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a New Stealth Submarine?

a more easier description would be to call it stealthier rather then the ultimate stealth!!

Yuan A vs Yuan B
This set of photos from Wuhan confirms that Type 041B is not a replacement for the standard type 041A variant. The new Type 041B could very well turns out as a "one-off" test-bed. Time will tell.

May be stealthy..but in no way stealth...Where are the ceramic tiles? Where is the large 8 blade propeller? Where are the angles and slopes?
No tell tale signs of stealth..
on the top surface of the sub.....

Under the water,Doesn't necessarily need to be eight......

Ahem.. Submarine in discussion not F117 Night Hawk

:eek::eek::eek::eek:Oh My:eek::eek::eek::eek:

Can you clearly see all those features in the pictures,because i cant.
Slopes are used in medium and small subs,not just f-117...
Large subs have to be tubular,because tube resembles sphere which is the strongest design when it comes to bearing the water pressure at depths.
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Hope the following will help you see the Sub :

Try to view the submarine without the aid of an Indian Radar because the submarine is not detectable by an Indian Radar.

Oke fine.. we have Israeli and Russian ones deployed too?? you have any answer for this?? :azn:
Why don't you people get it Stealth does not alway mean F-22 type design...
Stealth is a comparative term based on detectably, a difficult to detect Sub,soldier,Aircraft,ship all can call themselves stealthy.........

We will see stealth has F-22 only what will you do? :D


Kilo class chinese

New chinese 039


I think its tradition to hoist the flag ,when comes on the surface during non combat times.
what sub is this:

and what are the white markings on top side of this one:

Well chinese have come a long way
But still German and Swedish are better at stealth
Frankly , U212 was declared as the stealthiest sub in the world
And Germany operates 12 of them while South Korea has 10 of them
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