there is always a way out and there is always a hope. At least we can stop for a while and think where we went wrong?

The sad thing is, even after so many years of suffering because of this war, we are still divided today on almost every issue. :(

Sadly, no one takes Pakistan seriously nowadays.

Because even Pakistanis today don't take Pakistan seriously. Why others will have to take us seriously when we ourselves don't do that?
The mess that Pakistan finds itself today in will take a minimum of 10 years to sought out if they take matters in to their own hands'Now'. If they keep on getting played by the west, Jihadis, vested interest it may take all eternity.

Lets just put the politics aside, and think for a while where are we standing today as a sovereign and respectable nation after jumping into WoT on US pressure / love? We have brought ourselves to such a level that even Iran can bomb inside Pakistani territory today. Where are we heading towards and what's the end result we are aiming at?

You just simply put all blame on joining US war on |terror.

|Do/did you have any idea not to join ToT at that time, overcoming US pressure, rather the reaction from US. They just threaten you to bomb to stone age.

And where did Pak joined ToT wholeheartedly? Mushi just did the best possible solution/decision to join the war and help their former allies secretly.
You just simply put all blame on joining US war on |terror.

|Do/did you have any idea not to join ToT at that time, overcoming US pressure, rather the reaction from US. They just threaten you to bomb to stone age.

And where did Pak joined ToT wholeheartedly? Mushi just did the best possible solution/decision to join the war and help their former allies secretly.

That's the whole point, they just threatened and what we did in return? Laid down in front of them without any resistance whatsoever?

Even if we had to go in war under US pressure, we could have done a better deal with them and we could have been at better situation by now. Mushi just completely submitted the country to US.

PS: This thread was intended towards Pakistani members here, so Indians please spare this thread..
I hope this country's people suffer, every Pak family should lose people to terror just so that they experience what their army is doing in india
If musharraff was so affraid he should have resigned and leave the task for someone else to handle. Thats not how countries are run. just because someone threatened you so you just sit idle and let the other do what ever he wants? there were thousand ways to prevent this and try something better for Pakistan and care for own country's interest.
If musharraff was so affraid he should have resigned and leave the task for someone else to handle. Thats not how countries are run. just because someone threatened you so you just sit idle and let the other do what ever he wants? there were thousand ways to prevent this and try something better for Pakistan and care for own country's interest.

Could you name just one?

India was quite officious to help the US against the Taliban. After Bush's declaration that either you are with us, or against us, you don't want to know what a badly sandwiched Pakistan would have gone through had it not toed the line marked by Bush.
Get away from herculean hug of USA.Stand up only for pakistan soverignity.Reject US aid and find out your own money by good trade relation with iran ,india and other countries.Leave aside issues with India.Only what you can do.May be you can still hope.
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Are we in any better state now? i think situation would have been abit more better than this. Or even if we had no other choice than atleast mushi should have asked for economic betterment of pakistan in return of US support. But we lost 80Bllion in this war, 50000 killed, economy is dead, and even pakistanis don't feel secure.
A mess created by some mullah and supported by mullah politicians. We are in very bad situation.

Get away from herculean hug of USA.Stand up only for pakistan soverignity.Reject US aid and find out your own money by good trade relation with iran ,india and other countries.Leave aside issues with India.Only what you can do.May be you can still hope.
After 1947, we always wanted to be a good neighbor. You did the same for peace in region. But still we don't act like good neighbors. It is because we have Anti-Pakistan and Anti-India elements in both countries and incompetent politicians. More than 90% of Pakistani hate US. They've never brought good to us. If we want to have good relations with each other than we have to exclude all the elements which are disturbing the peace in this region.
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