There is a far greater danger building up here for Pakistan, and I am surprised that the intelligent section of PDF hasn't spotted it yet.
Let us start with this, without quibbling over figures. There is no need to check every point for accuracy because
@niaz Sahib's point is quite simple.
What is not so simple is the effect on the morale and the effect on the fighting efficiency of the Pakistani armed forces. As we hear constantly on every occasion that the Pakistani Army cannot hope to cope with the Indian Army, that the Pakistani Air Force cannot overcome or cannot defend itself from the Indian Air Force, that the Navy cannot do much about the Indian Navy, any member of the Pakistan Army, or the Pakistan Air Force, or the Pakistan Navy must sooner or later begin to get the impression that his service is inferior and that his country can hold out, not because of his patriotism, valour and willingness to fight for his country against all odds, but because there is a rich and varied nuclear inventory to back them up when they inevitably lose in battle.
Give enough years for this to sink in, and there will be nothing left of the three Pakistani services except frustrated and secretly internally frightened soldiers, sailors and airmen. They will expect to lose, as everyone expects it of them, and they will expect not to have to fight too hard, as the 'bum' is ready at hand precisely in those occasions when it loses. Which practically interpreting the various formulae used by the administration means every occasion.
It means that progressively, the threshold will have to be lowered. At this level, it is a situation where the three armed forces acknowledge that as a united entity, they will lose. The next stage will be when the individual armed forces acknowledge that they will lose. The longest hold-out will be wondering if he is to be the last casualty in a comical non-war, and, if so, why he should be the chosen one.
Finally the day will come when after losing a company strength encounter, the brigade, division or corps commander will ask for a single nuclear warhead to be detonated on the ground that his troops have surrendered, as there is no other course.