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A new dawn for Japan and Philippines: Japan requests access to military bases in the Philippines

My friend @opruh , my grandfather fought with the Japanese Army. His ex-o then was a lieutenant from the Filipino Army. the ex-o died and it was the family of the ex-o who took care of my grandfather after the death march. Bringing him medicine and food. Some of the family members are now in the US and some are members of the US armed forces. Two of the grandchildren graduated from USMA, one from USAFFA, and one from VMI. Our family's became close and we visit each other from time to time. And you know what is surprising? One of the ex-o's descendant is also an officer with the Filipino Army right now and was a classmate in the Ranger School. The last time we talked he is soon to be promoted.

We all lost someone, one way or another during the war. We americans shed blood with Filipinos. And yes we also drew blood from our enemies. Now these once "enemies" are now our friends and brothers. We cannot live in the past unless we move on.


That opru guy is a trollbot, ignore him. He has numerous negative ratings for a reason.

My friend @opruh , my grandfather fought with the Japanese Army. His ex-o then was a lieutenant from the Filipino Army. the ex-o died and it was the family of the ex-o who took care of my grandfather after the death march. Bringing him medicine and food. Some of the family members are now in the US and some are members of the US armed forces. Two of the grandchildren graduated from USMA, one from USAFFA, and one from VMI. Our family's became close and we visit each other from time to time. And you know what is surprising? One of the ex-o's descendant is also an officer with the Filipino Army right now and was a classmate in the Ranger School. The last time we talked he is soon to be promoted.

We all lost someone, one way or another during the war. We americans shed blood with Filipinos. And yes we also drew blood from our enemies. Now these once "enemies" are now our friends and brothers. We cannot live in the past unless we move on.

My personal salute and respect to your grandfather and his sacrifices for his Flag, bro. Its good to see that you guys are still close to the family of his Ex-o.
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Japan may give planes to Manila for South China Sea patrols: sources

wants to give planes to the Philippines that Manila could use for patrols in the South China Sea, sources said, a move that would deepen Tokyo's security ties with the Southeast Asian nation most at odds with Beijing over the disputed waterway.

Four sources with knowledge of the matter told Reuters that Japan was looking to offer three Beechcraft TC-90 King Air planes that could be fitted with basic surface and air surveillance radar.

They said talks within the Japanese government were preliminary and would need to overcome legal hurdles. Japan had yet to formally propose the planes as an alternative to more sophisticated Lockheed Martin P3-C aircraft that Manila wants to track Chinese submarine activity, they added.

Senior Philippine military and defence officials in Manila said they had not heard about the possible donation of the twin-turboprop TC-90 aircraft, which Japan uses to train military pilots.

"The Philippines doesn't have enough aircraft to conduct regular patrols over the South China Sea," one of the sources in Japan said, declining to be identified because he was not authorised to talk to the media.

Donating aircraft, even small planes, would represent a military upgrade for the Philippines, which has only a handful of fixed-wing planes it can deploy on maritime patrols.

Tokyo has no claims in the South China Sea, but is worried about Beijing's construction of seven artificial islands in the waterway's Spratly archipelago, which will extend Chinese military reach into sea lanes through which much of Japan's ship-borne trade passes.

Concerns over the islands have dominated regional meetings in Kuala Lumpur this week between Southeast Asia and countries including Japan, China and the United States.

Equipping Manila with maritime-capable patrol planes would dovetail with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's more muscular security agenda but likely anger China, which has repeatedly accused Japan of interfering in the South China Sea dispute.

A spokesman for Japan's Ministry of Defense said working level talks had been set up to explore possible cooperation in defence equipment with the Philippines but that there was no "concrete plan" to give Manila the TC-90s.

Philippine Defence Minister Voltaire Gazmin told Reuters he was unaware of any Japanese plan to supply the aircraft. Top Philippine generals said they were also unaware of any proposal but welcomed the growing security cooperation with Japan.

China's Defence Ministry expressed concern about the plan.

"We hope that military cooperation between the relevant countries can benefit regional peace and stability, rather than the opposite," it said in a statement faxed to Reuters.


To allow what would be its first donation of equipment used by the Japanese military to another country, lawmakers would have to amend financial regulations that require second-hand government-owned equipment to be sold at fair market value, sources said.

That could open the way for Japan to give military equipment to other friendly nations in Southeast Asia.

The sources in Japan said radar to monitor surface activity and aircraft could be easily installed on the TC-90 planes if they were transferred. The U.S. military uses Beechcraft King Air 90s in transport roles and to train pilots.

While Gazmin said Manila still wanted P3s that Tokyo will retire over the next several years, a senior Philippine military official said operating and maintaining such advanced surveillance aircraft and ground-based support equipment would be a challenge. The P3s, which have four turboprops, also use a lot of fuel, he added.

Japan worries that the Philippine military's lack of experience in maritime surveillance means it would struggle to operate the aircraft's equipment and be able to quickly analyze data collected, sources in Tokyo said.


China claims most of the South China Sea. The Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia, Brunei and Vietnam also claim parts of the ocean.

While acknowledging its new islands will have undefined military purposes, China insists it is not a threat to its neighbours and says the outposts will also have civilian uses such as search and rescue and weather monitoring.

Recent satellite images show China has almost finished building a 3,000-metre-long (10,000-foot) airstrip on one of the islands.

The Philippines and Japan have conducted two naval exercises in and around the South China Sea in recent months.

Philippine President Benigno Aquino and Abe also agreed in June to begin talks on a visiting forces agreement that would open the way for Japan to use bases in the Philippines to refuel aircraft and resupply naval vessels.

The United States, which has security treaties with both Manila and Tokyo, has backed the cooperation because it wants its regional allies to shoulder more of the security burden as Chinese military power and assertiveness grows.

Washington has asked the Japanese military to provide training and maintenance along with any aircraft it supplies to the Philippines, a U.S. military source told Reuters.

Japan may give planes to Manila for South China Sea patrols: sources| Reuters



@Cossack25A1 @Zero_wing @JayMandan

That opru guy is a trollbot, ignore him. He has numerous negative ratings for a reason.

@Nihonjin1051 ,
Hey buddy you know we studied you Gen Yamashita at OCS. Quite a tactician you got there. He did beat the crap out of our guys! If you dont mind me asking, how do you guys find him in Japan? A cousin and also from the same unit i am from married a Japanese lady he did talk about something bout a yasakuni shrine. Can you elaborate on this one?
Hey buddy you know we studied you Gen Yamashita at OCS. Quite a tactician you got there. He did beat the crap out of our guys! If you dont mind me asking, how do you guys find him in Japan? A cousin and also from the same unit i am from married a Japanese lady he did talk about something bout a yasakuni shrine. Can you elaborate on this one?

General Yamashita [Yamashita Tomoyuki] , yes? The 'Tiger of Malaya', as he is regarded in Japan. He is very well respected, and considered one of the greatest Generals of the Imperial Army in modern history. I have to admit, I hold him in the same regard as another general who led the invasion of the Philippines, General Homma [Homma Masaharu]. Where Yamashita was a conqueror, Homma was a 'Governor' type of leader.

In the Japanese Defense Circles, Yamashita and Kuribayashi are some sort of personal hero. For the Army, that is. For the Navy, we venerate three men: Togo, Yamamoto and Nagumo. :)

Bro @James Jaevid , my younger brother is a 1st year cadet at the United States Military Academy at West Point (actually i helped him move in to his dorm just this early July). We toured the campus extensively, and also went to the USMA Military Museum. There --- the Nihonto (Katana) of General Yamashita is displayed. I guess a trophy ;) ;)




A cousin and also from the same unit i am from married a Japanese lady he did talk about something bout a yasakuni shrine. Can you elaborate on this one?

My pleasure, brother.

Yasukuni Shrine (靖国神社, Yasukuni Jinja) is a Shinto Shrine in central Tokyo that commemorates Japan's war dead. The shrine was founded in 1869 with the purpose of enshrining those who have died in war for their country and sacrificed their lives to help build the foundation for a peaceful Japan.

The spirits of about 3.5 million people, who died for Japan in the conflicts accompanying the Meiji Restoration, in the Satsuma Rebellion, the First Sino-Japanese War, the Russo-Japanese War, the First World War, the Manchurian Incident, the Second Sino-Japanese War and the Pacific War, are enshrined at Yasukuni Shrine in form of written records, which note name, origin and date and place of death of everyone enshrined.
Your brother a plebe in USMA!!! Congratulations buddy!!! My wife's younger brother is a member of Class 2010 and the Father in Law Class 1982!
Related news.


Japan may give planes to Manila for South China Sea patrols: sources

wants to give planes to the Philippines that Manila could use for patrols in the South China Sea, sources said, a move that would deepen Tokyo's security ties with the Southeast Asian nation most at odds with Beijing over the disputed waterway.

Four sources with knowledge of the matter told Reuters that Japan was looking to offer three Beechcraft TC-90 King Air planes that could be fitted with basic surface and air surveillance radar.

They said talks within the Japanese government were preliminary and would need to overcome legal hurdles. Japan had yet to formally propose the planes as an alternative to more sophisticated Lockheed Martin P3-C aircraft that Manila wants to track Chinese submarine activity, they added.

Senior Philippine military and defence officials in Manila said they had not heard about the possible donation of the twin-turboprop TC-90 aircraft, which Japan uses to train military pilots.

"The Philippines doesn't have enough aircraft to conduct regular patrols over the South China Sea," one of the sources in Japan said, declining to be identified because he was not authorised to talk to the media.

Donating aircraft, even small planes, would represent a military upgrade for the Philippines, which has only a handful of fixed-wing planes it can deploy on maritime patrols.

Tokyo has no claims in the South China Sea, but is worried about Beijing's construction of seven artificial islands in the waterway's Spratly archipelago, which will extend Chinese military reach into sea lanes through which much of Japan's ship-borne trade passes.

Concerns over the islands have dominated regional meetings in Kuala Lumpur this week between Southeast Asia and countries including Japan, China and the United States.

Equipping Manila with maritime-capable patrol planes would dovetail with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's more muscular security agenda but likely anger China, which has repeatedly accused Japan of interfering in the South China Sea dispute.

A spokesman for Japan's Ministry of Defense said working level talks had been set up to explore possible cooperation in defence equipment with the Philippines but that there was no "concrete plan" to give Manila the TC-90s.

Philippine Defence Minister Voltaire Gazmin told Reuters he was unaware of any Japanese plan to supply the aircraft. Top Philippine generals said they were also unaware of any proposal but welcomed the growing security cooperation with Japan.

China's Defence Ministry expressed concern about the plan.

"We hope that military cooperation between the relevant countries can benefit regional peace and stability, rather than the opposite," it said in a statement faxed to Reuters.


To allow what would be its first donation of equipment used by the Japanese military to another country, lawmakers would have to amend financial regulations that require second-hand government-owned equipment to be sold at fair market value, sources said.

That could open the way for Japan to give military equipment to other friendly nations in Southeast Asia.

The sources in Japan said radar to monitor surface activity and aircraft could be easily installed on the TC-90 planes if they were transferred. The U.S. military uses Beechcraft King Air 90s in transport roles and to train pilots.

While Gazmin said Manila still wanted P3s that Tokyo will retire over the next several years, a senior Philippine military official said operating and maintaining such advanced surveillance aircraft and ground-based support equipment would be a challenge. The P3s, which have four turboprops, also use a lot of fuel, he added.

Japan worries that the Philippine military's lack of experience in maritime surveillance means it would struggle to operate the aircraft's equipment and be able to quickly analyze data collected, sources in Tokyo said.


China claims most of the South China Sea. The Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia, Brunei and Vietnam also claim parts of the ocean.

While acknowledging its new islands will have undefined military purposes, China insists it is not a threat to its neighbours and says the outposts will also have civilian uses such as search and rescue and weather monitoring.

Recent satellite images show China has almost finished building a 3,000-metre-long (10,000-foot) airstrip on one of the islands.

The Philippines and Japan have conducted two naval exercises in and around the South China Sea in recent months.

Philippine President Benigno Aquino and Abe also agreed in June to begin talks on a visiting forces agreement that would open the way for Japan to use bases in the Philippines to refuel aircraft and resupply naval vessels.

The United States, which has security treaties with both Manila and Tokyo, has backed the cooperation because it wants its regional allies to shoulder more of the security burden as Chinese military power and assertiveness grows.

Washington has asked the Japanese military to provide training and maintenance along with any aircraft it supplies to the Philippines, a U.S. military source told Reuters.

Japan may give planes to Manila for South China Sea patrols: sources| Reuters



@Cossack25A1 @Zero_wing @JayMandan
This is not enough, if Japan is a real friend then give us an aircraft carrier and a submarine.

Anong nang yari niya? Gusto ba shya pasa lubong?

I'm sure i can find our friend a gift. :)




@James Jaevid --- i think you know of san miggy? LOL!

Yep sure do brother!!!! My stay in the PI was quite memorable!!! I hope my company send me there for a site visit. i stayed there for a year! I should have stayed longer!!!!

@Cossack25A1 brother, when I was in the PI, we stayed in a town outside the city in Bulacan, in an army camp but the best thing I remember is actually the sweets! Are you living close to that area? I now buy those tiny sweets in a Filipino Supermarket here in The Big Apple!!! its called yema or pastilos its made of milk.
Yep sure do brother!!!! My stay in the PI was quite memorable!!! I hope my company send me there for a site visit. i stayed there for a year! I should have stayed longer!!!!

@Cossack25A1 brother, when I was in the PI, we stayed in a town outside the city in Bulacan, in an army camp but the best thing I remember is actually the sweets! Are you living close to that area? I now buy those tiny sweets in a Filipino Supermarket here in The Big Apple!!! its called yema or pastilos its made of milk.

Well not exactly "near" - I am live in the northern part of Metro Manila but Bulacan is still far away from where I reside in.
Yep sure do brother!!!! My stay in the PI was quite memorable!!! I hope my company send me there for a site visit. i stayed there for a year! I should have stayed longer!!!!

@Cossack25A1 brother, when I was in the PI, we stayed in a town outside the city in Bulacan, in an army camp but the best thing I remember is actually the sweets! Are you living close to that area? I now buy those tiny sweets in a Filipino Supermarket here in The Big Apple!!! its called yema or pastilos its made of milk.

Pastillos? Never had that before? Is it good? :)
JSDF rename it to Japanese Imperial Army lol :)

anyway Japan is better then USA and PH should be more closer to Japan
they are way nice and helpful to PH

my trust is on Japan
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