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A Rape a Minute, a Thousand Corpses a Year

In the case of the Delhi gang rape..note that the main accused was a man who had lost the use of his arms which caused him to feel inept in many ways...Hence when the boyfriend in the bus began to counter the men who were eve teasing, a brawl ensued due to the inferiority complex the main accused faced accompanied by friendly backing and of course the alcohol.The rape in this case was not so much "horniness" as teaching a "lesson".
You are right. The rapists did nothing wrong. It was the boyfriend's overreaction to normal eve-teasing and a lesson had to be taught. :tup:
Mods, please, please close all articles on rape and ban anyone one for starting and instigating such as hasbara and gambit above. These kind of postings degrade this forum.
Hey, buddy. I have NEVER start and NEVER will start such a disgusting thread. But I have no problems responding in kind if the Turkey want to make it as if rape is unique and characteristic to America. You live here. Do you not see how absurd that characterization really is? And to think that there are people actually 'Thanked' him for those 'useful' posts. The guy is nothing more than a troll.

@gambit and others.

Why do you Americans always try to shift the blame to another country, or another group of people? Why not try looking at your own problems for once and accepting them for what they are?
Why not ask that question of the Turkey who started this? You think rape does not occur in Turkey?
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You are right. The rapists did nothing wrong. It was the boyfriend's overreaction to normal eve-teasing and a lesson had to be taught. :tup:

Clearly the point Im making is lost on you...and I damn well am not wasting time on explaining this to you.
aww, someone is throwing a temper tantrum.
Whats the matter? you don't like the truth?
Instead of getting angry at me and acting like a child maybe you should do some inner searching and ask yourself why are so many little girls killed for the crimes of being girls?
Why is India world famous right now for rapes?
Why are you people sticking your heads in the sand and pretending like everything is okay?

But hey, it's your problem.
If you think that ignoring all these dead girls and rapes while fixating on other people makes you a big man than so be it.

News is slowly but surly getting out about this not so little secret of India's

Female infanticide is a horrible practice...But the problem of rapes in India is not going to stop if female infanticide dissappears or if the ratio of men and women in India becomes equal..

You're attributing the wrong causes to the incidence in a weak attempt at taking pot shots at India..simple.

I couldnt care less for your opinions since you arent Indian and this isnt your problem. So Indians will find the right solutions for problems as we have been doing successfully for the longest time....
You are free to continue on with your notions...
aww, someone is throwing a temper tantrum.

Lucky you, as the good thing about being an Indophobic pervert is, you aren't aware how much of a moron you make of yourself :whistle:

Instead of getting angry at me and acting like a child maybe you should do some inner searching and ask yourself why are so many little girls killed for the crimes of being girls?

Preference for male child.

Why is India world famous right now for rapes?

How do come up with that statement?, based on search volumes on internet search engines for search keywords on India relating to rape?

Why are you people sticking your heads in the sand and pretending like everything is okay?

When did we do so?

But hey, it's your problem.
If you think that ignoring all these dead girls and rapes while fixating on other people makes you a big man than so be it.

So you consider "ignoring all these dead girls and rapes while fixating on other people makes you a big man" as okay, how horrible of you :fie:

News is slowly but surly getting out about this not so little secret of India's

When was it ever secret? its not my nation that will remain closed on rapes in 1971
One country I am pretty sure was Pakistan from 1979 to 2006 and it was called the hudood law, I have heard the Taliban implemented the same in Afghanistan in the 90's. Also heard it was in effect in a other few backward countries.

Source of which countries use this, I repeat my earlier stance. Rape never has to be proven with 4 witnesses in Muslim countries if Zia implemented that he was crazy but nobody else holds that stance and by your own admittance the law has been dropped for 7 years now. Adultery has to be proven with 4 witnesses which makes punishment for adultery literally impossible to implement.

You are right. The rapists did nothing wrong. It was the boyfriend's overreaction to normal eve-teasing and a lesson had to be taught. :tup:

Did he really try to justify rape? :what:

Hey, buddy. I have NEVER start and NEVER will start such a disgusting thread. But I have no problems responding in kind if the Turkey want to make it as if rape is unique and characteristic to America. You live here. Do you not see how absurd that characterization really is? And to think that there are people actually 'Thanked' him for those 'useful' posts. The guy is nothing more than a troll.

Why not ask that question of the Turkey who started this? You think rape does not occur in Turkey?

You could have just ignored him and the thread would have never become active like most of the threads he posts.
Source of which countries use this, I repeat my earlier stance. Rape never has to be proven with 4 witnesses in Muslim countries if Zia implemented that he was crazy but nobody else holds that stance and by your own admittance the law has been dropped for 7 years now. Adultery has to be proven with 4 witnesses which makes punishment for adultery literally impossible to implement.

A woman should not report Rape if she has not 4 witness - Munawar Hassan - YouTube!

Munawar Hasan is the President of Jamaat-e-Islami of Pakistan, the country's largest and most powerful pro-Sharia party. This video is not in English, unfortunately, but in it he says that a woman should not report being raped unless she has four male Muslim witnesses who saw the act. In this he is on solid Qur'anic ground: "Why did they not produce four witnesses? Since they produce not witnesses, they verily are liars in the sight of Allah" (Qur'an 24:13).

The Malaysian Islamic reformist group Sisters in Islam has pointed out the injustice of this:

In Pakistan, it is reported that three out of four women in prison under its Hudud laws [these are the laws of what it forbidden and permitted by Allah himself], are rape victims. Because rape is equated with zina [unlawful sexual intercourse] under Hudud law, rape victims are required to produce four pious male witnesses. It is of course nearly impossible for the rape victims to produce the four male witnesses required to prove their allegation. Therefore their police report of rape was taken as a confession of illicit sex on their part and they were duly found guilty.

Pakistani Islamic party leader: a woman should not report rape unless she has four witnesses - Jihad Watch

The misuse of the Shariah Law.
Bangladeshi Teen, 14, Accused of Adultery After Being Raped Gets Lashed to Death - MyDaily
A woman should not report Rape if she has not 4 witness - Munawar Hassan - YouTube!

Munawar Hasan is the President of Jamaat-e-Islami of Pakistan, the country's largest and most powerful pro-Sharia party. This video is not in English, unfortunately, but in it he says that a woman should not report being raped unless she has four male Muslim witnesses who saw the act. In this he is on solid Qur'anic ground: "Why did they not produce four witnesses? Since they produce not witnesses, they verily are liars in the sight of Allah" (Qur'an 24:13).

The Malaysian Islamic reformist group Sisters in Islam has pointed out the injustice of this:

In Pakistan, it is reported that three out of four women in prison under its Hudud laws [these are the laws of what it forbidden and permitted by Allah himself], are rape victims. Because rape is equated with zina [unlawful sexual intercourse] under Hudud law, rape victims are required to produce four pious male witnesses. It is of course nearly impossible for the rape victims to produce the four male witnesses required to prove their allegation. Therefore their police report of rape was taken as a confession of illicit sex on their part and they were duly found guilty.

Pakistani Islamic party leader: a woman should not report rape unless she has four witnesses - Jihad Watch

That is like me saying there should be a law that everyone gives me 100 dollars and I form a useless political party that never wins a majority in any election so cannot really implement any such law. It is rhetoric nothing more nobody cares what JI says in Pakistan. Just because he said something like that does not make it set in stone. Again you brought up the Hudud laws which have been abolished for 7 years, if there are still people in jail because of said law than they should get a lawyer to free them. That still does not give me any country that still holds such a law on the books.
That is like me saying there should be a law that everyone gives me 100 dollars and I form a useless political party that never wins a majority in any election so cannot really implement any such law. It is rhetoric nothing more nobody cares what JI says in Pakistan. Just because he said something like that does not make it set in stone. Again you brought up the Hudud laws which have been abolished for 7 years, if there are still people in jail because of said law than they should get a lawyer to free them. That still does not give me any country that still holds such a law on the books.

How does it matter that a said law was practiced and not practiced right now - the question is there is a leeway for such a law if and when strict Islamic code of conduct is implemented, my original post was in highlighting that in America a lot more women freely come forward to report any form of rape (hence the higher statistics) - even if the couple have been married for decades compared to some countries where rape is quite difficult for raped women to report or to get justice - do you agree with this or not?
How does it matter that a said law was practiced and not practiced right now - the question is there is a leeway for such a law if and when strict Islamic code of conduct is implemented, my original post was in highlighting that in America a lot more women freely come forward to report any form of rape (hence the higher statistics) - even if the couple have been married for decades compared to some countries where rape is quite difficult for raped women to report or to get justice - do you agree with this or not?

It matters because you made a sweeping statement that in some countries such a law still exists and the victim becomes the accused. I said fine I will accept that but give me even one country that still has such a law on the books and you could not provide any such source. Ergo you were wrong and spreading false info. If people wanted such a law to be on the books they would have supported that JI leader on that platform but nobody has so I do not see where the "leeway" comes in. As for the rest of your comment I never said I did not agree with you, all I asked you was one question which you could not answer. It was simple you made it more complicated than it had to be.
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