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A Pincer in Ladakh, More Trouble For India

Given how the Geo-Political alignment is increasingly putting countries into two groupings - Anti China and Anti US, It would be interesting to see what pressure this is putting on the Pakistani camp. While for Pakistanis, China may be the tallest mountain, deepest ocean sort off friend, the Pakistani leadership will know, given the poor economic conditions and even poorer world reputation, its best stance is to place one leg here and the other there to maintain a delicate balance while not offending either team.
Covid aftermath will not be pretty for any country and if Pakistan wants to emerge stronger, it will need help from more than China. Hence, Pakistan is only going to be a spectator.
Do we have to remind each time indian open their mouth for reputation basic necessity like toilets dont have kulboshan yadav type indian army commander who are clearly involve in terrorism india is even supplying military hardware to ISIS, obvious supporter of TTP BLA involve in bomb blasts in Pakistan even recently PM of Pakistan said indian RA&W is involve in stock exchange attack. I personally have no doubt that india was involve in APS.
did i mention about Rape capital and terrorist PM running india and main face of media is subraminium sawami who is not ugly only from outside. jay dangay matram!
On that note, why are we trying to take panga with China. They have same disparity in economic size and military power as India has to Pakistan.

When you consider the fact that india is 7× bigger than Pakistan and China's population is roughly the same size as that of india, the disparity between india and China is FAR greater than that between Pakistan and india.

Pakistan Indian military and economic gap has never been this big ever since independence.

At one stage in the 1960s India GDP was barely 5 times the size and Pakistan had far better equipped air force with usa and French fighters although outnumbered. Pakistan was first to get missiles for air force in the 60s.

Today Indian gdp is 10 times and forex 40 times Pakistan
India has military technology that Pakistan could never afford to.buy in the next decade may be ever.
Nuke subs
Rafale type fighters
Aircraft carriers
Indengious built satalites
Hi-tech usa hardware like c17 glob masters etc.

They are left with cheaper Chinese options only most likely on soft loans or exchange for goods.
Economic power is and always has been.the key difference in military power.

India has never seemed so far ahead as today v Pakistan

You do realize that india is one of the most impoverished nations on earth with the highest number of severely malnourished and extreme poor people in the world:





Talk is always cheap. Until you really do something about what you guys are calling an opportunity, it remains as mere words and empty chest thumping. I gave you my opinion on why Pakistan will only be a spectator.

Pakistan only humilated India last year Infront of the world

We are ready

But it may actually suit us to quietly prepare whilst India runs around like a headless chicken and the emnity between India and China takes centre stage

We hate Hindus for our own reasons everything suits us fine at the moment
On that note, why are we trying to take panga with China. They have same disparity in economic size and military power as India has to Pakistan.

Firstly they came to India for snatching land

Second India China gap us much lower
Gdp is 5 to 1
Forex 6 to 1

India Pakistan is huge gap
10 to 1 GDP
40 to 1 forex
Pakistan are desperate shape financially
They could not support war for one week they would collapse no money even for fuel ships and tanks
The reality is bad
this issue has existed pre-your 1962 defeat to China

so your industry has failed to exploit this since then.

sweet Mary ? PDF is going down in standards

Unfortunately we had a lot of CCP boot-licking parties and politicians in India.
In fact our Communist party has more allegiance towards China than to India.

Guess all that changed now eh..

Even the commies are silent, they know they will be lynched by Indian public if they support China in the present time.
Given how the Geo-Political alignment is increasingly putting countries into two groupings - Anti China and Anti US, It would be interesting to see what pressure this is putting on the Pakistani camp. While for Pakistanis, China may be the tallest mountain, deepest ocean sort off friend, the Pakistani leadership will know, given the poor economic conditions and even poorer world reputation, its best stance is to place one leg here and the other there to maintain a delicate balance while not offending either team.
Covid aftermath will not be pretty for any country and if Pakistan wants to emerge stronger, it will need help from more than China. Hence, Pakistan is only going to be a spectator.

How b|tchslapping India will need Pakistan to be sensitive about balancing its relationship with US? Unless India comes out in open and declare itself to be the sugarbaby of America, but hey even then, Pakistan is not bound to consider American opinions about India, as Pakistan knows that America needs it for its interests in Afghanistan. And perhaps in current geopolitical landscape, Pakistan is the only state which can act a bridge between Washington and Beijing, like it did in the past.

India cannot be seen to be alone

THIS. This is what giving Indian establishment nightmares at the moment. None of its allies have come out in open to India support. Consider India a goofy type character who likes to hang around with group of bullies and take it as its strength, to be seen with bullies. At the moment, its all alone and her bully friends are no where to be seen.
India cannot be seen to be alone or militarily weak. It has tremendous support internationally which must translate into a higher level of strategic support.

More delusional diarrhoea from a former military man, yes India has tremendous support globally that is why the whole world supported India during recent events... Oh wait that never happened, and India was left licking its wound.

We hate India

We would be looking to screw the Hindus any which way we can..

India being humilated suits us fine

You are as much a piece of crap as Sanghis, what a toxic and stupid way of thinking.

Unfortunately we had a lot of CCP boot-licking parties and politicians in India.

Stop lying to yourselves, you aint exactly the power that you all like to think of yourselves as. Stop living in Bollywood reality, in the real world you can do jack $hit to China or for that matter to anyone. Go back to banning TikTok and throwing your TVs off of your balconies. That is the extent of your power.
Firstly they came to India for snatching land

Second India China gap us much lower
Gdp is 5 to 1
Forex 6 to 1

India Pakistan is huge gap
10 to 1 GDP
40 to 1 forex
Pakistan are desperate shape financially
They could not support war for one week they would collapse no money even for fuel ships and tanks
The reality is bad

Those figures become irrelevant when you consider that india's population is more than 7x bigger than that of Pakistan. In that scenario, india's GDP becomes 1.4 to 1 compared to Pakistan.

indias forex reserve is 31:1 compared to Pakistan:


But when considering the fact that india has more than 7x more people than Pakistan does, the Forex ratio compared to Pakistan becomes

4:1 (1sf)

So as you can see, the gap between China and india is FAR more wider than that between Pakistan and india...................:azn:

Also, india has the highest number of severely malnourished and extreme poor people in the world............:azn::





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No more two phrunt war. Instead, within a year, Pakistan Army will attack in sub-sector North, Siachen and Kashmir in a reinforced one phrunt war with PLA providing support.

too much of wolf warrior type movies make this kind of mind :lol::lol::lol::lol: and the main protagonist name is leng feng :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: its a pla propaganda movie with many false bravado shown in it....
thats why this poster always posts such weird replies....:lol::lol::lol::lol:

connect the dots...

Hey chill out

India is minding our own business

But nobody is getting lsdakh or Kashmir

And we will do article 370 over and over again until.our heart is contents

Now if you or your
Those figures become irrelevant when you consider that india's population is more than 7x bigger than that of Pakistan. In that scenario, india's GDP becomes 1.4 to 1 compared to Pakistan.

indias forex reserve is 31:1 compared to Pakistan:


But when considering the fact that india has more than 7x more people than Pakistan does, the Forex ratio compared to Pakistan becomes

4:1 (1sf)

So as you can see, the gap between China and india is FAR more wider than that between Pakistan and india...................:azn:

Those ratios mean nothing

You have no money
Your a nation completely dependant on China even to survive economically

You could never sustain a war you weak financially. Dress it up any way you want

500 billion dollars is like half trillion

10 or 15 billion is chicken feed money

You have no chance to major power in any shape or form.and will be a burden on China in any conflict unable to carry your weight or worth

Hey chill out

India is minding our own business

But nobody is getting lsdakh or Kashmir

And we will do article 370 over and over again until.our heart is contents

Now if you or your

Those ratios mean nothing

You have no money
Your a nation completely dependant on China even to survive economically

You could never sustain a war you weak financially. Dress it up any way you want

500 billion dollars is like half trillion

10 or 15 billion is chicken feed money

You have no chance to major power in any shape or form.and will be a burden on China in any conflict unable to carry your weight or worth

You do realize that you have 0 credible and irrefutable evidence for ALL your above claims. Everything you have listed above is your opinion of which you desperately hope to be true. IF what you say is true then remember to post the links to the substantiated evidence here. Ranting and conjectures mean nothing.

Here is the GENUINE and IRREFUTABLE evidence that proves india is the most impoverished nation on earth with the highest number of severely malnourished and extreme poor people in the world:





More delusional diarrhoea from a former military man, yes India has tremendous support globally that is why the whole world supported India during recent events... Oh wait that never happened, and India was left licking its wound.
only pakistan has worldwide support and has many many frandzz. :lol::lol:

Stop lying to yourselves, you aint exactly the power that you all like to think of yourselves as. Stop living in Bollywood reality, in the real world you can do jack $hit to China or for that matter to anyone. Go back to banning TikTok and throwing your TVs off of your balconies. That is the extent of your power.

learn to read the news sometimes

https://www.dawn.com/news/1570250/l...the response,companies was “not satisfactory”.

Bigo app banned.... and tik ok last warning and about to be banned


pubg banned

what happened? chinese apps banned in pakistan?:lol::lol::lol:

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