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A Pincer in Ladakh, More Trouble For India

We will do the fighting
We have endless supply of young brave soldiers who will fight for their country
What we require is
Constant real time intel ie usa satalites
Constant resupply of ammo missles drones
USA naval pressure in SCS with carriers
Harressment of chinease shipping lines
Boycott of chinease apps and chinease products /exports.
coordinated effort by the West ie Europe the Quad ie Japan Korea South Taiawan Austrailia to boycott chinease goods move businesss out of china


That's why the USA was beefing you up, nut cases.
Like I said this is "lambs to the slaughter" moment for Endians, created by uncle Sam.
You will learn soon enough.
Lol according to you guys Balakot was a civilian hospital...apparently with no doctors, no patients and no beds.

Sure we did and like with everything else, you have so much overwhelming credible evidence to support and corroborate your claims.........:disagree:

According to you guys, burden of proof is always on us....whether it's Balakot or Galwan valley. We don't need to give anyone any proof.

No. Instead you give this:


We will do the fighting
We have endless supply of young brave soldiers who will fight for their country
What we require is
Constant real time intel ie usa satalites
Constant resupply of ammo missles drones
USA naval pressure in SCS with carriers
Harressment of chinease shipping lines
Boycott of chinease apps and chinease products /exports.
coordinated effort by the West ie Europe the Quad ie Japan Korea South Taiawan Austrailia to boycott chinease goods move businesss out of china

one simple question . which country exactly which country come for your help when China was butchering your soldiers/officers in galwan?
apart from lip services which country came for help . even rajnath singh rush to russia t beg for mediation .

You should ask your Chinese friends...how many soldiers they lost. Why are they so mum on their casualties? The Mighty China!! :lol:
indian gives the figure of 43 . they have to prove it .
27 Feb
15 june .
o bhai kabhi to proof dikha dey . :lol::lol:
why its always india who ends up with no proofs?:sarcastic::sarcastic:
We will do the fighting
We have endless supply of young brave soldiers who will fight for their country
What we require is
Constant real time intel ie usa satalites
Constant resupply of ammo missles drones
USA naval pressure in SCS with carriers
Harressment of chinease shipping lines
Boycott of chinease apps and chinease products /exports.
coordinated effort by the West ie Europe the Quad ie Japan Korea South Taiawan Austrailia to boycott chinease goods move businesss out of china


If this is how the indian leadership thinks then well, india is doomed even before a bullet is fired.

Actually, india IS waiting for the yanks to make a move in the SCS so when China is busy fighting the US and its allies in SCS india can try and capitalize at ladakh. Infact the more you look at it the more it seems obvious now. The US n china ARE heading for a showdown in SCS come what may, ALL events are leading towards it. For the US, its all about fighting China now when its still rising rather than waiting for tomorrow when China will have risen already and be more powerful than the US. Its not a matter of IF, its a matter of WHEN.

What seems to have happened is that China came to know about this Grand Plan and decided to sieze the initiative at ladakh before india could even blink, hence upsetting, upstaging rather, the Great Plan.
Covid might have played the role of a catalyst as well. The rest are just details.

Whether we like it or not but war is inevitable and india will have to bear the brunt of it. Pakistan will offc play its role, infact unlike india, its not indecisive in choosing its ally(s).

If you can block all the noise, the writing is pretty much on the wall.
According to you guys, burden of proof is always on us....whether it's Balakot or Galwan valley. We don't need to give anyone any proof.

claimed balakot to be some thing, where rest of the world media went searching there for answers.

They’ve We’re, literally walking through the crime scene....shocked lack of it

Only finding a tree and a bush area scorched by your crazy impulse ?

Nothing you we’re claiming matched the facts on the ground ?

The western media were standing right centre of your tree and scorched bushes

Media looking at your bizarre claim grinning and laughing with Pak soldiers.

They did enjoy tea there

Your dont get tired counting 20 indian soldiers.

When you hear chinease soldiers were thrown off ridges and some necks were broken YOU decide nothing happened Despite even the chinease themselves admitting we had casulties. BUT TOO ASHAMED to TELL the WORLD how ,many were butchered by he brave indian army
We hate India

We would be looking to screw the Hindus any which way we can..

India being humilated suits us fine
Talk is always cheap. Until you really do something about what you guys are calling an opportunity, it remains as mere words and empty chest thumping. I gave you my opinion on why Pakistan will only be a spectator.

Are you talking about India!
Reading my post again may help. I was talking about Pakistan.

Because india is such an economically rich and powerful country.............:disagree:...........:lol:
........and the americans, West and Russia will come and fight the Chinese on behalf of the indians.............:disagree:
Did I call India rich? Did I say other countries are going to fight India's battles? All I did was express my opinion on why Pakistan will be a spectator. I must have touched a raw nerve somewhere for you to lose your comprehension skills.
Talk is always cheap. Until you really do something about what you guys are calling an opportunity, it remains as mere words and empty chest thumping. I gave you my opinion on why Pakistan will only be a spectator.

Reading my post again may help. I was talking about Pakistan.

Did I call India rich? Did I say other countries are going to fight India's battles? All I did was express my opinion on why Pakistan will be a spectator. I must have touched a raw nerve somewhere for you to lose your comprehension skills.

Being a spectator in a demolition job on india sounds great........just like when over 20 indian soldiers had their skulls cracked open and their brain matter splattered all over the Galwan Valley by the PLA last month...........:azn:
Being a spectator in a demolition job on india sounds great........just like when over 20 indian soldiers had their skulls cracked open and their brain matter splattered all over the Galwan Valley by the PLA last month...........:azn:
I see that as a lack of will for Pakistan. We have already seen what it did or rather couldn't do after revoking article 370. So yeah spectator is what it will be.
Pakistan Indian military and economic gap has never been this big ever since independence.

At one stage in the 1960s India GDP was barely 5 times the size and Pakistan had far better equipped air force with usa and French fighters although outnumbered. Pakistan was first to get missiles for air force in the 60s.

Today Indian gdp is 10 times and forex 40 times Pakistan
India has military technology that Pakistan could never afford to.buy in the next decade may be ever.
Nuke subs
Rafale type fighters
Aircraft carriers
Indengious built satalites
Hi-tech usa hardware like c17 glob masters etc.

They are left with cheaper Chinese options only most likely on soft loans or exchange for goods.
Economic power is and always has been.the key difference in military power.

India has never seemed so far ahead as today v Pakistan
I see that as a lack of will for Pakistan. We have already seen what it did or rather couldn't do after revoking article 370. So yeah spectator is what it will be.

your silly circus politics we don’t get involved in at all

we continue and carry on until Kashmiris cause to its final just end

you are no America to put pressure changing us. China shown what it thinks of your Delhi belly article on Kashmiris

has your Fake modi changed with your stupid military threats no it hasn’t and it won’t. It doesn’t work on us . That’s embarrassing 7 times being bigger .......tut tut tut
Mate, the time you spend finding the articles and twisting the story just to degrade Indians, you can use it to make Pakistan better.
India and China conflict won't make a prosperous Pakistan.
Know your right vision to make your own country better.
rich coming from poorest nation in the world!
just because very few indians can afford decent meals doesnt make you prosperous!

delusion ki seema ka end hai koi?
Pakistan Indian military and economic gap has never been this big ever since independence.

Today Indian gdp is 10 times and forex 40 times Pakistan

They are left with cheaper Chinese options only most likely on soft loans or exchange for goods.
Economic power is and always has been.the key difference in military power.

India has never seemed so far ahead as today v Pakistan
On that note, why are we trying to take panga with China. They have same disparity in economic size and military power as India has to Pakistan.
Pakistan Indian military and economic gap has never been this big ever since independence.

At one stage in the 1960s India GDP was barely 5 times the size and Pakistan had far better equipped air force with usa and French fighters although outnumbered. Pakistan was first to get missiles for air force in the 60s.

Today Indian gdp is 10 times and forex 40 times Pakistan
India has military technology that Pakistan could never afford to.buy in the next decade may be ever.
Nuke subs
Rafale type fighters
Aircraft carriers
Indengious built satalites
Hi-tech usa hardware like c17 glob masters etc.

They are left with cheaper Chinese options only most likely on soft loans or exchange for goods.
Economic power is and always has been.the key difference in military power.

India has never seemed so far ahead as today v Pakistan

Sure it does. Which is why you have so much credible evidence to back up your claims and why india is still remains too weak, powerless and scared to take on the 7× smaller Pakistani military despite all the hot air and big talk.............:lol:...............:azn:

PS Come on now, stop talking and let's see india have the courage to EVEN try it on with Pakistan..............:azn:

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