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A Normal Nuclear Pakistan

A delusional indian, on a Pakistani forum ,on a Pakistani thread proves who is a troll!:yahoo:

Here is a bit of education...

In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people,by posting inflammatory,extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional responseor of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.

That definition fits you.
So whats the outcome. Do India has the might to attack Pak. when ever it want. Certanily not. Indian People have always complaint about the impotent response from Indian Govt. After Parliament attacks, Mumbai attacks.


Why doesn't the US just fu<k up North Korea? Bomb the hell out of Assad, the Mullahs in Iran, and why not wipe out Europe because it can?

Dumba$$ learn International Relations, two-level game, and game theory before you post your own illogical bull$h!t.

Whats India going to gain from attacking and removing the Pakistani government, wiping away half or more of the military? Just more problems.

With the Pakistani government and military the Indians have a buffer from full out terrorists attacks. Look at the US Army in Afghanistan, them in Iraq, Somalia, Vietnam.It proved to itself that yes they can wipe out entire cities and topple nations but when it comes down to it they can't police an entire nation.

You like every other Pakistani on this forum is going to point out how many Indian troops, police, paramilitary are in Kashmir and still they're having some problems taking on insurgents there. Do you think India is going to send troops, police, paramilitary into Pakistan to police another 180+ million people when the 660,000 Pakistani Military is doing it by itself?

This 'attack on x is an attack on us' BS is spewed by everyone, but in reality they're mindless statements. Take the NATO, Ukraine and Russia case for example.

Ukraine isn't a NATO member, the US doesn't give as much of sh!t about it as much as they do to reassure some of their NATO allies, who were previously Soviet Satellites that Russia isn't going to come knock on their door.

In this year expect Europe to diversify their Energy supplies. Reducing their dependence on Russian gas. A win-win for the US, as they want to send their supplies of Natural Gas over-seas, also for Canada as their XL pipeline to the US is stalled.

Gazprom wanted rights to:
1. Sell Libyan oil & gas --> Libyan Transitional Government more pro-western.
2. Explore in Algeria
3. Explore in Venezuela. --> Open protests in Venez.

Gazprom has a presence in more than 17 EU countries either with joint ventures, subsidiaries, or shares of companies. They have successfully taken the majority of distribution networks in EU.

They have in the past:
1. Secure their hold on supplies in Central Asian Republics --> China is taking away oil & gas that would have gone to Moscow then EU by financing and bribing these CARs.

2. Pressure International Community on Sanctions on Iran so they wouldn't expand their trade into Europe.

3. Anyone remember the Baku-Erzurum pipeline, Azerbaijan to Europe, it was a 'Priority Project' by the EU, It's stalled in Turkey. From Turkey it would have gone to Hungary and Czech imagine who's lobbying against it? Also it wouldn't be hard to expend it from Azerbaijan to Iran.
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not concerned with INDIA, US or any other country. Concerned with that what Pakistan does to ensure to reach the higher benchmark. We are not in war with anyone, we are in war with ourselves, our soul to stop placing lies on ourselves. We need to make ourselves correct so that our country prosper. If we provide proper jobs and resources to our youngsters and block those damn mobile phone packages and make it a normal nation like any other country, then only we can grow. All are studying and moving outside the country, what remains up here ?. Hard time is on us.

Benchmark with US! Be faithful to own soul!
Pakistan and india will never go to war so stop arguing

Why india won't:
1) Pak army has pathans and bolochis supporting them
2) India is at its peak right now
3) Absolutely nothing to gain
4) Most important: Pak is a nuclear state

Why pakistan won't:
1) Won't win against india on a full out war
2) Nothing to gain
3) Most important: India is a nuclear state
The latest Bongi of Lal Topi.
If you look at the geo-political map of the globe...

You'll see that Pakistan forms the nuclear wall between the global Islamic Civilization/World and India.


Green lines: Physical boundary of Islamosphere
Black Line: Himalayas (Natural barrier impossible to cross)
Red Line: Pakistan's nuclear barrier to India.

India can never think of influencing Islamosphere, establishing any extensive trade-networks, and even have any cultural presence in Islamic World. Pakistan blocks all of them.

A billion people contained in utter hopelessness....
But India is all doing with TV and Dish system building new India in Muslim countries
That's truth I know
Even our pakistani product need their faces for marketing
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