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A reality check for Pakistan?

YOU need to shut up!!! Because:
1) Zaeem Qadri and Anchor Malik, both said in the video themselves that they are on going projects.
2) Where is the proof that those projects are new?
Show me a proof that categorically confirm that KPK Govt. has started any new project with USAID. In fact, it has been discussed a thousand times here already that how USAID works. Its federal govt who allowed USAID to fund projects directly wherever they want in Pakistan, no provincial govt can interfere with them on any project..

So you say that taking funds(Fresh Installments) for an ongoing project is okay ???



So this my friend , is the PTI hypocrisy we are talking about !!! PTI leadership knows very well that its not possible to run the province without American Aid , They are only playing dirty politics and trying to manipulate the masses using the name of "dignity" and "self respect".

And unfortunately for you , this political stunt of yours is already a failure !!

"A report said that the 10th day of the sit-in was marked by the conspicuous absence of party workers at the venue. Usually, PTI workers reach the location around 9am, but the venue was found to be deserted on Monday"
Nato blockade in Peshawar fading out - thenews.com.pk

Now who is FAIL ??????? :lol::lol:

And if you come up with the usual lame excuse of "Province-Federation" role complications , then you should know that here it is not the unfortunate ,uneducated lower classes whom you are addressing !!! No one will buy your non sense logic of "Taking alms(BHEEK) as their is no option of not taking it"

PTI is a representative of Middle and Upper middle urban classes (esp. in Punjab) , who do not consider the poor and low classes their equals .

They are still under the "Trauma" that how could the choice of crawling insects (lower classes) , That happens to be NS , determine the fate of the country !!

Democracy is the system in which people(opinions) are not weighed , but merely "counted" .. So live with it

And sadly the PTI supporters generally have proven themselves to be "Parhay Likhay Jahil" & "extremists" who are not willing to accept anything "real" that goes against their "idealistic" and stupid beliefs.
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can anyone who is supporter of IK tell me why they are so dis respectful to others ? ? does your leader dont teach you manners how to become a one nation ??
the only objection i have with IK and PTI is that their policies are made on childish attitudes ,,, destroy the drones , go to war with US and NAto , blah blah ....
for PTI supporters , listen to me carefully , this is not the age prophets , so you guys believe that you will shout " Nara-e-Takbeer Allah-ho-Akbar " and american soldiers will lay down their weapons and surrender , or all air crafts in air space will be destroyed automatically, or nato army will pEE in their pant while sitting in their bases ...... and there is not a single true muslim in pak so Allah is not going to send Angels to fight with you in today's century.. whatever IK is saying is what peoples want to listen and his get votes on these policies ..we can not fight with whole world , americans are very clear about drones they will stop drone when pakistan govt can give them surety than our soil will not be use for any other terrorist attacks in anywhere in world and i dont think so right now our govt can do this .... correct me if i am wrong , still we have many places in fata where there is not govt or security forces .... so please stop acting like a child and think as a mature leader ....

Indeed there are better alternative steps

But atleast PTI is showing that they are atleast standing against the Drone strikes which again are illegal even according to UN.

Sir if we can't even protest against our country being bombed within our own country than what we are?

are you sure you can call yourself a independent country citizen

I may be or may not be a supporter of Imran khan But atleast he's saying no and standing against the Drone strikes.

or may be you want america should bomb us and we should not do anything infact doesnt even protest in our own country
Indeed there are better alternative steps

But atleast PTI is showing that they are atleast standing against the Drone strikes which again are illegal even according to UN.

Sir if we can't even protest against our country being bombed within our own country than what we are?

are you sure you can call yourself a independent country citizen

I may be or may not be a supporter of Imran khan But atleast he's saying no and standing against the Drone strikes.

or may be you want america should bomb us and we should not do anything infact doesnt even protest in our own country

dude i never want democracy in country , because " latoon ke bhoot baaton se nai mante "
and do you think US will stop drones just because few monkeys are jumping on road and stopping afghan trade trucks ? IK is nuts .... kiddo
he is a supporter of taliban and many times he said that army should withdraw from tribal areas ? he wants our tribals to remain under taliban and uneducated :(
fata is part of pakistan and our govt and army have all the right to kill any terrorist who is coming from afghan side and taking $$$ from india and US and killing pakistani peoples
Indeed there are better alternative steps

But atleast PTI is showing that they are atleast standing against the Drone strikes which again are illegal even according to UN.

Sir if we can't even protest against our country being bombed within our own country than what we are?

are you sure you can call yourself a independent country citizen

I may be or may not be a supporter of Imran khan But atleast he's saying no and standing against the Drone strikes.

or may be you want america should bomb us and we should not do anything infact doesnt even protest in our own country

Couldn't say it better than the way you did, kudos for that. The irony is, instead of protesting against drone strikes a lot of people here are praising these drone attacks. Even after 9 years of continuous drone attacks and seeing the result of these attacks, we are still divided.
dude i never want democracy in country , because " latoon ke bhoot baaton se nai mante "
and do you think US will stop drones just because few monkeys are jumping on road and stopping afghan trade trucks ? IK is nuts .... kiddo
he is a supporter of taliban and many times he said that army should withdraw from tribal areas ? he wants our tribals to remain under taliban and uneducated :(
fata is part of pakistan and our govt and army have all the right to kill any terrorist who is coming from afghan side and taking $$$ from india and US and killing pakistani peoples

USA may stop or may not.THis is not even the concern

The concern is to stand against them.Whether you can stop them or not.Keep trying.

Defeat is only when you stop trying.until and unless your trying your not defeated.

He isnt supporter of taliban.This is wrong and he's very much right.army should leave the FATA

Either give Provisional status to FATA or merge it with KPK.

As ayaz Wazir said 2 days back on Geo.

The best way to fight the terrorism their is to develop the region.With development alot of problems are solved and i am sure it will work.
USA may stop or may not.THis is not even the concern

The concern is to stand against them.Whether you can stop them or not.Keep trying.

Defeat is only when you stop trying.until and unless your trying your not defeated.

He isnt supporter of taliban.This is wrong and he's very much right.army should leave the FATA

Either give Provisional status to FATA or merge it with KPK.

As ayaz Wazir said 2 days back on Geo.

The best way to fight the terrorism their is to develop the region.With development alot of problems are solved and i am sure it will work.

man do you really think that taliban is fighting for schools , road and multinational companies ?? what if they develop the fata ?? dont you know the qabaily culture ??
and what do you expect from raw and cia funded taliban that they are really doing jihad /? or is it right /??
if army leave the fata they will unite again and regroup them self ...
He isnt supporter of taliban.This is wrong and he's very much right.army should leave the FATA

A badly self-contradicting statement !!!

The withdrawal of Pakistan Army from FATA is like "A dream come true" for Taliban ... Imran Khan wants the same , then how can you say that IK is not actually "supporting" Taliban ????

Had it not been for the Pak Army by our side , we would be in conditions much like Syria and Iraq with the TTP terrorists killing us in every street of every city (not even sparing the pseudo-educated Taliban sympathizers called "PTI members")
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