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A reality check for Pakistan?

I hope this country's people suffer, every Pak family should lose people to terror just so that they experience what their army is doing in india
Care to explain to my why I deserve to see my family suffer because I happened to have been born in a geographic region defined by some elderly folks about 70 years ago where a bunch of higher ups may or may not have used an army to do ill to a few people in a nearby geographic region?
That's the whole point, they just threatened and what we did in return? Laid down in front of them without any resistance whatsoever?

Even if we had to go in war under US pressure, we could have done a better deal with them and we could have been at better situation by now. Mushi just completely submitted the country to US.

PS: This thread was intended towards Pakistani members here, so Indians please spare this thread..
Pls edit your first thread and add your p.s stuff there so that Indians wont participate here. Tks..
certainly, you dont say give me izzat? you do things, which earn you izzat.

Exactly. Imran Khan worked long and hard to earn the respect that he did as a world class athlete. The results spoke for themselves.

Similarly, Pakistan has to work long and hard in the right direction before the results earn it the respect that it seeks. Achieving nuclear status is one such huge accomplishment. Now we must work on education and health and social development if we seek a role on the world stage befitting our size.
Exactly. Imran Khan worked long and hard to earn the respect that he did as a world class athlete. The results spoke for themselves.

Similarly, Pakistan has to work long and hard in the right direction before the results earn it the respect that it seeks. Achieving nuclear status is one such huge accomplishment. Now we must work on education and health and social development if we seek a role on the world stage befitting our size.

along with improving economy, using soft powers, removing religious extremism, and from this day onwards standing equal to the world nations, according to our size and importance.
no one respects a nation who is fighting with itself, where there is no law and no respect of human life, if you dont respect your own people how do you expect others to respect your lives. Show the world you are one and then see if anyone dare to even look at you, everyone in the world can read the kind of messages Pakistanis post online for other Pakistani and supporters of one party show how blood thirsty are they for the others, even Indian dont show that kind of animosity towards Pakistani that we show against each other, not to mention what we want to do to other religious groups. the way I see it is whats going on in Pakistan is nature's way to cleansed the society and nature is not just when it does it so dont ask for justice, remember in the history for the sins of few the entire population have been wiped out...now we ask the question and look inside ourself, are we at that stage, I think we are.
Care to explain to my why I deserve to see my family suffer because I happened to have been born in a geographic region defined by some elderly folks about 70 years ago where a bunch of higher ups may or may not have used an army to do ill to a few people in a nearby geographic region?
that's a good question.Do you know that pak sponsored terrorism in india has destroyed many families in Mumbai ( both hindu and muslim) and many other indian cities.
why are they doing it? if they want o fight Kashmir they should fight the army in Kashmir, not families in delhi.
that's why I want every pak family to know what it is when a foreign country causes terror for an unknown cause.
no one respects a nation who is fighting with itself, where there is no law and no respect of human life, if you dont respect your own people how do you expect others to respect your lives. Show the world you are one and then see if anyone dare to even look at you, everyone in the world can read the kind of messages Pakistanis post online for other Pakistani and supporters of one party show how blood thirsty are they for the others, even Indian dont show that kind of animosity towards Pakistani that we show against each other, not to mention what we want to do to other religious groups. the way I see it is whats going on in Pakistan is nature's way to cleansed the society and nature is not just when it does it so dont ask for justice, remember in the history for the sins of few the entire population have been wiped out...now we ask the question and look inside ourself, are we at that stage, I think we are.
please be my guest and let the Pakistanis get wiped out, just please don't spread terror into your nighboring countries of Afgahnistan and India.
I live in Canada. Its part of what we call 'West'.

Canadians dont respect Saudi Arabia or other rich Arab countries at all. Despite the fact the invest billions in these coutries economies, they come and spend millions on vacations and properties.

But they do grudgingly respect Iran. Now go figure why!!
please be my guest and let the Pakistanis get wiped out, just please don't spread terror into your nighboring countries of Afgahnistan and India.
Exactly! Pakistan is a country that tries to compare itself to India and Iran. No doubt it has the potential but it's trying to pull of stuff that is not within its power.

Lets just put the politics aside, and think for a while where are we standing today as a sovereign and respectable nation after jumping into WoT on US pressure / love? We have brought ourselves to such a level that even Iran can bomb inside Pakistani territory today. Where are we heading towards and what's the end result we are aiming at?

@Leader @Aeronaut @Jungibaaz @chauvunist @pak-marine @batmannow @BATMAN @W.11 @Patriots @RescueRanger @justsomeguy @rockstar08 @Echelon @Aamna14 @PWFI @Zarvan @Side-Winder @airmarshal @hasnain0099 @cb4 @xyxmt @jaibi @Slav Defence @balixd @LoveIcon @RAMPAGE

110% agreed....

Perhaps the surest test of an individual's integrity is his refusal to do or say anything that would damage his self-respect.
-Thomas S. Monson
It's the economy, increase the tax to GDP ratio to ~15%, decrease import by shifting to cheaper energy sources (hydel, coal) and increase the export to get to surplus level. Then and only then we can take solid stand against the encroachments on our sovereignty.
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