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A Rape a Minute, a Thousand Corpses a Year

You think? Is it just your natural instinct because they are Indians, that's what they do. They rape women.

Or do you actually have a source?

Erm.... Really?

8 out of 9 are Pakistanis.

If this doesn't make your blood boil then I don't know what will?

Need I say more? I have 1000 links and stats at my disposal mate.

Thanks for posting...

Rape by nature is about domination...which is why one notices that rapes are most frequent in times of war not because of the lust aspect, but the psychological aspect of domination...
In the past, Rajput women would commit "Johar" to prevent domination at the hands of invading armies when their kingdom was at a point of defeat...
Just a few thoughts off the top of my head...

In the case of the Delhi gang rape..note that the main accused was a man who had lost the use of his arms which caused him to feel inept in many ways...Hence when the boyfriend in the bus began to counter the men who were eve teasing, a brawl ensued due to the inferiority complex the main accused faced accompanied by friendly backing and of course the alcohol.The rape in this case was not so much "horniness" as teaching a "lesson".
All these guys so interestingly posting about rapes may have a psychological disorder and a hidden desire to be rapists, maybe they grew up in a society where they encourage rapists :pop:
He's got a point, Rape in some countries need to be proven with 4 witnesses, not all rapes happen in front of people does it, plus evolved nations have various grades of sexual assault - date rape, marital rape, Minor rape, non consensual sex is considered rape even if the partners have had sexual relations for many years, while in other countries it's very difficult for a woman first of all to file a complaint and secondly to prove it while all along she loses her complete credibility - the rape victim becomes the culprit is some countries rather than the rapist.

Source for which countries have this??
Rape means different things in different countries.One of the reason US has high because US constitution defines rape in this way.

United States Federal Law [Title 10, Subtitle A, Chapter 47X, Section 920, Article 120] defines rape as:

(a) Rape.— Any person subject to this chapter who causes another person of any age to engage in a sexual act by—
(1) using force against that other person;

(2) causing grievous bodily harm to any person;

(3) threatening or placing that other person in fear that any person will be subjected to death, grievous bodily harm, or kidnapping;

(4) rendering another person unconscious; or

(5) administering to another person by force or threat of force, or without the knowledge or permission of that person, a drug, intoxicant, or other similar substance and thereby substantially impairs the ability of that other person to appraise or control conduct

I bet If Pakistan or India has the similar definition of rapes they will have the highest no of rape per capita in the world.
Did you guys know in 2006 upto 80% of women prisoners in Pakistan were actually victims of rape who failed to provide 4 male wintnesses of good standing to prove rape and hence punished by pakistani courts for adultary? Next time a pakistani takes a cheap shot over rape in india i'm just going to feel sorry for the poor bastard, as trying to educate such uncivilised people would be a waste.

Fareeda's fate: rape, prison and 25 lashes | World news | The Observer
Your verbal vomit is pitiful but entertaining...

Like i said...you have no clue about the motive/psychology behind most rapes...and has little to do with hormonal rage.
If you do not know much about a subject it is best advised to keep your trap closed lest we see your stupidity in full display as seen in sample a above..

Just for shits and giggles...care to explain why Pakistani men have an unusually high tendency towards beasteality?
Clearly it couldnt have anything to do with the healthy ratio of men and women in Pakistan right?
But hey..based on your theory, must be the hormones right?

Its also not "modern" to have your women resemble Darth Vader...

It is indeed sad when 10 year olds make more sense than people adding numbers to their age without showing any mental progress to match the number..LOL!
Ill let your mommy explain that one to you...

aww, someone is throwing a temper tantrum.
Whats the matter? you don't like the truth?
Instead of getting angry at me and acting like a child maybe you should do some inner searching and ask yourself why are so many little girls killed for the crimes of being girls?
Why is India world famous right now for rapes?
Why are you people sticking your heads in the sand and pretending like everything is okay?

But hey, it's your problem.
If you think that ignoring all these dead girls and rapes while fixating on other people makes you a big man than so be it.

News is slowly but surly getting out about this not so little secret of India's
@gambit and others.

Why do you Americans always try to shift the blame to another country, or another group of people? Why not try looking at your own problems for once and accepting them for what they are?

Did you guys know in 2006 upto 80% of women prisoners in Pakistan were actually victims of rape who failed to provide 4 male wintnesses of good standing to prove rape and hence punished by pakistani courts for adultary? Next time a pakistani takes a cheap shot over rape in india i'm just going to feel sorry for the poor bastard, as trying to educate such uncivilised people would be a waste.

Fareeda's fate: rape, prison and 25 lashes | World news | The Observer

True enough. But, the 'Quranic law' in which they based that from was totally shattered and misused. People can't seem to see that there's a huge difference between rapists and adulterers.
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True enough. But, the 'Quranic law' in which they based that from was totally shattered and misused. People can't seem to see that there's a huge difference between rapists and adulterers.

Maybe, but I was only showing the mirror to some pakistani who keep taking jibes at indians just because we are openly discussing our issues and demanding changes.
Mods, please, please close all articles on rape and ban anyone one for starting and instigating such as hasbara and gambit above. These kind of postings degrade this forum.
Source for which countries have this??

One country I am pretty sure was Pakistan from 1979 to 2006 and it was called the hudood law, I have heard the Taliban implemented the same in Afghanistan in the 90's. Also heard it was in effect in a other few backward countries.
All these guys so interestingly posting about rapes may have a psychological disorder and a hidden desire to be rapists, maybe they grew up in a society where they encourage rapists :pop:

THIS is exactly why RAPE cases are not reported! Kahin koi par na lay....If someone wants to figure it out...HE HAS/IS
a psychological disorder and a hidden desire to be rapists, maybe they grew up in a society where they encourage rapists

Is that how you solve a problem? Calling names and becoming a profession psychologist?
Mods, please, please close all articles on rape and ban anyone one for starting and instigating such as hasbara and gambit above. These kind of postings degrade this forum.
PM to any Mod. Tey will close it. Rape threads are banned again.
@gambit and others.

True enough. But, the 'Quranic law' in which they based that from was totally shattered and misused. People can't seem to see that there's a huge difference between rapists and adulterers.

One country I am pretty sure was Pakistan from 1979 to 2006 and it was called the hudood law, I have heard the Taliban implemented the same in Afghanistan in the 90's. Also heard it was in effect in a other few backward countries.

Now this was the law:
The Hudood Law was intended to implement Islamic Shari'a law, by enforcing punishments mentioned in the Quran and sunnah for Zina (extramarital sex), Qazf (false accusation of zina), Offence Against Property (theft), and Prohibition (of alcohol consumption).

Now if some backward idiot misused it and jumbled all the terminology, do you blame the law or the backward idiot? The words were clearly defined but if some jahil comes along and misuses it you CAN NOT BLAME the law!

In Pakistan rape, or "Zina bil Jabr" (lit: "forced adulterous sex") is punishable by death.

Which I fully support! Now if some idiots twist this and make a rape become adulteration....THAT IS NOT THE LAW to blame but the idiot!

For unmarried couples or non-Muslims, it is 100 lashes. Some contend that in practice, only imprisonment has ever been enforced because the maximum punishment require four eyewitnesses as above.

SO THE 4 Witnesses are NECESSARY when you point a finger and PROCLAIM a woman adulterated! NOT FOR RAPE! Like I said before ....The idiots twist rape into adultery!

Unlike in USA where consensual sex is allowed, in Islam it is under adultery!
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Now this was the law:

Now if some backward idiot misused it and jumbled all the terminology, do you blame the law or the backward idiot? The words were clearly defined but if some jahil comes along and misuses it you CAN NOT BLAME the law!

Which I fully support! Now if some idiots twist this and make a rape become adulteration....THAT IS NOT THE LAW to blame but the idiot!

SO THE 4 Witnesses are NECESSARY when you point a finger and PROCLAIM a woman adulterated! NOT FOR RAPE! Like I said before ....The idiots twist rape into adultery!

Unlike in USA where consensual sex is allowed, in Islam it is under adultery!

The mistake part lies with the idiots who misuse them then, you can notch it up to one more misuse of religious texts or sayings.

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