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A political solution for Kashmir and lasting peace for India and Pakistan


A political solution for Kashmir and lasting peace for India and Pakistan
Written by: Jamahir
Category cloud: Opinion, analysis

India and Pakistan need to settle the long, sad but frankly immature dispute over Kashmir once and for all. Peacefully and politically. Both have similar social, economic and political problems so any nuanced and generic solution for one country can also be used by the other country. The prescribed solution by the UNO is impractical. As it involves, as far as I understand, India withdrawing military units stationed in India-administered Kashmir and then arranging for a plebiscite there while also accepting the UNO as a mediator. But the Indian Establishment believes, as also its foreign allies, that India-administered Kashmir is primarily a matter internal to India but since Pakistan cannot be wished away the matter should involve both countries settling the matter between themselves, peacefully and politically. But any such settlement should benefit both the countries immediately and in the long term.

Therefore I present one solution as below. The solution is based on Muammar Gaddafi's solution for Kashmir to which I have added some bits.

1. Both countries should adopt the same Progressive political system. Two separate, independent republics but with the same political system, much like what pre-2003 Iraq and Syria were with their same Ba'athist systems. The Progressive political system can be the Direct Democracy Socialism system that governed Libya until the 2011 war. Readers can refer to these pages to understand how this system works. This system is called the Third Universal Theory aka Jamahiriya theory. In India, a form of Direct Democracy called Swaraj is being implemented in Delhi by the ruling AAP party and is also being forwarded by the Swaraj Abhiyan movement and there is no reason why it cannot be extended to Pakistan as well.

2. Let Indian-administered Kashmir and Pakistani-administered Kashmir remain with their respective countries.


3. Convert the LoC into an International Border that is accessible for trade, tourism and family visits.

All this will make the separatists in India-administered Kashmir to understand that their desire to join Pakistan-administered Kashmir is unnecessary because both countries will have become the same, politically.

Furthermore, with separatist militancy reduced in Indian-administered Kashmir, what will remain is regressive religious militancy or activism which can be controlled and removed with social support by progressives among the local population. The side effect will also be a drastic removal of the current military force which will lead to more goodwill for the peace project.

I speak of the troubles and concerns of Muslims in Indian Kashmir and I will also speak of the troubles and concerns of the Kashmiri Pundit refugees. There must be something like Nelson Mandela's Truth and Reconciliation Commission. I would like the refugee Kashmiri Pandits to be allowed to return back to the Valley.

The next step would be resumption of the Aman Ki Asha peace mission as well as resumption of food and clothing festivals to be organized in both countries.

If not for such a solution, how long would the Establishments of India and Pakistan keep up with this cross-border hate? For another 50 years? 100? Until a reformed UNO decides to send in a military arbitrator force? And would the people of both countries not like the money and other resources spent by their respective militaries in positioning against each other to be spent on making each others countries a welfare state where there are things like high quality free medical system like in Cuba?

An important point is that the given solution will not only benefit the Kashmiri's but also will bring progress to India and Pakistan - socially, economically and politically.

Lastly, to extend a point about direct democracy socialism, It worked in Libya and it is being implemented in Venezuela ( the consejos comunales - communal councils ). Two different kinds of countries, ethnically and geographically. No reason why India and Pakistan cannot adopt the system given the fact that both countries have so much in common. And just Direct Democracy without the socialism part has been the system in Switzerland for long.

Disclaimer: The post only represents writer's own point of views. The post do not represent point of views of Pakistan Defence management. Pakistan Defence Team will not be responsible for disagreements.
Credits: The post is written by Jamahir, India. The proof reading and some other editing has been done by Think Tank Analyst, Forcetrip. The final formatting, editing and picture uploading is done by Slav Defence., Think Tank Vice Chairman.

Nice contribution towards finding a hoped for solution.

I have various ideas of my own, which I will leave for another time. But, after all the years and ideas, I see only one thing, very few actually ask the people of Kashmir what solution they would prefer.

Any idea for solution has to include a sentence or a statement that states, that they have a say in the process and in the final agreement. Otherwise it will never be permanent. I for one do not care if they choose Pakistan, India or independence. Too many Kashmiris have died, too much blood has flowed, and that has to stop, no matter what the price.

If the British can reach a settlement for the Northern Ireland problem, after nearly a century of fighting, and lot of killings, I am sure we can too, once there is a will to do so. We have come close before, I am sure we can in the future.
well the obvious choice is to support what your people want and give voice to it. Are kashmiri pandits not kashmiri? but instead they supported the guns and sided with an entity on basis of anti-muslims. Is that not a choice ? lets say you are part of maharashtra if 99 percent of your people want something will you side with other party and encourage guns on to your people based on religion ?

If kashmiri pandits gave voice it would have been a powerful voice. They have a huge representation in indian bureacracy - but always and everytime they went against kashmiri muslims - right from arrest of sheik abdullah.

How many Pundits were there in the 1980s?
And, what is their population now as a grouping, not just in Kashmir but as a demographic.
Any idea for solution has to include a sentence or a statement that states, that they have a say in the process and in the final agreement. Otherwise it will never be permanent.

Agreed. I would dearly like Kashmiri progressives / intellectuals like MY Tarigami and Shehla Rashid to have a look at my proposed solution. It would be fantastic if someone from PDF can connect with them on Twitter and bring them here.

Too many Kashmiris have died, too much blood has flowed, and that has to stop, no matter what the price.


If the British can reach a settlement for the Northern Ireland problem, after nearly a century of fighting, and lot of killings, I am sure we can too, once there is a will to do so. We have come close before, I am sure we can in the future.

Agreed, dear sir. Also, what I have proposed is not only for Kashmir but for the larger India-Pakistan issue as well. Taking your analogy further if Europe can come together after fighting two big wars why not India and Pakistan ?
Agreed, dear sir. Also, what I have proposed is not only for Kashmir but for the larger India-Pakistan issue as well. Taking your analogy further if Europe can come together after fighting two big wars why not India and Pakistan ?

I do not see a wider India-Pakistan issue, please explain if there is one.

All I see is a Hindu led argument of a historical Indian nation, that has not been countered by lazy Muslim intellectuals and accepted by everyone else. But it is all false. A complete lie and a fantasy. I am glad people have started challenging it now.

In my opinion it is this false construct that is the root cause of the problems we face. Hindus decry about Bharat Mata, but she is a creation merely 100 years old, a figment of imagination. We all speak different languages, have different customs, and religious practices vary vastly even within Hinduism to a point it is hard to accept it as a single religion.

We are just a cultural grouping and that's it, just like Europeans and Africans, not a nation and have never been. My main interest other then Kashmir is the Muslims of India, I do not care if anyone tells me not to worry about us, I consider them a part of my body, and I shall show concerns whether they want me to or not.

Everybody else, for me are like my cultural cousins. We created SAARC, but India has destroyed it, because it wants complete domination, that will never happen.

I think the best way forward is to start resolving issues, one by one, not talks but solutions. It wont happen if they keep repeating the Bharat Mata fantasy. With each solution, I am certain we will head towards a loose EU type situation, because there is affinity among South Asians. Either we can keep destroying that affinity to a point where it no longer exists, or we can start on the road to finding solutions.

People in India forget, Pakistan maybe a smaller country then India but with 227million people, it is a massive country in its on right.
Fifth largest in the world out of 200 countries right now, it will be the largest Muslim country by population by around 2030, and likely will be same size as America by population in 30 years time. that matters, because peace is important between countries of such size.
We should get the US to mediate on this.

Trump might be looking for one last publicity stunt before the election to get those votes.
If the plan they offer isn't good enough, pull out.
Your proposal involves accepting the status quo, which is essentially what India wants.

There is no compromise here on the part of India, so what incentive does Pakistan have to accept such a proposal? You need to provide more details of what either side gains. I see nothing in here for Pakistan.

And the main premise behind this proposal, of some kind of identical 'progressive political system' is a no go in Pakistan for the foreseeable future.

Pakistan is still trying to refine her parliamentary democracy. There are internal debates over provincial autonomy, shifting to a Presidential system and of course the religious right arguing for a Shariah based system. You're never going to have a consensus in Pakistan over this.

In essence, Akhand Bharat.


Everything you proposed involves Pakistan conceding to India, with Indian making ZERO compromises.

I am in favor of open borders, trade, people to people contacts & an economic union down the road, but not unless the dispute of Jammu & Kashmir is resolved by letting the millions of residents vote on their destiny via Plebiscite.

So you want to give up peace only because in your perception India gains more? Maybe you should consider that India is seen gaining more only because India is more practical and doesn't ask for airy fairy things here.
This must be one of the most retarded threads EVER............ :disagree:

The reality is that there is more chance of Pakistan forming a nation with Brazil and Italy than there is of there EVER being peace between Pakistan and india.
Easiest solution is to convert Loc to international border and ease movement of Kashmiris but end of the day both Kashmirs get integrated in Pakistan and India respectively like any state.

A political solution for Kashmir and lasting peace for India and Pakistan
Written by: Jamahir
Category cloud: Opinion, analysis

India and Pakistan need to settle the long, sad but frankly immature dispute over Kashmir once and for all. Peacefully and politically. Both have similar social, economic and political problems so any nuanced and generic solution for one country can also be used by the other country. The prescribed solution by the UNO is impractical. As it involves, as far as I understand, India withdrawing military units stationed in India-administered Kashmir and then arranging for a plebiscite there while also accepting the UNO as a mediator. But the Indian Establishment believes, as also its foreign allies, that India-administered Kashmir is primarily a matter internal to India but since Pakistan cannot be wished away the matter should involve both countries settling the matter between themselves, peacefully and politically. But any such settlement should benefit both the countries immediately and in the long term.

Therefore I present one solution as below. The solution is based on Muammar Gaddafi's solution for Kashmir to which I have added some bits.

1. Both countries should adopt the same Progressive political system. Two separate, independent republics but with the same political system, much like what pre-2003 Iraq and Syria were with their same Ba'athist systems. The Progressive political system can be the Direct Democracy Socialism system that governed Libya until the 2011 war. Readers can refer to these pages to understand how this system works. This system is called the Third Universal Theory aka Jamahiriya theory. In India, a form of Direct Democracy called Swaraj is being implemented in Delhi by the ruling AAP party and is also being forwarded by the Swaraj Abhiyan movement and there is no reason why it cannot be extended to Pakistan as well.

2. Let Indian-administered Kashmir and Pakistani-administered Kashmir remain with their respective countries.


3. Convert the LoC into an International Border that is accessible for trade, tourism and family visits.

All this will make the separatists in India-administered Kashmir to understand that their desire to join Pakistan-administered Kashmir is unnecessary because both countries will have become the same, politically.

Furthermore, with separatist militancy reduced in Indian-administered Kashmir, what will remain is regressive religious militancy or activism which can be controlled and removed with social support by progressives among the local population. The side effect will also be a drastic removal of the current military force which will lead to more goodwill for the peace project.

I speak of the troubles and concerns of Muslims in Indian Kashmir and I will also speak of the troubles and concerns of the Kashmiri Pundit refugees. There must be something like Nelson Mandela's Truth and Reconciliation Commission. I would like the refugee Kashmiri Pandits to be allowed to return back to the Valley.

The next step would be resumption of the Aman Ki Asha peace mission as well as resumption of food and clothing festivals to be organized in both countries.

If not for such a solution, how long would the Establishments of India and Pakistan keep up with this cross-border hate? For another 50 years? 100? Until a reformed UNO decides to send in a military arbitrator force? And would the people of both countries not like the money and other resources spent by their respective militaries in positioning against each other to be spent on making each others countries a welfare state where there are things like high quality free medical system like in Cuba?

An important point is that the given solution will not only benefit the Kashmiri's but also will bring progress to India and Pakistan - socially, economically and politically.

Lastly, to extend a point about direct democracy socialism, It worked in Libya and it is being implemented in Venezuela ( the consejos comunales - communal councils ). Two different kinds of countries, ethnically and geographically. No reason why India and Pakistan cannot adopt the system given the fact that both countries have so much in common. And just Direct Democracy without the socialism part has been the system in Switzerland for long.

Disclaimer: The post only represents writer's own point of views. The post do not represent point of views of Pakistan Defence management. Pakistan Defence Team will not be responsible for disagreements.
Credits: The post is written by Jamahir, India. The proof reading and some other editing has been done by Think Tank Analyst, Forcetrip. The final formatting, editing and picture uploading is done by Slav Defence., Think Tank Vice Chairman.
Not a bad idea, if it is acceptable to the Kashmiri. I have another idea. Why not make Azad Kashmir and Kashmir valley an independent country administered by both India and Pakistan like Andorra which was administered by both Spain and France. Pakistan can make Balistan its province and India make Buddhist Ladakh its state. But then again, if it is accepted by the Kashmiris
Whats the real issue of Kashmir. Atleast in first page of discussion there is no mention of it.

Kashmir is strategically vital for sirvival of Pakistan. Why Kashmir is so important for Pakistan.

1. Our water life line is in kashmir making it vital for our survival.
2. Our border with our biggest ally china will be bigger and less vulnerable to weather and other geo political matters through kashmir.
3. Last but the most important part is Kashmiri majority are muslims so letting it go is a question on ideology of Pakistan. How can 2 nation theory can be justified with Kashmiri majority muslims are gifted to hindu majority india.

From indian point of view Kashmir importance is mainly on account of its rivers in ladakh and other areas.

Another important consideration is 3 eastern rivers on which india has rights as per indus water treaty.

The above 2 startegic issues can be addressed by dialogue but the third one is the main cause of the dispute.

Hindu majority india always consider subcontinent as a hindu majority region either united or divided into multiple state. Never in history sub continent was a united country. It was muslims that united india by force othwrwise south indian hate north indian and east indian state have a totally separate identity. The strongest thing that unites india is hatred of Pakistan or fear of muslim apprising and indian think tank use Pakistan as a bogyman to keep the country diverted from discrimination between regions.

With the kashmir issue resolved and this bogyman gone it will be really difficult to keep india united.

For me the realistic and possible solution is a semi independent region with local laws and rules without any permission. However the region should remain demilitarized, without any rights to foreign relations and guarantee of sharing of resources between india and pakiatan guaranteed by UN and world bank.

Kashmir should be divided into 2 states i.e. jammu kashmir and laddakh and each should have separate law making bodies.

The region disputed with china should be given to china as it has very limited population and harsh weathers and are more connected to china.

In this way strategic interest of both the countries will be guaranteed and kashmiri will lead a happy life.

Kashmiri should have right to get passport of both india and pakistan as per their choosing.

A political solution for Kashmir and lasting peace for India and Pakistan
Written by: Jamahir
Category cloud: Opinion, analysis

India and Pakistan need to settle the long, sad but frankly immature dispute over Kashmir once and for all. Peacefully and politically. Both have similar social, economic and political problems so any nuanced and generic solution for one country can also be used by the other country. The prescribed solution by the UNO is impractical. As it involves, as far as I understand, India withdrawing military units stationed in India-administered Kashmir and then arranging for a plebiscite there while also accepting the UNO as a mediator. But the Indian Establishment believes, as also its foreign allies, that India-administered Kashmir is primarily a matter internal to India but since Pakistan cannot be wished away the matter should involve both countries settling the matter between themselves, peacefully and politically. But any such settlement should benefit both the countries immediately and in the long term.

Therefore I present one solution as below. The solution is based on Muammar Gaddafi's solution for Kashmir to which I have added some bits.

1. Both countries should adopt the same Progressive political system. Two separate, independent republics but with the same political system, much like what pre-2003 Iraq and Syria were with their same Ba'athist systems. The Progressive political system can be the Direct Democracy Socialism system that governed Libya until the 2011 war. Readers can refer to these pages to understand how this system works. This system is called the Third Universal Theory aka Jamahiriya theory. In India, a form of Direct Democracy called Swaraj is being implemented in Delhi by the ruling AAP party and is also being forwarded by the Swaraj Abhiyan movement and there is no reason why it cannot be extended to Pakistan as well.

2. Let Indian-administered Kashmir and Pakistani-administered Kashmir remain with their respective countries.


3. Convert the LoC into an International Border that is accessible for trade, tourism and family visits.

All this will make the separatists in India-administered Kashmir to understand that their desire to join Pakistan-administered Kashmir is unnecessary because both countries will have become the same, politically.

Furthermore, with separatist militancy reduced in Indian-administered Kashmir, what will remain is regressive religious militancy or activism which can be controlled and removed with social support by progressives among the local population. The side effect will also be a drastic removal of the current military force which will lead to more goodwill for the peace project.

I speak of the troubles and concerns of Muslims in Indian Kashmir and I will also speak of the troubles and concerns of the Kashmiri Pundit refugees. There must be something like Nelson Mandela's Truth and Reconciliation Commission. I would like the refugee Kashmiri Pandits to be allowed to return back to the Valley.

The next step would be resumption of the Aman Ki Asha peace mission as well as resumption of food and clothing festivals to be organized in both countries.

If not for such a solution, how long would the Establishments of India and Pakistan keep up with this cross-border hate? For another 50 years? 100? Until a reformed UNO decides to send in a military arbitrator force? And would the people of both countries not like the money and other resources spent by their respective militaries in positioning against each other to be spent on making each others countries a welfare state where there are things like high quality free medical system like in Cuba?

An important point is that the given solution will not only benefit the Kashmiri's but also will bring progress to India and Pakistan - socially, economically and politically.

Lastly, to extend a point about direct democracy socialism, It worked in Libya and it is being implemented in Venezuela ( the consejos comunales - communal councils ). Two different kinds of countries, ethnically and geographically. No reason why India and Pakistan cannot adopt the system given the fact that both countries have so much in common. And just Direct Democracy without the socialism part has been the system in Switzerland for long.

Disclaimer: The post only represents writer's own point of views. The post do not represent point of views of Pakistan Defence management. Pakistan Defence Team will not be responsible for disagreements.
Credits: The post is written by Jamahir, India. The proof reading and some other editing has been done by Think Tank Analyst, Forcetrip. The final formatting, editing and picture uploading is done by Slav Defence., Think Tank Vice Chairman.
Do you represent Kashmiris in the Indian occupied Kashmir? Or you are also part Hindutva regime playing the same music what the Hindutva goons are playing. The fate of Jammu and Kashmir will be decided by the natives of J and K under the supervision of UN. This is fair and just solution. Nothing less is acceptable.
Not a bad idea, if it is acceptable to the Kashmiri. I have another idea. Why not make Azad Kashmir and Kashmir valley an independent country administered by both India and Pakistan like Andorra which was administered by both Spain and France. Pakistan can make Balistan its province and India make Buddhist Ladakh its state. But then again, if it is accepted by the Kashmiris

My forefathers split plenty of blood for Pakistan, we don't want an independent Kashmir, nor should you.
If it wen't for our actions (freeing AJK) Pakistan's existence was questionable.
India will never agree to anything now, and it's belligerence has got worse.
The Valley and surrounding areas come to Pakistan, nothing else is acceptable.
My forefathers split plenty of blood for Pakistan, we don't want an independent Kashmir, nor should you.
If it wen't for our actions (freeing AJK) Pakistan's existence was questionable.
India will never agree to anything now, and it's belligerence has got worse.
The Valley and surrounding areas come to Pakistan, nothing else is acceptable.
If you read my post I said "If agreed by Kashmiris". No one wants these solution but when our Foreign Minister said that we can not beat India diplomatically since they are very big and important for the whole world and our DG ISPR said War is not an option. At this point my only concern were the Kashmiri people for whom our army and government can not fight militarily and diplomatically
Moving this reply to this thread.

Muslims of Kashmir are pure Islamists. They indulged in the genocide of Kashmiri Hindus starting from late 1980s and have employed terrorism as their tool to kill non-Muslims and Indian security forces.

I agree that presently a few Kashmiri Muslims support regressives like Asiya Andrabi but there is also the element of ghettoized religiosity which is the outcome of living for decades in a high-pressure military occupation territory where the people are allowed to show mostly religious activity and feeling.

But that there are also progressive elements in Kashmir. You may not be aware that the famous Lal Chowk area was named so by socialist activists who fought Maharaja Hari Singh. And currently there is MY Tarigami who is the long-standing leader of the Communist Party of India ( Marxist ). In 2012 there was begun the first Kashmiri girl music band which consisted of a trio, they received backlash from the mullahs there but were supported by quite a few local sensible people including Umar Abdullah and Shehla Rashid.

They will never subscribe to a philosophy like Baath parties of west asia who are closer to atheist communists.

Firstly, quite a few members misunderstood the main reason of my mentioning of Baath ideology. I presented the two Baath countries ( Iraq and Syria ) as illustration of two Muslim-majority countries who can remain independent in all matters but can follow the same progressive ideology. For India and Pakistan my intention was to say that both can adopt the Jamahiriya theory aka Third Universal Theory which is a Direct Democracy Socialism system. Not only will India and Pakistan benefit but the Indian Kashmiris will see that : (a). The new progressive political system originates from a Muslim-majority country ( Libya ) so they should have no logical objection to it, (b). Since Pakistan also will have the same system the Indian Kashmiris will see no practical and logical need to see their territory to secede into Pakistan, no need for that slogan "Kashmir banega Pakistan".

The closest that Pakistan and Muslims of subcontinent came to baathism is PPP of Pakistan but the Islamist Military of Pakistan has suppressed PPP by hanging ZAB and later killing BB.

Yes, ZAB was inspired by socialists ( including Baathists ) into founding his socialist party PPP. I quote my thread from 2016 which is an article by Nadeem Paracha about socialist activism among Muslims in the modern times. The below quote is about Pakistan :
In the early 1960s (during the secular and pro-US military dictatorship of Ayub Khan), a group of intellectuals led by poet, painter and author, Hanif Ramay, emerged in Lahore and began working on giving a more focused look to the Islamic Socialist ideas of Parvez and Khalifa, and to also fuse in elements from Ba’ath Socialism in the context of a non-Arab Muslim country like Pakistan.

The project also included the publishing of a monthly Urdu literary magazine called ‘Nusrat’ that, apart from publishing Urdu poetry, short stories and literary commentaries on the works of Urdu poets and writers, also ran pieces on the works of Ghulam Ahmed Parvez, Dr. Khalifa and Michal Aflaq.

After the 1965 Pakistan-India war ended in a stalemate, Ayub Khan dismissed his young Foreign Minister, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto (for showing dissent).

Bhutto befriended a retired bureaucrat and veteran Marxist ideologue, J A. Rahim, and both decided to form a populist left-wing party to challenge the Ayub dictatorship.

In 1966, Bhutto also came into contact with Hanif Ramay who presented him his group’s work on Islamic Socialism.

Bhutto and Rahim formed the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) in 1967. A number of Marxist and progressive intellectuals, journalists, student leaders and trade unionists joined the party, but it was Ramay’s Islamic Socialist group who prevailed when the time came to author the party’s manifesto.

In a series of articles (by Ramay and Safdar Mir) in ‘Nusrat,’ the writers explained (the PPP’s) Islamic Socialism as meaning:
  • Elimination of feudalism.
  • Elimination of uncontrolled capitalism and the encouragement of a system based on freedom of opportunity and/or an economic system closely monitored by the government and the state.
  • Nationalisation of major banks, industries and schools.
  • Encouraging the workers to participate in the running of factories.
  • Promoting democracy and the building of democratic institutions.
All this was then explained to be a modern, 20th Century extension of the principals of equality and justice as practiced by the first Muslim regime in Madina and Mecca headed by Islam’s Prophet, and of the many egalitarian economic and social proclamations found in the Holy Qu’ran.

PPP’s Islamic Socialism denounced the conservative religious parties and the clergy of being representatives of monopolist capitalists, feudal lords, military dictators, the ‘imperialist forces of capitalism,’ and of being agents of backwardness and social and spiritual stagnation.


Poet, painter and author, Hanif Ramay, is claimed to be one of the main ideologues and theorists of modern Islamic Socialism in Pakistan. He was also one of the founding members of the PPP.

In spite of the fact that the right-wing Islamic party, the Jamat-i-Islami, managed to get over a hundred different Islamic ulema and clergymen to declare PPP’s socialism to be ‘atheistic’ and ‘anti-Islam,’ the party managed to sweep the 1970 elections in West Pakistan.
The above article does not mention the earlier attempt by Faiz Ahmed Faiz and some comrades in their quest to capture power towards socialist governance. The episode called Rawalpindi Conspiracy.

But Pakistan was not the only Muslim-majority country in the Subcontinent to experiment with socialist governance. You can read the above article for mention about Afghanistan.

The best solution is for India to sell the Kashmir Valley to the US and be done with the problem.

How will you convince the Hindutvadis who see Kashmir as part of Akhand Bharat ? Just yesterday there was a BJP leader who said that.
That solution is not possible anymore. The previous government and the current government both wanted to pursue it again.
But after August 5 india has changed the kashmiri status and brought in settlers.
If ever pakistani agree to loc turning into a border, so that kashmir would be a seperate country with special rights and more closer with Pakistan. But now that stage is gone.
India changed it.
Now we can never go back.
Musharaf formula is no longer applicable.
In case of india and pakistan the politician cant take hard decisions, they have to juastify them to public. If any decision taken by government is not satisfactory to people then they would retaliate.

I am a pragmatist & a realist. Pakistan is not likely to be strong enough to take the Indian occupied Kashmir by force any time in the foreseeable future. On the other hand, regardless of the party in power, India is never going to ‘Gift’ IOK to Pakistan.

In view of the above, the only feasible solution is what was proposed by Musharraf; that is, to make the communication & travel between the two parts so easy for the “Kashmiris” that the border becomes irrelevant. Something similar to the USA- Canadian border.

At least in my humble opinion, whatever we as Pakistanis or the Indians think & wish, Kashmir problem is not going to disappear any time soon.
My forefathers split plenty of blood for Pakistan, we don't want an independent Kashmir, nor should you.
If it wen't for our actions (freeing AJK) Pakistan's existence was questionable.
India will never agree to anything now, and it's belligerence has got worse.
The Valley and surrounding areas come to Pakistan, nothing else is acceptable.
The most acceptable and reasonable and workable solution is Chenab Formula which Vajpai agreed with Gen Musharraf later Vajpaye backed of.
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