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A Question to IAF Airchief

important points to consider
1. all killed terrorists mentioned by India are nowhere to see. they vaporized.
2. this includes masod. he is gone... wont be seen again.
3. airstrike is completely successful ... all major terror heads are underground including hafis saeed.
4. f16 was downed killing its brave pilot Wing Commander Shahzaz-ud-Din, i hope he gets his due credit for his bravery.
5. India lost one Mig21 and and one MI17, pilot of MIG21 Wing Commander Abhinandan is back in India without India asking officially for it. This was due to pressure that was visible.
6. your gafoor accepted that Indian aristrikes in Balakot.
7. plenty more... will stop for now

Shahzaz is not a name it can be Shebaz, Shahnawaz, Shenaz
i can see India is ready to climb the escalation ladder. lets see if pakistan can do it? calling nuclear bluff is what India achieved with all this.

India has the opportunity after PAF surgical strikes on Indian occupied land and air assets but they chickened out for better reasons. When you are bombed on 6 different locations including your Kashmir HQ and still you didn't had the balls to response than its means u got done by your opponent. Air assets here means 2 jets and 1 Mi17.
You live in a bubble not me so you can guess whose bubble burst.
Let me burst your bubble.
Do you have any proof which will prove mig 21 was downed by your aircraft.
The wreckage dsnt prove anything ,it could have been downed by a ground to air Sam.,or it could be a malfunction or the pilot would have lost control of the aircraft,it could be anything.
Now like every Pakistani let me ask if it was shot down by your fighter I am sure it has sights where are the visuals.
It was your official version which has been changing,first isrp showed two photos from two different crashsites as proof of two IAF fighters shot down,which your PM repeated while addressing the nation.pakistan said both pilots cought and one among them is taken to hospital for treatment.what happened to the second pilot?

What about the claim mig 21 was shot down by jf 17

Understand my question before quoting a post
You are indian...you just lie cheat and decieve
As Indian FO spokesperson said, Pakistan bombed their military installations. Funny when it was real time for escalation, Indian army chickened out.
you guys need to hear what gafoor had t osay on how IAF carried out this airstrike.
how IAF fooled PAF CAP teams by putting up decoys which were headed towards Bahawalpur.
how the airstrikes actually happened in Balakot, muzzafarabad and Chakoti.

really interesting. in real details of actual how IAF attacked and hoe PAF responded.
Please enlighten everybody why the Indian Airforce Western Commad head was relieved of his duty? Before you tell us how good job was done by IAF we want to know this Sir
clear attempts to divert the topic by plenty of pakistanis.
let me say this again,
you guys need to see video of Mr. gafoor. he has done very good job of explaining how PAF CAP was fooled by IAF. you need to ask many questions to him.
jem leaders are asking him how did you allowed IAF to reach Balakot? they could have reached Bahawalpur in no time actually.

you know CMH in Bahawalpur is only 750 km from Gwaliar ... next time .....
Yea next time we will throw in some crumbs with the cup of tea.
In the meantime, ask your NSA and other weekend warriors why have they gone crying to Pappa Sam waving a piece of missile like a kid complaining someone broke his toy.
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Yea next time we will throw in some crumbs with the cup of tea.
In the meantime, ask your NSA and other weekend warriors why have they gone crying to Pappa Sam waving a piece of missile like a kid complaining someone broke his toy.
why tag me? :undecided::pakistan:
why is next round coming when Indians here say that they achieved all the targets (i means spanking on both cheeks)

The whole point is Indian LS election and nothing related to anything else. Media is saying Modi got huge lift in election from first strike but still not there. So to make a absolute majority he needs another strike. So i am assuming it is coming soon.

The result, gain, loss from that strike is whole another debate.
The whole point is Indian LS election and nothing related to anything else. Media is saying Modi got huge lift in election from first strike but still not there. So to make a absolute majority he needs another strike. So i am assuming it is coming soon.

The result, gain, loss from that strike is whole another debate.

You're welcome to PDF...

American of which origin? May I ask?
abey pagel ho gaya hai kaya ye indian

Anyways , no one needs the proof that PAF JF-17 kills Mig-21 of IAF midair
The story is always told from the victory stand of the battle ... so we have to agree with what PAF is saying as on this battle it’s PAF who got the MIG21 and pilot at the end

You can ask your pilot if you want but his words are not important as he can easily lie to avoid backlash

Enjoy the loss of your MIG21
Next time don’t cry or send worthy pilots or fighters
all killed terrorists mentioned by India are nowhere to see. they vaporized.

No, they're still here, and their group (Jaish e Muhammad) is still fighting India.

airstrike is completely successful

All you did was hit a couple of trees. That doesn't sound very successful to me. Not to mention Pakistan also retaliated by doing the same, and all the Flankers, Bisons and M-2000s your Air Force sent (as per their own admission) couldn't stop us, even though we sent far inferior aircraft (Thunders and Roses, and not a single Viper no matter how much you claim otherwise, the US regulates those things too damn much for Pakistan to use them for an offensive operation outside of wartime).

. f16 was downed

No, it wasn't. A 2nd aircraft was downed (as confirmed by eyewitnesses, the ISPR and the IAF), but it cannot be a Pakistani aircraft because eyewitnesses and video footage shows that two pilots ejected from that aircraft, confirming that it was a dual seater, and Pakistan's dual seaters are currently all used as conversion trainers (aka, they are not going to be used for regular combat except for during emergency scenarios, i.e a full-blown war), and we know for a fact that the Su-30MKIs are the only dual seaters stationed in that region (the IAF also clearly mentioned sending them to intercept the PAF aircraft which bombed India), as well as the fact that the parachutes of the two pilots were not the same colour as PAF parachutes (again, as videos and eyewitnesses confirm). Not only that, but the ISPR themselves were originally looking for two more pilots in the area and even reported one of them being sent to a hospital. If a Viper was downed and Pakistan was trying to cover it up, they would never admit such a thing.

So, we can conclude, that the 2nd downed aircraft was a Su-30MKI. Eyewitnesses also confirmed seeing the aircraft crash over into India, so that explains why we don't have the wreckage, and the military isn't bragging about it because they're trying to de-escalate the situation.

Face the facts, JF-17s took out a Su-30MKI and a MiG-21Bis, the pilots who shot them down have even been named and they posted videos online celebrating their achievements right after the incident occurred.

And no, that "missile wreckage" you found does not prove a Viper was involved. The numbers were searched, and the contract ended up going to Taiwan rather than Pakistan. Not only that, but the chances of finding an AMRAAM are extraordinarily rare, especially in such a time frame. To give you context, for months, all of NATO was searching for a misfired Spanish AMRAAM, and they never found it. Yet somehow India manages to find one in about a day? It sounds ridiculous, probably because it is. Vipers could have also fired that missile in a separate incident, for whatever reason.

Not to mention Thunders can fire AMRAAMs, as this picture clearly shows:


I have no doubt that the PAF could easily integrate them into the aircraft and keep it quiet so Uncle Sam doesn't cry over it.

without India asking officially for it. This was due to pressure that was visible.

Your pressure means jack all, if it meant anything we wouldn't have been holding Yadav for a whopping 3 years, and we wouldn't continue to send rebels over to Kashmir to kill your soldiers.

plenty more...

Try us, we already caught your submarine and it swam away with it's tail between it's legs.
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