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A ‘Muslim Union’ is the need of the hour

There is the EU bloc. But you are right , that is built on economic need, this criteria is based on religion- and not even among the like minded within the religion.

Comparing Ayatullahs with Angela Merkel is

like comparing mouse to an elephant. Same age, but huge difference in every other way.
Without Iran and sunni arab countries reconciling their differences this will remain a distant dream.
Do you have Chinese proverbs (I am sure you do) that could translate the following?

1. Till fat lady sings
2. Till cows comes home
3. Till pigs fly

Let me know please.

Because these three or similar proverbs nice explain how quickly Islamism will be expected by all the Mullahs.

Thank you

I guess maybe this: "Only if the Sun rises from the West". Which in standard Chinese would be pronounced "Chu fei tai yang cong xi bian chu lai".

Its meaning is similar to "when pigs fly" or "when hell freezes over" in English.

Though it would be more common to say "Jue bu ke neng" (absolutely impossible).

I take your meaning though.

This thread is mostly about hypotheticals anyway.
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Such a block did exist before, it was called the Ottoman Empire, and it eventually declined and died.

Ask Arabs who were oppressed by the "fellow Muslim Ottomans", and thus started a major uprising against them.

Also read how Muslim Iranians absolutely hated Muslim Ottomans

But you will not.

Indian and Pakistani Muslims kids have a weird fetish with Islamists. They can't accept the reality when it comes to the supposed Khilafah Lafafah.

Now please do not drag this discussion to Rashdeens. Thank you.

There is the EU bloc. But you are right , that is built on economic need, this criteria is based on religion- and not even among the like minded within the religion.

How can Iran, Iraq, SA, Syria be in one block?

Religion can not be a force which may bring together country. It can either be Culture or economic interest.

The Idea of religion based union is totally nonsense. Islamic country can only fight among themselves but can not unite.
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I guess maybe this: "When the Yellow River flows clear". Since the Yellow River is always muddy since the Ancient times, hence the name Yellow River. And it never flows clear.

Similar to "when pigs fly" or "when hell freezes over" in English. Another one might be "Only if the Sun rises from the West".

Though it would be more common to say "jue bu ke neng" (absolutely impossible).

I take your meaning though.

This thread is mostly about hypotheticals anyway.

jue bu ke neng

Thank you.

I'll try to remember this. :lol:

Yes the thread is definitely about " jue bu ke neng"

No closer to reality than building a Mullah's hojra on the surface of a black hole. :lol:
One can't say what would happen in the future and what wouldn't. Honestly some of the things that have happened till now were pretty much unimaginable a few decades and if we move further a few centuries back. Some of the most unlikely things have occured which people could not have dreamt of so against all odds i don't know maybe our future generations would be living that dream of a united Muslim union.

If this bloc is based on some "ideology" then do we really need more territory to materialize such ideology?

If we are talking about "Muslim union" as an ideology, then we can do this within the territory of our own Pakistan. Without the need of dragging the whole Middle East into it.
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So many Pakistanis have divided each other our nation and killing ourselves in the name of

--- anti Pakistan Terrorists bil Islamists (PTI)
--- Murda wa Qattal Movement (MQM)
--- Tehrike Terrorist Pakistan (TTP)
--- Jahiliyya fil Islami (JI),

--- Lashkre Jhangvi
--- Laskhkre Mohammadi
--- Pakistan Mullah League-Nadan group (PML-N)

and then the same guys drink loads of tea (or some kind of weird cola), go bananas, and start talking about Islamic union Islamic union

Islamic onion Islamic union Islamic onion, onion onion union. Zindabad.
jue bu ke neng

Thank you.

I'll try to remember this. :lol:

Yes the thread is definitely about " jue bu ke neng"

No closer to reality than building a Mullah's hojra on the surface of a black hole. :lol:

I added in my post.

This middle eastern bloc does not really need religion to materialize. What it needs is JUSTICE. I would rather have a bloc made on the basis of true justice, with a non Muslim nation, then a bloc made on muslim hood with no justice at all.
If this bloc is based on some "ideology" then do we really need more territory to materialize such ideology?

If we are talking about "Muslim union" as an ideology, then we can do this within the territory of our own Pakistan. With the need of dragging the whole Middle East into it.

Well i just gave my opinion that nothing is too unbelievable anymore who knows a couple of decades later or more, the issues between the Muslim states are resolved or they are bound to do it because they might be facing a common enemy. I am not saying that we can't or shouldn't implement that ideologically within Pakistan.
If this Muslim Union solves hunger, poverty and encurags Human brotherhood, why not?

How can Iran, Iraq, SA, Syria be in one block?

Religion can not be a force which may bring together country. It can either be Culture or economic interest.

The Idia is totally nonsense. Islamic country can only fight among themselves but can not unite.

But yaar

a union between India, Iran, Afghanistan, and Syria is defffinitly, I mean moooost deffinitly possible.


p.s. even though I'm saying this jokingly. But I tell you, the union between INdia, Iran and Afghanistan is a very real possibility.

Well i just gave my opinion that nothing is too unbelievable anymore who knows a couple of decades later or more, the issues between the Muslim states are resolved or they are bound to do it because they might be facing a common enemy. I am not saying that we can't or shouldn't implement that ideologically within Pakistan.

Please Amna behn

Take your Islamism somewhere else.

Pakistan has suffered so much.

Our Mullahs say Terorrists are shaheed

our military is kafir

So did they do to our founder Jinnah.

So in reality from 1930s to 2013 Mullahs and Islamism is against the very grain of Pakistan.

And you say we need to implement this dangerous idiot-ology?

I hope I misunderstood your post.

I sure hope so.

If this Muslim Union solves hunger, poverty and encurags Human brotherhood, why not?


hungry people when united, become hungrier.

Please remember this.
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