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A new dawn for Japan and Philippines: Japan requests access to military bases in the Philippines

Oh, do be careful in posting this news, the "generals" here will not be pleased.
I'm sure the Japanese will give the Filipinos another Bataan death march or Manila massacre :)
Oh the Jiang has spoken, but the Japanese would rather give us monies, some technologies, some weapons and more animu stuff! :cheesy:
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I'm sure the Japanese will give the Filipinos another Bataan death march or Manila massacre :)

Of course not.

Oh the Jiang has spoken, but the Japanese would rather give use monies, some technologies, some weapons and more animu stuff! :cheesy:

Pwede ha ma kilala ang maga gwapa filipina? He he he, gusto ko rin. ;)
I think everyone is overreacted.
Japanese only use the base for supply, nothing much. I might be good for PH economy.
We just hope their leaders will not let outside force to station the troop there, because i will feel sorry for them :sarcastic:
What is with the animosity towards the Philippines or the Filipinos? I had the honor of training with the members of their Rangers and mind you they are one of the fiercest soldiers I have ever seen!!! As some members here pointed out, they are quite peaceful in nature and I agree with them. Americans and the Japanese Armies invaded the PI in the past and although we succeeded in invading them, it came with a terrible price. We lost a lot of soldiers in doing so. @Nihonjin1051 please confirm with this one.

Furthermore, I’m quite fascinated how some members here are seem to be so “pro” with the idea of war. I do hope they are not the leaders of their respective countries. But don’t fret guys!!! THE US MILITARY IS HERE TO STAY!!!!

The best finger food I tasted so far is what they call sisig and I love the adobo dish especially with I think San Manuel Beer or something like that.

And to the Filipino members here, ipakilala mo ako sa maganda binibini yun mabait!!!

This is just my two cents of thought guys I am new here so I apologize if I offended anyone with my comments.
What is with the animosity towards the Philippines or the Filipinos? I had the honor of training with the members of their Rangers and mind you they are one of the fiercest soldiers I have ever seen!!! As some members here pointed out, they are quite peaceful in nature and I agree with them. Americans and the Japanese Armies invaded the PI in the past and although we succeeded in invading them, it came with a terrible price. We lost a lot of soldiers in doing so. @Nihonjin1051 please confirm with this one.

Furthermore, I’m quite fascinated how some members here are seem to be so “pro” with the idea of war. I do hope they are not the leaders of their respective countries. But don’t fret guys!!! THE US MILITARY IS HERE TO STAY!!!!

The best finger food I tasted so far is what they call sisig and I love the adobo dish especially with I think San Manuel Beer or something like that.

And to the Filipino members here, ipakilala mo ako sa maganda binibini yun mabait!!!

This is just my two cents of thought guys I am new here so I apologize if I offended anyone with my comments.
Adict kayo well cant blame you guys we are all like that anywsy let the imperials say crap this fools dont even realized they diging thier own graves
What is with the animosity towards the Philippines or the Filipinos? I had the honor of training with the members of their Rangers and mind you they are one of the fiercest soldiers I have ever seen!!! As some members here pointed out, they are quite peaceful in nature and I agree with them. Americans and the Japanese Armies invaded the PI in the past and although we succeeded in invading them, it came with a terrible price. We lost a lot of soldiers in doing so. @Nihonjin1051 please confirm with this one.

Furthermore, I’m quite fascinated how some members here are seem to be so “pro” with the idea of war. I do hope they are not the leaders of their respective countries. But don’t fret guys!!! THE US MILITARY IS HERE TO STAY!!!!

The best finger food I tasted so far is what they call sisig and I love the adobo dish especially with I think San Manuel Beer or something like that.

And to the Filipino members here, ipakilala mo ako sa maganda binibini yun mabait!!!

This is just my two cents of thought guys I am new here so I apologize if I offended anyone with my comments.

Hi @James Jaevid , thanks for sharing your view in this thread. Didn't know you found it to be interesting as well, one hting is for sure is that Japanese and American defense cooperation is really transforming to new levels, and current participation in the Philippines will be a platform wherein Japan and the United States as well as our Filipino partners --- are learning to study, implement new defense strategies, as well as building towards a shared future.

Americans and the Japanese Armies invaded the PI in the past and although we succeeded in invading them, it came with a terrible price. We lost a lot of soldiers in doing so. @Nihonjin1051 please confirm with this one.

Absolutely, buddy. The Filipinos fought long and hard, and gave a stiff resistance to the Imperial Japanese Army throughout the entire endeavor. Even after the fall of Corregidor in 1942 and the surrender of the United States Army in the Philippines , the Filipino Army Scouts continued their guerrilla war against the occupying forces of the Imperial Japanese Army , Imperial Japanese Air Service and the Imperial Navy. The Filipino officers of the Philippine Army Scouts actually formed various guerrilla units and operated intelligence network throughout the Philippines and interrupted lines of communication whenever they could.

One famous Filipino guerrilla was Ramon Magasaysay, who would eventually become one of the Philippines' presidents , led a force of 10,000 guerrillas and led a resistance movement throughout Luzon. There were many more of course who operated in the Visayas, and Mindanao and these guys were invaluable in intelligence gathering and cooperated with the US Invasion force and identified key Japanese defense positions.

The Filipinos fought long and hard. Let's not forget their sacrifices in WWII.
As a Filipino, I am against this, never trust the Japanese again!

Sincerely yours, opruh, 100% pure Filipino. :bounce:

Obviously, China is shaking in her boots because of this right? Hide your Chinese kids, hide your Chinese wives, the Japanese are coming! @Nihonjin1051 , it is time to dust off your Samurai sword once again.
The richest businessmen in the Philippines are Chinese, our president Noynoy himself is a Chinese, I don't see them hiding right now.

Hahaha! Japanese are coming Japanese are coming! What is this the Chinese version of Paul Revere? :lol::lol:

Take out your debit card and prepare to shop, err.... I mean to fight (in the cashier line?) lol.
This is very popular in the Philippines, back then when you hear it you should run because the japanese military will slaughter you. Nowadays when girls hear it, it's time to make the japanese men happy in exchange for money. :lol:
My friend @opruh , my grandfather fought with the Japanese Army. His ex-o then was a lieutenant from the Filipino Army. the ex-o died and it was the family of the ex-o who took care of my grandfather after the death march. Bringing him medicine and food. Some of the family members are now in the US and some are members of the US armed forces. Two of the grandchildren graduated from USMA, one from USAFFA, and one from VMI. Our family's became close and we visit each other from time to time. And you know what is surprising? One of the ex-o's descendant is also an officer with the Filipino Army right now and was a classmate in the Ranger School. The last time we talked he is soon to be promoted.

We all lost someone, one way or another during the war. We americans shed blood with Filipinos. And yes we also drew blood from our enemies. Now these once "enemies" are now our friends and brothers. We cannot live in the past unless we move on.
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My friend @opruh , my grandfather fought with the Japanese Army. His ex-o then was a lieutenant from the Filipino Army. the ex-o died and it was the family of the ex-o who took care of my grandfather after the death march. Bringing him medicine and food. Some of the family members are now in the US and some are members of the US armed forces. Two of the grandchildren graduated from USMA, one from USAFFA, and one from VMI. Our family's became close and we visit each other from time to time. And you know what is surprising? One of the ex-o's descendant is also an officer with the Filipino Army right now and was a classmate in the Ranger School. The last time we talked he is soon to be promoted.

We all lost someone, one way or another during the war. We americans shed blood with Filipinos. And yes we also drew blood from our enemies. Now these once "enemies" are now our friends and brothers. We cannot live in the past unless we move on.

You're talking to a wall. @opruh will not listen and will still continue to preach pro-Mainland China sentiment while at the same time spitting out anti-American, Anti-Vietnamese, Anti-Japanese, Anti-Indian and even Anti-Filipino sentiment.

He is either a Chinese that is using a PH flag here in the forum, or a Filipino traitor that is in CCP's pockets.
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