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A new vision of India that is 100% Hindu

Why do we need to fight for it? When India becomes a Muslim majority country the day isn't far away. India automatically will be ruled for Muslims. Remember we only vote for Muslims leaders and Muslim interest.
What if you don't become? :( Who will 'impose Jizya on us' and 'break our idols'? :cray:
u really need to learn abut ur neighbors when did we get a labble of a ' terrorist state'...i mean is it official or just an indian saying it??.... and BTW we dont need anythig of u.... jinnah knew that muslims wont be safe in great india so he created pakistan...cheers mate
Are muslims safe in Pakistan?
we are not brainwashed.. we believe in Indian law. your action makes you a traitor.. check your posts... you are always talking about supporting pakistan and islam.. never consider others as humans.
Look this isn't going anywhere. You need to have knowledge about Islam to understand my point of view. Every practising Muslims thinks like me. Doesn't matter if you like it or not.
Hinduism is the oldest living religion in the world, enduring today as a healthy, spirited and colourful group of traditions.

With almost a billion followers, it is also the world’s third largest religion; Hindus comprise about one-seventh of the world’s entire population. Its origins lie in the vast Indian subcontinent. While it remains the majority religion in India, with over 800 million adherents, its spiritual, cultural, social and linguistic influences extend across the globe; over 60 million Hindus live outside of India in 150 different countries, including in the UK (around 700,000) and North America (over 2 million).

Hinduism, though, is not monolithic (characterised by complete uniformity) and has thus eluded simple definition. It has no single founder, no one scripture, no single set of teachings, no unified code of conduct, no central governing body. This was perplexing for early Western scholars of religion because they tended to perceive Hinduism through their own preconceived ideas of the nature of ‘religion’ – most often in relation to their own faith and culture.

Hinduism, in fact, is a ‘family’ of many diverse traditions, or sampradayas, each with its own distinct theology, philosophy, rituals, code of practices, and value system. This inescapable diversity and richness makes Hinduism particularly hard to define in simple, precise terms. Nonetheless, like in any family, there are some common elements and unifying themes. These include accepting God or a Supreme Reality, atma (the soul), dharma (the law of righteousness), karma (the law of cause and effect), the authority of the Vedas, and moksha (liberation). (Click here to learn more about the principal beliefs of Hinduism.)

Hinduism is also responsible for many valuable contributions to the world, such as that of the original concepts and practices of Yoga, Ayurveda, Vastu, Jyotish, Vedanta, karma, and much more.

Although it is not easy to define Hinduism, we can say with certainty that it is closely connected to India, its culture and its sacred texts – but it also extends far beyond them.

Yes I know this and Hinduism cant be defined by single word. It can modify itself like language. So taking teachings from Abrahamic religions wont be any problem for that. And Hindu name itself not correct for Hinduism.
To bhai aap kay baap daada, were also not born Hindus, what was there before hinduism came to subcontinent?

Do you want to go there?
There was nothing before hinduism. You must be a madarsa graduate or Zakir-naik fan to ask me this question.

There was no single point of time, or say event when hinduism started unlike islam and christianity and buddhism, juicism.
Hinduism was never started, it was practised. It's like a river which has no precise begining. Actually there was no dharm or religion at all before islam in India. It was just way of life.
sharam kaisi...???:o: apny mullk k difah main bol raha hun.. is k khilf ni...:pakistan::pakistan:
Abe matlab pakistan ke papa US of A ne hool diya, aur bilkul bhi sharam nahi?

I know indian (hindus mostly) very strongly believe in mythology, cosmic planes etc. But lets put the mythology on a side for a moment and talk about reality.

If india is as united as it is claimed here to be, why are there freedom struggeles in 27 states?

Somehow that doesn't make sense.

Freedom struggle ??Some separitism and terrorism activities happening only in 3 states where hindus became minority.Muslim majority ka smir (15%) area of jammu kasmir state and Nagaland and mizzoram which are christian majority states.Thats why we want strengthen hindus to protect our nation from separist ism and further disintegration.
There was nothing before hinduism. You must be a madarsa graduate or Zakir-naik fan to ask me this question.

There was no single point of time, or say event when hinduism started unlike islam and christianity and buddhism, juicism.
Hinduism was never started, it was practised. It's like a river which has no precise begining. Actually there was no dharm or religion at all before islam in India. It was just way of life.

LOL, more mythology BS.

Cosmic planes, all the world being hindus including but not limited to dinosaures...

Oh man, I can't believe these clowns are in the govt of supposedly the "largest democracy in the world". :omghaha:

And we worry about Talibans.
Hinduism is the oldest living religion in the world, enduring today as a healthy, spirited and colourful group of traditions.

With almost a billion followers, it is also the world’s third largest religion; Hindus comprise about one-seventh of the world’s entire population. Its origins lie in the vast Indian subcontinent. While it remains the majority religion in India, with over 800 million adherents, its spiritual, cultural, social and linguistic influences extend across the globe; over 60 million Hindus live outside of India in 150 different countries, including in the UK (around 700,000) and North America (over 2 million).

Hinduism, though, is not monolithic (characterised by complete uniformity) and has thus eluded simple definition. It has no single founder, no one scripture, no single set of teachings, no unified code of conduct, no central governing body. This was perplexing for early Western scholars of religion because they tended to perceive Hinduism through their own preconceived ideas of the nature of ‘religion’ – most often in relation to their own faith and culture.

Hinduism, in fact, is a ‘family’ of many diverse traditions, or sampradayas, each with its own distinct theology, philosophy, rituals, code of practices, and value system. This inescapable diversity and richness makes Hinduism particularly hard to define in simple, precise terms. Nonetheless, like in any family, there are some common elements and unifying themes. These include accepting God or a Supreme Reality, atma (the soul), dharma (the law of righteousness), karma (the law of cause and effect), the authority of the Vedas, and moksha (liberation). (Click here to learn more about the principal beliefs of Hinduism.)

Hinduism is also responsible for many valuable contributions to the world, such as that of the original concepts and practices of Yoga, Ayurveda, Vastu, Jyotish, Vedanta, karma, and much more.

Although it is not easy to define Hinduism, we can say with certainty that it is closely connected to India, its culture and its sacred texts – but it also extends far beyond them.

You just wasted a lot of text on someone for whom even possibly talking about pagan religions is wajibul qatl acording to the mullah preachings. It takes a refined mind to understand the world and the art of living on a wider plane, which I doubt would be possible for someone for whom all and everything has already been scripted and any deviance from it is punishable.

It's difficult for these programmed people to even consider anything beyond their limited scope of vision and faith.
Look this isn't going anywhere. You need to have knowledge about Islam to understand my point of view. Every practising Muslims thinks like me. Doesn't matter if you like it or not.

it is your fault by generalize all the Muslims in india. its your lack of intelligent to understand that there are many Muslims fighting for their motherland. i have many Muslim friends and i know how they think about their motherland.

i am leaving this thread... this si noting but a war to teach a brainless fool who don't understand the prosperity of his motherland. :closed:
yes they are safe from hindu extremists to turn then into hindus...and about isalamists our army is clearing them...:p:
Yeah, they are safe. Their kids are not.
Your army you say? Do you know that a current TTP commander who was indulged in Peshawar massacre is a former Pakistan army personnel.

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