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A Rape a Minute, a Thousand Corpses a Year

y are people so obsessed with rape here...:coffee:
y are people so obsessed with rape here...:coffee:
It is a common fantasy among those who believes women are 'unclean' and should be covered up from head to toe. In short, women are nothing but semenal wastebaskets.

At the beginning of the New Year, as reported in the daily newspaper Haber Türk (Turkish News) of January 6, 2012, E.D., a 25-year old man in the northwestern Turkish city of Bolu, took his 11-year old "wife," Z.Ç., to the hospital because she suffered pain. The news story identified the couple only by their initials. The doctor diagnosed the girl as eight months pregnant by her "husband." Whether the girl was in a condition to consent to sexual relations is obviously questionable. One would more probably assume she was raped by the 25-year old.
Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed.

Is that right?

What a freaking pathetic thread. And people actually thanked him for it. :lol:
Obviously you didn't learn anything from this article, did you? I bet you haven't read it at all.

He's got a point, Rape in some countries need to be proven with 4 witnesses, not all rapes happen in front of people does it, plus evolved nations have various grades of sexual assault - date rape, marital rape, Minor rape, non consensual sex is considered rape even if the partners have had sexual relations for many years, while in other countries it's very difficult for a woman first of all to file a complaint and secondly to prove it while all along she loses her complete credibility - the rape victim becomes the culprit is some countries rather than the rapist.
It is a common fantasy among those who believes women are 'unclean' and should be covered up from head to toe. In short, women are nothing but semenal wastebaskets.

I wonder which cult you followed who taught you that?!

Some people go on and on about un reported crimes...WHEN they are UNREPORTED how can you be sure they are more than America's? Because the count for reported crimes in America is enormous and they try to equate it to un reported crimes of the world?


Some people go on and on about un reported crimes...WHEN they are UNREPORTED how can you be sure they are more than America's? Because the count for reported crimes in America is enormous and they try to equate it to un reported crimes of the world?

Damn Indians have alot of rape

I think every few seconds a girl is raped in India...
Damn Indians have alot of rape

I think every few seconds a girl is raped in India...

when they kill off their girls during pregnancies and have over abundance of males who cannot find wives what did they think would happen?

Men have an overpowering urge and if they can't find wives they will get it in other ways.

Indians need to value females as human being and stop murdering them at birth.
when they kill off their girls during pregnancies and have over abundance of males who cannot find wives what did they think would happen?

Men have an overpowering urge and if they can't find wives they will get it in other ways.

Indians need to value females as human being and stop murdering them at birth.

Get off that moral donkey you're riding Crusty...

Maybe start by getting women out of those Burkhas in your country and other Muslim countries before professing about treating women as "human beings"

Rape isnt an Indian or US problem only...We live in a male dominated society and the concept of treating women as equals is the first step towards reducing the occourance of rape...

Secondly rape is about power NOT lust...so your theory about an unequal ratio of men to women being the root of the problem is baseless...
Read up before you spout nonsense learned from some third rate school...
Get off that moral donkey you're riding Crusty...

Maybe start by getting women out of those Burkhas in your country and other Muslim countries before professing about treating women as "human beings"

Looks like I touched a nerve.
Hey man, don't get me wrong
I am sure India is a galactic supa dupa pawa, with all it's call centers and what not
but even you people have to face the facts.
India has a massive male female divide in numbers which is due to the feticide of baby girls which is due to Indian culture of preferring boys to girls.
India is now creating an army of young men who can't find wives and are hormonal has heck.
So India being at the top of the rape charts is really not that surprising.

Indians need to reevaluate their "ancient" culture and modernize it.
In the modern world it is not okay to kill a girl for just being a girl.

oh and on a side note, how old are you? 10?
making fun of my name, oh no I am so hurt, maybe I will go tell mummy!!! :laugh:
Don't bother people, this Hasbara guy is an anti-american troll, he isn't worth your time.
In case anyone wants to see outside of Fantasyland and step into reality, here are the actual rape and crime statistics for the US in the calender year 2011. It if makes you feel better to make believe the Us is a terrible place to live, then by all means don't read factual information and avoid this link.

United States Crime Rates 1960 - 2011

the numbers are exaggerated. I read about the study years ago, and it used "self-reported rapes" to draw the conclusion that 20% of women are raped during their lifetime. it depended on the survey participants to define what a "rape" is. at least half of those self reported 'rapes' are done by the partners or ex-partners, and the definition used in the study did no distinguish criminal act from non-criminal domestic conflict.

that said, sexual crimes are indeed rampant in the states, but at a similar rate of many other countries.
Looks like I touched a nerve.
Hey man, don't get me wrong
I am sure India is a galactic supa dupa pawa, with all it's call centers and what not

Your verbal vomit is pitiful but entertaining...

but even you people have to face the facts.
India has a massive male female divide in numbers which is due to the feticide of baby girls which is due to Indian culture of preferring boys to girls.
India is now creating an army of young men who can't find wives and are hormonal has heck.
So India being at the top of the rape charts is really not that surprising.

Like i said...you have no clue about the motive/psychology behind most rapes...and has little to do with hormonal rage.
If you do not know much about a subject it is best advised to keep your trap closed lest we see your stupidity in full display as seen in sample a above..

Just for shits and giggles...care to explain why Pakistani men have an unusually high tendency towards beasteality?
Clearly it couldnt have anything to do with the healthy ratio of men and women in Pakistan right?
But hey..based on your theory, must be the hormones right?

Indians need to reevaluate their "ancient" culture and modernize it.
In the modern world it is not okay to kill a girl for just being a girl.

Its also not "modern" to have your women resemble Darth Vader...

oh and on a side note, how old are you? 10?
making fun of my name, oh no I am so hurt, maybe I will go tell mummy!!! :laugh:

It is indeed sad when 10 year olds make more sense than people adding numbers to their age without showing any mental progress to match the number..LOL!
Ill let your mommy explain that one to you...
Damn Indians have alot of rape

I think every few seconds a girl is raped in India...

You think? Is it just your natural instinct because they are Indians, that's what they do. They rape women.

Or do you actually have a source?

when they kill off their girls during pregnancies and have over abundance of males who cannot find wives what did they think would happen?

Men have an overpowering urge and if they can't find wives they will get it in other ways.

Indians need to value females as human being and stop murdering them at birth.

Erm.... Really?

A 12-year-old girl who was repeatedly raped by a group of men was also made to have a back-room abortion after falling pregnant, a court has heard.

She is one of six alleged victims of nine men accused of grooming children and exploiting them for sex in Oxford.

She was also "branded" with the initial of a man who claimed to "own her".

The men deny 51 charges including rape, arranging child prostitution and trafficking relating to girls aged between 11 and 15 from 2004 to 2012.

Jurors at the Old Bailey heard the victim, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, was "sold" to Mohammed Karrar when she had just turned 11 to "cure her bad attitude".

Noel Lucas QC, prosecuting, said he then groomed her for sexual activity, giving her alcohol and drugs.

Hair-pin branding

Both he and his brother, Bassam Karrar, repeatedly raped the girl and arranged for her to be raped by other men in a way she described as "torture", the court heard.

Mr Lucas said that on one occasion Mohammed Karrar heated a hair pin with a lighter and branded the girl with the letter M on her buttock to show she belonged to him.

When she became pregnant, aged 12, he arranged for her to have an illegal abortion in a back-room in Reading.

Mr Lucas told jurors: "This brief summary of the very extensive and persistent abuse [she] suffered at the hands of Mohammed Karrar illustrates his view of her as something to be used and abused at will.

"He regarded her as his property. He showed her no regard.

"He felt he was entitled to have sex with her when he wanted and in whatever manner he wanted.

"If she had the courage to resist, he beat her. He branded her to make her his property and to ensure others knew it."

The court heard Mr Karrar would charge men between £400 and £600 to use the girl.

'Want to be loved'

Another 14-year-old girl was burned with a lighter and threatened if she refused to have sex with men, the court heard.

She met defendants Kamar Jamil, Anjum Dogar and his brother Akhtar Dogar, while she was living at a children's home aged 14.

The court heard she drank and took drugs "to the point of passing out because she knew what was expected of her".

Mr Lucas said she felt she had to do what she was told by the men, otherwise they would threaten her and get rough with her.

It is claimed she was taken to alleyways, woods and various houses and flats where men would have sex with her.

Mr Lucas also told the court the girl had said to a friend: "I have no choice, I just want to be loved. I've never been loved and this shows me love."

The court has previously heard the group of men deliberately targeted vulnerable young girls with troubled upbringings which made it less likely anyone would be looking out for them.

The trial is expected to last until April. The defendants are all in custody.

The defendants are:

Kamar Jamil, 27, of Aldwych Road, Oxford
Akhtar Dogar, 32, of Tawney Street, Oxford; and his brother Anjum Dogar, 30, of Tawney Street, Oxford
Assad Hussain, 32, of Ashurst Way, Oxford
Mohammed Karrar, 38, of Kames Close, Oxford; and his brother Bassam Karrar, 33, of Hundred Acres Close, Oxford
Mohammed Hussain, 24, of Horspath Road, Oxford
Zeeshan Ahmed, 27, of Palmer Road, Oxford
Bilal Ahmed, 26, of Suffolk Road, Maidenhead

8 out of 9 are Pakistanis.

If this doesn't make your blood boil then I don't know what will?

Need I say more? I have 1000 links and stats at my disposal mate.
While rape fantasies are one's personal choice, such political rape fantasies getting posted on the forum daily are indeed degrading to the forum. And as usual the regular idiots have managed to bring in india, becauase without their india obsession even their current insignificant lives mean nothing.

You think? Is it just your natural instinct because they are Indians, that's what they do. They rape women.

Or do you actually have a source?

Upbringing is a source, apparently.
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