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A Pincer in Ladakh, More Trouble For India


Sep 26, 2018
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Some Excerpts from an article written in the Indian Express today by the former Corps commander Srinagar, 15 Corps.
It is no longer Pakistan seeking Chinese support for its adventurism as much as it is the other way around. The mutuality of interests has increased and military coordination has become a larger part of the overall strategy. China may force further escalation this season depending upon how the world responds to its expansionism. Yet it could also adopt a posture which prepares it, along with Pakistan, towards a future “pincer approach” in Ladakh. This does not presuppose the limitation of Chinese intent to just Ladakh — Arunachal, Sikkim and the Central Sector very much under the scanner as part of the expanded collusive strategy. However, it is Ladakh where the effect is intended most and it is there that the pincer approach may prove more challenging for India.
Currently, India may not be optimally prepared for such a contingency but the Chinese may not be either. This is because they have tried setting the stage too early in their eagerness to spring a surprise — in turn, the Chinese could be surprised. That is where Pakistan comes in as a force multiplier to keep the options open as far as timing is concerned — the current campaigning season or a postponed one. In postponing, the Chinese will seek greater Pakistani activity in J&K and Ladakh, including attempts to keep the LoC alive along with terror in the hinterland to dilute Indian optimisation in Ladakh.
Assuming that confrontation with the Sino-Pak combine is inevitable now or later, one of the ways for India to offset this is to project sufficient capability. The diplomatic and military domains have to play this out effectively. India cannot be seen to be alone or militarily weak. It has tremendous support internationally which must translate into a higher level of strategic support. Militarily, Pakistan should never be able to perceive that it will be allowed to fight as per choice and conceived strategy.
China’s success or failure in such adventurism will set the course of its future strategy against its multiple adversaries. That is the psyche which India must exploit to prevent escalation and win this and impending standoffs without fighting. This needs a rapid and all-out national effort with highest priority accorded to it, including budgeting. China has made the major mistake of creating a face-off that it thought it could win without fighting but it is now mired in a situation that it did not think through.
Extending this face-off will be a logistics nightmare for both countries. On its part, India cannot afford to focus only on the northern borders. A firm and full strategy to deal with Pakistan in all contingencies has now become imperative.

For the Full article read the link below..

Given how the Geo-Political alignment is increasingly putting countries into two groupings - Anti China and Anti US, It would be interesting to see what pressure this is putting on the Pakistani camp. While for Pakistanis, China may be the tallest mountain, deepest ocean sort off friend, the Pakistani leadership will know, given the poor economic conditions and even poorer world reputation, its best stance is to place one leg here and the other there to maintain a delicate balance while not offending either team.
Covid aftermath will not be pretty for any country and if Pakistan wants to emerge stronger, it will need help from more than China. Hence, Pakistan is only going to be a spectator.
Some Excerpts from an article written in the Indian Express today by the former Corps commander Srinagar, 15 Corps.
It is no longer Pakistan seeking Chinese support for its adventurism as much as it is the other way around. The mutuality of interests has increased and military coordination has become a larger part of the overall strategy. China may force further escalation this season depending upon how the world responds to its expansionism. Yet it could also adopt a posture which prepares it, along with Pakistan, towards a future “pincer approach” in Ladakh. This does not presuppose the limitation of Chinese intent to just Ladakh — Arunachal, Sikkim and the Central Sector very much under the scanner as part of the expanded collusive strategy. However, it is Ladakh where the effect is intended most and it is there that the pincer approach may prove more challenging for India.
Currently, India may not be optimally prepared for such a contingency but the Chinese may not be either. This is because they have tried setting the stage too early in their eagerness to spring a surprise — in turn, the Chinese could be surprised. That is where Pakistan comes in as a force multiplier to keep the options open as far as timing is concerned — the current campaigning season or a postponed one. In postponing, the Chinese will seek greater Pakistani activity in J&K and Ladakh, including attempts to keep the LoC alive along with terror in the hinterland to dilute Indian optimisation in Ladakh.
Assuming that confrontation with the Sino-Pak combine is inevitable now or later, one of the ways for India to offset this is to project sufficient capability. The diplomatic and military domains have to play this out effectively. India cannot be seen to be alone or militarily weak. It has tremendous support internationally which must translate into a higher level of strategic support. Militarily, Pakistan should never be able to perceive that it will be allowed to fight as per choice and conceived strategy.
China’s success or failure in such adventurism will set the course of its future strategy against its multiple adversaries. That is the psyche which India must exploit to prevent escalation and win this and impending standoffs without fighting. This needs a rapid and all-out national effort with highest priority accorded to it, including budgeting. China has made the major mistake of creating a face-off that it thought it could win without fighting but it is now mired in a situation that it did not think through.
Extending this face-off will be a logistics nightmare for both countries. On its part, India cannot afford to focus only on the northern borders. A firm and full strategy to deal with Pakistan in all contingencies has now become imperative.

For the Full article read the link below..

Mate, the time you spend finding the articles and twisting the story just to degrade Indians, you can use it to make Pakistan better.
India and China conflict won't make a prosperous Pakistan.
Know your right vision to make your own country better.
Given how the Geo-Political alignment is increasingly putting countries into two groupings - Anti China and Anti US, It would be interesting to see what pressure this is putting on the Pakistani camp. While for Pakistanis, China may be the tallest mountain, deepest ocean sort off friend, the Pakistani leadership will know, given the poor economic conditions and even poorer world reputation, its best stance is to place one leg here and the other there to maintain a delicate balance while not offending either team.
Covid aftermath will not be pretty for any country and if Pakistan wants to emerge stronger, it will need help from more than China. Hence, Pakistan is only going to be a spectator.

Because india is such an economically rich and powerful country.............:disagree:...........:lol:
........and the americans, West and Russia will come and fight the Chinese on behalf of the indians.............:disagree:
Because india is such an economically rich and powerful country.............:disagree:...........:lol:
........and the americans, West and Russia will come and fight the Chinese on behalf of the indians.............:disagree:

We will do the fighting
We have endless supply of young brave soldiers who will fight for their country
What we require is
Constant real time intel ie usa satalites
Constant resupply of ammo missles drones
USA naval pressure in SCS with carriers
Harressment of chinease shipping lines
Boycott of chinease apps and chinease products /exports.
coordinated effort by the West ie Europe the Quad ie Japan Korea South Taiawan Austrailia to boycott chinease goods move businesss out of china

Mate, the time you spend finding the articles and twisting the story just to degrade Indians, you can use it to make Pakistan better.
India and China conflict won't make a prosperous Pakistan.
Know your right vision to make your own country better.

its written by an indian army general...dont shoot the messenger
We will do the fighting
We have endless supply of young brave soldiers who will fight for their country
What we require is
Constant real time intel ie usa satalites
Constant resupply of ammo missles drones
USA naval pressure in SCS with carriers
Harressment of chinease shipping lines
Boycott of chinease apps and chinease products /exports.
coordinated effort by the West ie Europe the Quad ie Japan Korea South Taiawan Austrailia to boycott chinease goods move businesss out of china


So then what happened in the Galwan Valley on the night of the 15th of June 2020 when over 20 indian soldiers had their skulls cracked open and had their brain matter splattered all over the Galwan Valley by the PLA.............:azn:
So then what happened in the Galwan Valley on the night of the 15th of June 2020 when over 20 indian soldiers had their skulls cracked open and had their brain matter splattered all over the Galwan Valley by the PLA.............:azn:

You should ask your Chinese friends...how many soldiers they lost. Why are they so mum on their casualties? The Mighty China!! :lol:
What a stupid fcking indian story. To inflate little Indians egos of there strength and power

China does not need Pakistan or the loc

to invade India ... lol

they did in the past so easily in ...1962 and recently weeks go. China happily did 40 Indians dead and caught dozens of them from drowning.

And here’s your two front war what a insult to China
Mate, the time you spend finding the articles and twisting the story just to degrade Indians, you can use it to make Pakistan better.
Pakistan will only move forward when the issue of Kashmir is solved, till than we will always have issues with India. Regarding degrading India, dear i only quote your OWN sources, maybe you have issues among yourselves!
You should ask your Chinese friends...how many soldiers they lost. Why are they so mum on their casualties? The Mighty China!! :lol:

Burden of proof is for you indians to proof it. Instead of running off with your mouths widely as you do here all the times l.

What we know is what Chinese have said to be proven to be the more reliable source .

your men were killed . Most jumped into ravines to escape that is not a sign of resistance or inflicting casualties on the Chinese now is it.

Here China will have more cctv to embarrass you Indians on a later date.
Burden of proof is for you indians to proof it. Instead of running off with your mouths widely as you do here all the times l.

What we know is what Chinese have said to be proven to be the more reliable source .

your men were killed . Most jumped into ravines to escape that is not a sign of resistance or inflicting casualties on the Chinese now is it.

Here China will have more cctv to embarrass you Indians on a later date.

According to you guys, burden of proof is always on us....whether it's Balakot or Galwan valley. We don't need to give anyone any proof.

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